Beispiel #1
def string_spelled_by_gapped_patterns(gapped_patterns, k, d):
    first_patterns = [gp[0] for gp in gapped_patterns]
    second_patterns = [gp[1] for gp in gapped_patterns]

    prefix_string = kmer_reconstruction.reconstruct(first_patterns)
    suffix_string = kmer_reconstruction.reconstruct(second_patterns)

    for i in range(k + d + 1, len(prefix_string)):
        p = prefix_string[i]
        s = suffix_string[i - k - d]
        if p != s:
            return None

    return prefix_string + suffix_string[-(k + d):]
Beispiel #2
def create_circular_string(k):
    format_string = '{0:0' + str(k) + 'b}'
    strings = [format_string.format(x) for x in range(0, 2 ** k)]
    graph = debruijn.create_from_patterns(strings)
    cycle = eulerian.cycle.find_cycle(graph)[:-(k-1)]

    text = kmer_reconstruction.reconstruct(cycle)
    return text
Beispiel #3
def reconstruct(kmers):
    graph = debruijn.create_from_patterns(kmers)
    path = eulerian.path.find_path(graph)
    text = kmer_reconstruction.reconstruct(path)
    return text
Beispiel #4
import contigs
import kmer_reconstruction
import sys
import debruijn

filename = sys.argv[1]

with open(filename, 'r') as f:
    lines = [l.strip() for l in f.readlines() if l.strip() != '']
    graph = debruijn.create_from_patterns(lines)
    res = contigs.maximal_non_branching_paths(graph)
    cgs = [kmer_reconstruction.reconstruct(ks) for ks in res]
    output = '\n'.join(cgs)
Beispiel #5
import kmer_reconstruction, sys

filename = sys.argv[1]

with open(filename, 'r') as f:
    kmers = [line.strip() for line in f.readlines() if line.strip() != '']
def test_single_kmer():
    kmers = ['ACCGA']
    expected = 'ACCGA'
    assert (expected == reconstruct(kmers))
def test_normal_case():
    kmers = ['ACCGA', 'CCGAA', 'CGAAG', 'GAAGC', 'AAGCT']
    expected = 'ACCGAAGCT'
    assert (expected == reconstruct(kmers))
def test_empty_kmers():
    kmers = []
    expected = ''
    assert (expected == reconstruct(kmers))
def test_single__char_kmers():
    kmers = ['A', 'C', 'C', 'G', 'A']
    expected = 'ACCGA'
    assert (expected == reconstruct(kmers))