Beispiel #1
    item = ItemDatabase.getItemByName("old coin purse")
    use_request = UseItemRequest(session, item["id"])
    print "Got %s meat from old coin purse" % use_request.responseData["meat"]
except Error.Error, e:
    if e.code == Error.NOT_ENOUGH_ITEMS:
        print "Whoops!  You didn't have an old coin purse to use...", e.message
        #we can raise the error again to stop the script:
        raise e

print "Smashing a titanium assault umbrella:"
    item = ItemDatabase.getItemByName("titanium assault umbrella")
    pulverize = PulverizeRequest(session, item["id"])
    print "After smashing the item you have received the following:"
    for result in pulverize.responseData["results"]:
        print "%s (%s)" % (result["name"], result["quantity"])
except Error.Error, e:
    if e.code == Error.ITEM_NOT_FOUND:
        print "You don't have a hammer"
    elif e.code == Error.SKILL_NOT_FOUND:
        print "You don't know how to pulverize"
    elif e.code == Error.NOT_ENOUGH_ITEMS:
        print "You don't have an umbrella to pulverize"
        print "Unexpected error smashing umbrella:", e.msg
        #since this time we don't raise, it will just keep going

print "All done!"
    config = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser(allow_no_value=True)
    guser = config.get('google','user')
    gpwd = config.get('google','passwd')
    gsheet = config.get('google','sheet')

    client, curr_key, curr_wksht_id = google_login(guser,gpwd,gsheet)
    nrl = get_names(client, curr_key, curr_wksht_id) #get names and thier row
    names = nrl.keys() # list of names
    fastest = {}
    # Login to the KoL servers.
    s = Session()
    s.login(config.get('kol','user'), config.get('kol','passwd'))
    uids = get_uids(s,names) # lookup uids from names
    #for each users grab their fastest ascensions and update the spreadsheet with them
    #for name, uid in uids.items():
    pnames = uids.keys()
    for name in pnames:
	uid = uids[name]
        fastest[name] = get_hist(s, uid, starts, ends)
        print name, fastest[name].keys()
        update_spread(client, curr_key, curr_wksht_id, nrl[name],fastest[name])