Beispiel #1
async def test_empty_scheduler_lifecycle(timer):
    with timer, async_timeout.timeout(1):
        scheduler = Scheduler()
        assert scheduler.empty()
        await scheduler.wait()
        assert scheduler.empty()
        await scheduler.close()
        assert scheduler.empty()
    assert timer.seconds < CODE_OVERHEAD
Beispiel #2
async def _wait_for_depletion(
    signaller: asyncio.Condition,
    scheduler: aiotasks.Scheduler,
    settings: configuration.OperatorSettings,
    streams: Streams,
) -> None:

    # Notify all the workers to finish now. Wake them up if they are waiting in the queue-getting.
    for stream in streams.values():
        await stream.backlog.put(EOS.token)

    # Wait for the queues to be depleted, but only if there are some workers running.
    # Continue with the tasks termination if the timeout is reached, no matter the queues.
    # NB: the scheduler is checked for a case of mocked workers; otherwise, the streams are enough.
    async with signaller:
            await asyncio.wait_for(
                signaller.wait_for(lambda: not streams or scheduler.empty()),
        except asyncio.TimeoutError:

    # The last check if the termination is going to be graceful or not.
    if streams:
            f"Unprocessed streams left for {list(streams.keys())!r}.")
Beispiel #3
async def test_tasks_are_pending_if_limit_is_reached(timer):
    time:  ////////----------------------0.1s------------------0.2s--///
    task1: ->spawn->start->sleep->finish->|
    task2: ->spawn->.....(pending)......->start->sleep->finish->|
    task1_started = asyncio.Event()
    task1_finished = asyncio.Event()
    task2_started = asyncio.Event()
    task2_finished = asyncio.Event()
    scheduler = Scheduler(limit=1)

    with timer, async_timeout.timeout(1):
        await scheduler.spawn(f(Mock(), task1_started, 0.1, task1_finished))
        await scheduler.spawn(f(Mock(), task2_started, 0.1, task2_finished))
    assert timer.seconds < CODE_OVERHEAD  # i.e. spawning is not not blocking

    with timer, async_timeout.timeout(1):
        await task1_finished.wait()
        assert not task2_started.is_set()
        await task2_finished.wait()

    assert timer.seconds > 0.2
    assert timer.seconds < 0.2 + CODE_OVERHEAD * 2

    await scheduler.close()
Beispiel #4
async def test_successes_are_not_reported():
    exception_handler = Mock()
    scheduler = Scheduler(exception_handler=exception_handler)
    await scheduler.spawn(f(Mock()))
    await scheduler.wait()
    await scheduler.close()
    assert exception_handler.call_count == 0
Beispiel #5
async def test_tasks_are_parallel_if_limit_is_not_reached(timer):
    time:  ////////----------------------0.1s------------------0.2s--///
    task1: ->spawn->start->sleep->finish->|
    task2: ->spawn->start->sleep->finish->|
    task1_started = asyncio.Event()
    task1_finished = asyncio.Event()
    task2_started = asyncio.Event()
    task2_finished = asyncio.Event()
    scheduler = Scheduler(limit=2)

    with timer:
        await scheduler.spawn(f(Mock(), task1_started, 0.1, task1_finished))
        await scheduler.spawn(f(Mock(), task2_started, 0.1, task2_finished))
    assert timer.seconds < CODE_OVERHEAD  # i.e. spawning is not not blocking

    with timer:
        await task1_finished.wait()
        assert task2_started.is_set()
        await task2_finished.wait()

    assert timer.seconds > 0.1
    assert timer.seconds < 0.1 + CODE_OVERHEAD

    await scheduler.close()
Beispiel #6
async def test_cancellations_are_not_reported():
    exception_handler = Mock()
    mock = Mock(side_effect=asyncio.CancelledError())
    scheduler = Scheduler(exception_handler=exception_handler)
    await scheduler.spawn(f(mock, 1))
    await scheduler.wait()
    await scheduler.close()
    assert exception_handler.call_count == 0
Beispiel #7
async def test_no_tasks_are_accepted_after_closing():
    scheduler = Scheduler()
    await scheduler.close()

    assert scheduler._closed
    assert scheduler._spawning_task.done()
    assert scheduler._cleaning_task.done()

    with pytest.raises(RuntimeError, match=r"Cannot add new coroutines"):
        await scheduler.spawn(f(Mock(), 1.0))
Beispiel #8
async def test_exceptions_are_reported():
    exception = ValueError('hello')
    exception_handler = Mock()
    mock = Mock(side_effect=exception)
    scheduler = Scheduler(exception_handler=exception_handler)
    await scheduler.spawn(f(mock))
    await scheduler.wait()
    await scheduler.close()
    assert exception_handler.call_count == 1
    assert exception_handler.call_args[0][0] is exception
Beispiel #9
async def test_task_spawning_and_cancellation(timer):
    mock = Mock()
    flag1 = asyncio.Event()
    flag2 = asyncio.Event()
    scheduler = Scheduler()

    result = await scheduler.spawn(f(mock, flag1, 1.0, flag2))
    assert result is None

    with timer, async_timeout.timeout(1):
        await flag1.wait()
    assert timer.seconds < CODE_OVERHEAD
    assert mock.call_args[0][0] == 'started'

    with timer, async_timeout.timeout(1):
        await scheduler.close()
    assert timer.seconds < CODE_OVERHEAD  # near-instant
    assert mock.call_args[0][0] == 'cancelled'
Beispiel #10
async def test_task_spawning_and_graceful_finishing(timer):
    mock = Mock()
    flag1 = asyncio.Event()
    flag2 = asyncio.Event()
    scheduler = Scheduler()

    result = await scheduler.spawn(f(mock, flag1, 0.1, flag2))
    assert result is None

    with timer, async_timeout.timeout(1):
        await flag1.wait()
    assert timer.seconds < CODE_OVERHEAD
    assert mock.call_args[0][0] == 'started'

    with timer, async_timeout.timeout(1):
        await flag2.wait()
    assert timer.seconds > 0.1
    assert timer.seconds < 0.1 + CODE_OVERHEAD
    assert mock.call_args[0][0] == 'finished'

    await scheduler.close()