Beispiel #1
async def _call_handler(handler: registries.Handler, *args,
                        cause: causation.Cause, lifecycle: Callable, **kwargs):
    Invoke one handler only, according to the calling conventions.

    Specifically, calculate the handler-specific fields (e.g. field diffs).

    Ensure the global context for this asyncio task is set to the handler and
    its cause -- for proper population of the sub-handlers via the decorators
    (see `@kopf.on.this`).

    # For the field-handlers, the old/new/diff values must match the field, not the whole object.
    old = cause.old if handler.field is None else dicts.resolve(
        cause.old, handler.field, None)
    new = if handler.field is None else dicts.resolve(, handler.field, None)
    diff = cause.diff if handler.field is None else diffs.reduce(
        cause.diff, handler.field)
    cause = cause._replace(old=old, new=new, diff=diff)

    # Store the context of the current resource-object-event-handler, to be used in `@kopf.on.this`,
    # and maybe other places, and consumed in the recursive `execute()` calls for the children.
    # This replaces the multiple kwargs passing through the whole call stack (easy to forget).
    sublifecycle_token = sublifecycle_var.set(lifecycle)
    subregistry_token = subregistry_var.set(
    subexecuted_token = subexecuted_var.set(False)
    handler_token = handler_var.set(handler)
    cause_token = cause_var.set(cause)

    # And call it. If the sub-handlers are not called explicitly, run them implicitly
    # as if it was done inside of the handler (i.e. under try-finally block).
        result = await invocation.invoke(

        if not subexecuted_var.get():
            await execute()

        return result

        # Reset the context to the parent's context, or to nothing (if already in a root handler).
Beispiel #2
async def _call_handler(
    handler: registries.Handler,
    *args: Any,
    cause: causation.BaseCause,
    lifecycle: lifecycles.LifeCycleFn,
    **kwargs: Any,
) -> Any:
    Invoke one handler only, according to the calling conventions.

    Specifically, calculate the handler-specific fields (e.g. field diffs).

    Ensure the global context for this asyncio task is set to the handler and
    its cause -- for proper population of the sub-handlers via the decorators
    (see `@kopf.on.this`).

    # For the field-handlers, the old/new/diff values must match the field, not the whole object.
    if isinstance(cause,
                  causation.StateChangingCause) and handler.field is not None:
        old = dicts.resolve(cause.old, handler.field, None, assume_empty=True)
        new = dicts.resolve(, handler.field, None, assume_empty=True)
        diff = diffs.reduce(cause.diff, handler.field)
        cause = causation.enrich_cause(cause=cause,

    # Store the context of the current resource-object-event-handler, to be used in `@kopf.on.this`,
    # and maybe other places, and consumed in the recursive `execute()` calls for the children.
    # This replaces the multiple kwargs passing through the whole call stack (easy to forget).
    with invocation.context([
        (sublifecycle_var, lifecycle),
        (subregistry_var, registries.SimpleRegistry(,
        (subexecuted_var, False),
        (handler_var, handler),
        (cause_var, cause),
        # And call it. If the sub-handlers are not called explicitly, run them implicitly
        # as if it was done inside of the handler (i.e. under try-finally block).
        result = await invocation.invoke(

        if not subexecuted_var.get() and isinstance(
                cause, causation.StateChangingCause):
            await execute()

        return result
Beispiel #3
async def execute(
    fns: Optional[Iterable[Callable]] = None,
    handlers: Optional[Iterable[registries.Handler]] = None,
    registry: Optional[registries.BaseRegistry] = None,
    lifecycle: Callable = None,
    cause: causation.Cause = None,
) -> None:
    Execute the handlers in an isolated lifecycle.

    This function is just a public wrapper for `execute` with multiple
    ways to specify the handlers: either as the raw functions, or as the
    pre-created handlers, or as a registry (as used in the object handling).

    If no explicit functions or handlers or registry are passed,
    the sub-handlers of the current handler are assumed, as accumulated
    in the per-handler registry with ``@kopf.on.this``.

    If the call to this method for the sub-handlers is not done explicitly
    in the handler, it is done implicitly after the handler is exited.
    One way or another, it is executed for the sub-handlers.

    # Restore the current context as set in the handler execution cycle.
    lifecycle = lifecycle if lifecycle is not None else sublifecycle_var.get()
    handler = handler_var.get(None)
    cause = cause if cause is not None else cause_var.get()

    # Validate the inputs; the function signatures cannot put these kind of restrictions, so we do.
    if len([v for v in [fns, handlers, registry] if v is not None]) > 1:
        raise TypeError(
            "Only one of the fns, handlers, registry can be passed. Got more.")

    elif fns is not None and isinstance(fns, collections.Mapping):
        registry = registries.SimpleRegistry(
   if handler else None)
        for id, fn in fns.items():
            registry.register(fn=fn, id=id)

    elif fns is not None and isinstance(fns, collections.Iterable):
        registry = registries.SimpleRegistry(
   if handler else None)
        for fn in fns:

    elif fns is not None:
        raise ValueError(
            f"fns must be a mapping or an iterable, got {fns.__class__}.")

    elif handlers is not None:
        registry = registries.SimpleRegistry(
   if handler else None)
        for handler in handlers:

    # Use the registry as is; assume that the caller knows what they do.
    elif registry is not None:

    # Prevent double implicit execution.
    elif subexecuted_var.get():

    # If no explicit args were passed, implicitly use the accumulated handlers from `@kopf.on.this`.
        registry = subregistry_var.get()

    # Execute the real handlers (all or few or one of them, as per the lifecycle).
    # Raises `HandlerChildrenRetry` if the execute should be continued on the next iteration.
    await _execute(