def describe_part(g, parturi): """ Emit a Python dictionary with a description of a single part, used by the second-stage compiler. """ def literal(v): v = v.toPython() if isinstance(v, str): return v return "%.16f" % v part = {"uri": parturi.toPython()} try: _, _, template = get_one(g, (parturi, RBMC["kappaTemplate"], None)) except Exception as e: logging.error("%s could not find template" % (parturi, )) raise e part["template"] = template.toPython() for _, _, replace in g.triples((parturi, RBMC["replace"], None)): try: _, _, token = get_one(g, (replace, RBMC["string"], None)) except Exception as e: logging.error("%s could not find replacement token" % (parturi, )) raise e try: _, _, value = get_one(g, (replace, RBMC["value"], None)) except Exception as e: logging.error("%s could not find value for %s" % (parturi, token)) raise if isinstance(value, Literal): part[token.toPython()] = literal(value) continue if exists(g, (value, SKOS["prefLabel"], None)): _, _, label = get_one(g, (value, SKOS["prefLabel"], None)) part[token.toPython()] = label.toPython() continue ## if we are here, we are concerned with the states of operators data = {} replace = value _, _, value = get_one(g, (replace, RBMC["value"], None)) data["value"] = literal(value) if exists(g, (replace, RBMC["upstream"], None)): _, _, oplist = get_one(g, (replace, RBMC["upstream"], None)) data["upstream"] = list(reversed(describe_operators(g, oplist))) if exists(g, (replace, RBMC["downstream"], None)): _, _, oplist = get_one(g, (replace, RBMC["downstream"], None)) data["downstream"] = describe_operators(g, oplist) data["upstream_size"] = len(data.get("upstream", [])) data["downstream_size"] = len(data.get("downstream", [])) data["context_size"] = data["upstream_size"] + data[ "downstream_size"] + 1 part.setdefault(token.toPython(), []).append(data) return add_defaults(g, part)
def describe_operators(g, oplist): operators = [] oplist = Collection(g, oplist) for desc in oplist: state = {} if exists(g, (desc, RDF["type"], RBMO["BoundState"])): state["bound"] = True elif exists(g, (desc, RDF["type"], RBMO["UnboundState"])): state["bound"] = False if exists(g, (desc, RBMO["stateOf"], None)): _, _, operator = get_one(g, (desc, RBMO["stateOf"], None)) _, _, label = get_one(g, (operator, SKOS["prefLabel"], None)) state["site"] = label.toPython() operators.append(state) return operators
def mutate_model(model, circuit, database): #"mutate: circuit is %s", circuit) nmodel = Graph() nmodel += model i = choice(range(len(circuit))) #"mutate: replacing part %d: %s", i, circuit[i]) try: part = replace_part(nmodel, circuit, i, database) except Exception as e: dump_graph(model) raise e ncircuit = circuit.copy() ncircuit[i] = part ## fixup the "next" linkage for RBS if exists(nmodel, (part, GCC["next"], None)): _, _, next = get_one(nmodel, (part, GCC["next"], None)) _, _, label = get_one(nmodel, (circuit[i + 1], GCC["part"], None)) nmodel.remove((part, GCC["next"], next)) nmodel.add((part, GCC["next"], label)) #"mutate: repacement part is %s", circuit[i]) return (nmodel, ncircuit)
def gen_model(model, database): circuit = extract_circuit(model, database) proto = extract_proto(model) ## the "next" linkage for RBS needs to be fixed up in the model. for i in range(len(circuit)): part = circuit[i] if exists(model, (part, GCC["next"], None)): _, _, next = get_one(model, (part, GCC["next"], None)) _, _, label = get_one(model, (circuit[i + 1], GCC["part"], None)) model.remove((part, GCC["next"], next)) model.add((part, GCC["next"], label)) return (model, circuit)
def add_defaults(g, part): for _, _, kind in g.triples((URIRef(part["uri"]), RDF["type"], None)): for _, _, token in g.triples((kind, RBMC["tokens"], None)): try: _, _, label = get_one(g, (token, SKOS["prefLabel"], None)) except Exception as e: logging.error("could not find label for %s" % token) raise if label.toPython() in part: continue if exists(g, (token, RBMC["default"], None)): _, _, default = get_one(g, (token, RBMC["default"], None)) part[label.toPython()] = default.toPython() return part