def test_operator_restart(config, version=settings.operator_version): with Given(f"clickhouse-operator {version}"): set_operator_version(version) config = util.get_full_path(config) chi = manifest.get_chi_name(config) cluster = chi kubectl.create_and_check(config=config, check={ "object_counts": { "statefulset": 1, "pod": 1, "service": 2, }, "do_not_delete": 1, }) start_time = kubectl.get_field("pod", f"chi-{chi}-{cluster}-0-0-0", ".status.startTime") with When("Restart operator"): restart_operator() time.sleep(5) kubectl.wait_chi_status(chi, "Completed") kubectl.wait_objects(chi, { "statefulset": 1, "pod": 1, "service": 2, }) new_start_time = kubectl.get_field("pod", f"chi-{chi}-{cluster}-0-0-0", ".status.startTime") assert start_time == new_start_time kubectl.delete_chi(chi)
def test_018(): kubectl.create_and_check(config="configs/test-018-configmap.yaml", check={ "pod_count": 1, "do_not_delete": 1, }) chi_name = "test-018-configmap" with Then("user1/networks/ip should be in config"): chi = kubectl.get("chi", chi_name) assert "user1/networks/ip" in chi["spec"]["configuration"]["users"] start_time = kubectl.get_field("pod", f"chi-{chi_name}-default-0-0-0", ".status.startTime") kubectl.create_and_check(config="configs/test-018-configmap-2.yaml", check={ "pod_count": 1, "do_not_delete": 1, }) with Then("user2/networks should be in config"): chi = kubectl.get("chi", chi_name) assert "user2/networks/ip" in chi["spec"]["configuration"]["users"] with And("user1/networks/ip should NOT be in config"): assert "user1/networks/ip" not in chi["spec"]["configuration"][ "users"] with And("Pod should not be restarted"): new_start_time = kubectl.get_field( "pod", f"chi-{chi_name}-default-0-0-0", ".status.startTime") assert start_time == new_start_time kubectl.delete_chi(chi_name)
def test_operator_upgrade(config, version_from, version_to=settings.operator_version): version_to = settings.operator_version with Given(f"clickhouse-operator {version_from}"): set_operator_version(version_from) config = util.get_full_path(config) chi = manifest.get_chi_name(config) kubectl.create_and_check(config=config, check={ "object_counts": { "statefulset": 1, "pod": 1, "service": 2, }, "do_not_delete": 1, }) start_time = kubectl.get_field("pod", f"chi-{chi}-{chi}-0-0-0", ".status.startTime") with When(f"upgrade operator to {version_to}"): set_operator_version(version_to, timeout=120) time.sleep(5) kubectl.wait_chi_status(chi, "Completed", retries=6) kubectl.wait_objects(chi, { "statefulset": 1, "pod": 1, "service": 2 }) new_start_time = kubectl.get_field("pod", f"chi-{chi}-{chi}-0-0-0", ".status.startTime") assert start_time == new_start_time kubectl.delete_chi(chi)
def test_016(): chi = "test-016-settings" kubectl.create_and_check(config="configs/test-016-settings-01.yaml", check={ "apply_templates": { settings.clickhouse_template, }, "pod_count": 1, "do_not_delete": 1, }) with Then("Custom macro 'layer' should be available"): out = clickhouse.query( chi, sql="select substitution from system.macros where macro='layer'") assert out == "01" with And("Custom macro 'test' should be available"): out = clickhouse.query( chi, sql="select substitution from system.macros where macro='test'") assert out == "test" with And("dictGet() should work"): out = clickhouse.query(chi, sql="select dictGet('one', 'one', toUInt64(0))") assert out == "0" with And("query_log should be disabled"): clickhouse.query(chi, sql="system flush logs") out = clickhouse.query_with_error( chi, sql="select count() from system.query_log") assert "doesn't exist" in out with And("max_memory_usage should be 7000000000"): out = clickhouse.query( chi, sql= "select value from system.settings where name='max_memory_usage'") assert out == "7000000000" with And("test_usersd user should be available"): clickhouse.query(chi, sql="select version()", user="******") with And("user1 user should be available"): clickhouse.query(chi, sql="select version()", user="******", pwd="qwerty") with And("system.clusters should be empty due to remote_servers override"): out = clickhouse.query(chi, sql="select count() from system.clusters") assert out == "0" with When("Update usersd settings"): start_time = kubectl.get_field("pod", f"chi-{chi}-default-0-0-0", ".status.startTime") kubectl.create_and_check(config="configs/test-016-settings-02.yaml", check={ "do_not_delete": 1, }) with Then("Wait for configmap changes to apply"): config_map_applied_num = "0" i = 1 while config_map_applied_num == "0" and i < 10: config_map_applied_num = kubectl.launch( f"exec chi-{chi}-default-0-0-0 -- bash -c \"grep test_norestart /etc/clickhouse-server/users.d/my_users.xml | wc -l\"" ) if config_map_applied_num != "0": break with And(f"not applied, wait {15 * i}s"): time.sleep(15 * i) i += 1 assert config_map_applied_num != "0", "ConfigMap should be applied" version = "" with Then("test_norestart user should be available"): version = clickhouse.query(chi, sql="select version()", user="******") with And("user1 user should not be available"): version_user1 = clickhouse.query_with_error(chi, sql="select version()", user="******", pwd="qwerty") assert version != version_user1 with And("user2 user should be available"): version_user2 = clickhouse.query(chi, sql="select version()", user="******", pwd="qwerty") assert version == version_user2 with And("ClickHouse should not be restarted"): new_start_time = kubectl.get_field("pod", f"chi-{chi}-default-0-0-0", ".status.startTime") assert start_time == new_start_time kubectl.delete_chi("test-016-settings")
def test_014(): require_zookeeper() create_table = """ CREATE TABLE test_local(a Int8) Engine = ReplicatedMergeTree('/clickhouse/{installation}/{cluster}/tables/{shard}/{database}/{table}', '{replica}') PARTITION BY tuple() ORDER BY a """.replace('\r', '').replace('\n', '') config = "configs/test-014-replication-1.yaml" chi = manifest.get_chi_name(util.get_full_path(config)) cluster = "default" kubectl.create_and_check( config=config, check={ "apply_templates": { settings.clickhouse_template, "templates/tpl-persistent-volume-100Mi.yaml", }, "object_counts": { "statefulset": 2, "pod": 2, "service": 3, }, "do_not_delete": 1, }) start_time = kubectl.get_field("pod", f"chi-{chi}-{cluster}-0-0-0", ".status.startTime") schema_objects = ['test_local', 'test_view', 'test_mv', 'a_view'] with Given("Create schema objects"): clickhouse.query(chi, create_table, host=f"chi-{chi}-{cluster}-0-0") clickhouse.query(chi, "CREATE VIEW test_view as SELECT * from test_local", host=f"chi-{chi}-{cluster}-0-0") clickhouse.query(chi, "CREATE VIEW a_view as SELECT * from test_view", host=f"chi-{chi}-{cluster}-0-0") clickhouse.query( chi, "CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW test_mv Engine = Log as SELECT * from test_local", host=f"chi-{chi}-{cluster}-0-0") clickhouse.query( chi, "CREATE DICTIONARY test_dict (a Int8, b Int8) PRIMARY KEY a SOURCE(CLICKHOUSE(host 'localhost' port 9000 table 'test_local' user 'default')) LAYOUT(FLAT()) LIFETIME(0)", host=f"chi-{chi}-{cluster}-0-0") with Given( "Replicated table is created on a first replica and data is inserted" ): clickhouse.query(chi, "INSERT INTO test_local values(1)", host=f"chi-{chi}-{cluster}-0-0") with When("Table is created on the second replica"): clickhouse.query(chi, create_table, host=f"chi-{chi}-{cluster}-0-1") # Give some time for replication to catch up time.sleep(10) with Then("Data should be replicated"): out = clickhouse.query(chi, "SELECT a FROM test_local", host=f"chi-{chi}-{cluster}-0-1") assert out == "1" with When("Add one more replica"): kubectl.create_and_check(config="configs/test-014-replication-2.yaml", check={ "pod_count": 3, "do_not_delete": 1, }) # Give some time for replication to catch up time.sleep(10) new_start_time = kubectl.get_field("pod", f"chi-{chi}-{cluster}-0-0-0", ".status.startTime") assert start_time == new_start_time with Then("Schema objects should be migrated to the new replica"): for obj in schema_objects: out = clickhouse.query( chi, f"SELECT count() FROM system.tables WHERE name = '{obj}'", host=f"chi-{chi}-{cluster}-0-2") assert out == "1" # Check dictionary out = clickhouse.query( chi, f"SELECT count() FROM system.dictionaries WHERE name = 'test_dict'", host=f"chi-{chi}-{cluster}-0-2") assert out == "1" with And("Replicated table should have the data"): out = clickhouse.query(chi, "SELECT a FROM test_local", host=f"chi-{chi}-{cluster}-0-2") assert out == "1" with When("Remove replica"): kubectl.create_and_check(config=config, check={ "pod_count": 1, "do_not_delete": 1, }) new_start_time = kubectl.get_field("pod", f"chi-{chi}-{cluster}-0-0-0", ".status.startTime") assert start_time == new_start_time with Then("Replica needs to be removed from the Zookeeper as well"): out = clickhouse.query( chi, "SELECT count() FROM system.replicas WHERE table='test_local'") assert out == "1" with When("Restart Zookeeper pod"): with Then("Delete Zookeeper pod"): kubectl.launch("delete pod zookeeper-0") time.sleep(1) with Then( "Insert into the table while there is no Zookeeper -- table should be in readonly mode" ): out = clickhouse.query_with_error( chi, "INSERT INTO test_local values(2)") assert "Table is in readonly mode" in out with Then("Wait for Zookeeper pod to come back"): kubectl.wait_object("pod", "zookeeper-0") kubectl.wait_pod_status("zookeeper-0", "Running") with Then( "Wait for ClickHouse to reconnect to Zookeeper and switch to read-write mode" ): time.sleep(30) # with Then("Restart clickhouse pods"): # kubectl("delete pod chi-test-014-replication-default-0-0-0") # kubectl("delete pod chi-test-014-replication-default-0-1-0") with Then("Table should be back to normal"): clickhouse.query(chi, "INSERT INTO test_local values(3)") kubectl.delete_chi("test-014-replication")
def test_013(): config = "configs/test-013-add-shards-1.yaml" chi = manifest.get_chi_name(util.get_full_path(config)) cluster = "default" kubectl.create_and_check(config=config, check={ "apply_templates": { settings.clickhouse_template, }, "object_counts": { "statefulset": 1, "pod": 1, "service": 2, }, "do_not_delete": 1, }) start_time = kubectl.get_field("pod", f"chi-{chi}-{cluster}-0-0-0", ".status.startTime") schema_objects = [ 'test_local', 'test_distr', 'events-distr', ] with Then("Create local and distributed tables"): clickhouse.query( chi, "CREATE TABLE test_local Engine = Log as SELECT * FROM") clickhouse.query( chi, "CREATE TABLE test_distr as test_local Engine = Distributed('default', default, test_local)" ) clickhouse.query(chi, "CREATE DATABASE \\\"test-db\\\"") clickhouse.query( chi, "CREATE TABLE \\\"test-db\\\".\\\"events-distr\\\" as " "ENGINE = Distributed('all-sharded', system, events)") with Then("Add shards"): kubectl.create_and_check(config="configs/test-013-add-shards-2.yaml", check={ "object_counts": { "statefulset": 3, "pod": 3, "service": 4, }, "do_not_delete": 1, }) # Give some time for replication to catch up time.sleep(10) with Then("Unaffected pod should not be restarted"): new_start_time = kubectl.get_field("pod", f"chi-{chi}-{cluster}-0-0-0", ".status.startTime") assert start_time == new_start_time with And("Schema objects should be migrated to new shards"): for obj in schema_objects: out = clickhouse.query( chi, f"SELECT count() FROM system.tables WHERE name = '{obj}'", host=f"chi-{chi}-{cluster}-1-0") assert out == "1" out = clickhouse.query( chi, f"SELECT count() FROM system.tables WHERE name = '{obj}'", host=f"chi-{chi}-{cluster}-2-0") assert out == "1" with When("Remove shards"): kubectl.create_and_check(config=config, check={ "object_counts": { "statefulset": 1, "pod": 1, "service": 2, }, "do_not_delete": 1, }) time.sleep(10) with Then("Unaffected pod should not be restarted"): new_start_time = kubectl.get_field("pod", f"chi-{chi}-{cluster}-0-0-0", ".status.startTime") assert start_time == new_start_time kubectl.delete_chi(chi)
def test_021(config="configs/test-021-rescale-volume-01.yaml"): with Given("Default storage class is expandable"): default_storage_class = kubectl.get_default_storage_class() assert default_storage_class is not None assert len(default_storage_class) > 0 allow_volume_expansion = kubectl.get_field("storageclass", default_storage_class, ".allowVolumeExpansion") if allow_volume_expansion != "true": kubectl.launch( f"patch storageclass {default_storage_class} -p '{{\"allowVolumeExpansion\":true}}'" ) chi = manifest.get_chi_name(util.get_full_path(config)) kubectl.create_and_check(config=config, check={ "pod_count": 1, "do_not_delete": 1, }) with Then("Storage size should be 100Mi"): size = kubectl.get_pvc_size( "disk1-chi-test-021-rescale-volume-simple-0-0-0") assert size == "100Mi" with When("Re-scale volume configuration to 200Mb"): kubectl.create_and_check( config="configs/test-021-rescale-volume-02-enlarge-disk.yaml", check={ "pod_count": 1, "do_not_delete": 1, }) with Then("Storage size should be 200Mi"): size = kubectl.get_pvc_size( "disk1-chi-test-021-rescale-volume-simple-0-0-0") assert size == "200Mi" with When("Add second disk 50Mi"): kubectl.create_and_check( config="configs/test-021-rescale-volume-03-add-disk.yaml", check={ "pod_count": 1, "pod_volumes": { "/var/lib/clickhouse", "/var/lib/clickhouse2", }, "do_not_delete": 1, }) with Then("There should be two PVC"): size = kubectl.get_pvc_size( "disk1-chi-test-021-rescale-volume-simple-0-0-0") assert size == "200Mi" size = kubectl.get_pvc_size( "disk2-chi-test-021-rescale-volume-simple-0-0-0") assert size == "50Mi" with And("There should be two disks recognized by ClickHouse"): # ClickHouse requires some time to mount volume. Race conditions. time.sleep(120) out = clickhouse.query(chi, "SELECT count() FROM system.disks") print("SELECT count() FROM system.disks RETURNED:") print(out) assert out == "2" kubectl.delete_chi(chi)