def rasterize(
        history_frames: np.ndarray,
        history_agents: List[np.ndarray],
        history_tl_faces: List[np.ndarray],
        agent: Optional[np.ndarray] = None,
    ) -> np.ndarray:
        # all frames are drawn relative to this one"
        frame = history_frames[0]
        if agent is None:
            ego_translation_m = frame["ego_translation"]
            ego_yaw_rad = rotation33_as_yaw(frame["ego_rotation"])
            ego_translation_m = np.append(agent["centroid"], history_frames[0]["ego_translation"][-1])
            ego_yaw_rad = agent["yaw"]

        if self.pixel_size[0] != self.pixel_size[1]:
            raise NotImplementedError("No support for non squared pixels yet")

        raster_from_world = self.render_context.raster_from_world(ego_translation_m, ego_yaw_rad)

        # this ensures we always end up with fixed size arrays, +1 is because current time is also in the history
        out_shape = (self.raster_size[1], self.raster_size[0], self.history_num_frames + 1)
        agents_images = np.zeros(out_shape, dtype=np.uint8)
        ego_images = np.zeros(out_shape, dtype=np.uint8)
        velocity_images = np.zeros(out_shape, dtype=np.uint8)

        for i, (frame, agents) in enumerate(zip(history_frames, history_agents)):
            agents = filter_agents_by_labels(agents, self.filter_agents_threshold)
            # note the cast is for legacy support of dataset before April 2020
            av_agent = get_ego_as_agent(frame).astype(agents.dtype)

            velocity_image = draw_velocity(self.raster_size, raster_from_world, np.append(agents, av_agent), 255)

            if agent is None:
                agents_image = draw_boxes(self.raster_size, raster_from_world, agents, 255)
                ego_image = draw_boxes(self.raster_size, raster_from_world, av_agent, 255)
                agent_ego = filter_agents_by_track_id(agents, agent["track_id"])
                if len(agent_ego) == 0:  # agent not in this history frame
                    agents_image = draw_boxes(self.raster_size, raster_from_world, np.append(agents, av_agent), 255)
                    ego_image = np.zeros_like(agents_image)
                else:  # add av to agents and remove the agent from agents
                    agents = agents[agents != agent_ego[0]]
                    agents_image = draw_boxes(self.raster_size, raster_from_world, np.append(agents, av_agent), 255)
                    ego_image = draw_boxes(self.raster_size, raster_from_world, agent_ego, 255)

            agents_images[..., i] = agents_image
            ego_images[..., i] = ego_image
            velocity_images[..., i] = velocity_image

        # combine such that the image consists of [agent_t, agent_t-1, agent_t-2, ego_t, ego_t-1, ego_t-2]
        out_im = np.concatenate((agents_images, ego_images, velocity_images), -1)

        assert out_im.shape[-1] == self.raster_channels
        return out_im.astype(np.float32) / 255
Beispiel #2
def test_draw_boxes() -> None:
    agents = np.zeros(2, dtype=AGENT_DTYPE)
    agents[0]["extent"] = (20, 20, 20)
    agents[0]["centroid"] = (100, 100)

    agents[1]["extent"] = (20, 20, 20)
    agents[1]["centroid"] = (150, 150)

    to_image_space = np.eye(3)
    im = draw_boxes((200, 200), to_image_space, agents, color=1)
    assert im.sum() == (21 * 21) * 2
Beispiel #3
def test_draw_boxes() -> None:
    centroid_1 = (90, 100)
    centroid_2 = (150, 160)

    agents = np.zeros(2, dtype=AGENT_DTYPE)
    agents[0]["extent"] = (20, 20, 20)
    agents[0]["centroid"] = centroid_1

    agents[1]["extent"] = (20, 20, 20)
    agents[1]["centroid"] = centroid_2

    to_image_space = np.eye(3)
    im = draw_boxes((200, 200), to_image_space, agents, color=1)

    # due to subpixel precision we can't check the exact number of pixels
    # check that a 10x10 centred on the boxes is all 1
    assert np.allclose(im[centroid_1[1] - 5: centroid_1[1] + 5, centroid_1[0] - 5: centroid_1[0] + 5], 1)
    assert np.allclose(im[centroid_2[1] - 5: centroid_2[1] + 5, centroid_2[0] - 5: centroid_2[0] + 5], 1)
Beispiel #4
def test_empty_boxes() -> None:
    # naive test with empty arrays
    agents = np.empty(0, dtype=AGENT_DTYPE)
    to_image_space = np.eye(3)
    im = draw_boxes((200, 200), to_image_space, agents, color=255)
    assert im.sum() == 0
    def rasterize(
        history_frames: np.ndarray,
        history_agents: List[np.ndarray],
        history_tl_faces: List[np.ndarray],
        agent: Optional[np.ndarray] = None,
    ) -> np.ndarray:
        # all frames are drawn relative to this one"
        frame = history_frames[0]
        if agent is None:
            ego_translation_m = history_frames[0]["ego_translation"]
            ego_yaw_rad = rotation33_as_yaw(frame["ego_rotation"])
            ego_translation_m = np.append(agent["centroid"], history_frames[0]["ego_translation"][-1])
            ego_yaw_rad = agent["yaw"]

        raster_from_world = self.render_context.raster_from_world(ego_translation_m, ego_yaw_rad)

        # this ensures we always end up with fixed size arrays, +1 is because current time is also in the history
        out_shape = (self.raster_size[1], self.raster_size[0], self.history_num_frames + 1)
        agents_unknown_images = np.zeros(out_shape, dtype=np.uint8)
        agents_car_images = np.zeros(out_shape, dtype=np.uint8)
        agents_cyclist_images = np.zeros(out_shape, dtype=np.uint8)
        agents_pedestrian_images = np.zeros(out_shape, dtype=np.uint8)
        ego_images = np.zeros(out_shape, dtype=np.uint8)

        if self.enable_selected_agent_channels:
            assert agent is not None
            selected_agent_images = np.zeros(out_shape, dtype=np.uint8)

        for i, (frame, agents) in enumerate(zip(history_frames, history_agents)):
            # TODO: filter_agents_threshold is not used.
            # Ignore filter_agents_threshold now
            threshold = 0.5
            agents_unknown = agents[agents["label_probabilities"][:, UNKNOWN_LABEL_INDEX] > threshold]
            agents_car = agents[agents["label_probabilities"][:, CAR_LABEL_INDEX] > threshold]
            agents_cyclist = agents[agents["label_probabilities"][:, CYCLIST_LABEL_INDEX] > threshold]
            agents_pedestrian = agents[agents["label_probabilities"][:, PEDESTRIAN_LABEL_INDEX] > threshold]
            # agents = filter_agents_by_labels(agents, self.filter_agents_threshold)

            # note the cast is for legacy support of dataset before April 2020
            agents_ego = get_ego_as_agent(frame).astype(agents.dtype)

            agents_unknown_image = draw_boxes(self.raster_size, raster_from_world, agents_unknown, 255)
            agents_car_image = draw_boxes(self.raster_size, raster_from_world, agents_car, 255)
            agents_cyclist_image = draw_boxes(self.raster_size, raster_from_world, agents_cyclist, 255)
            agents_pedestrian_image = draw_boxes(self.raster_size, raster_from_world, agents_pedestrian, 255)
            ego_image = draw_boxes(self.raster_size, raster_from_world, agents_ego, 255)

            agents_unknown_images[..., i] = agents_unknown_image
            agents_car_images[..., i] = agents_car_image
            agents_cyclist_images[..., i] = agents_cyclist_image
            agents_pedestrian_images[..., i] = agents_pedestrian_image
            ego_images[..., i] = ego_image

            if self.enable_selected_agent_channels:
                assert agent is not None
                selected_agent = filter_agents_by_track_id(agents, agent["track_id"])
                if len(selected_agent) == 0:  # agent not in this history frame
                    selected_agent_image = np.zeros_like(ego_image)
                else:  # add av to agents and remove the agent from agents
                    selected_agent_image = draw_boxes(self.raster_size, raster_from_world, selected_agent, 255)
                selected_agent_images[..., i] = selected_agent_image

        images = [
        if self.enable_selected_agent_channels:

        out_im = np.concatenate(images, axis=-1)

        assert out_im.shape[-1] == self.raster_channels
        return out_im.astype(np.float32) / 255
Beispiel #6
    def rasterize(
            history_frames: np.ndarray,
            history_agents: List[np.ndarray],
            history_tl_faces: List[np.ndarray],
            agent: Optional[np.ndarray] = None,
    ) -> np.ndarray:
        # all frames are drawn relative to this one"
        frame = history_frames[0]
        if agent is None:
            ego_translation_m = history_frames[0]["ego_translation"]
            ego_yaw_rad = rotation33_as_yaw(frame["ego_rotation"])
            ego_translation_m = np.append(agent["centroid"], history_frames[0]["ego_translation"][-1])
            ego_yaw_rad = agent["yaw"]

        raster_from_world = self.render_context.raster_from_world(ego_translation_m, ego_yaw_rad)

        # this ensures we always end up with fixed size arrays, +1 is because current time is also in the history

        # TODO: Change shape
        # out_shape = (self.raster_size[1], self.raster_size[0], self.history_num_frames + 1)
        out_shape = (self.raster_size[1], self.raster_size[0], 1)
        # agents_images = np.zeros(out_shape, dtype=np.uint8)
        # ego_images = np.zeros(out_shape, dtype=np.uint8)
        agents_images = np.zeros(out_shape, dtype=np.float32)
        ego_images = np.zeros(out_shape, dtype=np.float32)

        n = history_frames.size
        weights = (np.logspace(0, 1, n, base=15) / n)[::-1][:, None, None]

        for i, (frame, agents) in enumerate(zip(history_frames, history_agents)):
            agents = filter_agents_by_labels(agents, self.filter_agents_threshold)
            # note the cast is for legacy support of dataset before April 2020
            av_agent = get_ego_as_agent(frame).astype(agents.dtype)

            if agent is None:
                agents_image = draw_boxes(self.raster_size, raster_from_world, agents, 255)
                ego_image = draw_boxes(self.raster_size, raster_from_world, av_agent, 255)
                agent_ego = filter_agents_by_track_id(agents, agent["track_id"])
                if len(agent_ego) == 0:  # agent not in this history frame
                    agents_image = draw_boxes(self.raster_size, raster_from_world, np.append(agents, av_agent), 255)
                    ego_image = np.zeros_like(agents_image)
                else:  # add av to agents and remove the agent from agents
                    agents = agents[agents != agent_ego[0]]
                    agents_image = draw_boxes(self.raster_size, raster_from_world, np.append(agents, av_agent), 255)
                    ego_image = draw_boxes(self.raster_size, raster_from_world, agent_ego, 255)

            # agents_images[..., i] = agents_image
            # ego_images[..., i] = ego_image
            # print(i)
            if i == 0:
                heads = np.expand_dims(agents_image + ego_image, axis=2)

            agents_images[..., 0] += (agents_image * weights[i]).astype(np.float32)
            ego_images[..., 0] += (ego_image * weights[i]).astype(np.float32)

        # ego_heads =
        # agents_images = np.expand_dims((weights * agents_images).max(2), axis=2)
        # ego_images = np.expand_dims((weights * ego_images).max(2), axis=2)

        # combine such that the image consists of [agent_t, agent_t-1, agent_t-2, ego_t, ego_t-1, ego_t-2]
        out_im = np.concatenate((agents_images, ego_images, heads), -1)

        # return out_im.astype(np.float32) / 255
        return out_im.astype(np.float32) / np.amax(out_im)
Beispiel #7
    def rasterize(
        history_frames: np.ndarray,
        history_agents: List[np.ndarray],
        history_tl_faces: List[np.ndarray],
        agent: Optional[np.ndarray] = None,
    ) -> np.ndarray:
        # all frames are drawn relative to this one"
        frame = history_frames[0]
        if agent is None:
            ego_translation_m = history_frames[0]["ego_translation"]
            ego_yaw_rad = rotation33_as_yaw(frame["ego_rotation"])
            ego_translation_m = np.append(
                agent["centroid"], history_frames[0]["ego_translation"][-1])
            ego_yaw_rad = agent["yaw"]

        raster_from_world = self.render_context.raster_from_world(
            ego_translation_m, ego_yaw_rad)

        # this ensures we always end up with fixed size arrays, +1 is because current time is also in the history
        out_shape = (self.raster_size[1], self.raster_size[0],
                     self.history_num_frames + 1)
        agents_images = np.zeros(out_shape, dtype=np.uint8)
        ego_images = np.zeros(out_shape, dtype=np.uint8)

        # --- 1. prepare agent keep indices for random agent drop augmentation ---
        track_ids = np.concatenate([a["track_id"] for a in history_agents])
        unique_track_ids = np.unique(track_ids).astype(np.int64)
        n_max_agents = int(np.max(unique_track_ids) + 1)  # +1 for host car.

        unique_track_ids = np.concatenate([[0], unique_track_ids
                                           ])  # Add Host car, with id=0.
        n_unique_agents = len(unique_track_ids)
        # if not np.all(unique_track_ids == np.arange(np.max(unique_track_ids) + 1)):
        #     # It occured!! --> unique_track_ids is not continuous. Some numbers are filtered out.
        #     print("unique_track_ids", unique_track_ids, "is not continuous!!!")
        if not self.eval and np.random.uniform() < self.agent_drop_ratio:
            if self.agent_drop_prob < 0:
                # Randomly decide number of agents to drop.
                # 0 represents host car.
                n_keep_agents = np.random.randint(0, n_unique_agents)
                agent_keep_indices = np.random.choice(unique_track_ids,
                # Decide agents to drop or not by agent_drop_prob.
                agent_keep_indices = unique_track_ids[np.random.uniform(
                    0.0, 1.0, (n_unique_agents, )) > self.agent_drop_prob]
                n_keep_agents = len(agent_keep_indices)
            # Must keep ego agent!
            if agent["track_id"] not in agent_keep_indices:
                agent_keep_indices = np.append(agent_keep_indices,
            n_keep_agents = n_unique_agents
            # keep all agents
            agent_keep_indices = None

        # --- 2. prepare extent scale augmentation ratio ----
        # TODO: create enough number of extent_ratio array. Actually n_keep_agents suffice but create n_max_agents
        # for simplicity..
        if self.eval:
            # No augmentation.
            agents_extent_ratio = np.ones((n_max_agents, 3))
        elif self.min_extent_ratio == self.max_extent_ratio:
            agents_extent_ratio = np.ones(
                (n_max_agents, 3)) * self.min_extent_ratio
            agents_extent_ratio = np.random.uniform(self.min_extent_ratio,
                                                    (n_max_agents, 3))
        ego_extent_ratio = agents_extent_ratio[0]

        for i, (frame,
                agents_) in enumerate(zip(history_frames, history_agents)):
            agents = filter_agents_by_labels(agents_,
            if agent_keep_indices is not None:
                # --- 1. apply agent drop augmentation ---
                agents = agents[np.isin(agents["track_id"],
            # note the cast is for legacy support of dataset before April 2020
            av_agent = get_ego_as_agent(frame).astype(agents.dtype)
            # 2. --- apply extent scale augmentation ---
            # TODO: Need to convert agents["track_id"] --> index based on `agent_keep_indices`,
            # if we only create `agents_extent_ratio` of size `n_keep_agents`.
            agents["extent"] *= agents_extent_ratio[agents["track_id"]]
            av_agent[0]["extent"] *= ego_extent_ratio

            if agent is None:
                agents_image = draw_boxes(self.raster_size, raster_from_world,
                                          agents, 255)
                ego_image = draw_boxes(self.raster_size, raster_from_world,
                                       av_agent, 255)
                agent_ego = filter_agents_by_track_id(agents,
                if agent_keep_indices is None or 0 in agent_keep_indices:
                    agents = np.append(agents, av_agent)
                if len(agent_ego) == 0:  # agent not in this history frame
                    agents_image = draw_boxes(self.raster_size,
                                              raster_from_world, agents, 255)
                    ego_image = np.zeros_like(agents_image)
                else:  # add av to agents and remove the agent from agents
                    agents = agents[agents != agent_ego[0]]
                    agents_image = draw_boxes(self.raster_size,
                                              raster_from_world, agents, 255)
                    ego_image = draw_boxes(self.raster_size, raster_from_world,
                                           agent_ego, 255)

            agents_images[..., i] = agents_image
            ego_images[..., i] = ego_image

        # combine such that the image consists of [agent_t, agent_t-1, agent_t-2, ego_t, ego_t-1, ego_t-2]
        out_im = np.concatenate((agents_images, ego_images), -1)

        return out_im.astype(np.float32) / 255