Beispiel #1
def test_lowrank_attributes():
    # Check default right and middle factor.
    left = B.ones(3, 2)
    lr = LowRank(left)
    assert lr.left is left
    assert lr.right is left
    approx(lr.middle, B.eye(2))
    assert lr.rank == 2

    # Check given identical right.
    lr = LowRank(left, left)
    assert lr.left is left
    assert lr.right is left
    approx(lr.middle, B.eye(2))
    assert lr.rank == 2

    # Check given identical right and middle.
    middle = B.ones(2, 2)
    lr = LowRank(left, left, middle=middle)
    assert lr.left is left
    assert lr.right is left
    approx(lr.middle, B.ones(2, 2))
    assert lr.rank == 2

    # Check given other right and middle factor.
    right = 2 * B.ones(3, 2)
    lr = LowRank(left, right, middle=middle)
    assert lr.left is left
    assert lr.right is right
    approx(lr.middle, B.ones(2, 2))
    assert lr.rank == 2

    # Check rank in non-square case.
    assert LowRank(B.ones(3, 2), B.ones(3, 2), B.ones(2, 2)).rank == 2
    assert LowRank(B.ones(3, 2), B.ones(3, 1), B.ones(2, 1)).rank == 1
Beispiel #2
def test_normal_lazy_var_diag():
    # If `var_diag` isn't set, the variance will be constructed to get the diagonal.
    dist = Normal(lambda: B.eye(3))
    approx(dist.var_diag, B.ones(3))
    approx(dist._var, B.eye(3))

    # If `var_diag` is set, the variance will _not_ be constructed to get the diagonal.
    dist = Normal(lambda: B.eye(3), var_diag=lambda: 9)
    approx(dist.var_diag, 9)
    assert dist._var is None
Beispiel #3
def test_normal_lazy_nonzero_mean():
    dist = Normal(lambda: B.ones(3, 1), lambda: B.eye(3))
    # Nothing should be populated yet.
    assert dist._mean is None
    assert dist._var is None

    # But they should be populated upon request.
    approx(dist.mean, B.ones(3, 1))
    assert dist._var is None
    approx(dist.var, B.eye(3))
Beispiel #4
def test_cholesky_retry_factor(check_lazy_shapes):
    # Try `cholesky_retry_factor = 1`.
    B.cholesky_retry_factor = 1
    B.cholesky(B.zeros(3, 3))
    B.cholesky(B.zeros(3, 3) - 0.5 * B.eye(3) * B.epsilon)
    with pytest.raises(np.linalg.LinAlgError):
        B.cholesky(B.zeros(3, 3) - 0.5 * B.eye(3) * 10 * B.epsilon)
    with pytest.raises(np.linalg.LinAlgError):
        B.cholesky(B.zeros(3, 3) - 0.5 * B.eye(3) * 100 * B.epsilon)

    # Try `cholesky_retry_factor = 10`.
    B.cholesky_retry_factor = 10
    B.cholesky(B.zeros(3, 3))
    B.cholesky(B.zeros(3, 3) - 0.5 * B.eye(3) * B.epsilon)
    B.cholesky(B.zeros(3, 3) - 0.5 * B.eye(3) * 10 * B.epsilon)
    with pytest.raises(np.linalg.LinAlgError):
        B.cholesky(B.zeros(3, 3) - 0.5 * B.eye(3) * 100 * B.epsilon)

    # Try `cholesky_retry_factor = 100`.
    B.cholesky_retry_factor = 100
    B.cholesky(B.zeros(3, 3))
    B.cholesky(B.zeros(3, 3) - 0.5 * B.eye(3) * B.epsilon)
    B.cholesky(B.zeros(3, 3) - 0.5 * B.eye(3) * 10 * B.epsilon)
    B.cholesky(B.zeros(3, 3) - 0.5 * B.eye(3) * 100 * B.epsilon)

    # Reset the factor!
    B.cholesky_retry_factor = 1
Beispiel #5
def test_normal_lazy_nonzero_mean():
    dist = Normal(lambda: B.ones(3, 1), lambda: B.eye(3))

    assert not dist.mean_is_zero
    approx(dist._mean, B.ones(3, 1))
    assert dist._var is None

    approx(dist.mean, B.ones(3, 1))
    assert dist._var is None

    approx(dist.var, B.eye(3))
Beispiel #6
def test_normal_mean_is_zero():
    # Check zero case.
    dist = Normal(B.eye(3))
    assert dist.mean_is_zero
    approx(dist.mean, B.zeros(3, 1))

    # Check another zero case.
    dist = Normal(Zero(np.float32, 3, 1), B.eye(3))
    assert dist.mean_is_zero
    approx(dist.mean, B.zeros(3, 1))

    # Check nonzero case.
    assert not Normal(B.randn(3, 1), B.eye(3)).mean_is_zero
Beispiel #7
def test_normal_lazy_zero_mean():
    dist = Normal(lambda: B.eye(3))

    assert dist.mean_is_zero
    assert dist._mean is 0
    assert dist._var is None

    approx(dist.mean, B.zeros(3, 1))
    # At this point, the variance should be constructed, because it is used to get the
    # dimensionality and data type for the mean.
    assert dist._var is not None

    approx(dist.var, B.eye(3))
Beispiel #8
def assert_orthogonal(x):
    """Assert that a matrix is orthogonal."""
    # Check that matrix is square.
    assert B.shape(x)[0] == B.shape(x)[1]

    # Check that its transpose is its inverse.
    approx(B.matmul(x, x, tr_a=True), B.eye(x))
Beispiel #9
def test_normal_sampling():
    for mean in [0, 1]:
        dist = Normal(mean, 3 * B.eye(np.int32, 200))

        # Sample without noise.
        samples = dist.sample(2000)
        approx(B.mean(samples), mean, atol=5e-2)
        approx(B.std(samples)**2, 3, atol=5e-2)

        # Sample with noise
        samples = dist.sample(2000, noise=2)
        approx(B.mean(samples), mean, atol=5e-2)
        approx(B.std(samples)**2, 5, atol=5e-2)
Beispiel #10
def test_cholesky_solve_ut(dense_pd):
    chol = B.cholesky(dense_pd)

    with AssertDenseWarning(
            "solving <upper-triangular> x = <diagonal>",
            "matrix-multiplying <upper-triangular> and <lower-triangular>",
            B.cholesky_solve(B.transpose(chol), B.eye(chol)),
            B.inv(B.matmul(chol, chol, tr_a=True)),
Beispiel #11
def pd_inv(a: Union[B.Numeric, AbstractMatrix]):
    """Invert a positive-definite matrix.

        a (matrix): Positive-definite matrix to invert.

        matrix: Inverse of `a`, which is also positive definite.
    a = convert(a, AbstractMatrix)
    # The call to `cholesky_solve` will convert the identity matrix to dense, because
    # `cholesky(a)` will not have any exploitable structure. We suppress the expected
    # warning by converting `B.eye(a)` to dense here already.
    return B.cholesky_solve(B.cholesky(a), B.dense(B.eye(a)))
Beispiel #12
def test_normal_lazy_mean_var():
    # The lazy `mean_var` should only be called when neither the mean nor the variance
    # exists. Otherwise, it's more efficient to just construct the other one. We
    # go over all branches in the `if`-statement.

    dist = Normal(lambda: B.ones(3, 1), lambda: B.eye(3), mean_var=lambda: (8, 9))
    approx(dist.mean_var, (8, 9))
    approx(dist.mean, 8)
    approx(dist.var, 9)

    dist = Normal(lambda: B.ones(3, 1), lambda: B.eye(3), mean_var=lambda: (8, 9))
    approx(dist.mean, B.ones(3, 1))
    approx(dist.mean_var, (B.ones(3, 1), B.eye(3)))
    approx(dist.var, B.eye(3))

    dist = Normal(lambda: B.ones(3, 1), lambda: B.eye(3), mean_var=lambda: (8, 9))
    approx(dist.var, B.eye(3))
    approx(dist.mean_var, (B.ones(3, 1), B.eye(3)))
    approx(dist.mean, B.ones(3, 1))

    dist = Normal(lambda: B.ones(3, 1), lambda: B.eye(3), mean_var=lambda: (8, 9))
    approx(dist.var, B.eye(3))
    approx(dist.mean, B.ones(3, 1))
    approx(dist.mean_var, (B.ones(3, 1), B.eye(3)))
Beispiel #13
def test_normal_lazy_mean_var_diag():
    # The lazy `mean_var_diag` should only be called when neither the mean nor the
    # diagonal of the variance exists. Otherwise, it's more efficient to just construct
    # the other one. We go over all branches in the `if`-statement.

    dist = Normal(lambda: B.ones(3, 1), lambda: B.eye(3), mean_var_diag=lambda: (8, 9))
    approx(dist.marginals(), (8, 9))
    approx(dist.mean, 8)
    approx(dist.var_diag, 9)

    dist = Normal(lambda: B.ones(3, 1), lambda: B.eye(3), mean_var_diag=lambda: (8, 9))
    approx(dist.mean, B.ones(3, 1))
    approx(dist.marginals(), (B.ones(3), B.ones(3)))
    approx(dist.var_diag, B.ones(3))

    dist = Normal(lambda: B.ones(3, 1), lambda: B.eye(3), mean_var_diag=lambda: (8, 9))
    approx(dist.var_diag, B.ones(3))
    approx(dist.marginals(), (B.ones(3), B.ones(3)))
    approx(dist.mean, B.ones(3, 1))

    dist = Normal(lambda: B.ones(3, 1), lambda: B.eye(3), mean_var_diag=lambda: (8, 9))
    approx(dist.var_diag, B.ones(3))
    approx(dist.mean, B.ones(3, 1))
    approx(dist.marginals(), (B.ones(3), B.ones(3)))
Beispiel #14
def test_normal_sampling():
    for mean in [0, 1]:
        dist = Normal(mean, 3 * B.eye(np.int32, 200))

        # Sample without noise.
        samples = dist.sample(2000)
        approx(B.mean(samples), mean, atol=5e-2)
        approx(B.std(samples) ** 2, 3, atol=5e-2)

        # Sample with noise
        samples = dist.sample(2000, noise=2)
        approx(B.mean(samples), mean, atol=5e-2)
        approx(B.std(samples) ** 2, 5, atol=5e-2)

        state, sample1 = dist.sample(B.create_random_state(B.dtype(dist), seed=0))
        state, sample2 = dist.sample(B.create_random_state(B.dtype(dist), seed=0))
        assert isinstance(state, B.RandomState)
        approx(sample1, sample2)
Beispiel #15
 def transform(x):
     tril = B.vec_to_tril(x, offset=-1)
     skew = tril - B.transpose(tril)
     eye = B.eye(skew)
     return B.solve(eye + skew, eye - skew)
Beispiel #16
def f1(x):
    dists2 = (x - B.transpose(x))**2
    K = B.exp(-0.5 * dists2)
    K = K + B.epsilon * B.eye(t, n)
    L = B.cholesky(K)
    return B.matmul(L, B.ones(t, n, m))
Beispiel #17
def test_eye(dense1):
    approx(B.eye(dense1), np.eye(B.shape(dense1)[0]))
    assert isinstance(B.eye(dense1), Diagonal)
Beispiel #18
def test_logm(check_lazy_shapes):
    mat = B.eye(3) + 0.1 * B.randn(3, 3)
    check_sensitivity(logm, s_logm, (mat, ))
    check_grad(logm, (mat, ))
Beispiel #19
def test_cholesky_solve_lt(dense_pd):
    chol = B.cholesky(dense_pd)

    with AssertDenseWarning("solving <lower-triangular> x = <diagonal>"):
        approx(B.cholesky_solve(chol, B.eye(chol)), B.inv(dense_pd))
Beispiel #20
    for a in Tensor(2, 2).forms():
        assert "cpu" in str(B.device(a)).lower()
        approx(B.to_active_device(a), a)

    # Check that numbers remain unchanged.
    a = 1
    assert B.to_active_device(a) is a

@pytest.mark.parametrize("t", [tf.float32, torch.float32, jnp.float32])
        lambda t: B.zeros(t, 2, 2),
        lambda t: B.ones(t, 2, 2),
        lambda t: B.eye(t, 2),
        lambda t: B.linspace(t, 0, 5, 10),
        lambda t: B.range(t, 10),
        lambda t: B.rand(t, 10),
        lambda t: B.randn(t, 10),
def test_on_device(f, t, check_lazy_shapes):
    f_t = f(t)  # Contruct on current and existing device.

    # Set the active device to something else.
    B.ActiveDevice.active_name = "previous"

    # Check that explicit allocation on CPU works.
    with B.on_device("cpu"):
        assert B.device(f(t)) == B.device(f_t)
Beispiel #21
def generate(code):
    """Generate a random tensor of a particular type, specified with a code.

        code (str): Code of the matrix.

        tensor: Random tensor.
    mat_code, shape_code = code.split(":")

    # Parse shape.
    if shape_code == "":
        shape = ()
        shape = tuple(int(d) for d in shape_code.split(","))

    if mat_code == "randn":
        return B.randn(*shape)
    elif mat_code == "randn_pd":
        mat = B.randn(*shape)

        # If it is a scalar or vector, just pointwise square it.
        if len(shape) in {0, 1}:
            return mat**2 + 1
            return B.matmul(mat, mat, tr_b=True) + B.eye(shape[0])

    elif mat_code == "zero":
        return Zero(B.default_dtype, *shape)

    elif mat_code == "const":
        return Constant(B.randn(), *shape)
    elif mat_code == "const_pd":
        return Constant(B.randn()**2 + 1, *shape)

    elif mat_code == "lt":
        mat = B.vec_to_tril(B.randn(int(0.5 * shape[0] * (shape[0] + 1))))
        return LowerTriangular(mat)
    elif mat_code == "lt_pd":
        mat = generate(f"randn_pd:{shape[0]},{shape[0]}")
        return LowerTriangular(B.cholesky(B.reg(mat)))

    elif mat_code == "ut":
        mat = B.vec_to_tril(B.randn(int(0.5 * shape[0] * (shape[0] + 1))))
        return UpperTriangular(B.transpose(mat))
    elif mat_code == "ut_pd":
        mat = generate(f"randn_pd:{shape[0]},{shape[0]}")
        return UpperTriangular(B.transpose(B.cholesky(B.reg(mat))))

    elif mat_code == "dense":
        return Dense(generate(f"randn:{shape_code}"))
    elif mat_code == "dense_pd":
        return Dense(generate(f"randn_pd:{shape_code}"))

    elif mat_code == "diag":
        return Diagonal(generate(f"randn:{shape_code}"))
    elif mat_code == "diag_pd":
        return Diagonal(generate(f"randn_pd:{shape_code}"))

        raise RuntimeError(f'Cannot parse generation code "{code}".')
Beispiel #22
def test_logm(check_lazy_shapes):
    mat = B.eye(3) + 0.1 * B.randn(3, 3)
    check_function(B.logm, (Tensor(mat=mat),))
Beispiel #23
 def inverse_transform(x):
     eye = B.eye(x)
     skew = B.solve(eye + x, eye - x)
     return B.tril_to_vec(skew, offset=-1)
Beispiel #24
def test_normal_dtype(normal1):
    assert B.dtype(Normal(0, B.eye(3))) == np.float64
    assert B.dtype(Normal(B.ones(3), B.zeros(int, 3))) == np.float64
    assert B.dtype(Normal(B.ones(int, 3), B.zeros(int, 3))) == np.int64