def im(self):
     im =
     for f in range(10):
         im =
     im = images.crop_and_mask(im, self.crop, self.mask)
     im = images.bgr_to_gray(im), self.log_direc + '{}_original.png'.format(self.i))
     return im
 def mean_im(self):
     ims = []
     for f in range(8):
         im =
         im = images.crop_and_mask(im, self.crop, self.mask)
         im = images.bgr_to_gray(im)
         ims.append(im)[0], self.log_direc + '{}_original.png'.format(self.i))
     mean_im = images.mean(ims)
     # mean_im = images.mask(mean_im, ring_mask), self.log_direc + '{}_mean.png'.format(self.i))
     return mean_im
Beispiel #3
 def mean_im(self):
     ims = []
     for f in range(8):
         im =
         im = images.crop_and_mask(im, self.crop, self.mask)
         # if f == 0:
         #     ring_mask = images.inrange(images.bgr_to_lab(im), (0, 113, 0),
         #                                (255, 152, 255))
         im = images.bgr_to_gray(im)
         ims.append(im)[0], self.log_direc + '{}_original.png'.format(self.i))
     mean_im = images.mean(ims)
     # mean_im = images.mask(mean_im, ring_mask), self.log_direc + '{}_mean.png'.format(self.i))
     return mean_im
def run():
    direc = "/media/data/Data/FirstOrder/Interfaces/RecordFluctuatingInterfaceJanuary2020/Quick/first_frames"
    savename = f"{direc}/data_new.hdf5"
    files = filehandling.get_directory_filenames(direc + '/*.png')
    ims = [images.load(f, 0) for f in tqdm(files, 'Loading images')]
    ims = [images.bgr_to_gray(im) for im in ims]
    circles = [images.find_circles(im, 27, 200, 7, 16, 16)
               for im in tqdm(ims, 'Finding Circles')]

    data = dataframes.DataStore(savename, load=False)
    for f, info in tqdm(enumerate(circles), 'Adding Circles'):
        data.add_tracking_data(f, info, ['x', 'y', 'r'])

    calc = statistics.PropertyCalculator(data)

    lattice_spacing = 10
    x = np.arange(0, ims[0].shape[1], lattice_spacing)
    y = np.arange(0, ims[0].shape[0], lattice_spacing)
    x, y = np.meshgrid(x, y)

    # cgw = get_cgw(data.df.loc[0], 1.85) # k=1.85 looked the best
    cgw = get_cgw(data.df.loc[0], 1.85)

    fields = [coarse_order_field(data.df.loc[f], cgw, x, y)
              for f in tqdm(range(len(ims)), 'Calculating Fields')]

    field_threshold = get_field_threshold(fields, lattice_spacing, ims[0])

    contours = [find_contours(f, field_threshold)
                for f in tqdm(fields, 'Calculating contours')]

    # Multiply the contours by the lattice spacing and squeeze
    contours = [c.squeeze() * lattice_spacing for c in contours]

    # Close contours
    contours = [close_contour(c) for c in contours]

    # Convert to LineString
    contours = [LineString(c) for c in contours]

    # Select the line to query the points across
    print("Select the line to query points")
    ls = LineSelector(ims[0])
    p1, p2 = ls.points
    centre_line = get_extended_centre_line(p1, p2)

    # Distance between query points that determines one end of the frequency
    dL = data.df.loc[0].r.mean() / 10
    L = np.sqrt((p1[0]-p2[0])**2+(p1[1]-p2[1])**2)
    N_query = int(L/dL)
    xq, yq = np.linspace(p1[0], p2[0], N_query), np.linspace(p1[1], p2[1],
    dL = np.sqrt((xq[1] - xq[0]) ** 2 + (yq[1] - yq[0]) ** 2)
    dists, crosses = zip(
        *[get_dists(xq, yq, c, centre_line) for c in tqdm(contours)])

    # plot_crosses(crosses, ims)

    # Select points from inside red edge to inside red edge across the centre
    # of the tray which is 200mm to convert pixels to mm
    PIX_2_mm = get_pix_2_mm(ims[0])

    plot_fft(dists, dL, PIX_2_mm, data.df.loc[0].r.mean(), cgw)
 def get_frame(self):
     im =
     im = images.crop_and_mask(im, self.crop, self.mask)
     im = images.bgr_to_gray(im)
     return im
def run(direc, lattice_spacing=5):
    files = filehandling.get_directory_filenames(direc + '/*.png')
    savename = direc + '/data.hdf5'

    N = len(files)

    # load images
    ims = [images.load(f, 0) for f in tqdm(files, 'Loading images')]

    # Find Circles
    ims = [images.bgr_to_gray(im) for im in ims]
    circles = [
        images.find_circles(im, 27, 200, 7, 16, 16)
        for im in tqdm(ims, 'Finding Circles')

    # Save data
    data = dataframes.DataStore(savename, load=False)
    for f, info in tqdm(enumerate(circles), 'Adding Circles'):
        data.add_tracking_data(f, info, ['x', 'y', 'r'])

    # Calculate order parameter
    calc = statistics.PropertyCalculator(data)

    # Get the course graining width
    cgw = get_cgw(data.df.loc[0]) / 2

    # Create the lattice points
    x = np.arange(0, max(data.df.x), lattice_spacing)
    y = np.arange(0, max(data.df.y), lattice_spacing)
    x, y = np.meshgrid(x, y)

    # Calculate the coarse order fields
    fields = [
        coarse_order_field(data.df.loc[f], cgw, x, y)
        for f in tqdm(range(N), 'Calculating Fields')

    # Calculate the field threshold
    field_threshold = get_field_threshold(fields, lattice_spacing, ims[0])

    # Find the contours representing the boundary in each frame
    contours = [
        find_contours(f, field_threshold)
        for f in tqdm(fields, 'Calculating contours')

    # Multiply the contours by the lattice spacing
    contours = [c * lattice_spacing for c in contours]

    # Find the angle of the image to rotate the boundary to the x-axis
    a, c, p1, p2 = get_angle(ims[0])
    # Rotate the selection points and the contours by the angle
    p1 = rotate_points(np.array(p1), c, a)
    p2 = rotate_points(np.array(p2), c, a)
    contours = [rotate_points(contour.squeeze(), c, a) for contour in contours]

    xmin = int(p1[0])
    xmax = int(p2[0])
    h = int(p1[1])

    # Get the heights of the fluctuations from the straight boundary
    hs = [
        get_h(contour, ims[0].shape, xmin, xmax, h)
        for contour in tqdm(contours, 'Calculating heights')

    # Calculate the fourier transforms for all the frames
    L = xmax - xmin
    pixels_to_mms = 195 / L
    print("pixels_to_mms = ", pixels_to_mms)

    # convert to mm
    hs = [h * pixels_to_mms for h in hs]
    L = L * pixels_to_mms
    x = np.linspace(0, L, len(hs[0]))

    np.savetxt(direc + '/x.txt', x)
    np.savetxt(direc + '/hs.txt', hs)

    # k, yplot = get_fourier(hs, L)

    return k, yplot
 def mean_frame(self):
     ims = [self.get_frame() for i in range(10)]
     im = images.mean(ims)
     im = images.bgr_to_gray(im)
     return im
def subtract_bkg(frame, parameters=None, call_num=None):
    Subtract a background

    This function will subtract a background from the image. It has several 
    options: mean will subtract the average value from the image. img will subtract a preprepared
    background img from the img. Before subtracting the background image it is blurred according to
    the settings. 
    N.B. You must apply either a grayscale or color_channel method before the subtract_bkg method. 
    The software subtracts the mean image value, grayscale or color_channel version of the background image which you select from the current image.


        Type of background substraction to be performed. Options are are 'mean' or 'grayscale','red','green','blue'. 
        filename of background image. If None it will look for a file named moviefilename_bkgimg.png. Otherwise it looks for the filename specified. The filename is assumed to be in the same directory as the movie. Alternatively specify the full path to the file. 
        An integer n specifying the kernel size (n,n) to be used in blurring bkg image
        Subtract bkg from image or image from background.
        Stretch range of outputted intensities on resultant image to fill 0-255 - True or False               
        This must be a grayscale / single colour channel image
        Nested dictionary like object (same as .param files or output from
        Usually None but if multiple calls are made modifies method name with get_method_key

        grayscale image


        method_key = get_method_key('subtract_bkg', call_num=call_num)
        params = parameters['preprocess'][method_key]

        bkgtype = get_param_val(params['subtract_bkg_type'])
        if bkgtype == 'mean':
            mean_val = int(np.mean(frame))
            subtract_frame = mean_val * np.ones(np.shape(frame),
            frame2 = frame
        elif bkgtype == 'median':
            median_val = int(np.median(frame))
            subtract_frame = median_val * np.ones(np.shape(frame),
            frame2 = frame
            # This option subtracts the previously created image which is added to dictionary.
            #These parameters are fed to the blur function
            temp_params = {}
            temp_params['preprocess'] = {
                'blur': {
                    'kernel': get_param_val(params['subtract_bkg_blur_kernel'])
            #Load bkg img
            if params['subtract_bkg_filename'] is None:
                name = parameters['experiment']['video_filename']
                bkg_frame = cv2.imread(name[:-4] +
                                       '_bkgimg.png')  #,cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE)
                bkg_frame = cv2.imread(
                    params['subtract_bkg_filename'])  #,cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE)

            if bkgtype == 'grayscale':
                subtract_frame = bgr_to_gray(bkg_frame)
            elif bkgtype == 'red':
                subtract_frame = bkg_frame[:, :, 2]
            elif bkgtype == 'green':
                subtract_frame = bkg_frame[:, :, 1]
            elif bkgtype == 'blue':
                subtract_frame = bkg_frame[:, :, 0]

            subtract_frame = crop(subtract_frame, parameters['crop'])

            frame2 = blur(frame, temp_params)
            frame2 = frame2.astype(np.uint8)
            subtract_frame = blur(subtract_frame, temp_params)
            subtract_frame = subtract_frame.astype(np.uint8)

        if get_param_val(params['subtract_bkg_invert']):
            frame2 = cv2.subtract(subtract_frame, frame2)
            frame2 = cv2.subtract(frame2, subtract_frame)

        if np.max(frame) == 0:
            frame2 = frame

        if get_param_val(params['subtract_bkg_norm']) == True:
            frame2 = cv2.normalize(frame2,

        return frame2
    except Exception as e:
        raise SubtractBkgError(e)
def grayscale(frame, parameters):
    return images.bgr_to_gray(frame)