Beispiel #1
def test_Laminate_attr_min():
    '''Check the min attribute and minimum stresses.'''
    for case_ in case.values():
        for LM in case_.LMs:
            actual = LM.min_stress
            d = {4:   0.227238,
                 9:   0.008610,
                 15: -0.008610,
                 20: -0.227238,
            s = pd.Series(d)
   = 'stress_f (MPa/N)'
            expected = s
            #assert actual.all() == expected.all() 
            ut.assertSeriesEqual(actual, expected, check_less_precise=True)
Beispiel #2
def test_Laminate_attr_max():
    '''Check the max attribute and maximum stresses.'''
    for case_ in case.values():
        for LM in case_.LMs:
            actual = LM.max_stress
            d = {0:   0.378731,
                 5:   0.012915,
                 10:  0.151492,
                 14: -0.151492,
                 19: -0.012915,
                 24: -0.378731,
            s = pd.Series(d)
   = 'stress_f (MPa/N)'
            expected = s    
            #assert actual.all() == expected.all()
            ut.assertSeriesEqual(actual, expected, check_less_precise=True)    
Beispiel #3
def test_models_WisonLT_stress1():
    '''Check max stresses equal for same geometry of different ps for standard.'''
    #actual = [LM.max_stress.reset_index(drop=True) for i, LMs in case.items() for LM in LMs]
    actuals = (LM.max_stress.reset_index(drop=True) for case_ in case.values() for LM in case_.LMs)
    ##actuals = (LM.max_stress.reset_index(drop=True) for i, LMs in case_multi_ps.items() for LM in LMs)
    d = {0:    0.378731,
         1:    0.012915,
         2:    0.151492,
         3:   -0.151492,
         4:   -0.012915,
         5:   -0.378731,}
    expected = pd.Series(d)
    for actual in actuals:
        ut.assertSeriesEqual(actual, expected,
                             check_less_precise=True, check_names=False)
Beispiel #4
 def test_assertserieseq2(self):
     '''Check helper function compares Series, raises error is not equal.'''
     actual = ut.assertSeriesEqual(self.s1, self.s3)
Beispiel #5
 def test_assertserieseq1(self):
     '''Check helper function compares Series, None.'''
     # See
     actual = ut.assertSeriesEqual(self.s1, self.s2)
     expected = None
     nt.assert_equal(actual, expected)