def validate_script_usage():
    if (
        (len(sys.argv) < 3) or
        (sys.argv[2] not in data_types)
        raise ValueError(
            "\n\nUsage: ./ <the block hash in hex | "
            "blockheight> <data type>\n"
            "where <data format> can be %s\n"
            "eg: ./ 000000000019d6689c085ae165831e934ff763a"
            "e46a2a6c172b3f1b60a8ce26f hex\n"
            "or ./ 257727 full-json\n\n"
            % lang_grunt.list2human_str(data_types, "or")
def validate_script_usage():
    usage = "\n\nUsage: ./ <startblock> <endblock> " \
    "<mode>\n" \
    "where <mode> can be %s:\n" \
    "- db-update - only check and update the status of blocks that have not\n" \
    "already been validated and had their status saved in the db.\n" \
    "- db-recheck - only check the status of blocks that have already been\n" \
    " validated and had their status saved in the db. report on any failures." \
    % (lang_grunt.list2human_str(modes, "or"))

    if len(sys.argv) < 3:
        raise ValueError(usage)
        (_, _, mode) = get_stdin_params()
        if mode not in modes:
            raise ValueError(usage)
        raise ValueError(usage)
if len(sys.argv) < 3:
    raise ValueError(
        "\n\nUsage: ./ <the address>"
        " [unixtime|datetime]\n"
        "eg: ./ 12cbQLTFMXRnSzktFkuoG3eHoMeFtpTu3S"
        " datetime\n\n"

address = sys.argv[1]
time_format = sys.argv[2]
allowed_time_formats = ["datetime", "unixtime"]
if time_format not in allowed_time_formats:
    raise ValueError(
        "unrecognized 'time' parameter: %s\n"
        "allowed values are %s"
        % (time_format, lang_grunt.list2human_str(allowed_time_formats, "or"))

with open("mysql_connection.json") as mysql_params_file:
    mysql_params = json.load(mysql_params_file)

mysql_db = MySQLdb.connect(**mysql_params)
cursor = mysql_db.cursor() # removed MySQLdb.cursors.DictCursor)

# first get alternate addresses if available, grouping is to reduce the result
# set down to that which is unique
    "select address, alternate_address"
    " from map_addresses_to_txs"
    " where address = '%s' or alternate_address = '%s'"
def explain(options):
	convert the options to a human readable text string. this is mainly useful
	so that the user can check that their date-formatting was interpreted
	if options.OUTPUT_TYPE is not None:
		s = "extracting "

		if options.validate is not None:
			s += "and validating "

		s += "all "

		output_type = options.OUTPUT_TYPE.upper()
		if output_type == "BLOCKS":
			s += "blocks"

		elif output_type == "TXS":
			s += "transactions"

		elif output_type == "BALANCES":
			s += "balances"

	elif options.validate is not None:
		s = "validating all blocks"

	s += " between "

	if options.STARTBLOCKDATE is not None:
		s += "date %s" % datetime.datetime.\
		fromtimestamp(options.STARTBLOCKDATE).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")

	elif options.STARTBLOCKHASH is not None:
		s += "hash %s" % options.STARTBLOCKHASH 

	elif options.STARTBLOCKNUM is not None:
		s += "block %s" % options.STARTBLOCKNUM 

	# default start block is the first block
		s += "block 0"

	s += " and "

	if options.ENDBLOCKDATE is not None:
		s += "date %s" % datetime.datetime.\
		fromtimestamp(options.ENDBLOCKDATE).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")

	elif options.ENDBLOCKHASH is not None:
		s += "hash %s" % options.ENDBLOCKHASH 

	elif options.ENDBLOCKNUM is not None:
		if options.ENDBLOCKNUM == "end":
			s += "the final block"
			s += "block %s" % options.ENDBLOCKNUM 

	s += " (inclusive)"

	explain_aux = [] # init

	if options.ADDRESSES is not None:
		if isinstance(options.ADDRESSES, list):
			addresses = lang_grunt.list2human_str(options.ADDRESSES, "or")
		elif isinstance(options.ADDRESSES, str):
			addresses = options.ADDRESSES

		explain_aux.append("with addresses %s" % addresses)

	if options.TXHASHES is not None:
		if isinstance(options.TXHASHES, list):
			txhashes = lang_grunt.list2human_str(options.TXHASHES, "or")
		elif isinstance(options.TXHASHES, str):
			txhashes = options.TXHASHES

		explain_aux.append("with transaction hashes %s" % txhashes)

	if options.BLOCKHASHES is not None:
		if isinstance(options.BLOCKHASHES, list):
			blockhashes = lang_grunt.list2human_str(options.BLOCKHASHES, "or")
		elif isinstance(options.BLOCKHASHES, str):
			blockhashes = options.BLOCKHASHES

		explain_aux.append("with block hashes %s" % blockhashes)

	if explain_aux:
		s += " or ".join(explain_aux)

	# ORPHAN_OPTIONS is never None - it has a default value
	orphan_options = options.ORPHAN_OPTIONS.upper() # capitalize

	if (
		(options.validate is not None) or
		(output_type == "BLOCKS")
		are = "are"
		are = "occur in"

	if orphan_options == "NONE":
		s += ", that %s non-orphan blocks" % are
	if orphan_options == "ALLOW":
	if orphan_options == "ONLY":
		s += ", that %s orphan blocks" % are
	if options.OUTPUT_TYPE is None:
		s += "."
		s += ", and outputing in %s format." % options.FORMAT.lower()

	return s
def sanitize_options_or_die(options):
	sanitize and update the options dict.

	note that at this point, anything that has not been specified by the user as
	a cli argument will have a value of None in the options dict - keep it this
	way, as it is easier to check for None than the check for length == 0, or
	value == 0.

	global n
	n = os.linesep if options.progress else ""

	# create a new options element to house txin hashes that are to be hunted
	# for and returned as part of the result set. this is necessary because txin
	# addresses can only be derived by looking at the address of the previous
	# txout they point to (the txin address is the same as the txout address it
	# references). this option will only get updated if the user directly
	# specifies addresses, but we always need to initialise it to empty
	# regardless. the format is {hash: [index, ..., index]}. this is the only
	# option that is not initialized to None when it is empty.
	options.TXINHASHES = {}

	if options.ADDRESSES is not None:
		if options.ADDRESSES[-1] == ",":
			raise ValueError(
				"trailing comma found in the ADDRESSES input argument. please"
				" ensure there are no spaces in the ADDRESSES input argument."
				# TODO - or are spaces allowed if quotations are used?
		currency_types = {}
		first_currency = ""
		for address in options.ADDRESSES.split(","):
			currency_types[address] = get_currency(address)
			if currency_types[address] == "any":
				del currency_types[address]
			if not first_currency:
				first_currency = currency_types[address]
			if first_currency != currency_types[address]:
				raise ValueError(
					"all supplied addresses must be of the same currency:%s%s"
					% (os.linesep, pprint.pformat(currency_types, width = -1))
		# convert csv string to list
		options.ADDRESSES = options.ADDRESSES.split(",")

	if options.TXHASHES is not None:
		if options.TXHASHES[-1] == ",":
			raise ValueError(
				"trailing comma found in the TXHASHES input argument. please"
				" ensure there are no spaces in the TXHASHES input argument."
		for tx_hash in options.TXHASHES.split(","):
			if not btc_grunt.valid_hash(tx_hash):
				raise ValueError(
					"Supplied transaction hash %s is not in the correct format."
					% tx_hash
		# convert csv string to list
		options.TXHASHES = [
			btc_grunt.hex2bin(txhash) for txhash in options.TXHASHES.split(",")

	if options.BLOCKHASHES is not None:
		if options.BLOCKHASHES[-1] == ",":
			raise ValueError(
				"trailing comma found in the BLOCKHASHES input argument. please"
				" ensure there are no spaces in the BLOCKHASHES input argument."
		for block_hash in options.BLOCKHASHES.split(","):
			if not btc_grunt.valid_hash(block_hash):
				raise ValueError(
					"supplied block hash %s is not n the correct format."
					% block_hash
		# convert csv string to list
		options.BLOCKHASHES = [
			btc_grunt.hex2bin(blockhash) for blockhash in

	# convert date to integer unixtime. note that ("1.0".isdigit() == False) but
	# ("123".isdigit() == True)
	if options.STARTBLOCKDATE is not None:
		if options.STARTBLOCKDATE.isdigit():
			options.STARTBLOCKDATE = get_unixtime(options.STARTBLOCKDATE)

	if options.STARTBLOCKHASH is not None:
		options.STARTBLOCKHASH = btc_grunt.hex2bin(options.STARTBLOCKHASH)

	if options.ENDBLOCKDATE is not None:
		if options.ENDBLOCKDATE.isdigit():
			options.ENDBLOCKDATE = int(options.ENDBLOCKDATE)
			options.ENDBLOCKDATE = get_unixtime(options.ENDBLOCKDATE)

	if options.ENDBLOCKHASH is not None:
		options.ENDBLOCKHASH = btc_grunt.hex2bin(options.ENDBLOCKHASH)

	num_start_options = 0
	if options.STARTBLOCKDATE is not None:
		num_start_options += 1
	if options.STARTBLOCKHASH is not None:
		num_start_options += 1
	if options.STARTBLOCKNUM is not None:
		num_start_options += 1
	if num_start_options > 1:
		raise ValueError(
			"only one of options --start-blockdate, --start-blockhash and"
			" --start-blocknum can be specified."
	num_end_options = 0
	if options.ENDBLOCKDATE is not None:
		num_end_options += 1
	if options.ENDBLOCKHASH is not None:
		num_end_options += 1
	if options.ENDBLOCKNUM is not None:
		num_end_options += 1
	if num_end_options > 1:
		raise ValueError(
			"only one of options --end-blockdate, --end-blockhash and"
			" --start-blocknum can be specified."
	if (
		(options.LIMIT) and
		(num_end_options > 0)
		raise SyntaxError(
			"if option --limit (-L) is specified then neither option"
			" --end-blockdate, nor --end-blockhash, nor --end-blocknum can also"
			" be specified."
	if not num_start_options:
		options.STARTBLOCKNUM = 0 # go from the start

	if not num_end_options:
		options.ENDBLOCKNUM = "end" # go to the end

	permitted_output_formats = [
	if (
		(options.FORMAT is None) or
		(options.FORMAT not in permitted_output_formats)
		raise ValueError(
			"option --output-format (-o) must be either %s."
			% lang_grunt.list2human_str(permitted_output_formats)

	# ORPHAN_OPTIONS is never None - it has a default value
	options.ORPHAN_OPTIONS = options.ORPHAN_OPTIONS.upper() # capitalize
	permitted_orphan_options = [
	if (options.ORPHAN_OPTIONS not in permitted_orphan_options):
		raise ValueError(
			"option --orphan-options must be either %s."
			% lang_grunt.list2human_str(permitted_orphan_options)

	if (
		(options.OUTPUT_TYPE is None) and
		(options.validate is None)
		raise ValueError(
			"either option --output-type (-t) or option --validate (-v) must"
			" be specified."

	if options.OUTPUT_TYPE is not None:
		options.OUTPUT_TYPE = options.OUTPUT_TYPE.upper() # capitalize
		permitted_output_types = [
		if options.OUTPUT_TYPE not in permitted_output_types:
			raise ValueError(
				"option --output-types (-t) must be either %s."
				% lang_grunt.list2human_str(permitted_output_types)

		if options.OUTPUT_TYPE == "BALANCES":
			if options.FORMAT == "BINARY":
				raise ValueError(
					"Option --output-type (-t) cannot be set to BALANCES while"
					" option --output-format (-o) is set to BINARY."
			if options.ADDRESSES is None:
				raise ValueError(
					"when option --output-type (-t) is set to BALANCES then"
					" ADDRESSES must also be specified via option --addresses"
					" (-a)."

	return options