def train_nn(params):

    np.random.seed(1)  # for reproducibility

    corpus_train = lm.readCorpus("data/train.txt")
    corpus_dev = lm.readCorpus("data/dev.txt")
    corpus_test = lm.readCorpus("data/test.txt")

    # build a common index (words to integers), mapping rare words (less than 5 occurences) to index 0
    # nwords = vocabulary size for the models that only see the indexes

    w2index, nwords = lm.buildIndex(corpus_train + corpus_dev + corpus_test)

    # find words that appear in the training set so we can deal with new words separately
    count_train = np.zeros((nwords,))
    for snt in corpus_train:
        for w in snt:
            count_train[w2index[w]] += 1

    # Network model
    #print("\nNetwork model training:")
    n = params[0]    # Length of n-gram
    dim = params[1]   # Word vector dimension
    hdim = params[2]  # Hidden units
    neurallm = lm.neuralLM(dim, n, hdim, nwords)  # The network model

    ngrams = lm.ngramGen(corpus_train, w2index, n)
    ngrams2 = lm.ngramGen(corpus_dev, w2index, n)

    lrate = 0.5  # Learning rate
    best_LL = float('-inf')
    it = 0
    while True:
        it += 1
        LL, N = 0.0, 0  # Average log-likelihood, number of ngrams
        for ng in ngrams:
            pr = neurallm.update(ng, lrate)
            LL += np.log(pr)
            N += 1
        #print('Train:\t{0}\tLL = {1}'.format(it, LL / N))

        #Dev set
        LL, N = 0.0, 0 # Average log-likelihood, number of ngrams
        for ng in ngrams2:
            if (count_train[ng[-1]]>0): # for now, skip target words not seen in training
                pr = neurallm.prob(ng)
                LL += np.log(pr)
                N += 1

        if LL / N > best_LL:
            best_LL = LL / N

    return_result = {(params[0], params[1], params[2],): (it, best_LL)}

    with open('data/{}_{}_{}.pkl'.format(params[0], params[1], params[2]), 'w') as f:
Beispiel #2
def train_nn():

    np.random.seed(1)  # for reproducibility

    corpus_train = lm.readCorpus("data/train.txt")
    corpus_dev = lm.readCorpus("data/dev.txt")
    corpus_test = lm.readCorpus("data/test.txt")
    test_1 = lm.readCorpus("data/test_1.txt")
    test_2 = lm.readCorpus("data/test_2.txt")

    # build a common index (words to integers), mapping rare words (less than 5 occurences) to index 0
    # nwords = vocabulary size for the models that only see the indexes

    w2index, nwords = lm.buildIndex(corpus_train + corpus_dev + corpus_test + test_1 + test_2)

    # find words that appear in the training set so we can deal with new words separately
    count_train = np.zeros((nwords,))
    for snt in corpus_train:
        for w in snt:
            count_train[w2index[w]] += 1

    # Network model
    #print("\nNetwork model training:")
    n = 3    # Length of n-gram
    dim = 14   # Word vector dimension
    hdim = 38  # Hidden units
    neurallm = lm.neuralLM(dim, n, hdim, nwords)  # The network model

    ngrams = lm.ngramGen(corpus_train, w2index, n)
    ngrams_1 = lm.ngramGen(test_1, w2index, n)
    ngrams_2 = lm.ngramGen(test_2, w2index, n)

    lrate = 0.5  # Learning rate
    for it in xrange(8):  # passes through the training data
        LL, N = 0.0, 0  # Average log-likelihood, number of ngrams
        for ng in ngrams:
            pr = neurallm.update(ng, lrate)
            LL += np.log(pr)
            N += 1
        print('Train:\t{0}\tLL = {1}'.format(it, LL / N))

        #Dev set
        LL, N = 0.0, 0 # Average log-likelihood, number of ngrams
        for ng in ngrams_1:
            if (count_train[ng[-1]]>0): # for now, skip target words not seen in training
                pr = neurallm.prob(ng)
                LL += np.log(pr)
                N  += 1
        print('Test_1:\t{0}\tLL = {1}'.format(it, LL / N))

        #Dev set
        LL, N = 0.0, 0 # Average log-likelihood, number of ngrams
        for ng in ngrams_2:
            if (count_train[ng[-1]]>0): # for now, skip target words not seen in training
                pr = neurallm.prob(ng)
                LL += np.log(pr)
                N  += 1
        print('Test_2:\t{0}\tLL = {1}'.format(it, LL / N))
Beispiel #3
# build a common index (words to integers), mapping rare words (less than 5 occurences) to index 0
# nwords = vocabulary size for the models that only see the indexes

w2index, nwords = lm.buildIndex(corpus_train + corpus_dev + corpus_test)

# find words that appear in the training set so we can deal with new words separately
count_train = np.zeros((nwords,))
for snt in corpus_train:
    for w in snt:
        count_train[w2index[w]] += 1

# Bi-gram model as a baseline
alpha = 0.1  # add-alpha smoothing
probB = lm.bigramLM(corpus_train, w2index, nwords, alpha)
LLB, N = 0.0, 0
bi = lm.ngramGen(corpus_dev, w2index, 2)
for w in bi:
    if count_train[w[1]] > 0:  # for now, skip target words not seen in training
        LLB += np.log(probB[w[0], w[1]])
        N += 1
print("Bi-gram Dev LL = {0}".format(LLB / N))

# Network model
print("\nNetwork model training:")
n = 3  # Length of n-gram
dim = 10  # Word vector dimension
hdim = 30  # Hidden units
neurallm = lm.neuralLM(dim, n, hdim, nwords)  # The network model

ngrams = lm.ngramGen(corpus_train, w2index, n)
ngrams2 = lm.ngramGen(corpus_dev, w2index, n)