Beispiel #1
    def execute(self, obj):
        rst = []  #variable to receive the final list of shapes
        shp = obj.Base.Shape
        if obj.Mode == 'bypass':
            rst = [shp]
        elif obj.Mode == 'Compounds':
            rst = shp.Compounds
        elif obj.Mode == 'CompSolids':
            rst = shp.CompSolids
        elif obj.Mode == 'Solids':
            rst = shp.Solids
        elif obj.Mode == 'Shells':
            rst = shp.Shells
        elif obj.Mode == 'OpenWires':
            openWires = []
            shells = shp.Shells
            for shell in shells:
                openEdges = shell.getFreeEdges().childShapes()
                if len(openEdges) > 1:  # edges need to be fused into wires
                    wires = openEdges[0].multiFuse(openEdges[1:])
                    if wires.ShapeType == 'Compound':
                        wires = wires.childShapes()
                        wires = [wires]
                    wires = openEdges
            rst = openWires
        elif obj.Mode == 'Faces':
            rst = shp.Faces
        elif obj.Mode == 'Wires':
            rst = shp.Wires
        elif obj.Mode == 'Edges':
            rst = shp.Edges
        elif obj.Mode == 'Vertices':
            rst = shp.Vertexes
            raise ValueError('Downgrade mode not implemented:' + obj.Mode)

        if len(rst) == 0:
            scale = 1.0
            if not obj.Base.Shape.isNull():
                scale = obj.Base.Shape.BoundBox.DiagonalLength / math.sqrt(3)
            if scale < DistConfusion * 100:
                scale = 1.0
            obj.Shape = markers.getNullShapeShape(scale)
            raise ValueError(
                'Downgrade output is null'
            )  #Feeding empty compounds to FreeCAD seems to cause rendering issues, otherwise it would have been a good idea to output nothing.

        obj.Shape = Part.makeCompound(rst)
Beispiel #2
    def execute(self, obj):
        # please, don't override. Override derivedExecute instead.

        plms = self.derivedExecute(obj)

        if plms is not None:
            obj.NumElements = len(plms)
            shapes = []
            markerSize = obj.MarkerSize
            if markerSize < DistConfusion:
                markerSize = getMarkerSizeEstimate(plms)
            marker = latticeMarkers.getPlacementMarker(
                scale=markerSize, markerID=obj.MarkerShape)
            #FIXME: make hierarchy-aware
            if obj.SingleByDesign:
                if len(plms) != 1:
                        "Multiple placements are being fed, but object is single by design. Only fisrt placement will be used..."
                obj.Shape = marker.copy()
                obj.Placement = plms[0]
                for plm in plms:
                    sh = marker.copy()
                    sh.Placement = plm

                if len(shapes) == 0:
                    obj.Shape = latticeMarkers.getNullShapeShape(markerSize)
                    raise ValueError(
                        'Lattice object is null'
                    )  #Feeding empty compounds to FreeCAD seems to cause rendering issues, otherwise it would have been a good idea to output nothing.

                sh = Part.makeCompound(shapes)
                obj.Shape = sh

            if obj.isLattice == 'Auto-Off':
                obj.isLattice = 'Auto-On'

            # DerivedExecute didn't return anything. Thus we assume it
            # has assigned the shape, and thus we don't do anything.
            # Moreover, we assume that it is no longer a lattice object, so:
            if obj.isLattice == 'Auto-On':
                obj.isLattice = 'Auto-Off'
            obj.NumElements = len(obj.Shape.childShapes(False, False))

    def execute(self,obj):
        # please, don't override. Override derivedExecute instead.

        plms = self.derivedExecute(obj)

        if plms is not None:
            obj.NumElements = len(plms)
            shapes = []
            markerSize = obj.MarkerSize
            if markerSize < DistConfusion:
                markerSize = getMarkerSizeEstimate(plms)
            marker = latticeMarkers.getPlacementMarker(scale= markerSize, markerID= obj.MarkerShape)
            #FIXME: make hierarchy-aware
            if obj.SingleByDesign:
                if len(plms) != 1:
                    latticeExecuter.warning(obj,"Multiple placements are being fed, but object is single by design. Only fisrt placement will be used...")
                obj.Shape = marker.copy()
                obj.Placement = plms[0]
                for plm in plms:
                    sh = marker.copy()
                    sh.Placement = plm
                if len(shapes) == 0:
                    obj.Shape = latticeMarkers.getNullShapeShape(markerSize)
                    raise ValueError('Lattice object is null') #Feeding empty compounds to FreeCAD seems to cause rendering issues, otherwise it would have been a good idea to output nothing.
                sh = Part.makeCompound(shapes)
                obj.Shape = sh

            if obj.isLattice == 'Auto-Off':
                obj.isLattice = 'Auto-On'
            # DerivedExecute didn't return anything. Thus we assume it 
            # has assigned the shape, and thus we don't do anything.
            # Moreover, we assume that it is no longer a lattice object, so:
            if obj.isLattice == 'Auto-On':
                obj.isLattice = 'Auto-Off'
            obj.NumElements = len(obj.Shape.childShapes(False,False))
    def execute(self,obj):
        #validity check
        if isObjectLattice(obj.Base):
            import latticeExecuter
            latticeExecuter.warning(obj,"A generic shape is expected, but a lattice object was supplied. It will be treated as a generic shape.")

        rst = [] #variable to receive the final list of shapes
        shps = obj.Base.Shape.childShapes()
        if obj.FilterType == 'bypass':
            rst = shps
        elif obj.FilterType == 'specific items':
            rst = []
            flags = [False] * len(shps)
            ranges = obj.items.split(';')
            for r in ranges:
                r_v = r.split(':')
                if len(r_v) == 1:
                    i = int(r_v[0])
                    flags[i] = True
                elif len(r_v) == 2 or len(r_v) == 3:
                    ifrom = None   if len(r_v[0].strip()) == 0 else   int(r_v[0])                    
                    ito = None     if len(r_v[1].strip()) == 0 else   int(r_v[1])
                    istep = None   if len(r_v[2].strip()) == 0 else   int(r_v[2])
                    for b in flags[ifrom:ito:istep]:
                        b = True
                    raise ValueError('index range cannot be parsed:'+r)
            if obj.Invert :
                rst = []
                for i in xrange(0,len(shps)):
                    if not flags[i]:
        elif obj.FilterType == 'collision-pass':
            stencil = obj.Stencil.Shape
            for s in shps:
                d = s.distToShape(stencil)
                if bool(d[0] < DistConfusion) ^ bool(obj.Invert):
        elif obj.FilterType == 'window-volume' or obj.FilterType == 'window-area' or obj.FilterType == 'window-length' or obj.FilterType == 'window-distance':
            vals = [0.0] * len(shps)
            for i in xrange(0,len(shps)):
                if obj.FilterType == 'window-volume':
                    vals[i] = shps[i].Volume
                elif obj.FilterType == 'window-area':
                    vals[i] = shps[i].Area
                elif obj.FilterType == 'window-length':
                    vals[i] = shps[i].Length
                elif obj.FilterType == 'window-distance':
                    vals[i] = shps[i].distToShape(obj.Stencil.Shape)[0]
            maxval = max(vals)
            if obj.Stencil:
                if obj.FilterType == 'window-volume':
                    vals[i] = obj.Stencil.Shape.Volume
                elif obj.FilterType == 'window-area':
                    vals[i] = obj.Stencil.Shape.Area
                elif obj.FilterType == 'window-length':
                    vals[i] = obj.Stencil.Shape.Length
            if obj.OverrideMaxVal:
                maxval = obj.OverrideMaxVal
            valFrom = obj.WindowFrom / 100.0 * maxval
            valTo = obj.WindowTo / 100.0 * maxval
            for i in xrange(0,len(shps)):
                if bool(vals[i] >= valFrom and vals[i] <= valTo) ^ obj.Invert:
            raise ValueError('Filter mode not implemented:'+obj.FilterType)
        if len(rst) == 0:
            scale = 1.0
            if not obj.Base.Shape.isNull():
                scale = obj.Base.Shape.BoundBox.DiagonalLength/math.sqrt(3)/math.sqrt(len(shps))
            if scale < DistConfusion * 100:
                scale = 1.0
            print scale
            obj.Shape = markers.getNullShapeShape(scale)
            raise ValueError('Nothing passes through the filter') #Feeding empty compounds to FreeCAD seems to cause rendering issues, otherwise it would have been a good idea to output nothing.
        if len(rst) > 1:
            obj.Shape = Part.makeCompound(rst)
        else: # don't make compound of one shape, output it directly
            sh = rst[0]
            sh.transformShape(sh.Placement.toMatrix(),True) #True = make copy
            sh.Placement = FreeCAD.Placement()
            obj.Shape = sh
Beispiel #5
    def execute(self, obj):
        #validity check
        if isObjectLattice(obj.Base):
            import latticeExecuter
                "A generic shape is expected, but a lattice object was supplied. It will be treated as a generic shape."

        rst = []  #variable to receive the final list of shapes
        shps = obj.Base.Shape.childShapes()
        if obj.FilterType == 'bypass':
            rst = shps
        elif obj.FilterType == 'specific items':
            rst = []
            flags = [False] * len(shps)
            ranges = obj.items.split(';')
            for r in ranges:
                r_v = r.split(':')
                if len(r_v) == 1:
                    i = int(r_v[0])
                    flags[i] = True
                elif len(r_v) == 2 or len(r_v) == 3:
                    ifrom = None if len(r_v[0].strip()) == 0 else int(r_v[0])
                    ito = None if len(r_v[1].strip()) == 0 else int(r_v[1])
                    istep = None if len(r_v[2].strip()) == 0 else int(r_v[2])
                    rst = rst + shps[ifrom:ito:istep]
                    for b in flags[ifrom:ito:istep]:
                        b = True
                    raise ValueError('index range cannot be parsed:' + r)
            if obj.Invert:
                rst = []
                for i in xrange(0, len(shps)):
                    if not flags[i]:
        elif obj.FilterType == 'collision-pass':
            stencil = obj.Stencil.Shape
            for s in shps:
                d = s.distToShape(stencil)
                if bool(d[0] < DistConfusion) ^ bool(obj.Invert):
        elif obj.FilterType == 'window-volume' or obj.FilterType == 'window-area' or obj.FilterType == 'window-length' or obj.FilterType == 'window-distance':
            vals = [0.0] * len(shps)
            for i in xrange(0, len(shps)):
                if obj.FilterType == 'window-volume':
                    vals[i] = shps[i].Volume
                elif obj.FilterType == 'window-area':
                    vals[i] = shps[i].Area
                elif obj.FilterType == 'window-length':
                    vals[i] = shps[i].Length
                elif obj.FilterType == 'window-distance':
                    vals[i] = shps[i].distToShape(obj.Stencil.Shape)[0]

            maxval = max(vals)
            if obj.Stencil:
                if obj.FilterType == 'window-volume':
                    maxval = obj.Stencil.Shape.Volume
                elif obj.FilterType == 'window-area':
                    maxval = obj.Stencil.Shape.Area
                elif obj.FilterType == 'window-length':
                    maxval = obj.Stencil.Shape.Length
            if obj.OverrideMaxVal:
                maxval = obj.OverrideMaxVal

            valFrom = obj.WindowFrom / 100.0 * maxval
            valTo = obj.WindowTo / 100.0 * maxval

            for i in xrange(0, len(shps)):
                if bool(vals[i] >= valFrom and vals[i] <= valTo) ^ obj.Invert:
            raise ValueError('Filter mode not implemented:' + obj.FilterType)

        if len(rst) == 0:
            scale = 1.0
            if not obj.Base.Shape.isNull():
                scale = obj.Base.Shape.BoundBox.DiagonalLength / math.sqrt(
                    3) / math.sqrt(len(shps))
            if scale < DistConfusion * 100:
                scale = 1.0
            print scale
            obj.Shape = markers.getNullShapeShape(scale)
            raise ValueError(
                'Nothing passes through the filter'
            )  #Feeding empty compounds to FreeCAD seems to cause rendering issues, otherwise it would have been a good idea to output nothing.

        if len(rst) > 1:
            obj.Shape = Part.makeCompound(rst)
        else:  # don't make compound of one shape, output it directly
            sh = rst[0]
            sh.transformShape(sh.Placement.toMatrix(), True)  #True = make copy
            sh.Placement = FreeCAD.Placement()
            obj.Shape = sh
