def test_dictionary_with_str():
    orig = [{'foo': 'bar', 'fiz': ['b', 'u', 'z']}]
    norm = normalize_parameters(orig)
    expected = ({'foo': 'bar', 'fiz': ('b', 'u', 'z')}, )
    assert evaluate_parameters(LaunchContext(), norm) == expected

    orig = [{'foo': 'False', 'fiz': ['True', 'False', 'True']}]
    norm = normalize_parameters(orig)
    expected = ({'foo': 'False', 'fiz': ('True', 'False', 'True')}, )
    assert evaluate_parameters(LaunchContext(), norm) == expected

    orig = [{'foo': '1.2', 'fiz': ['2.3', '3.4', '4.5']}]
    norm = normalize_parameters(orig)
    expected = ({'foo': '1.2', 'fiz': ('2.3', '3.4', '4.5')}, )
    assert evaluate_parameters(LaunchContext(), norm) == expected

    orig = [{'foo': '1', 'fiz': ['2', '3', '4']}]
    norm = normalize_parameters(orig)
    expected = ({'foo': '1', 'fiz': ('2', '3', '4')}, )
    assert evaluate_parameters(LaunchContext(), norm) == expected

    orig = [{'strs': ['True', '2.0', '3']}]
    norm = normalize_parameters(orig)
    expected = ({'strs': ('True', '2.0', '3')}, )
    assert evaluate_parameters(LaunchContext(), norm) == expected
Beispiel #2
def test_launch_context_get_noninteractive():
    """Test the getting of noninteractive flag in the LaunchContext class."""
    lc = LaunchContext(noninteractive=True)
    assert lc.noninteractive

    lc = LaunchContext()
    assert not lc.noninteractive
def test_include_launch_description_launch_file_location():
    """Test the ability of the IncludeLaunchDescription class to set the launch file location."""
    ld = LaunchDescription()
    action = IncludeLaunchDescription(LaunchDescriptionSource(ld, '<script>'))
    assert 'IncludeLaunchDescription' in action.describe()
    assert isinstance(action.describe_sub_entities(), list)
    assert isinstance(action.describe_conditional_sub_entities(), list)
    lc1 = LaunchContext()
    # Result should only contain the launch description as there are no launch arguments.
    assert action.visit(lc1) == [ld]
    assert lc1.locals.current_launch_file_directory == '<script>'
    assert action.get_asyncio_future() is None

    this_file = os.path.abspath(__file__)
    ld2 = LaunchDescription()
    action2 = IncludeLaunchDescription(LaunchDescriptionSource(ld2, this_file))
    assert 'IncludeLaunchDescription' in action2.describe()
    assert isinstance(action2.describe_sub_entities(), list)
    assert isinstance(action2.describe_conditional_sub_entities(), list)
    lc2 = LaunchContext()
    # Result should only contain the launch description as there are no launch arguments.
    assert action2.visit(lc2) == [ld2]
    assert lc2.locals.current_launch_file_directory == os.path.dirname(
    assert action2.get_asyncio_future() is None
Beispiel #4
def test_dictionary_with_dissimilar_array():
    orig = [{'foo': 1, 'fiz': [True, 2.0, 3]}]
    norm = normalize_parameters(orig)
    expected = ({'foo': 1, 'fiz': ('True', '2.0', '3')}, )
    assert evaluate_parameters(LaunchContext(), norm) == expected

    orig = [{'foo': 1, 'fiz': [True, 1, TextSubstitution(text='foo')]}]
    norm = normalize_parameters(orig)
    expected = ({'foo': 1, 'fiz': ('True', '1', 'foo')}, )
    assert evaluate_parameters(LaunchContext(), norm) == expected

    orig = [{'foo': 1, 'fiz': [TextSubstitution(text='foo'), True, 1]}]
    norm = normalize_parameters(orig)
    expected = ({'foo': 1, 'fiz': ('foo', 'True', '1')}, )
    assert evaluate_parameters(LaunchContext(), norm) == expected

    orig = [{'foo': 1, 'fiz': [True, 1, [TextSubstitution(text='foo')]]}]
    norm = normalize_parameters(orig)
    expected = ({'foo': 1, 'fiz': ('True', '1', 'foo')}, )
    assert evaluate_parameters(LaunchContext(), norm) == expected

    orig = [{'foo': 1, 'fiz': [[TextSubstitution(text='foo')], True, 1]}]
    norm = normalize_parameters(orig)
    expected = ({'foo': 1, 'fiz': ('foo', 'True', '1')}, )
    assert evaluate_parameters(LaunchContext(), norm) == expected
def test_declare_launch_argument_execute():
    """Test the execute (or visit) of the DeclareLaunchArgument class."""
    action1 = DeclareLaunchArgument('name')
    lc1 = LaunchContext()
    with pytest.raises(RuntimeError) as excinfo:
    assert 'Required launch argument' in str(excinfo.value)

    lc1.launch_configurations['name'] = 'value'
    assert action1.visit(lc1) is None

    action2 = DeclareLaunchArgument('name', default_value='value')
    lc2 = LaunchContext()
    assert action2.visit(lc2) is None
    assert lc1.launch_configurations['name'] == 'value'

    action3 = DeclareLaunchArgument('name',
                                    choices=['var1', 'var2'])
    lc3 = LaunchContext()
    assert action3.visit(lc3) is None
    lc3.launch_configurations['name'] = 'invalid_value'
    with pytest.raises(RuntimeError) as excinfo:
        assert 'Valid options are: [var1, var2]' in str(excinfo.value)
    lc3.launch_configurations['name'] = 'var1'
    assert action3.visit(lc3) is None
    lc3.launch_configurations['name'] = 'var2'
    assert action3.visit(lc3) is None
def test_event_handler_handle_once():
    """Test the option for handling events once for the EventHandler class."""
    class MockEvent:

    mock_event = MockEvent()

    # Test handling multiple events with handle_once=False (default)
    eh_multiple = EventHandler(matcher=lambda event: True, handle_once=False)
    context_multiple = LaunchContext()
    eh_multiple.handle(mock_event, context_multiple)
    assert context_multiple.locals.event == mock_event
    # Attempt to handle a second event
    eh_multiple.handle(mock_event, context_multiple)

    # Test handling multiple events with handle_once=True
    eh_once = EventHandler(matcher=lambda event: True, handle_once=True)
    context_once = LaunchContext()
    eh_once.handle(mock_event, context_once)
    assert context_once.locals.event == mock_event
    # Attempt to handle a second event, this time expect ValueError because it is unregistered
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        eh_once.handle(mock_event, context_once)
def test_launch_context_get_argv():
    """Test the getting of argv in the LaunchContext class."""
    argv = ['a', 'b']
    lc = LaunchContext(argv=argv)
    assert lc.argv == argv

    lc = LaunchContext()
    assert lc.argv == []
def test_dictionary_with_substitution():
    orig = [{TextSubstitution(text='bar'): TextSubstitution(text='baz')}]
    norm = normalize_parameters(orig)
    expected = ({'bar': 'baz'}, )
    assert evaluate_parameters(LaunchContext(), norm) == expected

    # substitutions get yamlfied
    orig = [{TextSubstitution(text='false'): TextSubstitution(text='off')}]
    norm = normalize_parameters(orig)
    expected = ({'false': False}, )
    assert evaluate_parameters(LaunchContext(), norm) == expected
Beispiel #9
def test_declare_launch_argument_execute():
    """Test the execute (or visit) of the DeclareLaunchArgument class."""
    action1 = DeclareLaunchArgument('name')
    lc1 = LaunchContext()
    with pytest.raises(RuntimeError) as excinfo:
    assert 'Required launch argument' in str(excinfo.value)

    lc1.launch_configurations['name'] = 'value'
    assert action1.visit(lc1) is None

    action2 = DeclareLaunchArgument('name', default_value='value')
    lc2 = LaunchContext()
    assert action2.visit(lc2) is None
    assert lc1.launch_configurations['name'] == 'value'
Beispiel #10
def test_dictionary_with_substitution_list_value():
    orig = [{
        'foo': [TextSubstitution(text='fiz'),
    norm = normalize_parameters(orig)
    expected = ({'foo': 'fizbuz'}, )
    assert evaluate_parameters(LaunchContext(), norm) == expected

    orig = [{
        'foo': [[TextSubstitution(text='fiz')], [TextSubstitution(text='buz')]]
    norm = normalize_parameters(orig)
    expected = ({'foo': ('fiz', 'buz')}, )
    assert evaluate_parameters(LaunchContext(), norm) == expected
def test_push_and_pop_launch_configuration_execute():
    """Test the execute() of the PopLaunchConfigurations and PushLaunchConfigurations classes."""
    lc1 = LaunchContext()

    # does not change empty state
    assert len(lc1.launch_configurations) == 0
    assert len(lc1.launch_configurations) == 0

    # does not change single config
    lc1.launch_configurations['foo'] = 'FOO'
    assert len(lc1.launch_configurations) == 1
    assert 'foo' in lc1.launch_configurations
    assert lc1.launch_configurations['foo'] == 'FOO'
    assert len(lc1.launch_configurations) == 1
    assert 'foo' in lc1.launch_configurations
    assert lc1.launch_configurations['foo'] == 'FOO'

    # does scope additions
    lc2 = LaunchContext()
    lc2.launch_configurations['foo'] = 'FOO'
    assert len(lc2.launch_configurations) == 0
    assert 'foo' not in lc2.launch_configurations

    # does scope modifications
    lc3 = LaunchContext()
    lc3.launch_configurations['foo'] = 'FOO'
    lc3.launch_configurations['foo'] = 'BAR'
    assert len(lc3.launch_configurations) == 1
    assert 'foo' in lc3.launch_configurations
    assert lc3.launch_configurations['foo'] == 'FOO'

    # does scope deletions
    lc4 = LaunchContext()
    lc4.launch_configurations['foo'] = 'FOO'
    del lc4.launch_configurations['foo']
    assert len(lc4.launch_configurations) == 1
    assert 'foo' in lc4.launch_configurations
    assert lc4.launch_configurations['foo'] == 'FOO'
def test_launch_context_locals():
    """Test "locals" feature of LaunchContext class."""
    lc = LaunchContext()

    assert len(lc.get_locals_as_dict()) == 0

    lc.extend_locals({'foo': 1})

    assert 'foo' in lc.get_locals_as_dict()
    assert lc.get_locals_as_dict()['foo'] == 1
    assert == 1
    with pytest.raises(AttributeError): = 2

    assert == 1
    lc.extend_locals({'foo': 2, 'bar': 3})
    assert == 2
    assert == 3
    assert == 1
    with pytest.raises(AttributeError):
        assert == 3

    with pytest.raises(RuntimeError):
Beispiel #13
def test_unset_nonexistent_key():
    """Test that the UnsetEnvironmentVariable class doesn't raise an exception."""
    lc1 = LaunchContext()

    assert os.environ.get('ANOTHER_NONEXISTENT_KEY') is None
    assert os.environ.get('ANOTHER_NONEXISTENT_KEY') is None
Beispiel #14
def test_mixed_path_dicts():
    orig = ['/foo/bar', {'fiz': {'buz': 3}}, pathlib.Path('/tmp/baz')]
    norm = normalize_parameters(orig)
    expected = (pathlib.Path('/foo/bar'), {
        'fiz.buz': 3
    }, pathlib.Path('/tmp/baz'))
    assert evaluate_parameters(LaunchContext(), norm) == expected
Beispiel #15
def test_dictionary_with_int_and_float():
    orig = [{'foo': 1, 'fiz': [2, 3.1, 4]}]
    norm = normalize_parameters(orig)
    expected = ({'foo': 1, 'fiz': (2.0, 3.1, 4.0)}, )
    evaluated = evaluate_parameters(LaunchContext(), norm)
    assert evaluated == expected
    # pytest doesn't check int vs float type
    assert tuple(map(type, evaluated[0]['fiz'])) == (float, float, float)

    orig = [{'foo': 1, 'fiz': [2.0, 3, 4]}]
    norm = normalize_parameters(orig)
    expected = ({'foo': 1, 'fiz': (2.0, 3.0, 4.0)}, )
    evaluated = evaluate_parameters(LaunchContext(), norm)
    assert evaluated == expected
    # pytest doesn't check int vs float type
    assert tuple(map(type, evaluated[0]['fiz'])) == (float, float, float)
Beispiel #16
def test_set_and_unset_launch_configuration_execute():
    """Test the execute() of the SetLaunchConfiguration and UnsetLaunchConfiguration classes."""
    lc1 = LaunchContext()

    assert len(lc1.launch_configurations) == 0
    SetLaunchConfiguration('name', 'value').visit(lc1)
    assert len(lc1.launch_configurations) == 1
    assert 'name' in lc1.launch_configurations
    assert len(lc1.launch_configurations) == 0
    assert 'name' not in lc1.launch_configurations

    # use substitutions
    assert len(lc1.launch_configurations) == 0
    SetLaunchConfiguration('foo', 'FOO').visit(lc1)
    SetLaunchConfiguration(['name-', LaunchConfiguration('foo')], 'value').visit(lc1)
    assert len(lc1.launch_configurations) == 2
    assert any(c.startswith('name-') for c in lc1.launch_configurations)
    UnsetLaunchConfiguration(['name-', LaunchConfiguration('foo')]).visit(lc1)
    assert len(lc1.launch_configurations) == 1
    assert not any(c.startswith('name-') for c in lc1.launch_configurations)
    assert len(lc1.launch_configurations) == 0

    # unset a non-existent config does not fail
    assert len(lc1.launch_configurations) == 0
def test_include_python():
    """Test including Python, with and without explicit PythonLaunchDescriptionSource."""
    this_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
    simple_launch_file_path = os.path.join(this_dir, '..',

    # Explicitly construct with PythonLaunchDescriptionSource
    plds = PythonLaunchDescriptionSource(simple_launch_file_path)
    action0 = IncludeLaunchDescription(plds)

    # Construct action with path instead of PythonLaunchDescriptionSource object
    action1 = IncludeLaunchDescription(simple_launch_file_path)

    # The two actions should be equivalent
    for action in [action0, action1]:
        assert 'IncludeLaunchDescription' in action.describe()
        assert isinstance(action.describe_sub_entities(), list)
        assert isinstance(action.describe_conditional_sub_entities(), list)
        # Result should only contain a single launch description as there are no launch arguments.
        assert len(action.visit(LaunchContext())) == 1
        assert action.get_asyncio_future() is None
        assert len(action.launch_arguments) == 0

        assert action.launch_description_source.location == simple_launch_file_path
Beispiel #18
def test_set_and_unset_environment_variable_execute():
    """Test the execute() of the SetEnvironmentVariable and UnsetEnvironmentVariable classes."""
    lc1 = LaunchContext()

    # can set and overwrite environment variables
    if 'NONEXISTENT_KEY' in os.environ:
        del os.environ['NONEXISTENT_KEY']
    assert os.environ.get('NONEXISTENT_KEY') is None
    SetEnvironmentVariable('NONEXISTENT_KEY', 'value').visit(lc1)
    assert os.environ.get('NONEXISTENT_KEY') == 'value'
    SetEnvironmentVariable('NONEXISTENT_KEY', 'ANOTHER_NONEXISTENT_KEY').visit(lc1)
    assert os.environ.get('NONEXISTENT_KEY') == 'ANOTHER_NONEXISTENT_KEY'

    # can unset environment variables
    if 'ANOTHER_NONEXISTENT_KEY' in os.environ:
        del os.environ['ANOTHER_NONEXISTENT_KEY']
    assert os.environ.get('ANOTHER_NONEXISTENT_KEY') is None
    SetEnvironmentVariable('ANOTHER_NONEXISTENT_KEY', 'some value').visit(lc1)
    assert os.environ.get('ANOTHER_NONEXISTENT_KEY') == 'some value'
    assert os.environ.get('ANOTHER_NONEXISTENT_KEY') is None

    # set and unset with substitutions
    assert os.environ.get('ANOTHER_NONEXISTENT_KEY') is None
    assert os.environ.get('ANOTHER_NONEXISTENT_KEY') is None

    # cleanup environment variables
    if 'NONEXISTENT_KEY' in os.environ:
        del os.environ['NONEXISTENT_KEY']
def test_launch_context_perform_substitution():
    """Test performing substitutions with LaunchContext class."""
    lc = LaunchContext()

    from launch.substitutions import TextSubstitution

    sub = TextSubstitution(text='foo')
    assert lc.perform_substitution(sub) == 'foo'
Beispiel #20
def test_plain_text():
    lc = LaunchContext()
    rule = ('foo', 'bar')
    output_rule = normalize_remap_rule(rule)
    assert isinstance(output_rule, tuple)
    assert len(output_rule) == 2
    assert rule[0] == perform_substitutions(lc, output_rule[0])
    assert rule[1] == perform_substitutions(lc, output_rule[1])
Beispiel #21
def test_node_name_count():
    lc = LaunchContext()
    add_node_name(lc, 'node_name_1')
    add_node_name(lc, 'node_name_1')
    add_node_name(lc, 'node_name_2')
    assert get_node_name_count(lc, 'node_name_1') == 2
    assert get_node_name_count(lc, 'node_name_2') == 1
    assert get_node_name_count(lc, 'node_name_3') == 0
Beispiel #22
def test_include_launch_description_methods():
    """Test the methods of the IncludeLaunchDescription class."""
    ld = LaunchDescription()
    action = IncludeLaunchDescription(LaunchDescriptionSource(ld))
    assert 'IncludeLaunchDescription' in action.describe()
    assert isinstance(action.describe_sub_entities(), list)
    assert isinstance(action.describe_conditional_sub_entities(), list)
    assert action.visit(LaunchContext()) == [ld]
    assert action.get_asyncio_future() is None

    ld2 = LaunchDescription([action])
    action2 = IncludeLaunchDescription(LaunchDescriptionSource(ld2))
    assert 'IncludeLaunchDescription' in action2.describe()
    assert isinstance(action2.describe_sub_entities(), list)
    assert isinstance(action2.describe_conditional_sub_entities(), list)
    assert action2.visit(LaunchContext()) == [ld2]
    assert action2.get_asyncio_future() is None
Beispiel #23
def test_mixed_substitutions():
    lc = LaunchContext()
    rule = (('foo', 'bar'), ['bar', TextSubstitution(text='baz')])
    output_rule = normalize_remap_rule(rule)
    assert isinstance(output_rule, tuple)
    assert len(output_rule) == 2
    assert 'foobar' == perform_substitutions(lc, output_rule[0])
    assert 'barbaz' == perform_substitutions(lc, output_rule[1])
Beispiel #24
def test_include_launch_description_launch_arguments():
    """Test the interactions between declared launch arguments and IncludeLaunchDescription."""
    # test that arguments are set when given, even if they are not declared
    ld1 = LaunchDescription([])
    action1 = IncludeLaunchDescription(
        launch_arguments={'foo': 'FOO'}.items(),
    assert len(action1.launch_arguments) == 1
    lc1 = LaunchContext()
    result1 = action1.visit(lc1)
    assert len(result1) == 2
    assert isinstance(result1[0], SetLaunchConfiguration)
    assert perform_substitutions(lc1, result1[0].name) == 'foo'
    assert perform_substitutions(lc1, result1[0].value) == 'FOO'
    assert result1[1] == ld1

    # test that a declared argument that is not provided raises an error
    ld2 = LaunchDescription([DeclareLaunchArgument('foo')])
    action2 = IncludeLaunchDescription(LaunchDescriptionSource(ld2))
    lc2 = LaunchContext()
    with pytest.raises(RuntimeError) as excinfo2:
    assert 'Included launch description missing required argument' in str(

    # test that a declared argument that is not provided raises an error, but with other args set
    ld2 = LaunchDescription([DeclareLaunchArgument('foo')])
    action2 = IncludeLaunchDescription(
        launch_arguments={'not_foo': 'NOT_FOO'}.items(),
    lc2 = LaunchContext()
    with pytest.raises(RuntimeError) as excinfo2:
    assert 'Included launch description missing required argument' in str(
    assert 'not_foo' in str(excinfo2)

    # test that a declared argument with a default value that is not provided does not raise
    ld2 = LaunchDescription(
        [DeclareLaunchArgument('foo', default_value='FOO')])
    action2 = IncludeLaunchDescription(LaunchDescriptionSource(ld2))
    lc2 = LaunchContext()
def test_shutdown_reason():
    """Test the execute (or visit) of a Shutdown class that has a reason."""
    action = Shutdown(reason='test reason')
    context = LaunchContext()
    assert action.visit(context) is None
    assert context._event_queue.qsize() == 1
    event = context._event_queue.get_nowait()
    assert isinstance(event, ShutdownEvent)
    assert event.reason == 'test reason'
Beispiel #26
def test_this_launch_file_path_methods():
    """Test the methods of the ThisLaunchFileDir class."""
    tlfp = ThisLaunchFileDir()

    lc = LaunchContext()
    with pytest.raises(SubstitutionFailure):
    lc.extend_locals({'current_launch_file_directory': 'foo'})
    assert tlfp.perform(lc) == 'foo'
def test_shutdown_execute():
    """Test the execute (or visit) of the Shutdown class."""
    action = Shutdown()
    context = LaunchContext()
    assert context._event_queue.qsize() == 0
    assert action.visit(context) is None
    assert context._event_queue.qsize() == 1
    event = context._event_queue.get_nowait()
    assert isinstance(event, ShutdownEvent)
Beispiel #28
def test_python_launch_description_source():
    """Test the PythonLaunchDescriptionSource class."""
    this_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
    simple_launch_file_path = os.path.join(this_dir, '')
    plds = PythonLaunchDescriptionSource(simple_launch_file_path)
    assert 'python launch file' in plds.method
    assert 'launch.substitutions.text_substitution.TextSubstitution' in plds.location
    ld = plds.get_launch_description(LaunchContext())
    assert plds.location == simple_launch_file_path
    assert 0 == len(ld.entities)

    with pytest.raises(InvalidPythonLaunchFileError):
        plds = PythonLaunchDescriptionSource(
            os.path.join(this_dir, ''))
        ld = plds.get_launch_description(LaunchContext())

    with pytest.raises(FileNotFoundError):
        plds = PythonLaunchDescriptionSource('does_not_exist')
        ld = plds.get_launch_description(LaunchContext())
Beispiel #29
def test_node_name():
    node_object = LifecycleNode(
    lc = LaunchContext()
    assert node_object.is_node_name_fully_specified() is True
Beispiel #30
def test_visit_all_entities_and_collect_futures_no_future():
    """Test with an entity that has no future."""
    context = LaunchContext()

    class MockEntityDescriptionNoFuture(LaunchDescriptionEntity):

    visit_no_future_result = visit_all_entities_and_collect_futures(
        MockEntityDescriptionNoFuture(), context)
    assert 0 == len(visit_no_future_result)