def initNetwork():

	# Initialize neural network
	# The parameter sendt in is the learningRate of ther neural network,
	# in this case we set it to 0.001
	nn = ConvolutionalNeuralNetwork(0.001)

	# Layer 0, the input layer
	layer0 = Layer("layer0")

	# Creates the neurons in the layer0 and adds them into the layer. 
	for i in range(0,841):
	# Adds the layer into the neural network

	# Layer 1: Convolutional layer
	# 6 feature maps. Each feature map is 13x13, and each unit in the feature map is a 5x5 convolutional kernel 
	# from the input layer.
	# So there are 13x13x6 = 1014 neurons, (5x5+1)x6 weights
	layer1 = Layer("layer1")

	# Sets the previous layer as layer0

	# Add the neurons
	for i in range(0,1014):

	# Add weights from layer0 to layer1
	for i in range(0,156):
		# Uniform random distribution
		initWeight = 0.05*random.uniform(-1,1)



	# interconnections with previous layer: this is difficult
	# The previous layer is a top-down bitmap
	# image that has been padded to size 29x29
	# Each neuron in this layer is connected
	# to a 5x5 kernel in its feature map, which 
	# is also a top-down bitmap of size 13x13. 
	# We move the kernel by TWO pixels, i.e., we
	# skip every other pixel in the input image

	kernelTemplate = [0,1,2,3,4,29,30,31,32,33,58,59,60,61,62,87,88,89,90,91,116,117,118,119,120]

	#Feature maps
	for fm in range(0,6):

		for i in range(0,13):

			for j in range(0,13):

				# 26 is the number of weights per featuremaps
				iNumWeights = fm * 26;

				# Bias weight
				iNumWeights +=1

				for k in range(0,25):

					iNumWeights +=1

	# Add layer to network

	# Layer two: This layer is a convolutional layer 
	# 50 feature maps. Each feature map is 5x5, and each unit in the feature maps is a 5x5 convolutional kernel of
	# corresponding areas of all 6 of the previous layers, each of which is a 13x13 feature map. 
	# So, there are 5x5x50 = 1250 neurons, (5X5+1)x6x50 = 7800 weights

	layer2 = Layer("layer2")

	# Add the neurons
	for i in range(0,1250):

	# Add weights
	for i in range(0,7800):
		# Uniform random distribution
		initWeight = 0.05*random.uniform(-1,1)


	# Interconnections with previous layer: this is difficult
    # Each feature map in the previous layer
    # is a top-down bitmap image whose size
    # is 13x13, and there are 6 such feature maps.
    # Each neuron in one 5x5 feature map of this 
    # layer is connected to a 5x5 kernel
    # positioned correspondingly in all 6 parent
    # feature maps, and there are individual
    # weights for the six different 5x5 kernels.  As
    # before, we move the kernel by TWO pixels, i.e., we
    # skip every other pixel in the input image.
    # The result is 50 different 5x5 top-down bitmap
    # feature maps

	kernelTemplate = [0,  1,  2,  3,  4,13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30,39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56 ]

	for fm in range(0,50):

		for i in range(0,5):

			for j in range(0,5):

				 # 26 is the number of weights per featuremaps
				iNumWeight = fm * 26;

				# Bias weight
				iNumWeight +=1

				for k in range(0,25):

					layer2.neurons[fm*25+j+i*5].addConnection(	    2*j+26*i+kernelTemplate[k],iNumWeight)
					iNumWeight +=1
					layer2.neurons[fm*25+j+i*5].addConnection(169 + 2*j+26*i+kernelTemplate[k],iNumWeight)
					iNumWeight +=1
					layer2.neurons[fm*25+j+i*5].addConnection(338 + 2*j+26*i+kernelTemplate[k],iNumWeight)
					iNumWeight +=1
					layer2.neurons[fm*25+j+i*5].addConnection(507 + 2*j+26*i+kernelTemplate[k],iNumWeight)
					iNumWeight +=1
					layer2.neurons[fm*25+j+i*5].addConnection(676 + 2*j+26*i+kernelTemplate[k],iNumWeight)
					iNumWeight +=1
					layer2.neurons[fm*25+j+i*5].addConnection(845 + 2*j+26*i+kernelTemplate[k],iNumWeight)
					iNumWeight +=1

	# add layer to network

	# layer three:
    # This layer is a fully-connected layer
    # with 100 neurons.  Since it is fully-connected,
    # each of the 100 neurons in the
    # layer is connected to all 1250 neurons in
    # the previous layer.
    # So, there are 100 neurons and 100*(1250+1)=125100 weights
	layer3 = Layer("layer3")

	# Add the neurons
	for i in range(0,100):

	# Add wights
	for i in range(0,125100):
		# Uniform random distribution
		initWeight = 0.05*random.uniform(-1,1)


	# Interconnections with previous layer: fully-connected

	iNumWeight = 0 # Weights are not shared in this layer

	for fm in range(0,100):
		layer3.neurons[fm].addConnection(-10000,iNumWeight) #bias

		for i in range(0,1250):

			layer3.neurons[fm].addConnection(i,iNumWeight) #bias

	# Add layer to network

	# layer four, the final (output) layer:
    # This layer is a fully-connected layer
    # with 10 units.  Since it is fully-connected,
    # each of the 10 neurons in the layer
    # is connected to all 100 neurons in
    # the previous layer.
    # So, there are 10 neurons and 10*(100+1)=1010 weights

	layer4 = Layer("layer4")


	# Add the neurons
	for i in range(0,10):

	# Add wights
	for i in range(0,1010):
		# Uniform random distribution
		initWeight = 0.05*random.uniform(-1,1)


	# Interconnections with previous layer: fully-connected

	iNumWeight = 0 # Weights are not shared in this layer

	for fm in range(0,10):

		layer4.neurons[fm].addConnection(-10000,iNumWeight) #bias

		for i in range(0,100):

			layer4.neurons[fm].addConnection(i,iNumWeight) #bias

	# Add layer to network

	print "NN structure:"
	print "Layer 0:",len(nn.layers[0].neurons)
	print "Layer 1:",len(nn.layers[1].neurons)
	print "Layer 2:",len(nn.layers[2].neurons)
	print "Layer 3:",len(nn.layers[3].neurons)
	print "Layer 4:",len(nn.layers[4].neurons)
	print "\n"
	return nn
def initNetwork(nk1, nk2, nN3):

    numKernelOne = nk1
    numKernelTwo = nk2

    numNeuronsThree = nN3
    numNeuronsFour = 10

    # Initialize neural network
    # The parameter sendt in is the learningRate of ther neural network,
    # in this case we set it to 0.001
    nn = ConvolutionalNeuralNetwork(0.001)

    # Layer 0, the input layer
    numNeuronsZero = 841
    layer0 = Layer("layer0", numNeuronsZero)

    # Creates the neurons in the layer0 and adds them into the layer.
    for i in range(0, numNeuronsZero):

    # Adds the layer into the neural network

    # Layer 1: Convolutional layer
    # 6 feature maps. Each feature map is 13x13, and each unit in the feature map is a 5x5 convolutional kernel
    # from the input layer.
    # So there are 13x13x6 = 1014 neurons, (5x5+1)x6 weights
    numNeuronsOne = 13 * 13 * numKernelOne
    numWeightsOne = (5 * 5 + 1) * numKernelOne

    layer1 = Layer("layer1", numNeuronsOne)

    # Sets the previous layer as layer0

    # Add the neurons
    for i in range(0, numNeuronsOne):

    # Add weights from layer0 to layer1
    for i in range(0, numWeightsOne):
        # Uniform random distribution
        initWeight = 0.05 * random.uniform(-1, 1)


    # interconnections with previous layer: this is difficult
    # The previous layer is a top-down bitmap
    # image that has been padded to size 29x29
    # Each neuron in this layer is connected
    # to a 5x5 kernel in its feature map, which
    # is also a top-down bitmap of size 13x13.
    # We move the kernel by TWO pixels, i.e., we
    # skip every other pixel in the input image

    kernelTemplate = [
        0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 87, 88, 89, 90,
        91, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120

    #Feature maps
    for fm in range(0, numKernelOne):

        for i in range(0, 13):

            for j in range(0, 13):

                # 26 is the number of weights per featuremaps
                iNumWeights = fm * 26

                # Bias weight
                layer1.neurons[fm * 169 + j + i * 13].addConnection(
                    -10000, iNumWeights)
                iNumWeights += 1

                for k in range(0, 25):

                    layer1.neurons[fm * 169 + j + i * 13].addConnection(
                        2 * j + 58 * i + kernelTemplate[k], iNumWeights)
                    iNumWeights += 1

    # Add layer to network

    # Layer two: This layer is a convolutional layer
    # 50 feature maps. Each feature map is 5x5, and each unit in the feature maps is a 5x5 convolutional kernel of
    # corresponding areas of all 6 of the previous layers, each of which is a 13x13 feature map.
    # So, there are 5x5x50 = 1250 neurons, (5X5+1)x6x50 = 7800 weights

    numNeuronsTwo = 5 * 5 * numKernelTwo
    numWeightsTwo = (5 * 5 + 1) * numKernelTwo * numKernelOne

    layer2 = Layer("layer2", numNeuronsTwo)


    # Add the neurons
    for i in range(0, numNeuronsTwo):

    # Add weights
    for i in range(0, numWeightsTwo):
        # Uniform random distribution
        initWeight = 0.05 * random.uniform(-1, 1)


    # Interconnections with previous layer: this is difficult
    # Each feature map in the previous layer
    # is a top-down bitmap image whose size
    # is 13x13, and there are 6 such feature maps.
    # Each neuron in one 5x5 feature map of this
    # layer is connected to a 5x5 kernel
    # positioned correspondingly in all 6 parent
    # feature maps, and there are individual
    # weights for the six different 5x5 kernels.  As
    # before, we move the kernel by TWO pixels, i.e., we
    # skip every other pixel in the input image.
    # The result is 50 different 5x5 top-down bitmap
    # feature maps

    kernelTemplate = [
        0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 39, 40, 41, 42,
        43, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56

    for fm in range(0, numKernelTwo):

        for i in range(0, 5):

            for j in range(0, 5):

                # 26 is the number of weights per featuremaps
                iNumWeight = fm * 26

                # Bias weight
                layer2.neurons[fm * 25 + j + i * 5].addConnection(
                    -10000, iNumWeight)
                iNumWeight += 1

                for k in range(0, 25):

                    for f in range(0, numKernelOne):
                        layer2.neurons[fm * 25 + j + i * 5].addConnection(
                            169 * f + 2 * j + 26 * i + kernelTemplate[k],
                        iNumWeight += 1

                    # layer2.neurons[fm*25+j+i*5].addConnection(	    2*j+26*i+kernelTemplate[k],iNumWeight)
                    # iNumWeight +=1
                    # layer2.neurons[fm*25+j+i*5].addConnection(169 + 2*j+26*i+kernelTemplate[k],iNumWeight)
                    # iNumWeight +=1
                    # layer2.neurons[fm*25+j+i*5].addConnection(338 +  2*j+26*i+kernelTemplate[k],iNumWeight)
                    # iNumWeight +=1
                    # layer2.neurons[fm*25+j+i*5].addConnection(507 + 2*j+26*i+kernelTemplate[k],iNumWeight)
                    # iNumWeight +=1
                    # layer2.neurons[fm*25+j+i*5].addConnection(676 +  2*j+26*i+kernelTemplate[k],iNumWeight)
                    # iNumWeight +=1
                    # layer2.neurons[fm*25+j+i*5].addConnection(856 + 2*j+26*i+kernelTemplate[k],iNumWeight)
                    # iNumWeight +=1
                    # layer2.neurons[fm*25+j+i*5].addConnection(1014 +  2*j+26*i+kernelTemplate[k],iNumWeight)
                    # iNumWeight +=1
                    # layer2.neurons[fm*25+j+i*5].addConnection(1183 + 2*j+26*i+kernelTemplate[k],iNumWeight)
                    # iNumWeight +=1
                    # layer2.neurons[fm*25+j+i*5].addConnection(1352 + 2*j+26*i+kernelTemplate[k],iNumWeight)
                    # iNumWeight +=1
                    # layer2.neurons[fm*25+j+i*5].addConnection(1521 + 2*j+26*i+kernelTemplate[k],iNumWeight)
                    # iNumWeight +=1

    # add layer to network
	layer three:
    This layer is a fully-connected layer
    with 100 neurons.  Since it is fully-connected,
    each of the 100 neurons in the
    layer is connected to all 1250 neurons in
    the previous layer.
    So, there are 100 neurons and 100*(1250+1)=125100 weights

    numWeightsThree = numNeuronsThree * (numNeuronsTwo + 1)

    layer3 = Layer("layer3", numNeuronsThree)


    # Add the neurons
    for i in range(0, numNeuronsThree):

    # Add wights
    for i in range(0, numWeightsThree):
        # Uniform random distribution
        initWeight = 0.05 * random.uniform(-1, 1)


    # Interconnections with previous layer: fully-connected

    iNumWeight = 0  # Weights are not shared in this layer

    for fm in range(0, numNeuronsThree):
        layer3.neurons[fm].addConnection(-10000, iNumWeight)  #bias
        iNumWeight += 1

        for i in range(0, numNeuronsTwo):

            layer3.neurons[fm].addConnection(i, iNumWeight)  #bias
            iNumWeight += 1

    # Add layer to network

    # layer four, the final (output) layer:
    # This layer is a fully-connected layer
    # with 10 units.  Since it is fully-connected,
    # each of the 10 neurons in the layer
    # is connected to all 100 neurons in
    # the previous layer.
    # So, there are 10 neurons and 10*(100+1)=1010 weights

    numWeightsFour = numNeuronsFour * (numWeightsThree + 1)

    layer4 = Layer("layer4", numNeuronsFour)


    # Add the neurons
    for i in range(0, numNeuronsFour):

    # Add wights
    for i in range(0, numWeightsFour):
        # Uniform random distribution
        initWeight = 0.05 * random.uniform(-1, 1)


    # Interconnections with previous layer: fully-connected

    iNumWeight = 0  # Weights are not shared in this layer

    for fm in range(0, numNeuronsFour):

        layer4.neurons[fm].addConnection(-10000, iNumWeight)  #bias
        iNumWeight += 1

        for i in range(0, numNeuronsThree):

            layer4.neurons[fm].addConnection(i, iNumWeight)  #bias
            iNumWeight += 1

    # Add layer to network

    print "NN structure:"
    print "Layer 0:", len(nn.layers[0].neurons)
    print "Layer 1:", len(nn.layers[1].neurons)
    print "Layer 2:", len(nn.layers[2].neurons)
    print "Layer 3:", len(nn.layers[3].neurons)
    print "Layer 4:", len(nn.layers[4].neurons)
    print "\n"

    return nn