Beispiel #1
def build_model(t_params, n_dim_img, n_dim_txt, n_dim_enc, n_dim_dec, n_dim_vocab, optimizer):
    Build the whole model for training
    x = tensor.tensor3('x', config.floatX)
    mask_x = tensor.matrix('mask_x', 'int8')
    # Encoder(s) and initialization of hidden layer
    enc = gru(mask_x, dropout(x), t_params, n_dim_img, n_dim_enc, 'enc')[-1]
    init_h = tensor.tanh(dense(enc, t_params, n_dim_enc, n_dim_dec, 'init_h'))

    y = tensor.matrix('y', 'int32')
    mask_y = tensor.matrix('mask_y', 'int8')
    n_steps, n_samples = y.shape
    # Word embedding
    emb = embedding(y, t_params, n_dim_vocab, n_dim_txt, 'emb').reshape((n_steps, n_samples, n_dim_txt))[: -1]
    emb = tensor.concatenate([tensor.zeros((1, n_samples, n_dim_txt), config.floatX), emb])
    # Decoder(s)
    dec = gru(mask_y, emb, t_params, n_dim_txt, n_dim_dec, 'dec', init_h=init_h)
    # Full-connected layer
    fc = dense(dropout(dec), t_params, n_dim_dec, n_dim_vocab, 'fc')
    # Classifier
    prob = tensor.nnet.softmax(fc.reshape((n_steps * n_samples, n_dim_vocab)))
    # Cost function
    cost = prob[tensor.arange(n_steps * n_samples), y.flatten()].reshape((n_steps, n_samples))
    cost = ((-tensor.log(cost + 1e-6) * mask_y).sum(0) / mask_y.astype(config.floatX).sum(0)).mean()
    grads = tensor.grad(cost, list(t_params.values()))
    f_cost, f_update = optimizer(tensor.scalar('lr'), t_params, grads, [x, mask_x, y, mask_y], cost)

    return f_cost, f_update
Beispiel #2
def build_dec(t_params, n_dim_txt, n_dim_enc, n_dim_dec, n_dim_vocab,
    Build the decoder for texts
    def _step(_prob):
        _y = _prob.argmax(-1)
        _log_prob = tensor.log(_prob[tensor.arange(_y.shape[0]), _y] + 1e-6)
        tensor.set_subtensor(_prob[tensor.arange(_y.shape[0]), _y], 0)

        return _y, _log_prob

    y = tensor.vector('y', 'int32')
    init_h = tensor.matrix('init_h', config.floatX)
    n_samples = y.shape[0]
    # Word embedding
    emb = tensor.switch(y[:, None] < 0,
                        tensor.zeros((n_samples, n_dim_txt), config.floatX),
                        embedding(y, t_params, n_dim_vocab, n_dim_txt, 'emb'))
    # Decoder(s) - Initialization of hidden layer in the next step
    next_h = gru(tensor.ones_like(y, 'int8'), emb, t_params, n_dim_txt,
                 n_dim_dec, 'dec', True, init_h)
    # Full-connected layer
    fc = dense(0.5 * next_h, t_params, n_dim_dec, n_dim_vocab, 'fc')
    # Classifier
    prob = tensor.nnet.softmax(fc)
    # Hypo words
    [next_y, next_log_prob], _ = theano.scan(_step,

    return theano.function([y, init_h], [next_y, next_log_prob, next_h],
def build_dec(t_params, n_dim_txt, n_dim_enc, n_dim_dec, n_dim_vocab, beam_size):
    Build the decoder for texts
    def _step(_prob):
        _y = _prob.argmax(-1)
        _log_prob = tensor.log(_prob[tensor.arange(_y.shape[0]), _y] + 1e-6)
        tensor.set_subtensor(_prob[tensor.arange(_y.shape[0]), _y], 0)

        return _y, _log_prob

    y = tensor.vector('y', 'int32')
    init_h = tensor.matrix('init_h', config.floatX)
    n_samples = y.shape[0]
    # Word embedding
    emb = tensor.switch(y[:, None] < 0, tensor.zeros((n_samples, n_dim_txt), config.floatX), embedding(y, t_params, n_dim_vocab, n_dim_txt, 'emb'))
    # Decoder(s) - Initialization of hidden layer in the next step
    next_h = gru(tensor.ones_like(y, 'int8'), emb, t_params, n_dim_txt, n_dim_dec, 'dec', True, init_h)
    # Full-connected layer
    fc = dense(0.5 * next_h, t_params, n_dim_dec, n_dim_vocab, 'fc')
    # Classifier
    prob = tensor.nnet.softmax(fc)
    # Hypo words
    [next_y, next_log_prob], _ = theano.scan(_step, non_sequences=prob, n_steps=beam_size)

    return theano.function([y, init_h], [next_y, next_log_prob, next_h], name='f_dec')
def prediction_network(x_h, x_m, test=False):
    with tf.variable_scope("network") as sc:
        if test:

        with tf.variable_scope("hand"):
            flat_h = network_arm(x_h)
        with tf.variable_scope("main"):
            flat_m = network_arm(x_m)

        combined = tf.concat(2, [flat_h, flat_m])
        combined, past, future = fork(combined)
        encoded = gru_last(combined, 512 * 2, 1, batch_size, "lstm_encoder")

        decoded_past = gru(combined, 512, 1, batch_size, "lstm_past")
        decoded_future = gru(combined, 512, 1, batch_size, "lstm_future")

        return tf.add(tf.nn.l2_loss(tf.sub(decoded_past, past)),
                      tf.nn.l2_loss(tf.sub(decoded_future, future)))
Beispiel #5
def build_enc(t_params, n_dim_img, n_dim_enc, n_dim_dec):
    Build the encoder for images
    x = tensor.tensor3('x', config.floatX)
    mask_x = tensor.matrix('mask_x', 'int8')
    # Encoder(s) and initialization of hidden layer
    enc = gru(mask_x, 0.5 * x, t_params, n_dim_img, n_dim_enc, 'enc')[-1]
    init_h = tensor.tanh(dense(enc, t_params, n_dim_enc, n_dim_dec, 'init_h'))

    return theano.function([x, mask_x], [init_h], name='f_enc')
def build_enc(t_params, n_dim_img, n_dim_enc, n_dim_dec):
    Build the encoder for images
    x = tensor.tensor3('x', config.floatX)
    mask_x = tensor.matrix('mask_x', 'int8')
    # Encoder(s) and initialization of hidden layer
    enc = gru(mask_x, 0.5 * x, t_params, n_dim_img, n_dim_enc, 'enc')[-1]
    init_h = tensor.tanh(dense(enc, t_params, n_dim_enc, n_dim_dec, 'init_h'))

    return theano.function([x, mask_x], [init_h], name='f_enc')
Beispiel #7
def build_model(t_params, n_dim_img, n_dim_txt, n_dim_enc, n_dim_dec,
                n_dim_vocab, optimizer):
    Build the whole model for training
    x = tensor.tensor3('x', config.floatX)
    mask_x = tensor.matrix('mask_x', 'int8')
    # Encoder(s) and initialization of hidden layer
    enc = gru(mask_x, dropout(x), t_params, n_dim_img, n_dim_enc, 'enc')[-1]
    init_h = tensor.tanh(dense(enc, t_params, n_dim_enc, n_dim_dec, 'init_h'))

    y = tensor.matrix('y', 'int32')
    mask_y = tensor.matrix('mask_y', 'int8')
    n_steps, n_samples = y.shape
    # Word embedding
    emb = embedding(y, t_params, n_dim_vocab, n_dim_txt, 'emb').reshape(
        (n_steps, n_samples, n_dim_txt))[:-1]
    emb = tensor.concatenate(
        [tensor.zeros((1, n_samples, n_dim_txt), config.floatX), emb])
    # Decoder(s)
    dec = gru(mask_y,
    # Full-connected layer
    fc = dense(dropout(dec), t_params, n_dim_dec, n_dim_vocab, 'fc')
    # Classifier
    prob = tensor.nnet.softmax(fc.reshape((n_steps * n_samples, n_dim_vocab)))
    # Cost function
    cost = prob[tensor.arange(n_steps * n_samples),
                y.flatten()].reshape((n_steps, n_samples))
    cost = ((-tensor.log(cost + 1e-6) * mask_y).sum(0) /
    grads = tensor.grad(cost, list(t_params.values()))
    f_cost, f_update = optimizer(tensor.scalar('lr'), t_params, grads,
                                 [x, mask_x, y, mask_y], cost)

    return f_cost, f_update
def build_dec(t_params, n_dim_txt, n_dim_enc, n_dim_dec, n_dim_vocab):
    Build the decoder for texts
    y = tensor.vector('y', 'int32')
    prev_h = tensor.matrix('init_h', config.floatX)
    n_samples = y.shape[0]
    # Word embedding
    emb = tensor.switch(y[:, None] < 0, tensor.zeros((n_samples, n_dim_txt), config.floatX), embedding(y, t_params, n_dim_vocab, n_dim_txt, 'emb'))
    # Decoder(s) - Initialization of hidden layer in the next step
    next_h = gru(tensor.ones_like(y, 'int8'), emb, t_params, n_dim_txt, n_dim_dec, 'dec', True, prev_h)
    # Full-connected layer
    fc = dense(0.5 * next_h, t_params, n_dim_dec, n_dim_vocab, 'fc')
    # Classifier
    prob = tensor.nnet.softmax(fc)

    return theano.function([y, prev_h], [prob.argmax(-1), next_h], name='f_dec')
def build_dec(t_params, n_dim_txt, n_dim_enc, n_dim_dec, n_dim_vocab):
    Build the decoder for texts
    y = tensor.vector('y', 'int32')
    prev_h = tensor.matrix('init_h', config.floatX)
    n_samples = y.shape[0]
    # Word embedding
    emb = tensor.switch(y[:, None] < 0,
                        tensor.zeros((n_samples, n_dim_txt), config.floatX),
                        embedding(y, t_params, n_dim_vocab, n_dim_txt, 'emb'))
    # Decoder(s) - Initialization of hidden layer in the next step
    next_h = gru(tensor.ones_like(y, 'int8'), emb, t_params, n_dim_txt,
                 n_dim_dec, 'dec', True, prev_h)
    # Full-connected layer
    fc = dense(0.5 * next_h, t_params, n_dim_dec, n_dim_vocab, 'fc')
    # Classifier
    prob = tensor.nnet.softmax(fc)

    return theano.function([y, prev_h], [prob.argmax(-1), next_h],