def POST(self): x = web.input(myfile={}) filedir = "static/upload" if 'myfile' in x: # to check if the file-object is created # replaces the windows-style slashes with linux ones. filepath = x.myfile.filename.replace('\\', '/') # splits the and chooses the last part (the filename with extension) filename = filepath.split('/')[-1] # creates the file where the uploaded file should be stored fullpath = filedir + '/' + lazy.getYmdhms() + '.xls' fout = open(fullpath, 'wb') #使用 wb 是为了在windows下能正确的上传文件。 # writes the uploaded file to the newly created file. fout.write( # closes the file, upload complete. fout.close() # 去预览数据,并进行挑选 print fullpath print unicode('/previewPage?filename=') print unicode(fullpath) raise web.seeother('/previewPage?filename=' + fullpath)
def POST(self): x = web.input(myfile={}) filedir = "static/upload" if "myfile" in x: # to check if the file-object is created # replaces the windows-style slashes with linux ones. filepath = x.myfile.filename.replace("\\", "/") # splits the and chooses the last part (the filename with extension) filename = filepath.split("/")[-1] # creates the file where the uploaded file should be stored fullpath = filedir + "/" + lazy.getYmdhms() + ".xls" fout = open(fullpath, "wb") # 使用 wb 是为了在windows下能正确的上传文件。 # writes the uploaded file to the newly created file. fout.write( # closes the file, upload complete. fout.close() # 去预览数据,并进行挑选 print fullpath print unicode("/previewPage?filename=") print unicode(fullpath) raise web.seeother("/previewPage?filename=" + fullpath)
def POST(self): flag = True runData = {'runFlag': True, 'showMsg': 'OK'} ''' 先上传文件,再检查文件, 包括格式、内容、以及是否和数据库中已有内容冲突, 如果不正确,报错,要求重新上传正确文件; 如果正确,把内容灌入DB。 灌入数据完成后,将全部机型代码显示在页面上。 ''' # 上传文件 x = web.input(myfile={}) filedir = "static/upload" if 'myfile' in x: # replaces the windows-style slashes with linux ones. filepath = x.myfile.filename.replace('\\', '/') # splits the and chooses the last part (the filename with extension) filename = filepath.split('/')[-1] # creates the file where the uploaded file should be stored fullpath = filedir + '/' + getYmdhms() + '.txt' print fullpath fout = open(fullpath, 'wb') #使用 wb 是为了在windows下能正确的上传文件。 # writes the uploaded file to the newly created file. fout.write( fout.close() else: runData['showMsg'] = '上传文件出错。' return render.err(runData) # 存放合法数据的列表 infos = [] # 检查数据 phoneInfoFile = open(fullpath, 'r') phoneInfoLine = phoneInfoFile.readlines() phoneInfoFile.close() for i, line in enumerate(phoneInfoLine): line = line.strip() if len(line) == 0: continue #空行直接跳过 else: info = line.split(None, 1) # 用第一个空格分成两个部分 if len(info) < 2: # 格式不对,报错 runData['showMsg'] = '文件格式错误。在第 %d 行:%s' % (i, line) return render.err(runData) else: infos.append(info) con = getConn() cur = con.cursor() # 检查是否和DB中已有数据冲突。 for i, info in enumerate(infos): strSql = "SELECT * from phone_info WHERE phone_name='%s'" % info[1] print strSql cur.execute(strSql) if cur.fetchone(): # 机型代码和DB中已有数据冲突,报错 runData['showMsg'] = '数据错误,机型名称已经存在,在第 %d 条数据: %s %s' % ( i + 1, info[0], info[1]) cur.close() con.close() return render.err(runData) # 内容灌入DB for info in infos: strSql = "insert into phone_info (phone_no, phone_name) values ('%s','%s') " % ( info[0], info[1]) print strSql cur.execute(strSql) con.commit() # 将DB中的全部机型信息取出 allPhoneInfo = [] # strSql = "select phone_no, phone_name from phone_info order by phone_no " strSql = "select phone_no, phone_name from phone_info order by rowid DESC " print strSql cur.execute(strSql) for record in cur: phone = dict() phone['phone_no'] = record[0] phone['phone_name'] = record[1] allPhoneInfo.append(phone) cur.close() con.close() runData['AllPhoneInfo'] = allPhoneInfo runData['showMsg'] = '增加机型信息成功' return render.phoneInfo(runData)
def POST(self): flag = True runData = {"runFlag": True, "showMsg": "OK"} req = web.input() # 检查必填项是否都有值 mustName = ["report_type", "filename"] for name in mustName: if req.has_key(name): flag = True else: flag = False if not flag: msg = "输入参数不正确,请按照正常流程使用系统。" runData["showMsg"] = msg return render.err(runData) # 取出所有的excel表中的列和数据库中的field的对应关系 fld_data_col = [] fld_data_col.append(req["fld_data_col_1"]) fld_data_col.append(req["fld_data_col_2"]) fld_data_col.append(req["fld_data_col_3"]) fld_data_col.append(req["fld_data_col_4"]) fld_data_col.append(req["fld_data_col_5"]) fld_data_col.append(req["fld_data_col_6"]) fld_data_col.append(req["fld_data_col_7"]) fld_data_col.append(req["fld_data_col_8"]) fld_data_col.append(req["fld_data_col_9"]) fld_data_col.append(req["fld_data_col_10"]) fld_data_col.append(req["fld_data_col_11"]) fld_data_col.append(req["fld_data_col_12"]) fld_data_col.append(req["fld_data_col_13"]) fld_data_col.append(req["fld_data_col_14"]) print (fld_data_col) report_type = req["report_type"] # 读出excel文件中的数据,并取出第一个sheet filename = req["filename"] data = xlsUtil.getExcelData(filename) tables = data["tables"] table1 = tables[0] sheet1 = table1["t_data"] strInsertTail = "" iCount = 0 cx = getConn() cu = cx.cursor() for row in sheet1: """ 第一条数据是标题,不需要导入,所以把第 0 条跳过 """ if iCount > 0: strInsertTail = "" for strIndex in fld_data_col: if strIndex == u"": strInsertTail = strInsertTail + ",''" else: iIndex = int(strIndex) strText = row[iIndex - 1] strInsertTail = strInsertTail + ",'" + unicode(strText) + "'" data_no = getYmdhms() + "_" + str(iCount) strInsertHead = ( "INSERT INTO temp_data (data_no, data_type, use_flag, c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9, c10, c11, c12, c13, c14 ) VALUES ( '" + data_no + "', '" + report_type + "', '0'" ) strSql = strInsertHead + strInsertTail + ")" print strSql cu.execute(strSql) iCount = iCount + 1 cx.commit() cu.close() cx.close() # 检查机型名称能否对应到机型代码,如果不能,去机型名称出错页面。 invalidPhone = findInvalidPhoneName() if len(invalidPhone) == 0: print "机型名称检查合格。" else: runData["showMsg"] = "某些机型名称无法找到对应的机型代码,请先检查上传文件是否正确,或者维护好机型信息再进行制单操作。" runData["invalidPhone"] = invalidPhone return render.phoneNameLost(runData) reportType = req["report_type"] if reportType == "fld": saveFld() elif reportType == "sld": saveSld() elif reportType == "jld": saveJld() elif reportType == "lyd": saveLyd() elif reportType == "nbdbd": saveNbdbd() elif reportType == "rkd": saveRkd() else: msg = "报表类型不正确" runData["showMsg"] = msg return render.err(runData) msg = "导入操作执行成功,共导入数据" + str(iCount) + "条。" runData["showMsg"] = msg return render.msg(runData)
def POST(self): flag = True runData = {'runFlag':True,'showMsg':'OK'} req = web.input() # 检查必填项是否都有值 mustName = ['report_type','filename'] for name in mustName: if req.has_key(name) : flag = True else: flag = False if not flag : msg = "输入参数不正确,请按照正常流程使用系统。" runData['showMsg'] = msg return render.err(runData) # 取出所有的excel表中的列和数据库中的field的对应关系 fld_data_col = [] fld_data_col.append( req['fld_data_col_1']) fld_data_col.append( req['fld_data_col_2']) fld_data_col.append( req['fld_data_col_3']) fld_data_col.append( req['fld_data_col_4']) fld_data_col.append( req['fld_data_col_5']) fld_data_col.append( req['fld_data_col_6']) fld_data_col.append( req['fld_data_col_7']) fld_data_col.append( req['fld_data_col_8']) fld_data_col.append( req['fld_data_col_9']) fld_data_col.append( req['fld_data_col_10']) fld_data_col.append( req['fld_data_col_11']) fld_data_col.append( req['fld_data_col_12']) fld_data_col.append( req['fld_data_col_13']) fld_data_col.append( req['fld_data_col_14']) print( fld_data_col ) report_type = req["report_type"] # 读出excel文件中的数据,并取出第一个sheet filename = req["filename"] data = xlsUtil.getExcelData(filename) tables = data['tables'] table1 = tables[0] sheet1 = table1['t_data'] strInsertTail = '' iCount = 0 cx = getConn() cu = cx.cursor() for row in sheet1: """ 第一条数据是标题,不需要导入,所以把第 0 条跳过 """ if iCount > 0 : strInsertTail = '' for strIndex in fld_data_col : if strIndex == u'' : strInsertTail = strInsertTail + ",''" else: iIndex = int(strIndex) strText = row[iIndex-1] strInsertTail = strInsertTail + ",'" + unicode(strText) + "'" data_no = getYmdhms() + "_" + str(iCount) strInsertHead = "INSERT INTO temp_data (data_no, data_type, use_flag, c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9, c10, c11, c12, c13, c14 ) VALUES ( '" + data_no + "', '" + report_type + "', '0'" strSql = strInsertHead + strInsertTail + ")" print strSql cu.execute(strSql) iCount = iCount + 1 cx.commit() cu.close() cx.close() #检查机型名称能否对应到机型代码,如果不能,去机型名称出错页面。 invalidPhone = findInvalidPhoneName(); if len(invalidPhone) == 0 : print '机型名称检查合格。' else: runData['showMsg']='某些机型名称无法找到对应的机型代码,请先检查上传文件是否正确,或者维护好机型信息再进行制单操作。' runData['invalidPhone']=invalidPhone return render.phoneNameLost(runData) reportType = req["report_type"] if reportType == "fld" : saveFld() elif reportType == "sld" : saveSld() elif reportType == "jld" : saveJld() elif reportType == "lyd" : saveLyd() elif reportType == "nbdbd" : saveNbdbd() elif reportType == "rkd" : saveRkd() else : msg = "报表类型不正确" runData['showMsg'] = msg return render.err(runData) msg = "导入操作执行成功,共导入数据" + str(iCount) + "条。" runData['showMsg'] = msg return render.msg(runData)
def POST(self): flag = True runData = {'runFlag':True,'showMsg':'OK'} ''' 先上传文件,再检查文件, 包括格式、内容、以及是否和数据库中已有内容冲突, 如果不正确,报错,要求重新上传正确文件; 如果正确,把内容灌入DB。 灌入数据完成后,将全部机型代码显示在页面上。 ''' # 上传文件 x = web.input(myfile={}) filedir = "static/upload" if 'myfile' in x: # replaces the windows-style slashes with linux ones. filepath=x.myfile.filename.replace('\\','/') # splits the and chooses the last part (the filename with extension) filename=filepath.split('/')[-1] # creates the file where the uploaded file should be stored fullpath = filedir +'/'+ getYmdhms() + '.txt' print fullpath fout = open( fullpath,'wb') #使用 wb 是为了在windows下能正确的上传文件。 # writes the uploaded file to the newly created file. fout.write( fout.close() else: runData['showMsg'] = '上传文件出错。' return render.err(runData) # 存放合法数据的列表 infos = [ ] # 检查数据 phoneInfoFile = open( fullpath, 'r' ) phoneInfoLine = phoneInfoFile.readlines(); phoneInfoFile.close() for i,line in enumerate(phoneInfoLine): line = line.strip() if len(line)==0 : continue #空行直接跳过 else : info = line.split(None,1) # 用第一个空格分成两个部分 if len(info) < 2 : # 格式不对,报错 runData['showMsg'] = '文件格式错误。在第 %d 行:%s' % (i,line) return render.err(runData) else: infos.append(info) con = getConn() cur = con.cursor() # 检查是否和DB中已有数据冲突。 for i,info in enumerate(infos): strSql = "SELECT * from phone_info WHERE phone_name='%s'" % info[1] print strSql cur.execute(strSql) if cur.fetchone() : # 机型代码和DB中已有数据冲突,报错 runData['showMsg'] = '数据错误,机型名称已经存在,在第 %d 条数据: %s %s' % ( i+1,info[0],info[1]) cur.close() con.close() return render.err(runData) # 内容灌入DB for info in infos: strSql = "insert into phone_info (phone_no, phone_name) values ('%s','%s') " % (info[0],info[1]) print strSql cur.execute(strSql) con.commit() # 将DB中的全部机型信息取出 allPhoneInfo = [] # strSql = "select phone_no, phone_name from phone_info order by phone_no " strSql = "select phone_no, phone_name from phone_info order by rowid DESC " print strSql cur.execute(strSql) for record in cur: phone = dict() phone['phone_no'] = record[0] phone['phone_name'] = record[1] allPhoneInfo.append(phone) cur.close() con.close() runData['AllPhoneInfo'] = allPhoneInfo runData['showMsg'] = '增加机型信息成功' return render.phoneInfo(runData)