Beispiel #1
class TestTransactionSigning(AsyncioTestCase):
    async def asyncSetUp(self):
        self.ledger = Ledger({
            'db': Database(':memory:'),
            'headers': Headers(':memory:')

    async def asyncTearDown(self):
        await self.ledger.db.close()

    async def test_sign(self):
        account = Account.from_dict(
            self.ledger, Wallet(), {
                "carbon smart garage balance margin twelve chest sword toas"
                "t envelope bottom stomach absent"

        await account.ensure_address_gap()
        address1, address2 = await account.receiving.get_addresses(limit=2)
        pubkey_hash1 = self.ledger.address_to_hash160(address1)
        pubkey_hash2 = self.ledger.address_to_hash160(address2)

        tx = Transaction() \
            .add_inputs([Input.spend(get_output(int(2*COIN), pubkey_hash1))]) \
            .add_outputs([Output.pay_pubkey_hash(int(1.9*COIN), pubkey_hash2)])

        await tx.sign([account])

Beispiel #2
 async def create_tx_from_nothing(self, my_account, height):
     to_address = await my_account.receiving.get_or_create_usable_address()
     to_hash = Ledger.address_to_hash160(to_address)
     tx = Transaction(height=height, is_verified=True) \
         .add_inputs([self.txi(self.txo(1, sha256(str(height).encode())))]) \
         .add_outputs([self.txo(1, to_hash)])
     await self.ledger.db.insert_transaction(tx)
     await self.ledger.db.save_transaction_io(tx, to_address, to_hash, '')
     return tx
Beispiel #3
 async def create_tx_from_txo(self, txo, to_account, height):
     from_hash = txo.script.values['pubkey_hash']
     from_address = self.ledger.hash160_to_address(from_hash)
     to_address = await to_account.receiving.get_or_create_usable_address()
     to_hash = Ledger.address_to_hash160(to_address)
     tx = Transaction(height=height, is_verified=True) \
         .add_inputs([self.txi(txo)]) \
         .add_outputs([self.txo(1, to_hash)])
     await self.ledger.db.insert_transaction(tx)
     await self.ledger.db.save_transaction_io(tx, from_address, from_hash, '')
     await self.ledger.db.save_transaction_io(tx, to_address, to_hash, '')
     return tx
Beispiel #4
class TransactionIOBalancing(AsyncioTestCase):
    async def asyncSetUp(self):
        self.ledger = Ledger({
            'db': Database(':memory:'),
            'headers': Headers(':memory:')
        self.account = Account.from_dict(
            self.ledger, Wallet(), {
                "carbon smart garage balance margin twelve chest sword "
                "toast envelope bottom stomach absent"

        addresses = await self.account.ensure_address_gap()
        self.pubkey_hash = [
            self.ledger.address_to_hash160(a) for a in addresses
        self.hash_cycler = cycle(self.pubkey_hash)

    async def asyncTearDown(self):
        await self.ledger.db.close()

    def txo(self, amount, address=None):
        return get_output(int(amount * COIN), address
                          or next(self.hash_cycler))

    def txi(self, txo):
        return Input.spend(txo)

    def tx(self, inputs, outputs):
        return Transaction.create(inputs, outputs, [self.account],

    async def create_utxos(self, amounts):
        utxos = [self.txo(amount) for amount in amounts]

        self.funding_tx = Transaction(is_verified=True) \
            .add_inputs([self.txi(self.txo(sum(amounts)+0.1))]) \

        await self.ledger.db.insert_transaction(self.funding_tx)

        for utxo in utxos:
            await self.ledger.db.save_transaction_io(
                utxo.script.values['pubkey_hash'], '')

        return utxos

    def inputs(tx):
        return [round(i.amount / COIN, 2) for i in tx.inputs]

    def outputs(tx):
        return [round(o.amount / COIN, 2) for o in tx.outputs]

    async def test_basic_use_cases(self):
        self.ledger.fee_per_byte = int(.01 * CENT)

        # available UTXOs for filling missing inputs
        utxos = await self.create_utxos([1, 1, 3, 5, 10])

        # pay 3 coins (3.02 w/ fees)
        tx = await self.tx(
            [],  # inputs
            [self.txo(3)]  # outputs
        # best UTXO match is 5 (as UTXO 3 will be short 0.02 to cover fees)
        self.assertListEqual(self.inputs(tx), [5])
        # a change of 1.98 is added to reach balance
        self.assertListEqual(self.outputs(tx), [3, 1.98])

        await self.ledger.release_outputs(utxos)

        # pay 2.98 coins (3.00 w/ fees)
        tx = await self.tx(
            [],  # inputs
            [self.txo(2.98)]  # outputs
        # best UTXO match is 3 and no change is needed
        self.assertListEqual(self.inputs(tx), [3])
        self.assertListEqual(self.outputs(tx), [2.98])

        await self.ledger.release_outputs(utxos)

        # supplied input and output, but input is not enough to cover output
        tx = await self.tx(
            [self.txi(self.txo(10))],  # inputs
            [self.txo(11)]  # outputs
        # additional input is chosen (UTXO 3)
        self.assertListEqual([10, 3], self.inputs(tx))
        # change is now needed to consume extra input
        self.assertListEqual([11, 1.96], self.outputs(tx))

        await self.ledger.release_outputs(utxos)

        # liquidating a UTXO
        tx = await self.tx(
            [self.txi(self.txo(10))],  # inputs
            []  # outputs
        self.assertListEqual([10], self.inputs(tx))
        # missing change added to consume the amount
        self.assertListEqual([9.98], self.outputs(tx))

        await self.ledger.release_outputs(utxos)

        # liquidating at a loss, requires adding extra inputs
        tx = await self.tx(
            [self.txi(self.txo(0.01))],  # inputs
            []  # outputs
        # UTXO 1 is added to cover some of the fee
        self.assertListEqual([0.01, 1], self.inputs(tx))
        # change is now needed to consume extra input
        self.assertListEqual([0.97], self.outputs(tx))