Beispiel #1
    def test_V1(self):
        """Lcapy: test V1"""

        a = Circuit()
        a.add('V1 1 0 10')

        self.assertEqual(a.V1.V.dc, 10, "Incorrect voltage")
Beispiel #2
    def test_RC1(self):
        """Lcapy: check RC network

        a = Circuit()
        a.add('R1 1 2')
        a.add('C1 2 0')

        self.assertEqual2(a.impedance(1, 2),
                          R('R1').impedance, "Z incorrect for R1.")
        self.assertEqual2(a.impedance(2, 0),
                          C('C1').impedance, "Z incorrect for C1.")
        self.assertEqual2(a.impedance(1, 0), (R('R1') + C('C1')).impedance,
                          "Z incorrect for R1 + C1.")

        self.assertEqual2(a.admittance(1, 2), R('R1').Y, "Y incorrect for R1.")
        self.assertEqual2(a.admittance(2, 0), C('C1').Y, "Y incorrect for C1.")
        self.assertEqual2(a.admittance(1, 0), (R('R1') + C('C1')).Y,
                          "Y incorrect for R1 + C1.")
        self.assertEqual2(a.Isc(1, 0), I(0).Isc, "Isc incorrect")
        self.assertEqual(a.R1.Z, expr('R1'), "Z incorrect")
        self.assertEqual(a.R1.R, expr('R1'), "R incorrect")
        self.assertEqual(a.R1.X, 0, "X incorrect")
        self.assertEqual(a.C1.Y, expr('j * omega * C1'), "Y incorrect")
        self.assertEqual(a.C1.G, 0, "G incorrect")
        self.assertEqual(a.C1.B, expr('-omega * C1'), "B incorrect")
Beispiel #3
    def test_filtered_noise1(self):
        """Lcapy: check circuit filtered noise"""

        a = Circuit()
        a.add('V1 1 0 noise 3')
        a.add('R1 1 2 2')
        a.add('C1 2 0 4')
Beispiel #4
    def test_V1(self):
        """Lcapy: test V1"""

        a = Circuit()
        a.add('V1 1 0 10') 

        self.assertEqual(a.V1.V.dc, 10, "Incorrect voltage")
Beispiel #5
    def test_VRC1(self):
        """Lcapy: check VRC circuit

        a = Circuit()
        a.add('V1 1 0 {V1 / s}')
        a.add('R1 1 2')
        a.add('C1 2 0')

        # Note, V1 acts as a short-circuit for the impedance/admittance
        self.assertEqual2(a.impedance(1, 2), (R('R1') | C('C1')).Z,
                          "Z incorrect across R1")
        self.assertEqual2(a.impedance(2, 0), (R('R1') | C('C1')).Z,
                          "Z incorrect across C1")
        self.assertEqual2(a.impedance(1, 0), R(0).Z, "Z incorrect across V1")

        self.assertEqual2(a.admittance(1, 2), (R('R1') | C('C1')).Y,
                          "Y incorrect across R1")
        self.assertEqual2(a.admittance(2, 0), (R('R1') | C('C1')).Y,
                          "Y incorrect across C1")
        # This has a non-invertible A matrix.
        # self.assertEqual2(a.admittance(1, 0), R(0).Y, "Y incorrect across V1")

            a.Voc(1, 0).s,
            V('V1 / s').Voc.s, "Voc incorrect across V1")
        self.assertEqual(a.is_ivp, False, "Initial value problem incorrect")
        self.assertEqual(a.is_dc, False, "DC incorrect")
        self.assertEqual(a.is_ac, False, "AC incorrect")
Beispiel #6
    def test_filtered_noise1(self):
        """Lcapy: check circuit filtered noise"""

        a = Circuit()
        a.add('V1 1 0 noise 3') 
        a.add('R1 1 2 2')
        a.add('C1 2 0 4')         
Beispiel #7
    def test_VRC1(self):
        """Lcapy: check VRC circuit

        a = Circuit()
        a.add('V1 1 0 {V1 / s}')
        a.add('R1 1 2')
        a.add('C1 2 0')

        # Note, V1 acts as a short-circuit for the impedance/admittance
            a.Z(1, 2), (R('R1') | C('C1')).Z, "Z incorrect across R1")
            a.Z(2, 0), (R('R1') | C('C1')).Z, "Z incorrect across C1")
        self.assertEqual2(a.Z(1, 0), R(0).Z, "Z incorrect across V1")

            a.Y(1, 2), (R('R1') | C('C1')).Y, "Y incorrect across R1")
            a.Y(2, 0), (R('R1') | C('C1')).Y, "Y incorrect across C1")
        # This has a non-invertible A matrix.
        # self.assertEqual2(a.Y(1, 0), R(0).Y, "Y incorrect across V1")

        self.assertEqual2(a.Voc(1, 0).s, V('V1 / s').Voc.s, "Voc incorrect across V1")
        self.assertEqual(a.is_ivp, False, "Initial value problem incorrect")
        self.assertEqual(a.is_dc, False, "DC incorrect")
        self.assertEqual(a.is_ac, False, "AC incorrect")
Beispiel #8
    def test_noise2(self):
        """Lcapy: check circuit noise for pair of sources"""

        a = Circuit()
        a.add('V1 1 0 noise 3')
        a.add('V2 2 1 noise 4')
        a.add('R1 2 0 5')
        V1 = a.R1.V.n
        self.assertEqual2(V1, Vn(5, nid=V1.nid), "Incorrect noise sum")
Beispiel #9
    def test_noise2(self):
        """Lcapy: check circuit noise for pair of sources"""

        a = Circuit()
        a.add('V1 1 0 noise 3')
        a.add('V2 2 1 noise 4')
        a.add('R1 2 0 5')
        V1 = a.R1.V.n
        self.assertEqual2(V1, Vn(5, nid=V1.nid), "Incorrect noise sum")        
Beispiel #10
    def test_filtered_noise2(self):
        """Lcapy: check circuit filtered noise"""

        a = Circuit()
        a.add('V1 1 0 noise {sqrt(4 * k * T * R)}')
        a.add('R1 1 2 R')
        a.add('C1 2 0 C')
        self.assertEqual2(a.C1.V.n.rms(), Vt('sqrt(k * T / C)'),
                          "Incorrect capacitor voltage")
Beispiel #11
    def test_filtered_noise3(self):
        """Lcapy: check circuit filtered noise"""

        a = Circuit()
        a.add('V1 1 0 noise 20')
        a.add('R1 1 2 1')
        a.add('C1 2 0 2')
        self.assertEqual(a.C1.V.n.rms(), 5 * sqrt(2),
                         "Incorrect capacitor voltage")
Beispiel #12
    def test_noise1(self):
        """Lcapy: check circuit noise for voltage divider"""

        a = Circuit()
        a.add('V1 1 0 noise 3') 
        a.add('R1 1 2 2')
        a.add('R2 2 0 4')
        V1 = a.R1.V.n
        self.assertEqual2(V1, Vn(1, nid=V1.nid), "Incorrect ratio")
Beispiel #13
    def test_filtered_noise3(self):
        """Lcapy: check circuit filtered noise"""

        a = Circuit()
        a.add('V1 1 0 noise 20') 
        a.add('R1 1 2 1')
        a.add('C1 2 0 2')         
        self.assertEqual(a.C1.V.n.rms(), 5 * sqrt(2),
                         "Incorrect capacitor voltage")
Beispiel #14
    def test_noise1(self):
        """Lcapy: check circuit noise for voltage divider"""

        a = Circuit()
        a.add('V1 1 0 noise 3')
        a.add('R1 1 2 2')
        a.add('R2 2 0 4')
        V1 = a.R1.V.n
        self.assertEqual2(V1, Vn(1, nid=V1.nid), "Incorrect ratio")
Beispiel #15
    def test_filtered_noise2(self):
        """Lcapy: check circuit filtered noise"""

        a = Circuit()
        a.add('V1 1 0 noise {sqrt(4 * k * T * R)}') 
        a.add('R1 1 2 R')
        a.add('C1 2 0 C')         
        self.assertEqual2(a.C1.V.n.rms(), Vt('sqrt(k * T / C)'),
                          "Incorrect capacitor voltage")
Beispiel #16
    def test_noisy1(self):

        a = Circuit()
        a.add('R1 1 0')
        a.add('R2 1 0')
        an = a.noisy()
        b = Circuit()
        b.add('R1 1 0 {R1 * R2 / (R1 + R2)}')
        bn = b.noisy()
        self.assertEqual(an[1].V.n.expr, bn[1].V.n.expr, "Incorrect noise")
Beispiel #17
    def test_noisy1(self):

        a = Circuit()
        a.add('R1 1 0')
        a.add('R2 1 0')
        an = a.noisy()
        b = Circuit()
        b.add('R1 1 0 {R1 * R2 / (R1 + R2)}')
        bn = b.noisy()
        self.assertEqual(an[1].V.n.expr, bn[1].V.n.expr, "Incorrect noise")
Beispiel #18
    def test_IR1(self):
        """Lcapy: check IR circuit

        a = Circuit()
        a.add('I1 1 0 2')
        a.add('R1 1 0 1')

        self.assertEqual2(a.R1.V, V(2).Voc, "Incorrect voltage")

        self.assertEqual2(a[1].V, V(2).Voc, "Incorrect node voltage")
Beispiel #19
    def test_CCVS2(self):
        """Lcapy: check CCVS

        a = Circuit()
        a.add('H1 1 0 H1 -4')
        t = a.thevenin(1, 0)
        self.assertEqual(t.V, 0, "Incorrect Thevenin voltage")
        self.assertEqual(t.Z, -4, "Incorrect Thevenin impedance")
        self.assertEqual(a.H1.Voc, 0, "Incorrect cpt voltage")
        self.assertEqual(a.H1.Z, 0, "Incorrect cpt impedance")
Beispiel #20
    def test_IR1(self):
        """Lcapy: check IR circuit

        a = Circuit()
        a.add('I1 1 0 2')
        a.add('R1 1 0 1')

        self.assertEqual2(a.R1.V, V(2).Voc, "Incorrect voltage")

        self.assertEqual2(a[1].V, V(2).Voc, "Incorrect node voltage")
Beispiel #21
    def test_VRL1_dc(self):
        """Lcapy: check VRL circuit at dc


        a = Circuit()
        a.add('V1 1 0 dc')
        a.add('R1 1 2')
        a.add('L1 2 0')
        self.assertEqual(a.is_ivp, False, "Initial value problem incorrect")
        self.assertEqual(a.is_dc, True, "DC incorrect")
        self.assertEqual(a.is_ac, False, "AC incorrect")
Beispiel #22
    def test_VRL1_dc(self):
        """Lcapy: check VRL circuit at dc


        a = Circuit()
        a.add('V1 1 0 dc')
        a.add('R1 1 2')
        a.add('L1 2 0')
        self.assertEqual(a.is_ivp, False, "Initial value problem incorrect")
        self.assertEqual(a.is_dc, True, "DC incorrect")
        self.assertEqual(a.is_ac, False, "AC incorrect")
Beispiel #23
def push_pull_coupled_lossless_clamp_image():
    cct = Circuit()
    P1 p1a p1b; down=10,v=V_{in}
    W p1a c1a; right
    W p1b c1b; right
    C1 c1a c1b; down
    W c1a clampret1; right=1
    W clampret1 clampret2; right=4
    W clampret2 t1c1; right=3
    W t1c1 t1c2; down=2
    W t1c2 t1c3; right
    LW1 l1a t1c3; down
    LW2 t1c3 l2b; down
    W l1a lleak21; left=2
    W lleak21 lleak2a; down=3
    Lleak2 lleak2a lleak2b; down,color=red
    CS2 lleak2b cs2b; left=2,color=blue,v=$V_{CS}$
    W cs2b ds2a; up=2,color=blue
    DS2 ds2a ds2b; up=2.5,color=blue
    W ds2b clampret2; up,color=blue
    W ds2a lw3a1; right=3,color=blue
    W lw3a1 lw3a2; down=1,color=blue
    LW3 lw3a2 lw3b; down,color=blue
    LW4 lw3b lw4b; down,color=blue,fixed
    W l2b lleak1a1; left=6
    W lleak1a1 lleak1a; down=1.5
    Lleak1 lleak1a lleak1b; down,color=red
    CS1 lleak1b cs1b; left=2,color=blue,v=$V_{CS}$
    W cs1b ds1a; up=2,color=blue
    DS1 ds1a ds1b; up=2.5,color=blue
    W ds1b clampret1; up,color=blue
    W lleak1b m1d; down=0.5
    W lleak2b m2d; down=0.5
    M1 m1d m1g m1s nmos; right,size=1
    M2 m2d m2g m2s nmos; right,size=1
    W cs1b lw4b1; down=2.5,color=blue
    W lw4b1 lw4b2; right=8,color=blue
    W lw4b2 lw4b; up,color=blue
    W m1s m2s; right=4
    RS m1s rsb; down=2
    W c1b rsb; right
    W lw3b lw3b1; left=1,color=blue
    W lw3b1 lw3b2; down=4,color=blue
    W lw3b2 rsb; left=5,color=blue
    A1 lw3a2; l={\ \ \ \ \ •}
    A2 lw3b;  l={\ \ \ \ \ •}
    A3 l1a;   l={\ \ \ \ \ •}
    A4 t1c3;  l={\ \ \ \ \ •}
    return cct
Beispiel #24
    def test_VRL1_ac(self):
        """Lcapy: check VRL circuit at ac


        a = Circuit()
        a.add('V1 1 0 ac')
        a.add('R1 1 2')
        a.add('L1 2 0')
        self.assertEqual(a.is_ivp, False, "Initial value problem incorrect")
        self.assertEqual(a.is_dc, False, "DC incorrect")
        self.assertEqual(a.is_ac, True, "AC incorrect")
        self.assertEqual(a.R1.I, a.L1.I, "currents different")
        self.assertEqual(-a.V1.I, a.L1.I, "currents different")
Beispiel #25
    def test_VRL1_ac(self):
        """Lcapy: check VRL circuit at ac


        a = Circuit()
        a.add('V1 1 0 ac')
        a.add('R1 1 2')
        a.add('L1 2 0')
        self.assertEqual(a.is_ivp, False, "Initial value problem incorrect")
        self.assertEqual(a.is_dc, False, "DC incorrect")
        self.assertEqual(a.is_ac, True, "AC incorrect")
        self.assertEqual(a.R1.I, a.L1.I, "currents different")
        self.assertEqual(a.V1.I, a.L1.I, "currents different")
Beispiel #26
    def test_transfer(self):
        """Lcapy: check transfer function


        a = Circuit()
        a.add('R1 1 0 1')
        a.add('R2 1 2 2')
        a.add('C1 2 0 1')

        H = a.transfer(1, 0, 2, 0)
        self.assertEqual2(H, 1 / (2 * s + 1), "Incorrect transfer function")
        h = H.inverse_laplace()
        self.assertEqual2(h, exp(-t / 2) * Heaviside(t) / 2,
                          "Incorrect impulse response")        
Beispiel #27
    def test_transfer(self):
        """Lcapy: check transfer function


        a = Circuit()
        a.add('R1 1 0 1')
        a.add('R2 1 2 2')
        a.add('C1 2 0 1')

        H = a.transfer(1, 0, 2, 0)
        self.assertEqual2(H, 1 / (2 * s + 1), "Incorrect transfer function")
        h = H.inverse_laplace()
        self.assertEqual2(h, exp(-t / 2) * Heaviside(t) / 2,
                          "Incorrect impulse response")        
Beispiel #28
    def test_VRL1_ac2(self):
        """Lcapy: check VRL circuit at ac for angular frequency 1


        a = Circuit()
        a.add('V1 1 0 ac 5 0 1')
        a.add('R1 1 2 3')
        a.add('L1 2 0 4')
        self.assertEqual(a.is_ivp, False, "Initial value problem incorrect")
        self.assertEqual(a.is_dc, False, "DC incorrect")
        self.assertEqual(a.is_ac, True, "AC incorrect")
        self.assertEqual(a.is_causal, False, "Causal incorrect")
        self.assertEqual(a.is_time_domain, False, "Time domain incorrect")
        self.assertEqual(a.V1.v, Vt('5*cos(t)'), "V1 voltage incorrect")
        self.assertEqual(a.R1.i, It('(4*sin(t)+3*cos(t))/5'), "R1 current incorrect")
Beispiel #29
    def test_VRL1_ac2(self):
        """Lcapy: check VRL circuit at ac for angular frequency 1


        a = Circuit()
        a.add('V1 1 0 ac 5 0 1')
        a.add('R1 1 2 3')
        a.add('L1 2 0 4')
        self.assertEqual(a.is_ivp, False, "Initial value problem incorrect")
        self.assertEqual(a.is_dc, False, "DC incorrect")
        self.assertEqual(a.is_ac, True, "AC incorrect")
        self.assertEqual(a.is_causal, False, "Causal incorrect")
        self.assertEqual(a.is_time_domain, False, "Time domain incorrect")
        self.assertEqual(a.V1.v, Vt('5*cos(t)'), "V1 voltage incorrect")
        self.assertEqual(a.R1.i, It('(4*sin(t)+3*cos(t))/5'), "R1 current incorrect")
Beispiel #30
    def test_causal1(self):

        a = Circuit()
        a.add('V1 1 0 {4 + 2 * u(t)}; down')
        a.add('R1 1 2 2; right=2')
        a.add('L1 2 3 2; down')
        a.add('W 0 3; right')

        self.assertEqual(a.sub['s'].is_causal, True, "Causal incorrect")
        self.assertEqual2(a.L1.v, 2 * exp(-t) * u(t), "L current incorrect")
Beispiel #31
    def test_causal1(self):

        a = Circuit()
        a.add('V1 1 0 {4 + 2 * u(t)}; down')
        a.add('R1 1 2 2; right=2')
        a.add('L1 2 3 2; down')
        a.add('W 0 3; right')

        self.assertEqual(a.sub['s'].is_causal, True, "Causal incorrect")
        self.assertEqual2(a.L1.v, 2 * exp(-t) * u(t), "L current incorrect")
Beispiel #32
    def test_RC1(self):
        """Lcapy: check RC network

        a = Circuit()
        a.add('R1 1 2')
        a.add('C1 2 0')

        self.assertEqual2(a.Z(1, 2), R('R1').Z, "Z incorrect for R1.")
        self.assertEqual2(a.Z(2, 0), C('C1').Z, "Z incorrect for C1.")
            a.Z(1, 0), (R('R1') + C('C1')).Z, "Z incorrect for R1 + C1.")

        self.assertEqual2(a.Y(1, 2), R('R1').Y, "Y incorrect for R1.")
        self.assertEqual2(a.Y(2, 0), C('C1').Y, "Y incorrect for C1.")
            a.Y(1, 0), (R('R1') + C('C1')).Y, "Y incorrect for R1 + C1.")
        self.assertEqual2(a.Isc(1, 0), I(0).Isc, "Isc incorrect")
Beispiel #33
    def test_RC1(self):
        """Lcapy: check RC network

        a = Circuit()
        a.add('R1 1 2')
        a.add('C1 2 0')

        self.assertEqual2(a.Z(1, 2), R('R1').Z, "Z incorrect for R1.")
        self.assertEqual2(a.Z(2, 0), C('C1').Z, "Z incorrect for C1.")
            a.Z(1, 0), (R('R1') + C('C1')).Z, "Z incorrect for R1 + C1.")

        self.assertEqual2(a.Y(1, 2), R('R1').Y, "Y incorrect for R1.")
        self.assertEqual2(a.Y(2, 0), C('C1').Y, "Y incorrect for C1.")
            a.Y(1, 0), (R('R1') + C('C1')).Y, "Y incorrect for R1 + C1.")
        self.assertEqual2(a.Isc(1, 0), I(0).Isc, "Isc incorrect")
Beispiel #34
    def test_VR1_ac2(self):
        """Lcapy: check VR circuit at ac for angular frequency 1


        # This can be solved in the time-domain
        a = Circuit()
        a.add('V1 1 0 ac 5 0 1')
        a.add('R1 1 0 1')
        self.assertEqual(a.is_ivp, False, "Initial value problem incorrect")
        self.assertEqual(a.is_dc, False, "DC incorrect")
        self.assertEqual(a.is_ac, True, "AC incorrect")
        self.assertEqual(a.is_causal, False, "Causal incorrect")
        self.assertEqual(a.is_time_domain, True, "Time domain incorrect")
        self.assertEqual(a.V1.v, Vt('5*cos(t)'), "V1 voltage incorrect")
        self.assertEqual(a.R1.v, Vt('5*cos(t)'), "R1 voltage incorrect")
        self.assertEqual(a.V1.i, It('5*cos(t)'), "V1 current incorrect")
        self.assertEqual(a.R1.i, It('5*cos(t)'), "R1 current incorrect")
Beispiel #35
    def test_VR1_ac2(self):
        """Lcapy: check VR circuit at ac for angular frequency 1


        # This can be solved in the time-domain
        a = Circuit()
        a.add('V1 1 0 ac 5 0 1')
        a.add('R1 1 0 1')
        self.assertEqual(a.is_ivp, False, "Initial value problem incorrect")
        self.assertEqual(a.is_dc, False, "DC incorrect")
        self.assertEqual(a.is_ac, True, "AC incorrect")
        self.assertEqual(a.is_causal, False, "Causal incorrect")
        self.assertEqual(a.is_time_domain, True, "Time domain incorrect")
        self.assertEqual(a.V1.v, Vt('5*cos(t)'), "V1 voltage incorrect")
        self.assertEqual(a.R1.v, Vt('5*cos(t)'), "R1 voltage incorrect")
        self.assertEqual(a.V1.i, It('-5*cos(t)'), "V1 current incorrect")
        self.assertEqual(a.R1.i, It('5*cos(t)'), "R1 current incorrect")
Beispiel #36
def forward_topology_image():
    cct = Circuit()
    # the input (switches-capacitors-transformer)
    P1 p1a p1b; down=5.5,v=V_{in}
    W p1a c1a; right
    W p1b c1b; right
    CIN c1a c1b; down
    W c1a dsa; right=2
    DS dsb dsa; up=2
    W dsb l1a; down
    LS l1a l1b; down
    W l1b l2b2; down=1.5
    W dsa l2a1; right=2
    W l2a1 l2b; down=0.5
    TF1 l3a l3b l2b l2a tapcore _t5 _t6; right, size=1.5
    CS l2a dsb; left,color=gray,v=$V_{Cs}$
    A1 l1b; l={\ \ \ \ \ •}
    W l2a m1d; down=0.5
    M1 m1d m1g m1s nmos; right,size=1
    W m1s rsa; down=0.5
    RSENSE rsa rsb; down
    W rsa rsa1; right,l=$I_{sense}$
    W c1b l2b2; right
    W l2b2 rsb; right
    W l3b l3b1; down
    D1 l3a d1b; right=1.5,kind=schottky
    W l3b1 d2a; right=1.5
    D2 d2a d1b; up,kind=schottky
    W d1b loa; right
    LO loa lob; right=1.5
    W lob lob2; right
    CO lob2 cob; down
    W lob voa; right
    W cob vob; right
    P2 voa vob; down,v=V_O
    DX loa dxb; down,color=gray
    CX dxb cxb; down,color=gray
    RX dxb rxb; right,color=gray
    W rxb lob; up,color=gray
    W d2a cxb; right
    W cxb cob; right
    return cct
Beispiel #37
def buck_rectifier_clamp_image():
    cct = Circuit()
    P1 d1b d2a; l=from the rectifier, v=$V_{IN}$
    W d1b loa; right
    LO loa lob; right=1.5
    W lob lob2; right
    CO lob2 cob; down
    W lob voa; right
    W cob vob; right
    P2 voa vob; down,v=V_O
    DX loa dxb; down,color=blue
    CX dxb cxb; down,color=blue
    RX dxb rxb; right,color=blue
    W rxb lob; up,color=blue
    W d2a cxb; right
    W cxb cob; right
    return cct
Beispiel #38
    def test_CCVS1(self):
        """Lcapy: check CCVS

        a = Circuit()
        a.add('V1 1 0 10')
        a.add('R1 1 2 2')
        a.add('V2 2 0 0')
        a.add('H1 3 0 V2 2')
        a.add('R2 3 0 1')

        self.assertEqual2(a.R2.V, V(10).Voc, "Incorrect voltage")
Beispiel #39
    def test_CCVS1(self):
        """Lcapy: check CCVS

        a = Circuit()
        a.add('V1 1 0 10')
        a.add('R1 1 2 2')
        a.add('V2 2 0 0')
        a.add('H1 3 0 V2 2')
        a.add('R2 3 0 1')

        self.assertEqual2(a.R2.V, V(10).Voc, "Incorrect voltage")
Beispiel #40
def half_bridge_topology_image():
    cct = Circuit()
    # the input (switches-capacitors-transformer)
    P1 p1a p1b; down,v=V_{in}
    C1 c1a c1b; down=3
    C2 c1b c2b; down=3
    R1 r1a r1b; down=3,l=Rb
    R2 r1b r2b; down=3,l=Rb
    W r1b c1b; right
    W p1a r1a; right
    W p1b r2b; right
    W r1a c1a; right
    W r2b c2b; right
    W c1a 1d; right=2
    M1 1d 1g 1s nmos; right
    W 1s 2d1; down
    W 2d1 2d; down
    M2 2d 2g 2s nmos; right
    W c2b 2s; right=2
    TF1 t1 t2 t3 t4 tapcore _t5 _t6; right, size=1.5
    W 2d1 t3; right
    Cb c1b t4; right=2
    # First body diode
    W 1d dm1b; right=0.5
    W 1s dm1a; right=0.5
    DM1 dm1a dm1b; up
    # Second body diode
    W 2d dm2b; right=0.5
    W 2s dm2a; right=0.5
    DM2 dm2a dm2b; up
    # The output (transformer-rectifier-inductor-capacitor)
    W _t6 t6; right=2
    W t6 go1; down
    W go1 go2; right 
    D1 t1 d1b; right
    D2 t2 d2b; right
    W d2b d1b; up
    Lo d1b coa; right
    Co coa go2; down
    P2 p2a p2b; down, v=V_{out}
    W coa p2a; right
    W go2 p2b; right
    return cct
Beispiel #41
def rectifier_rc_snubber_image():
    cct = Circuit()
    TF1 l3a l3b l2b l2a tapcore _t5 _t6; right, size=1, l=T
    W _t6 t6g; right=0.1, sground
    D1 l3a d1b; right=2
    D2 l3b d2b; right=2
    W l3a cs1a; up,color=blue
    W l3b cs2a; down, color=blue
    CS1 cs1a cs1b; right, l=$C_S$, color=blue
    CS2 cs2a cs2b; right, l=$C_S$, color=blue
    RS1 cs1b rs1b; right, l=$R_S$, color=blue
    RS2 cs2b rs2b; right, l=$R_S$, color=blue
    W d1b rs1b; up, color=blue
    W d2b rs2b; down, color=blue
    W d2b d1b; up
    LO d1b lob; right 
    CO lob cob; down
    W cob cob1; down=0.1, sground 
    W lob lob2; right, l=Vout
    return cct
Beispiel #42
def emi_filter_image():
    cct = Circuit()
    # the input (switches-capacitors-transformer)
    P1 vin_1 vin_2; down,l=V_{AC}
    W vin_1 cpi_up; rignt
    W vin_2 cpi_down; right
    Cpi cpi_up cpi_down; down
    W cpi_up t1_1up; right
    W cpi_down t1_2down; right
    TF1 t1_1 t1_2 t1_3 t1_4 core; right, rotate=90
    W t1_1up t1_1; down
    W t1_2down t1_3; up
    W t1_2 t1_2up; up
    W t1_4 t1_4down; down
    W t1_2up cy_up; right
    W t1_4down cy_down; right
    CY1 cy_up cy_j; down=1.5
    CY2 cy_j cy_down; down=1.5
    W cy_j cy_earth; right=0.8
    W cy_earth cy_earth2; down=2
    W cy_earth2 cy_earth3; left=4.8,l=earth
    W cy_up ldm1_1; right
    W cy_down ldm2_1; right
    LDM1 ldm1_1 ldm1_2; right,l=1/2L_{DM}
    LDM2 ldm2_1 ldm2_2; right,l=1/2L_{DM}
    CX ldm1_2 ldm2_2; down
    W ldm1_2 damp_up; right
    W ldm2_2 damp_down; right
    Cd damp_up damp_j; down, dashed
    Rd damp_j damp_down; down, dashed
    W damp_up vout_1; right
    W damp_down vout_2; right
    P vout_1 vout_2; l=Vout
    return cct
Beispiel #43
def push_pull_lossless_clamp_image():
    cct = Circuit()
    P1 p1a p1b; down=3,v=V_{in}
    W p1a c1a; right
    W p1b c1b; right
    C1 c1a c1b; down
    W c1a clampret1; right
    W clampret1 clampret2; right=4
    W clampret2 tf1t5; right
    TF1 t1 t2 t3 t4 tapcore _t5 _t6; right
    W tf1t5 tf1t52; down
    W tf1t52 _t5; right
    M2 2d 2g 2s nmos; right
    W 2d 2d2; up,fixed
    Lleakage2 2d2 t4; up,color=red
    M1 1d 1g 1s nmos; right
    W 1d 1d2; up,fixed
    Lleakage1 1d2 lleak1b; up,color=red
    W lleak1b tf1t3a; up
    W tf1t3a t3; right=4
    # First clamp
    CS1 1d2 cc1b; left=2,color=blue
    DS1_A ds1a ls1a; up, color=blue
    LS1 ls1a cc1b; up, color=blue
    DS1_B cc1b clampret1; up, color=blue 
    W ds1a ds1a1; down, color=blue
    # Second clamp
    CS2 2d2 cc2b; left=2,color=blue
    DS2_A ds2a ls2a; up, color=blue
    LS2 ls2a cc2b; up, color=blue
    DS2_B cc2b clampret2; up, color=blue 
    W ds2a ds2a1; down, color=blue
    Rs 1s rsb; down
    W ds1a1 rsb; right=2
    W ds2a1 rsb; left=2
    W 1s 2s; right=2
    W c1b ds1a1; right
    return cct
Beispiel #44
    def test_VCCS1(self):
        """Lcapy: check VCCS

        a = Circuit()
        a.add('V1 1 0 2')
        a.add('R1 1 0 1')
        a.add('G1 2 0 1 0 3')
        a.add('R2 2 0 1')

        self.assertEqual2(a.R2.V, V(6).Voc, "Incorrect voltage")
Beispiel #45
    def test_VCCS1(self):
        """Lcapy: check VCCS

        a = Circuit()
        a.add('V1 1 0 2')
        a.add('R1 1 0 1')
        a.add('G1 2 0 1 0 3')
        a.add('R2 2 0 1')

        self.assertEqual2(a.R2.V, V(6).Voc, "Incorrect voltage")
Beispiel #46
    def test_VRC2(self):
        """Lcapy: check VRC circuit with arbitrary s-domain source


        a = Circuit()
        a.add('V1 1 0 {V(s)}') 
        a.add('R1 1 2') 
        a.add('C1 2 0 C1 0') 
        H = a[2].V.s / a[1].V.s

        self.assertEqual2(H, 1 / (s * 'R1' * 'C1' + 1),  "Incorrect ratio")
Beispiel #47
    def test_VRC2(self):
        """Lcapy: check VRC circuit with arbitrary s-domain source


        a = Circuit()
        a.add('V1 1 0 {V(s)}')
        a.add('R1 1 2')
        a.add('C1 2 0 C1 0')
        H = a[2].V.s / a[1].V.s

        self.assertEqual2(H, 1 / (s * 'R1' * 'C1' + 1), "Incorrect ratio")
Beispiel #48
def push_pull_rcd_snubber_image():
    cct = Circuit()
    P1 p1a p1b; down=3,v=V_{in}
    W p1a c1a; right
    W p1b c1b; right
    C1 c1a c1b; down
    W c1a tf1t5; right=6
    TF1 t1 t2 t3 t4 tapcore _t5 _t6; right, size=1.5
    W tf1t5 tf1t52; down
    W tf1t52 _t5; right
    M2 2d 2g 2s nmos; right
    Lleakage2 2d t4; up,color=red
    M1 1d 1g 1s nmos; right
    Lleakage1 1d lleak1b; up,color=red
    W lleak1b tf1t3a; up=1.5
    W tf1t3a t3; right=5
    # Second snubber
    Csnubber2 2d cc2b; right,color=blue
    Dsnubber2 cc2b dc2b; down,color=blue
    W cc2b rc2a; right,color=blue
    Rsnubber2 rc2a rc2b; down,color=blue
    W rc2b dc2b; left,color=blue
    # First snubber
    Csnubber1 1d cc1b; right,color=blue
    Dsnubber1 cc1b dc1b; down,color=blue
    W cc1b rc1a; right,color=blue
    Rsnubber1 rc1a rc1b; down,color=blue
    W rc1b dc1b; left,color=blue
    W 2s 1s; left=4.5
    Rs 1s rsb; down
    W c1b rsb; right
    W dc1b rsb; left
    W dc2b rc1b; left=3.5
    return cct
Beispiel #49
    def test_VRL1_dc3(self):
        """Lcapy: check VRL circuit at dc but with initial conditions


        # TODO: This currently fails due to two symbols of the same name
        # having different assumptions.

        a = Circuit()
        a.add('V1 1 0 V1')
        a.add('R1 1 2')
        a.add('L1 2 0 L1 0')
        self.assertEqual(a.is_dc, False, "DC incorrect")
        self.assertEqual(a.is_ac, False, "AC incorrect")
Beispiel #50
    def test_VRL1_dc3(self):
        """Lcapy: check VRL circuit at dc but with initial conditions


        # TODO: This currently fails due to two symbols of the same name
        # having different assumptions.

        a = Circuit()
        a.add('V1 1 0 V1')
        a.add('R1 1 2')
        a.add('L1 2 0 L1 0')
        self.assertEqual(a.is_dc, False, "DC incorrect")
        self.assertEqual(a.is_ac, False, "AC incorrect")
Beispiel #51
    def test_VRL1_dc2(self):
        """Lcapy: check VRL circuit at dc but with initial conditions


        # TODO: This currently fails due to two symbols of the same name
        # having different assumptions.

        a = Circuit()
        a.add('V1 1 0 {V1 + 1}')
        a.add('R1 1 2')
        a.add('L1 2 0 L1 {(V1 + 1) / R1}')
        # This tests if symbols are converted to the defined ones.
        self.assertEqual2(a.L1.v, V(0).Voc.s.inverse_laplace(), 
                          "Incorrect time domain voltage")        
        v = Vs('(V1+1)/s', dc=False).inverse_laplace()
        self.assertEqual2(a.R1.v, v, 
                          "Incorrect time domain voltage")        
        self.assertEqual(a.is_ivp, True, "Initial value problem incorrect")
        self.assertEqual(a.is_dc, False, "DC incorrect")
        self.assertEqual(a.is_ac, False, "AC incorrect")
Beispiel #52
    def test_VRL1(self):
        """Lcapy: check VRL circuit

        a = Circuit()
        a.add('V1 1 0 {V1 / s}')
        a.add('R1 1 2')
        a.add('L1 2 0 L1 0')

        # This currently fails due to two symbols of the same name
        # having different assumptions.

        # Note, V1 acts as a short-circuit for the impedance/admittance
            a.thevenin(1, 2).Voc, a.Voc(1, 2), "incorrect thevenin voltage")
            a.thevenin(1, 2).Z, a.Z(1, 2), "incorrect thevenin impedance")
  , 2).Isc, a.Isc(1, 2), "incorrect norton current")
  , 2).Y, a.Y(1, 2), "incorrect norton admittance")
            a.Z(1, 2), (R('R1') | L('L1')).Z, "Z incorrect across R1")
            a.Z(2, 0), (R('R1') | L('L1')).Z, "Z incorrect across L1")
        self.assertEqual2(a.Z(1, 0), R(0).Z, "Z incorrect across V1")

            a.Y(1, 2), (R('R1') | L('L1')).Y, "Y incorrect across R1")
            a.Y(2, 0), (R('R1') | L('L1')).Y, "Y incorrect across L1")
        # This has a non-invertible A matrix.
        # self.assertEqual2(a.Y(1, 0), R(0).Y, "Y incorrect across V1")

        self.assertEqual2(a.Voc(1, 0), V('V1' / s).Voc,
                          "Voc incorrect across V1")
        self.assertEqual(a.is_ivp, True, "Initial value problem incorrect")
        self.assertEqual(a.is_dc, False, "DC incorrect")
        self.assertEqual(a.is_ac, False, "AC incorrect")
Beispiel #53
from lcapy import Circuit, t
from matplotlib.pyplot import savefig
from numpy import linspace

cct = Circuit()

cct.add('V1 1 0 step')
cct.add('L1 1 2 L1 0')
cct.add('C1 2 3')
cct.add('R1 3 0')

Vr = cct[3].V
vr = Vr(t)


vr = vr.subs({'L1':1, 'C1':0.1, 'R1':10, 'V1':1})

if True:
    tv = linspace(0, 2, 400)
Beispiel #54
from lcapy import Circuit

cct = Circuit()
cct.add('V 1 0 step 20')
cct.add('R 1 2 10')
cct.add('C 2 0 1e-4')

# Determine transient response at node 2 evaluated at specified times.
import numpy as np
t = np.linspace(0, 0.01, 1000)
vc = cct[2].v(t)

from matplotlib.pyplot import figure, savefig
fig = figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
ax.plot(t, vc, linewidth=2)
ax.set_xlabel('Time (s)')
ax.set_ylabel('Capacitor voltage (V)')

Beispiel #55
from lcapy import Circuit, j, f, pi
from numpy import linspace

cct = Circuit()

cct.add('P1 1 0; down')
cct.add('L1 1 2 0.1; right') 
cct.add('C1 2 3 1e-3; right') 
cct.add('R1 3 4 10; down') 
cct.add('W1 0 4; right') 
H = cct.transfer(1, 0, 3, 4)
A = H(j * 2 * pi * f)

fv = linspace(0, 100, 400)


A.plot(fv, log_scale=True)

Beispiel #56
from lcapy import Circuit
import numpy as np
from matplotlib.pyplot import figure, savefig

t = np.linspace(0, 0.01, 1000)

cct = Circuit()

cct.add('V1 1 0 step 10')
cct.add('L1 1 2 0.1')
cct.add('C1 2 3 1e-4')
cct.add('R1 3 0 100')

Vr = cct[3].V
vr = Vr.transient_response(t)

fig = figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
ax.plot(t, vr, linewidth=2)
ax.set_xlabel('Time (s)')
ax.set_ylabel('Resistor voltage (V)')

Beispiel #57
from lcapy import Circuit
cct = Circuit()

cct.add('V 1 0 step 10')
cct.add('L 1 2 1e-3')
cct.add('C 2 3 1e-4')
cct.add('R 3 0 10')

import numpy as np
t = np.linspace(0, 0.01, 1000)
vr = cct.R.v(t)

from matplotlib.pyplot import figure, savefig, show
fig = figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
ax.plot(t, vr, linewidth=2)
ax.set_xlabel('Time (s)')
ax.set_ylabel('Resistor voltage (V)')

Beispiel #58
from lcapy import Circuit
from matplotlib.pyplot import savefig, show
from numpy import linspace

cct = Circuit()

cct.add('V1 1 0 dc')
cct.add('L1 1 2')
cct.add('C1 2 3')
cct.add('R1 3 0')

Vr = cct[3].V
vr = Vr.transient_response()


if False:
    tv = linspace(0, 2, 400)