Beispiel #1
    def _loadDatFiles(self, star_paths, numberOfFiles):
        if not star_paths:
            return []
        stars = []
        counter = 1
        # Load every light curve and put it into star object
        for singleFile in tqdm(star_paths[:numberOfFiles],
                               desc="Loading dat files:"):
            if self.files_to_load and os.path.basename(
                    singleFile) not in self.files_to_load:

            lc = LightCurve(self._loadLcFromDat(singleFile))

            # Check if light curve is not empty
            if (len(lc.mag) >= 1):
                db_ident = self.parseFileName(singleFile)
                if self.db_ident:
                    ident = {self.db_ident: {"name": db_ident}}
                    ident = {"file": {"name": db_ident}}

                star = Star(ident=ident)
                star.starClass = self.star_class

            counter += 1
        return stars
    def _createStars(self, header, rows, lc_tmp):
        # [u'No', u'Field', u'StarID', u'RA', u'Decl', u'V', u'I', u'B']
        # [u'No', u'Field', u'StarID', u'RA', u'Decl', u'I']

        cols_map = self._parseHeader(header)
        stars = []
        for row in rows:
            field = str(row[cols_map.get("field")])
            starid = str(row[cols_map.get("starid")])
            ra = float(row[cols_map.get("ra")])
            dec = float(row[cols_map.get("dec")])

            identifiers = {}
            identifiers["Macho"] = row[cols_map.get("macho_id")]
            identifiers["Asas"] = row[cols_map.get("asas_id")]
            identifiers["OgleII"] = row[cols_map.get("ogle_ii_id")]
            identifiers["GCVS"] = row[cols_map.get("gcvs_id")]

            name = str(row[cols_map.get("name")])
            ident = {"OgleIII": {"name": name,
                                 "db_ident": {"field": field,
                                              "starid": starid}}}

            for ide, val in identifiers.iteritems():
                if val != u"\xa0":
                    ident[ide] = {"name": str(val)}

                    query_ide = self._parseDbNames(ide, val)
                    if query_ide:
                        ident[ide]["db_ident"] = query_ide

            more = {}
            for col in self.MORE:
                if cols_map.get(col) and cols_map.get(col):
                    val = row[cols_map.get(col)]
                    if val != u"\xa0":
                            val = float(val)
                            val = str(val)

                        more[col] = val

            coo = (ra * 15, dec, "deg")

            st = Star(ident, name, coo, more)
            st.starClass = str(row[cols_map.get("type")])

            if lc_tmp:
                lc = self._getLc(name)
                if lc and len(lc) != 0:
                    st.putLightCurve(np.array(lc), meta=self.LC_META)

        return stars