def define_branch_CC(E0=9000, d23 = .2, alphaAsym=np.deg2rad(0), f_lens=10., FOV1 = 1e-3, FOV2 = 100e-6, N = 1024):
    # crystal reflection hkl index
    hkl = [2,2,0]

    # viewing point upstream of monochromator
    im0 = optics.PPM('im0', z=400-.01, FOV = FOV1, N=N)
    slit = optics.Slit('s0', x_width=1., y_width=100e-3, dx=0, dy=50e-3, z=400)

    # first crystal: symmetric reflection
    crystal1 = optics.Crystal('c1', hkl=hkl, length=10e-2, width=20e-3, z=400, E0=E0,
                              alphaAsym=0, orientation=0, pol='s', delta=0.e-6)
    # second crystal: symmetric reflection, orientation flipped relative to crystal 1
    z12 = np.cos(2*crystal1.beta0)*0.02
    crystal2 = optics.Crystal('c2', hkl=hkl, length=10e-2, width=20e-3, z=crystal1.z+z12, E0=E0,
                              alphaAsym=alphaAsym, orientation=2, pol='s', delta=0.e-6)
    # printing crystal incidence and reflection angles for confirmation
    print('crystal 2 incidence angle: {:.2f} degrees'.format(crystal2.alpha*180/np.pi))
    print('crystal 2 exit angle: {:.2f} degrees'.format(crystal2.beta0*180/np.pi))

    im1 = optics.PPM('im1', z=crystal2.z+d23/2+z_off, FOV=FOV1, N=N)

    # third crystal, symmetric reflection, same orientation as crystal2
    z23 = d23 + 2*z_off
    crystal3 = optics.Crystal('c3', hkl=hkl, length=10e-2, width=10e-3, z=crystal2.z+z23, E0=E0,
                              alphaAsym=-alphaAsym, orientation=2, pol='s', asym_type='emergence')

    # fourth crystal, symmetric reflection, same orientation as crystal1
    z34 = z12
    crystal4 = optics.Crystal('c4', hkl=hkl, length=10e-2, width=10e-3, z=crystal3.z+z34, E0=E0,
                              alphaAsym=0, orientation=0, pol='s', asym_type='emergence')
    # viewing point just downstream of monochromator
    im2 = optics.PPM('im2', z=crystal4.z+.01, FOV=FOV1, N=N)
     # spectrometer lens
    crl1 = CRL_no_abs('crl1', z=im2.z+.01, E0=E0, f=f_lens, diameter=5e-3, orientation=1)

    # viewing point at spectrometer lens focal plane
    im3 = optics.PPM('im3', z=crl1.z+f_lens, FOV=FOV2, N=N)
    # spectrometer crystal
    crystal5 = optics.Crystal('c5', hkl=[5,5,5], length=10e-2, width=10e-2, z=crl1.z+f_lens*2, E0=E0,
                              alphaAsym=0, orientation=1, pol='s', asym_type='emergence')
    # viewing point at crossing
    z56 = np.cos(np.pi-2*crystal5.alpha)*.1
    im4 = optics.PPM('im4', z=crystal5.z-z56, FOV=FOV2, N=N)

    # force tilt
    tilt1 = Force_tilt('tilt1', delta_a = -tilt, z=im4.z+.01, orientation = 1)

    # list of devices to propagate through
    devices = [im0, crystal1, crystal2, im1, crystal3, crystal4, im2,
               crl1, im3, crystal5, tilt1, im4]

    return devices
def define_devices(
    f1, f2, slit_width = 1e-3, hkl = [1,1,1], alphaAsym = 0., E0=18e3, f0 = 290., d23=7.):

    # viewing point upstream of monochromator
    im0 = optics.PPM('im0', z=870, FOV=5e-3, N=256)
    crl0 = optics.CRL('crl0', z=920, E0=E0, f=f0, diameter=2e-3)

    # first crystal: symmetric reflection
    crystal1 = optics.Crystal('c1', hkl=hkl, length=10e-2, width=20e-3, z=930, E0=E0,
                              alphaAsym=0, orientation=0, pol='s', delta=0.e-6)

    # second crystal: asymmetric reflection, orientation flipped relative to crystal1
    crystal2 = optics.Crystal('c2', hkl=hkl, length=10e-2, width=20e-3, z=crystal1.z+.2, E0=E0,alphaAsym=alphaAsym, 
                              orientation=2,pol='s', delta=0e-6)
    # printing crystal incidence and reflection angles for confirmation
    print('crystal 2 incidence angle: {:.2f} degrees'.format(crystal2.alpha*180/np.pi))
    print('crystal 2 exit angle: {:.2f} degrees'.format(crystal2.beta0*180/np.pi))

    im_upstream = optics.PPM('im_upstream', z=crystal2.z + f1 - .1, FOV=2e-3, N=256)

    # CRL with ~1 meter focal length (modeled as single element for now)
    crl1 = optics.CRL('crl1', z=crystal2.z+f1, E0=E0, f=f2, diameter=5e-3)

    # viewing point downstream of first crl
    im1 = optics.PPM('im1', z=crl1.z+.1,N=256,FOV=5e-3)

    # slit at focus
    slit = optics.Slit('slit', z=crl1.z+f2, x_width=slit_width, y_width=2e-3)

    # viewing point at focus
    focus = optics.PPM('focus', z=crl1.z+f2 + 1e-3, FOV=5e-3, N=256)

    # second CRL with ~1 meter focal length, for collimation
    crl2 = optics.CRL('crl2', z=crl1.z+2*f2, E0=E0, f=f2, diameter=5e-3)

    # third crystal, symmetric reflection, same orientation as crystal2
    crystal3 = optics.Crystal('c3', hkl=hkl, length=10e-2, width=10e-3, z=crl2.z+d23, E0=E0,alphaAsym=0, orientation=2,

    # fourth crystal, asymmetric reflection, same orientation as crystal1
    crystal4 = optics.Crystal('c4', hkl=hkl, length=10e-2, width=10e-3, z=crl2.z+d23 + (f1-d23)*np.cos(crystal1.beta0*2), E0=E0,alphaAsym=-alphaAsym, 
                              asym_type='emergence', orientation=0,pol='s')

    # viewing point just downstream of monochromator
    im2 = optics.PPM('im2', z=crystal4.z+.1, FOV=5e-3, N=256)

    # list of devices to propagate through
    devices = [crl0,im0,crystal1,crystal2,im_upstream,im1,crl1,slit,focus,crl2,crystal3,crystal4,im2]

    return devices