def publishJointStates(side, lcm, status):
    global l_names
    global r_names

    state = joint_state_t()
    state.utime = status.utime
    state.num_joints = 11

    state.joint_velocity = [0]*11
    state.joint_effort = [0]*11
    state.joint_position = [0]*11

    state.joint_position[0] = get_mapping(status.positionA)
    state.joint_position[1] = get_mapping(status.positionA)
    state.joint_position[2] = get_mapping(status.positionA)

    state.joint_position[3] = get_mapping(status.positionB)
    state.joint_position[4] = get_mapping(status.positionB)
    state.joint_position[5] = get_mapping(status.positionB)

    state.joint_position[6] = get_mapping(status.positionC)
    state.joint_position[7] = get_mapping(status.positionC)
    state.joint_position[8] = get_mapping(status.positionC)

    state.joint_position[9] = -0.002 * (status.positionS-137)
    state.joint_position[10] = 0.002 * (status.positionS-137)

    if (side.upper()[0] == 'R'):
        state.joint_name = r_names
        lcm.publish("ROBOTIQ_" + side.upper() + "_STATE", state.encode())
        state.joint_name = l_names
        lcm.publish("ROBOTIQ_" + side.upper() + "_STATE", state.encode())
Beispiel #2
def conHandler(channel, data):
    global count
    global X0
    global u
    global xytheta
    global theta
    #global A
    #global B
    global zreal
    #global l0
    #global Dt

    print "message received on channel: %s" % channel
    msg = positionSim_t.decode(data)
    u = matrix(msg.u).H  #[2]

    #print "u looks like:"
    #print u
    #print "norm: %s"%linalg.norm(u)

    dxytheta = Dt * matrix([[float(cos(theta)), 0], [float(sin(theta)), 0],
                            [0, 1]]) * u

    #print dxytheta
    #chg = sqrt(dxytheta[0]**2 + dxytheta[1]**2)
    #print chg
    #if chg < 0.01:
    #	count = count +1
    #	if count > 5:
    #		print "move in"
    #		count = count - 2
    #dxytheta[0] = -0.2
    #		print theta
    #		dxytheta[2] = dxytheta[2] -0.5
    #	print "ADJUSTING U!!\n\n\n\n"
    #dxytheta[0] = -0.01
    #u[0] = -3
    #u[1] = -3

    xytheta[0] = xytheta[0] + dxytheta[1]
    xytheta[1] = xytheta[1] + dxytheta[0]
    xytheta[2] = xytheta[2] + dxytheta[2]

    #%control law ends here

    if xytheta[2] > 2 * pi:
        xytheta[2] = xytheta[2] - 2 * pi
    elif xytheta[2] < 0:
        xytheta[2] = xytheta[2] + 2 * pi

    X0[1] = xytheta[0]
    X0[0] = xytheta[1]
    theta = xytheta[2]

    retMsg = positionSim_t()

    retMsg.X0 = X0  #make X0 three dimensional to include angle information
    retMsg.theta = theta  #Should be changed with 3 dimensional X0 containing theta

    lcm.publish("conReturn", retMsg.encode())
Beispiel #3
def retrieve(channel, data):
    global xi, yi
    #print "retrieve"
    #global trap


    dx = 1
    dy = dx
    msg = positionSim_t.decode(data)
    x = msg.X0[1]
    y = msg.X0[0]
    xi = x
    yi = y
    print x, y

    #print x,y
    normalizingValue = 10.0  # just trying to bring the puff count to a reasonable
    #value.  it looks like the concentration of like 0.3 is reasonable.
    c = plum.concentration(x, y, dx) / normalizingValue
    x1 = plum.concentration(x + dx, y, dx) / normalizingValue
    x2 = plum.concentration(x - dx, y, dx) / normalizingValue
    x3 = plum.concentration(x, y - dx, dx) / normalizingValue
    x4 = plum.concentration(x, y - dx, dx) / normalizingValue
    vy, vx = plum.flow.getVector(x, y)

    #print "return the concentration at (%s, %s)" %(x, y)
    #print x1, x2, x3, x4, vx, vy, c

    DU_dy0 = (vy >= 0) * (x1 - c) / (dx) + (vy < 0) * (c - x2) / (dx)
    DU_dx0 = (vx >= 0) * (x3 - c) / (dx) + (vx < 0) * (c - x4) / (dx)
    DU = (DU_dx0, DU_dy0)
    DU_p = (-DU_dy0, DU_dx0)
    DU_p = DU_p / LA.norm(DU_p + np.finfo(float).eps)
    V0 = (vx, vy)
    D2U0 = (x3 + x4 - 2 * c) / dx**2 + (x1 + x2 - 2 * c) / dy**2
    U0 = c

    print "DU: %s  DU_p: %s\nV0: %s   D2U0: %s\nU0: %s" % (DU, DU_p, V0, D2U0,

    retMsg = positionSim_t()
    retMsg.DU = DU
    retMsg.DU_p = DU_p
    retMsg.V0 = V0
    retMsg.D2U0 = D2U0
    retMsg.U0 = U0

    lcm.publish("dataReturn", retMsg.encode())
def publishSystemStatus(side, lcm, status):
    global connectPublished
    global activePublished

    if connectPublished and activePublished:

    msg = drc.system_status_t()
    msg.utime = (time() * 1000000)
    msg.system = 4  #provided as the system level for grippers
    msg.importance = 0
    msg.frequency = 0

    if connectPublished:
        if status and status.activated == 1:
            msg.value = side.upper() + " ROBOTIQ HAND ACTIVE: Receiving status and active"
            lcm.publish("SYSTEM_STATUS", msg.encode())
            activePublished = True
        if status:
            msg.value = side.upper() + " ROBOTIQ HAND ALIVE: Receiving status messages"
            lcm.publish("SYSTEM_STATUS", msg.encode())
            connectPublished = True
Beispiel #5
        help="If provided, use 64-length descriptor instead of 128",
                      help="Number of octaves",
                      help="Number of octave layers",

    (options, args) = parser.parse_args()

    #Populate the lcm message
    msg = SurfParams()
    msg.extended = options.extended
    msg.hessianThreshold = options.hessianThreshold
    msg.nOctaves = options.nOctaves
    msg.nOctaveLayers = options.nOctaveLayers
    msg.utime = int(time.time() * 1000000)

    #Publish the lcm message
    lcm = lcm.LCM()
    lcm.publish(SURFGPU_PARAMS, msg.encode())
Beispiel #6
def conHandler(channel, data):
    global count
    global u
    global X0
    global Xhat
    print "message received on channel: %s" % channel
    msg = positionSim_t.decode(data)

    c = msg.con
    V0 = matrix(msg.V0).H  #[2]

    DU_dx0, DU_dy0, D2U0 = gradientDivergence(c[0], c[1], c[2], c[3], c[4],
                                              V0[0], V0[1])

    DU = asmatrix([float(DU_dx0), float(DU_dy0)]).H
    DU_p = asmatrix([float(-DU_dy0), float(DU_dx0)]).H
    U0 = c[0]
    #print DU
    X0_rec = matrix(msg.X0).H
    theta = matrix(msg.theta).H

    dotXhat_1   = float(  -( (V0.H * DU) + k1 *D2U0 + k2 * U0 ) ) \
           * divide(DU, (LA.norm(DU)**2))
    dotXhat_1 = nanCheck(dotXhat_1)

    dotXhat_2 = -DU * (DU.H * (Xhat[:, 0] - X0[:, 0]) + U0 - threshold)
    dotXhat_2 = nanCheck(dotXhat_2)

    dotXhat_2 = k3 * dotXhat_2 / LA.norm(dotXhat_2)
    dotXhat_2 = nanCheck(dotXhat_2)

    dotXhat_3 = c1 * DU_p
    dotXhat = dotXhat_1 + dotXhat_2 + dotXhat_3
    Xhatdot = dotXhat

    #this is the control
    V0_robot = -c_r * (X0 - Xhat) + v_compensate * Xhatdot

    Xhat = Xhat + (Dt * Xhatdot)  #mysaturation(Xhatdot, Xhatdot_max)).H
    X0 = X0 + (Dt * V0_robot)  #mysaturation(V0_robot, V0_robot_max)).H
    Xhat_diff = (Dt * mysaturation(Xhatdot, Xhatdot_max)).H
    X0_diff = (Dt * mysaturation(V0_robot, V0_robot_max)).H

    vd[0] = X0_diff[0] / Dt
    vd[1] = X0_diff[1] / Dt
    Dinv = matrix([ [float(cos(theta)), float(-l0*sin(theta))], \
        [float(sin(theta)), float(l0*cos(theta))]])
    D    = matrix([ [float(cos(theta)),     float(sin(theta))], \
        [float(-sin(theta)/l0), float(cos(theta)/l0)]])

    #Control law part generates the control input corresponding to u in equation 3 and 4

    F = LA.inv(B) * (-A * u - c0 * (u - D * vd))
    du = (A * u + B * F) * Dt

    u = du + u

    #print du
    #print "norm du %s  con: %s"%(linalg.norm(du), c)
    #print "flow vector: %s"%V0

    #if linalg.norm(du) < 0.2 and c[0] < 0.005:
    #	print "start turning around\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"
    #	print du
    #print "help"
    retMsg = positionSim_t()
    retMsg.u = u
    lcm.publish("controlReturn", retMsg.encode())
if len(args):

lcm = lcm.LCM("udpm://"%(ttl))
msg = route2_tree_t()
msg.timestamp = int(time.time() * 1000000)

print rtree
msg.n = len(rtree)
for (node, rtable) in rtree:
    rt = route2_table_t()
    rt.node = node
    rt.n = len(rtable)
    for (dest,nh,w) in rtable:
        re = route2_entry_t()
        re.dest = dest
        re.node = nh
        re.weight = w
    rt.entries = entries

msg.rtable = rtables
#print msg
print "publishing msg to ",
lcm.publish(, msg.encode())

Beispiel #8

if len(args):

lcm = lcm.LCM("udpm://")
msg = route_tree_t()
msg.timestamp = int(time.time() * 1000000)
#msg.timestamp = 0

print rtree
msg.n = len(rtree)
for (node, rtable) in rtree:
    rt = route_table_t()
    rt.node = node
    rt.n = len(rtable)
    for (nh,w) in rtable:
        re = route_entry_t()
        re.node = nh
        re.weight = w
    rt.entries = entries

msg.rtable = rtables
#print msg
lcm.publish("RNP", msg.encode())

Beispiel #9
     %(msg.DU, msg.DU_p, msg.V0, msg.D2U0, msg.U0)
    print msg.DU[1]

def envReturnHandler(channel, data):

lcm = lcm.LCM()
subEnv = lcm.subscribe("dataReturn", envHandler)
subEnvRet = lcm.subscribe("envUpdateConfirm", envReturnHandler)

param = auxiliary.Parameters()
ts = param.T
Dt = param.dt
T_thresh = 2 * (1 / Dt)

dummyMsg = positionSim_t()
dummyMsg.X0[0] = 12
dummyMsg.X0[1] = 25
#for T in linspace(0, ts, (1/Dt) *ts): #
print ts / Dt

for T in xrange(int(ts / Dt)):
    print T

    if T >= T_thresh:
        dummyMsg.T = T
        lcm.publish("envRetrieve", dummyMsg.encode())
        lcm.handle()  #envReturn
Beispiel #10
#!/usr/bin/env python

import time
from optparse import OptionParser

import perls
import lcm


SiftParams = perls.lcmtypes.perllcm.van_siftgpu_params_t

if __name__ == '__main__':

    msg = SiftParams()

    #Sending these parameters seems to have an effect for CUDA-enabled systems.
    # NOTE: If siftgpu was compiled without CUDA support, these values do nothing
    msg.dogThreshold = 0.02
    msg.edgeThreshold = 10.0
    msg.dogLevels = 3
    msg.filterWidthFactor = 4.0

    #...these parameters do not seem to have an effect even on CUDA-enabled systems.
    msg.orientWindowFactor = 2.0
    msg.gridSizeFactor = 3.0

    lcm = lcm.LCM()
    lcm.publish(SIFTGPU_PARAMS, msg.encode())
Beispiel #11
def confirmFinish():
    msg = positionSim_t()
    lcm.publish("envUpdateConfirm", msg.encode())