Beispiel #1
def scatterplot(self, x=0, y=1, path=None, width=None, height=None):
    Render a lattice/grid of scatterplots using :class:`leather.Lattice`.

    :param x:
        The name or index of a column to plot as the x axis of the chart.
        Defaults to the first column in the table.
    :param y:
        The name or index of a column to plot as the y axis of the chart.
        Defaults to the second column in the table.
    :param path:
        If specified, the resulting SVG will be saved to this location. If
        :code:`None` and running in IPython, then the SVG will be rendered
        inline. Otherwise, the SVG data will be returned as a string.
    :param width:
        The width of the output SVG.
    :param height:
        The height of the output SVG.
    if type(x) is int:
        x_name = self.column_names[x]
        x_name = x

    if type(y) is int:
        y_name = self.column_names[y]
        y_name = y

    chart = leather.Lattice(shape=leather.Dots())
    chart.add_many(self.values(), x=x, y=y, titles=self.keys())

    return chart.to_svg(path=path, width=width, height=height)
Beispiel #2
 def setUp(self):
     self.shape = leather.Dots('red')
     self.linear = leather.Linear(0, 10)
     self.ordinal = leather.Ordinal(['foo', 'bar', 'bing'])
     self.palette = (color for color in ['red', 'white', 'blue'])
import leather
import math
import csv

chart = leather.Chart('Income vs. health')

with open('data.csv', 'r') as csvfile:
    reader = csv.DictReader(csvfile)
    data = list(reader)

    def size_dot_by_area(x, y, i):
        return math.sqrt(int(data[i]['population'])) / 1000

    dots = leather.Dots('rgba(0,0,0,0.5)', radius=size_dot_by_area)

    series = leather.Series(data,
                            x=lambda row, i: math.log(float(row['income'])),
                            y=lambda row, i: float(row['health']))


chart.set_x_axis(leather.Axis(name='Log GDP per capita'))
chart.set_y_axis(leather.Axis(name='Life expectancy in years'))
Beispiel #4
 def setUp(self):
     self.shape = leather.Dots('red')
Beispiel #5
 def setUp(self):
     self.shape = leather.Dots('red')
     self.linear = leather.Linear(0, 10)
     self.ordinal = leather.Ordinal(['foo', 'bar', 'bing'])