def sync(source): start_time = time.time() sys.stdout.write("[+] Staring to sync source: {label}!\n".format( label=source.label)) source_service.sync(source) sys.stdout.write( "[+] Finished syncing source: {label}. Run Time: {time}\n".format( label=source.label, time=(time.time() - start_time)))
def sync(source): start_time = time.time() sys.stdout.write("[+] Staring to sync source: {label}!\n".format(label=source.label)) source_service.sync(source) sys.stdout.write( "[+] Finished syncing source: {label}. Run Time: {time}\n".format( label=source.label, time=(time.time() - start_time) ) )
def sync_sources(labels): """ Attempts to run several methods Certificate discovery. This is run on a periodic basis and updates the Lemur datastore with the information it discovers. """ if not labels: sys.stdout.write("Active\tLabel\tDescription\n") for source in source_service.get_all(): sys.stdout.write( "{active}\t{label}\t{description}!\n".format( label=source.label, description=source.description, ) ) else: start_time = time.time() lock_file = "/tmp/.lemur_lock" sync_lock = LockFile(lock_file) while not sync_lock.i_am_locking(): try: sync_lock.acquire(timeout=10) # wait up to 10 seconds sys.stdout.write("[+] Staring to sync sources: {labels}!\n".format(labels=labels)) labels = labels.split(",") if labels[0] == 'all': sync() else: sync(labels=labels) sys.stdout.write( "[+] Finished syncing sources. Run Time: {time}\n".format( time=(time.time() - start_time) ) ) except LockTimeout: sys.stderr.write( "[!] Unable to acquire file lock on {file}, is there another sync running?\n".format( file=lock_file ) ) sync_lock.break_lock() sync_lock.acquire() sync_lock.release() sync_lock.release()
def sync(source_strings): source_objs = validate_sources(source_strings) for source in source_objs: start_time = time.time() print("[+] Staring to sync source: {label}!\n".format( label=source.label)) user = user_service.get_by_username('lemur') try: data = source_service.sync(source, user) print("[+] Certificates: New: {new} Updated: {updated}".format( new=data['certificates'][0], updated=data['certificates'][1])) print("[+] Endpoints: New: {new} Updated: {updated}".format( new=data['endpoints'][0], updated=data['endpoints'][1])) print("[+] Finished syncing source: {label}. Run Time: {time}". format(label=source.label, time=(time.time() - start_time))) except Exception as e: current_app.logger.exception(e) print("[X] Failed syncing source {label}!\n".format( label=source.label)) metrics.send('sync_failed', 'counter', 1, metric_tags={'source': source.label})
def sync(source_strings): sources = validate_sources(source_strings) for source in sources: status = FAILURE_METRIC_STATUS start_time = time.time() print("[+] Staring to sync source: {label}!\n".format( label=source.label)) user = user_service.get_by_username("lemur") try: data = source_service.sync(source, user) print("[+] Certificates: New: {new} Updated: {updated}".format( new=data["certificates"][0], updated=data["certificates"][1])) print( "[+] Endpoints: New: {new} Updated: {updated} Removed: {removed}" .format( new=data["endpoints"][0], updated=data["endpoints"][1], removed=data["endpoints"][2], )) print("[+] Finished syncing source: {label}. Run Time: {time}". format(label=source.label, time=(time.time() - start_time))) status = SUCCESS_METRIC_STATUS except Exception as e: current_app.logger.exception(e) print("[X] Failed syncing source {label}!\n".format( label=source.label)) sentry.captureException() metrics.send( "source_sync_fail", "counter", 1, metric_tags={ "source": source.label, "status": status }, ) metrics.send( "source_sync", "counter", 1, metric_tags={ "source": source.label, "status": status }, )
def sync(source_strings): source_objs = validate_sources(source_strings) for source in source_objs: start_time = time.time() print("[+] Staring to sync source: {label}!\n".format( label=source.label)) user = user_service.get_by_username('lemur') try: source_service.sync(source, user) print("[+] Finished syncing source: {label}. Run Time: {time}". format(label=source.label, time=(time.time() - start_time))) except Exception as e: current_app.logger.exception(e) print("[X] Failed syncing source {label}!\n".format( label=source.label)) metrics.send('sync_failed', 'counter', 1, metric_tags={'source': source.label})
def sync(source_strings): sources = validate_sources(source_strings) for source in sources: status = FAILURE_METRIC_STATUS start_time = time.time() print("[+] Staring to sync source: {label}!\n".format(label=source.label)) user = user_service.get_by_username('lemur') try: data = source_service.sync(source, user) print( "[+] Certificates: New: {new} Updated: {updated}".format( new=data['certificates'][0], updated=data['certificates'][1] ) ) print( "[+] Endpoints: New: {new} Updated: {updated}".format( new=data['endpoints'][0], updated=data['endpoints'][1] ) ) print( "[+] Finished syncing source: {label}. Run Time: {time}".format( label=source.label, time=(time.time() - start_time) ) ) status = SUCCESS_METRIC_STATUS except Exception as e: current_app.logger.exception(e) print( "[X] Failed syncing source {label}!\n".format(label=source.label) ) sentry.captureException() metrics.send('source_sync_fail', 'counter', 1, metric_tags={'source': source.label, 'status': status}) metrics.send('source_sync', 'counter', 1, metric_tags={'source': source.label, 'status': status})
def sync_source(source_label): """ This celery task will sync the specified source. :param source: :return: """ function = f"{__name__}.{sys._getframe().f_code.co_name}" logger = logging.getLogger(function) task_id = None if celery.current_task: task_id = log_data = { "source": source_label, "task_id": task_id, } if task_id and is_task_active(function, task_id, (source_label, )): logger.debug("Skipping task: Task is already active", extra=log_data) return"Starting syncing source", extra=log_data) user = user_service.get_by_username("lemur") source = source_service.get_by_label(source_label) if not source: raise RuntimeError(f"Source {source_label} not found") result = source_service.sync(source, user) log_data["result"] = result"Done syncing source", extra=log_data) return