Beispiel #1
def get_required_request_query_or_header_parameters_internal(
        header: bool, l: lenses.ui.BaseUiLens[S, T, X, Y], oai: OpenAPIObject,
        p: PathItem) -> Sequence[Parameter]:
    # TODO: really dirty cast
    # is this even the case
    # copied from unmock, but need to investigate
    return [
   if not header else,
            schema=change_ref(parameter.schema) if isinstance(
                parameter.schema, Reference) else change_refs(parameter.schema)
            if parameter.schema is not None else Schema(_type="string"),
        ) for parameter in l.Prism(
            lambda s: get_parameter_from_ref(oai, ref_name(s))
            if isinstance(s, Reference) else s,
            lambda a: a,
            lambda s: s if (s._in == ("header" if header else "query")) and s.
            required else None,
            lambda a: a,
        if parameter.schema is not None and (len(lens.Each().add_lens(
            schema_prism(oai)).collect()([parameter.schema])) > 0)
def lens_fields(new_data):
    incoming_fields = set(new_data.keys())

    stage = lens.Each().Filter(lambda tup: tup[0] in incoming_fields)

    def update_field(field_tup):
        key = field_tup[0]
        return (key, new_data[key])

    update = stage.modify(update_field)

    return stage.collect(), update
def test_frozendict_iter():
    state = frozendict.frozendict(one=1, two=2, three=3)
    result = frozendict.frozendict(one=11, two=12, three=13)
    assert (lens.Each()[1] + 10)(state) == result
Beispiel #4
def test_lens_get_monoid():
    assert lens.Each().get_monoid()([[1, 2], [3, 4]]) == [1, 2, 3, 4]
Beispiel #5
def test_lens_collect():
    assert lens.Each()[1].collect()([[1, 2], [3, 4]]) == [2, 4]
Beispiel #6
        cls, lvl = spec.split()
        if '/' in cls:
            cls = cls.split('/')
            cls = [cls]
        for c in cls:
            lvls[c] = int(lvl)
    return lvls

def spellfold(spell):
    lvls = munge_level(spell['level'])
    yield {'name': spell['name'], 'level': lvls}

spellfields = lens.Each()['fields']  # focus the fields of a spell

cls = 'wizard'
clsfilter = lens.Filter(
    lambda s: cls in s['level'])  # filter spells in this class

mutatespell = lens.Fold(spellfold)  # use a fold to mutate the spell structure

optic = (spellfields & clsfilter & mutatespell)  # compose these lenses
spells = optic.collect()(data)
print('\n----\nFirst 10 %s spells:\n----' % cls)
pprint([s['name'] for s in spells[:10]])

# I changed my mind and want to see spells with mixed class levels
optic = optic & lens.Filter(lambda s: len(set(s['level'].values())) > 1)
def test_precord_iter():
    state = PairR(left=1, right=2)
    assert (lens.Each()[1] + 10)(state) == PairR(left=11, right=12)
def test_pset_iter():
    state = pyr.s(1, 2, 3)
    assert (lens.Each() + 10)(state) == pyr.s(11, 12, 13)
def test_pmap_iter():
    state = pyr.m(a=1, b=2, c=3)
    assert (lens.Each()[1] + 10)(state) == pyr.m(a=11, b=12, c=13)
def test_pvector_iter():
    state = pyr.pvector([1, 2, 3])
    assert (lens.Each() + 10)(state) == pyr.pvector([11, 12, 13])
def init_assign(prop):
    return ast.Assign(
        targets=[ast.Attribute(value=ast.Name(id="self"), attr=prop)], value=ast.Name(id=prop)

# Return an argument node
def init_arg(prop):
    return ast.arg(arg=prop, annotation=None)

# Load the original file into AST
tree = ast.parse(original)

# Dive into tree
for_each_module_body = lens.body & lens.Each()
for_each_class_body = lens.body & lens.Each()
function_body = lens.body
function_args = lens.args

# Filter for only init functions
is_init_function = lens.Filter(is_init)

# Compose previous optics to zoom in on the module's init function
init_function = for_each_module_body & for_each_class_body & is_init_function

# Construct node diff set
current_properties = (init_function & function_body & lens.Each()
extra_properties = [k for k, v in table.items() if k not in current_properties]
extra_args = [init_arg(property_) for property_ in extra_properties]
extra_assign_nodes = [init_assign(property_) for property_ in extra_properties]