Beispiel #1
    def __init__(self, kwargs_data):

        kwargs_data must contain:

        'image_data': 2d numpy array of the image data
        'transform_pix2angle' 2x2 transformation matrix (linear) to transform a pixel shift into a coordinate shift
        (x, y) -> (ra, dec)
        'ra_at_xy_0' RA coordinate of pixel (0,0)
        'dec_at_xy_0' DEC coordinate of pixel (0,0)

        optional keywords for shifts in the coordinate system:
        'ra_shift': shifts the coordinate system with respect to 'ra_at_xy_0'
        'dec_shift': shifts the coordinate system with respect to 'dec_at_xy_0'

        optional keywords for noise properties:
        'background_rms': rms value of the background noise
        'exp_time: float, exposure time to compute the Poisson noise contribution
        'exposure_map': 2d numpy array, effective exposure time for each pixel. If set, will replace 'exp_time'

        :param kwargs_data:
        :param subgrid_res:
        :param psf_subgrid:

        if not 'image_data' in kwargs_data:
            if not 'numPix' in kwargs_data:
                raise ValueError(
                    "keyword 'image_data' must be specified and consist of a 2d numpy array  or at least 'numPix'!"
                numPix = kwargs_data['numPix']
                data = np.zeros((numPix, numPix))
            data = kwargs_data['image_data']
        self.nx, self.ny = np.shape(data)
        if self.nx != self.ny:
            raise ValueError(
                "'image_data' with non-equal pixel number in x- and y-axis not yet supported!"

        ra_at_xy_0 = kwargs_data.get('ra_at_xy_0', 0) + kwargs_data.get(
            'ra_shift', 0)
        dec_at_xy_0 = kwargs_data.get('dec_at_xy_0', 0) + kwargs_data.get(
            'dec_shift', 0)
        transform_pix2angle = kwargs_data.get('transform_pix2angle',
                                              np.array([[1, 0], [0, 1]]))
        self._coords = Coordinates(transform_pix2angle=transform_pix2angle,

        self._x_grid, self._y_grid = self._coords.coordinate_grid(self.nx)
        if 'exposure_map' in kwargs_data:
            exp_map = kwargs_data['exposure_map']
            exp_map[exp_map <= 0] = 10**(-10)
            exp_map = kwargs_data.get('exp_time', None)
        self._exp_map = exp_map
        self._data = data
        self._sigma_b = kwargs_data.get('background_rms', None)
 def test_map_pix2coord(self):
     deltaPix = 0.05
     Mpix2a = np.array([[1, 0], [0, 1]]) * deltaPix
     ra_0 = 1.
     dec_0 = 1.
     coords = Coordinates(transform_pix2angle=Mpix2a, ra_at_xy_0=ra_0, dec_at_xy_0=dec_0)
     x, y = coords.map_pix2coord(1, 0)
     assert x == deltaPix + ra_0
     assert y == dec_0
 def test_init(self):
     deltaPix = 0.05
     Mpix2a = np.array([[1, 0], [0, 1]]) * deltaPix
     ra_0 = 1.
     dec_0 = 1.
     coords = Coordinates(transform_pix2angle=Mpix2a, ra_at_xy_0=ra_0, dec_at_xy_0=dec_0)
     ra, dec = coords.map_pix2coord(0, 0)
     assert ra == ra_0
     assert dec == dec_0
     x, y = coords.map_coord2pix(ra, dec)
     assert ra_0 == ra
     assert dec_0 == dec
     assert x == 0
     assert y == 0
    def test_coordinate_grid(self):
        deltaPix = 0.05
        Mpix2a = np.array([[1, 0], [0, 1]]) * deltaPix
        ra_0 = 1.
        dec_0 = 1.
        coords = Coordinates(transform_pix2angle=Mpix2a, ra_at_xy_0=ra_0, dec_at_xy_0=dec_0)
        ra_grid, dec_grid = coords.coordinate_grid(numPix=10)

        assert ra_grid[0, 0] == ra_0
        assert dec_grid[0, 0] == dec_0
        x_pos, y_pos = 1, 2
        ra, dec = coords.map_pix2coord(x_pos, y_pos)
        npt.assert_almost_equal(ra_grid[int(y_pos), int(x_pos)], ra, decimal=8)
        npt.assert_almost_equal(dec_grid[int(y_pos), int(x_pos)], dec, decimal=8)
    def __init__(self, kwargs_data):

        :param kwargs_data: keyword arguments as described above


        if not 'image_data' in kwargs_data:
            if not 'numPix' in kwargs_data:
                raise ValueError(
                    "keyword 'image_data' must be specified and consist of a 2d numpy array  or at least 'numPix'!"
                numPix = kwargs_data['numPix']
                data = np.zeros((numPix, numPix))
            data = kwargs_data['image_data']
        self.nx, self.ny = np.shape(data)
        if self.nx != self.ny:
            raise ValueError(
                "'image_data' with non-equal pixel number in x- and y-axis not yet supported!"

        ra_at_xy_0 = kwargs_data.get('ra_at_xy_0', 0) + kwargs_data.get(
            'ra_shift', 0)
        dec_at_xy_0 = kwargs_data.get('dec_at_xy_0', 0) + kwargs_data.get(
            'dec_shift', 0)
        transform_pix2angle = kwargs_data.get('transform_pix2angle',
                                              np.array([[1, 0], [0, 1]]))
        self._coords = Coordinates(transform_pix2angle=transform_pix2angle,

        self._x_grid, self._y_grid = self._coords.coordinate_grid(self.nx)
        if 'exposure_map' in kwargs_data:
            exp_map = kwargs_data['exposure_map']
            exp_map[exp_map <= 0] = 10**(-10)
            exp_time = kwargs_data.get('exp_time', 1)
            exp_map = np.ones_like(data) * exp_time
        self._exp_map = exp_map
        self._data = data
        self._sigma_b = kwargs_data.get('background_rms', None)
        if 'noise_map' in kwargs_data:
            self._noise_map = kwargs_data['noise_map']
            if self._noise_map is not None:
                self._sigma_b = 1
                self._exp_map = np.ones_like(data)
            self._noise_map = None
Beispiel #6
 def error_map_source_plot(self, ax, numPix, deltaPix_source, v_min=None, v_max=None, with_caustics=False):
     x_grid_source, y_grid_source = util.make_grid_transformed(numPix,
                                                               self._Mpix2coord * deltaPix_source / self._deltaPix)
     x_center = self._kwargs_source[0]['center_x']
     y_center = self._kwargs_source[0]['center_y']
     x_grid_source += x_center
     y_grid_source += y_center
     coords_source = Coordinates(self._Mpix2coord * deltaPix_source / self._deltaPix, ra_at_xy_0=x_grid_source[0],
     error_map_source = self._analysis.error_map_source(self._kwargs_source, x_grid_source, y_grid_source, self._cov_param)
     error_map_source = util.array2image(error_map_source)
     d_s = numPix * deltaPix_source
     im = ax.matshow(error_map_source, origin='lower', extent=[0, d_s, 0, d_s],
                     cmap=self._cmap, vmin=v_min, vmax=v_max)  # source
     divider = make_axes_locatable(ax)
     cax = divider.append_axes("right", size="5%", pad=0.05)
     cb = plt.colorbar(im, cax=cax)
     cb.set_label(r'error variance', fontsize=15)
     if with_caustics:
         ra_caustic_list, dec_caustic_list = self._caustics()
         plot_line_set(ax, coords_source, ra_caustic_list, dec_caustic_list, color='b')
     scale_bar(ax, d_s, dist=0.1, text='0.1"', color='w', flipped=False)
     coordinate_arrows(ax, d_s, coords_source, arrow_size=self._arrow_size, color='w')
     text_description(ax, d_s, text="Error map in source", color="w", backgroundcolor='k', flipped=False)
     source_position_plot(ax, coords_source, self._kwargs_source)
     return ax
Beispiel #7
    def test_plot_line_set(self):

        coords = Coordinates(transform_pix2angle=[[1, 0], [0, 1]], ra_at_xy_0=0, dec_at_xy_0=0)
        line_set_x = np.linspace(start=0, stop=1, num=10)
        line_set_y = np.linspace(start=0, stop=1, num=10)
        f, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(4, 4))
        ax = plot_util.plot_line_set(ax, coords, line_set_x, line_set_y, origin=None, color='g', flipped_x=True,

        f, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(4, 4))
        ax = plot_util.plot_line_set(ax, coords, line_set_x, line_set_y, origin=[1, 1], color='g', flipped_x=False,

        # and here we input a list of arrays

        line_set_list_x = [np.linspace(start=0, stop=1, num=10), np.linspace(start=0, stop=1, num=10)]
        line_set_list_y = [np.linspace(start=0, stop=1, num=10), np.linspace(start=0, stop=1, num=10)]
        f, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(4, 4))
        ax = plot_util.plot_line_set(ax, coords, line_set_list_x, line_set_list_y, origin=None, color='g',

        f, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(4, 4))
        ax = plot_util.plot_line_set(ax, coords, line_set_list_x, line_set_list_y, origin=[1, 1], color='g',
Beispiel #8
    def test_source_position_plot(self):
        from lenstronomy.PointSource.point_source import PointSource
        from lenstronomy.LensModel.lens_model import LensModel
        lensModel = LensModel(lens_model_list=['SIS'])
        ps = PointSource(point_source_type_list=[
        kwargs_lens = [{'theta_E': 1., 'center_x': 0, 'center_y': 0}]
        kwargs_ps = [{
            'ra_image': [1., 1.],
            'dec_image': [0, 1],
            'point_amp': [1, 1]
        }, {
            'ra_image': [1.],
            'dec_image': [1.],
            'point_amp': [10]
        }, {
            'ra_source': 0.1,
            'dec_source': 0,
            'point_amp': 1.
        ra_source, dec_source = ps.source_position(kwargs_ps, kwargs_lens)
        from lenstronomy.Data.coord_transforms import Coordinates
        coords_source = Coordinates(
            transform_pix2angle=np.array([[1, 0], [0, 1]]) * 0.1,

        f, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(4, 4))
        plot_util.source_position_plot(ax, coords_source, ra_source,
Beispiel #9
    def source(self, numPix, deltaPix, center=None, image_orientation=True):

        :param numPix: number of pixels per axes
        :param deltaPix: pixel size
        :param image_orientation: bool, if True, uses frame in orientation of the image, otherwise in RA-DEC coordinates
        :return: 2d surface brightness grid of the reconstructed source and Coordinates() instance of source grid
        if image_orientation is True:
            Mpix2coord = self._coords.transform_pix2angle * deltaPix / self._deltaPix
            x_grid_source, y_grid_source = util.make_grid_transformed(
                numPix, Mpix2Angle=Mpix2coord)
            ra_at_xy_0, dec_at_xy_0 = x_grid_source[0], y_grid_source[0]
            x_grid_source, y_grid_source, ra_at_xy_0, dec_at_xy_0, x_at_radec_0, y_at_radec_0, Mpix2coord, Mcoord2pix = util.make_grid_with_coordtransform(
                numPix, deltaPix)

        center_x = 0
        center_y = 0
        if center is not None:
            center_x, center_y = center[0], center[1]
        elif len(self._kwargs_source_partial) > 0:
            center_x = self._kwargs_source_partial[0]['center_x']
            center_y = self._kwargs_source_partial[0]['center_y']
        x_grid_source += center_x
        y_grid_source += center_y

        coords_source = Coordinates(transform_pix2angle=Mpix2coord,
                                    ra_at_xy_0=ra_at_xy_0 + center_x,
                                    dec_at_xy_0=dec_at_xy_0 + center_y)

        source = self._bandmodel.SourceModel.surface_brightness(
            x_grid_source, y_grid_source, self._kwargs_source_partial)
        source = util.array2image(source) * deltaPix**2
        return source, coords_source
Beispiel #10
    def test_image_position_plot(self):
        coords = Coordinates(transform_pix2angle=[[1, 0], [0, 1]],
        f, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(4, 4))

        ra_image, dec_image = np.array([1, 2]), np.array([1, 2])
        ax = plot_util.image_position_plot(ax,
        ax = plot_util.image_position_plot(ax,
                                           image_name_list=['A', 'B'],
                                           origin=[1, 1],
 def test_pixel_size(self):
     deltaPix = -0.05
     Mpix2a = np.array([[1, 0], [0, 1]]) * deltaPix
     ra_0 = 1.
     dec_0 = 1.
     coords = Coordinates(transform_pix2angle=Mpix2a, ra_at_xy_0=ra_0, dec_at_xy_0=dec_0)
     deltaPix_out = coords.pixel_size
     assert deltaPix_out == -deltaPix
    def test_rescaled_grid(self):
        import lenstronomy.Util.util as util
        numPix = 10
        theta = 0.5
        deltaPix = 0.05
        subgrid_res = 3
        Mpix2a = np.array([[np.cos(theta), -np.sin(theta)],
                           [np.sin(theta), np.cos(theta)]]) * deltaPix
        x_grid, y_grid = util.make_grid_transformed(numPix, Mpix2a)
        coords = Coordinates(Mpix2a,
        x_grid_high_res, y_grid_high_res = util.make_subgrid(
            x_grid, y_grid, subgrid_res=subgrid_res)
        coords_sub = Coordinates(Mpix2a / subgrid_res,

        x, y = coords_sub.map_coord2pix(x_grid[1], y_grid[1])
        npt.assert_almost_equal(x, 4, decimal=10)
        npt.assert_almost_equal(y, 1, decimal=10)
        x, y = coords_sub.map_coord2pix(x_grid[0], y_grid[0])
        npt.assert_almost_equal(x, 1, decimal=10)
        npt.assert_almost_equal(y, 1, decimal=10)

        ra, dec = coords_sub.map_pix2coord(1, 1)
        npt.assert_almost_equal(ra, x_grid[0], decimal=10)
        npt.assert_almost_equal(dec, y_grid[0], decimal=10)

        ra, dec = coords_sub.map_pix2coord(1 + 2 * subgrid_res, 1)
        npt.assert_almost_equal(ra, x_grid[2], decimal=10)
        npt.assert_almost_equal(dec, y_grid[2], decimal=10)

        x_2d = util.array2image(x_grid)
        y_2d = util.array2image(y_grid)

        ra, dec = coords_sub.map_pix2coord(1 + 2 * subgrid_res,
                                           1 + 3 * subgrid_res)
        npt.assert_almost_equal(ra, x_2d[3, 2], decimal=10)
        npt.assert_almost_equal(dec, y_2d[3, 2], decimal=10)

        ra, dec = coords.map_pix2coord(2, 3)
        npt.assert_almost_equal(ra, x_2d[3, 2], decimal=10)
        npt.assert_almost_equal(dec, y_2d[3, 2], decimal=10)
 def test_xy_at_radec_0(self):
     deltaPix = 0.05
     Mpix2a = np.array([[1, 0], [0, 1]]) * deltaPix
     ra_0 = 1.
     dec_0 = 1.
     coords = Coordinates(transform_pix2angle=Mpix2a, ra_at_xy_0=ra_0, dec_at_xy_0=dec_0)
     x_at_radec_0, y_at_radec_0 = coords.xy_at_radec_0
     npt.assert_almost_equal(x_at_radec_0, -20, decimal=8)
     npt.assert_almost_equal(x_at_radec_0, -20, decimal=8)
     Ma2pix_ = coords.transform_angle2pix
     Ma2pix = linalg.inv(coords._Mpix2a)
     npt.assert_almost_equal(Ma2pix, Ma2pix_, decimal=8)
    def error_map_source_plot(self, ax, numPix, deltaPix_source, v_min=None, v_max=None, with_caustics=False,
                              font_size=15, point_source_position=True):
        plots the uncertainty in the surface brightness in the source from the linear inversion by taking the diagonal
        elements of the covariance matrix of the inversion of the basis set to be propagated to the source plane.
        #TODO illustration of the uncertainties in real space with the full covariance matrix is subtle. The best way is probably to draw realizations from the covariance matrix.

        :param ax: matplotlib axis instance
        :param numPix: number of pixels in plot per axis
        :param deltaPix_source: pixel spacing in the source resolution illustrated in plot
        :param v_min: minimum plotting scale of the map
        :param v_max: maximum plotting scale of the map
        :param with_caustics: plot the caustics on top of the source reconstruction (may take some time)
        :param font_size: font size of labels
        :param point_source_position: boolean, if True, plots a point at the position of the point source
        :return: plot of source surface brightness errors in the reconstruction on the axis instance
        x_grid_source, y_grid_source = util.make_grid_transformed(numPix,
                                                                  self._coords.transform_pix2angle * deltaPix_source / self._deltaPix)
        x_center = self._kwargs_source_partial[0]['center_x']
        y_center = self._kwargs_source_partial[0]['center_y']
        x_grid_source += x_center
        y_grid_source += y_center
        coords_source = Coordinates(self._coords.transform_pix2angle * deltaPix_source / self._deltaPix, ra_at_xy_0=x_grid_source[0],
        error_map_source = self.bandmodel.error_map_source(self._kwargs_source_partial, x_grid_source, y_grid_source,
                                                           self._cov_param, model_index_select=False)
        error_map_source = util.array2image(error_map_source)
        d_s = numPix * deltaPix_source
        im = ax.matshow(error_map_source, origin='lower', extent=[0, d_s, 0, d_s],
                        cmap=self._cmap, vmin=v_min, vmax=v_max)  # source
        divider = make_axes_locatable(ax)
        cax = divider.append_axes("right", size="5%", pad=0.05)
        cb = plt.colorbar(im, cax=cax)
        cb.set_label(r'error variance', fontsize=font_size)
        if with_caustics:
            ra_caustic_list, dec_caustic_list = self._caustics()
            plot_util.plot_line_set(ax, coords_source, ra_caustic_list, dec_caustic_list, color='b')
        plot_util.scale_bar(ax, d_s, dist=0.1, text='0.1"', color='w', flipped=False, font_size=font_size)
        plot_util.coordinate_arrows(ax, d_s, coords_source,
                          arrow_size=self._arrow_size, color='w', font_size=font_size)
        plot_util.text_description(ax, d_s, text="Error map in source", color="w",
                         backgroundcolor='k', flipped=False, font_size=font_size)
        if point_source_position is True:
            ra_source, dec_source = self.bandmodel.PointSource.source_position(self._kwargs_ps_partial, self._kwargs_lens_partial)
            plot_util.source_position_plot(ax, coords_source, ra_source, dec_source)
        return ax
Beispiel #15
    def source_plot(self, ax, numPix, deltaPix_source, source_sigma=0.001, convolution=False, v_min=None, v_max=None, with_caustics=False):

        :param ax:
        :param coords_source:
        :param source:
        if v_min is None:
            v_min = self._v_min_default
        if v_max is None:
            v_max = self._v_max_default
        d_s = numPix * deltaPix_source
        x_grid_source, y_grid_source = util.make_grid_transformed(numPix,
                                                                  self._Mpix2coord * deltaPix_source / self._deltaPix)
        if len(self._kwargs_source) > 0:
            x_center = self._kwargs_source[0]['center_x']
            y_center = self._kwargs_source[0]['center_y']
            x_grid_source += x_center
            y_grid_source += y_center
        coords_source = Coordinates(self._Mpix2coord * deltaPix_source / self._deltaPix, ra_at_xy_0=x_grid_source[0],

        source = self._imageModel.SourceModel.surface_brightness(x_grid_source, y_grid_source, self._kwargs_source)
        source = util.array2image(source)
        if convolution is True:
            source = ndimage.filters.gaussian_filter(source, sigma=source_sigma / deltaPix_source, mode='nearest',

        im = ax.matshow(np.log10(source), origin='lower', extent=[0, d_s, 0, d_s],
                        cmap=self._cmap, vmin=v_min, vmax=v_max)  # source
        divider = make_axes_locatable(ax)
        cax = divider.append_axes("right", size="5%", pad=0.05)
        cb = plt.colorbar(im, cax=cax)
        cb.set_label(r'log$_{10}$ flux', fontsize=15)
        if with_caustics:
            ra_caustic_list, dec_caustic_list = self._caustics()
            plot_line_set(ax, coords_source, ra_caustic_list, dec_caustic_list, color='b')
        scale_bar(ax, d_s, dist=0.1, text='0.1"', color='w', flipped=False)
        coordinate_arrows(ax, d_s, coords_source, arrow_size=self._arrow_size, color='w')
        text_description(ax, d_s, text="Reconstructed source", color="w", backgroundcolor='k', flipped=False)
        source_position_plot(ax, coords_source, self._kwargs_source)
        return ax
Beispiel #16
    def test_shift_coordinate_system(self):
        deltaPix = 0.05
        Mpix2a = np.array([[1, 0], [0, 1]]) * deltaPix
        ra_0 = 1.
        dec_0 = 1.
        coords = Coordinates(transform_pix2angle=Mpix2a,
        x0, y0 = coords.xy_at_radec_0
        x0_new, y0_new = coords.xy_at_radec_0
        assert x0_new == x0 - 1

        coords = Coordinates(transform_pix2angle=Mpix2a,
        x0, y0 = coords.xy_at_radec_0
        coords.shift_coordinate_system(x_shift=1, y_shift=0, pixel_unit=True)
        x0_new, y0_new = coords.xy_at_radec_0
        assert x0_new == x0 - 1
class Data(object):
    class to handle the data, coordinate system and masking, including convolution with various numerical precisions

    The Data() class is initialized with keyword arguments:

    - 'image_data': 2d numpy array of the image data
    - 'transform_pix2angle' 2x2 transformation matrix (linear) to transform a pixel shift into a coordinate shift (x, y) -> (ra, dec)
    - 'ra_at_xy_0' RA coordinate of pixel (0,0)
    - 'dec_at_xy_0' DEC coordinate of pixel (0,0)

    optional keywords for shifts in the coordinate system:
    - 'ra_shift': shifts the coordinate system with respect to 'ra_at_xy_0'
    - 'dec_shift': shifts the coordinate system with respect to 'dec_at_xy_0'

    optional keywords for noise properties:
    - 'background_rms': rms value of the background noise
    - 'exp_time': float, exposure time to compute the Poisson noise contribution
    - 'exposure_map': 2d numpy array, effective exposure time for each pixel. If set, will replace 'exp_time'
    - 'noise_map': Gaussian noise (1-sigma) for each individual pixel.
    If this keyword is set, the other noise properties will be ignored.

    the likelihood for the data given model P(data|model) is defined in the function below. Please make sure that
    your definitions and units of 'exposure_map', 'background_rms' and 'image_data' are in accordance with the
    likelihood function. In particular, make sure that the Poisson noise contribution is defined in the count rate.

    def __init__(self, kwargs_data):

        :param kwargs_data: keyword arguments as described above


        if not 'image_data' in kwargs_data:
            if not 'numPix' in kwargs_data:
                raise ValueError(
                    "keyword 'image_data' must be specified and consist of a 2d numpy array  or at least 'numPix'!"
                numPix = kwargs_data['numPix']
                data = np.zeros((numPix, numPix))
            data = kwargs_data['image_data']
        self.nx, self.ny = np.shape(data)
        if self.nx != self.ny:
            raise ValueError(
                "'image_data' with non-equal pixel number in x- and y-axis not yet supported!"

        ra_at_xy_0 = kwargs_data.get('ra_at_xy_0', 0) + kwargs_data.get(
            'ra_shift', 0)
        dec_at_xy_0 = kwargs_data.get('dec_at_xy_0', 0) + kwargs_data.get(
            'dec_shift', 0)
        transform_pix2angle = kwargs_data.get('transform_pix2angle',
                                              np.array([[1, 0], [0, 1]]))
        self._coords = Coordinates(transform_pix2angle=transform_pix2angle,

        self._x_grid, self._y_grid = self._coords.coordinate_grid(self.nx)
        if 'exposure_map' in kwargs_data:
            exp_map = kwargs_data['exposure_map']
            exp_map[exp_map <= 0] = 10**(-10)
            exp_time = kwargs_data.get('exp_time', 1)
            exp_map = np.ones_like(data) * exp_time
        self._exp_map = exp_map
        self._data = data
        self._sigma_b = kwargs_data.get('background_rms', None)
        if 'noise_map' in kwargs_data:
            self._noise_map = kwargs_data['noise_map']
            if self._noise_map is not None:
                self._sigma_b = 1
                self._exp_map = np.ones_like(data)
            self._noise_map = None

    def update_data(self, image_data):

        update the data

        :param image_data: 2d numpy array of same size as nx, ny
        :return: None
        nx, ny = np.shape(image_data)
        if not self.nx == nx and not self.ny == ny:
            raise ValueError(
                "shape of new data %s %s must equal old data %s %s!" %
                (nx, ny, self.nx, self.ny))
        self._data = image_data

    def shift_coordinate_grid(self, x_shift, y_shift, pixel_unit=False):
        shifts the coordinate system
        :param x_shif: shift in x (or RA)
        :param y_shift: shift in y (or DEC)
        :param pixel_unit: bool, if True, units of pixels in input, otherwise RA/DEC
        :return: updated data class with change in coordinate system
        self._x_grid, self._y_grid = self._coords.coordinate_grid(self.nx)

    def data(self):

        :return: 2d numpy array of data
        return self._data

    def deltaPix(self):

        :return: pixel size (in units of arcsec)
        return self._coords.pixel_size

    def width(self):

        :return: width of data frame
        return len( * self.deltaPix

    def center(self):

        :return: center_x, center_y of coordinate system
        return np.mean(self._x_grid), np.mean(self._y_grid)

    def background_rms(self):

        :return: rms value of background noise
        if self._sigma_b is None:
            if self._noise_map is None:
                raise ValueError(
                    "rms background value as 'background_rms' not specified!")
        return self._sigma_b

    def exposure_map(self):
        Units of data and exposure map should result in:
        number of flux counts = data * exposure_map

        :return: exposure map for each pixel
        if self._exp_map is None:
            if self._noise_map is None:
                raise ValueError(
                    "Exposure map has not been specified in Data() class!")
            return self._exp_map

    def noise_map(self):
        1-sigma error for each pixel (optional)

        return self._noise_map

    def C_D(self):
        Covariance matrix of all pixel values in 2d numpy array (only diagonal component)
        The covariance matrix is estimated from the data.
        WARNING: For low count statistics, the noise in the data may lead to biased estimates of the covariance matrix.

        :return: covariance matrix of all pixel values in 2d numpy array (only diagonal component).
        if not hasattr(self, '_C_D'):
            if self._noise_map is not None:
                self._C_D = self._noise_map**2
                self._C_D = self.covariance_matrix(,
        return self._C_D

    def numData(self):

        :return: number of pixels in the data
        nx, ny = np.shape(self._x_grid)
        return nx * ny

    def coordinates(self):

        :return: ra and dec coordinates of the pixels, each in 1d numpy arrays
        return self._x_grid, self._y_grid

    def map_coord2pix(self, ra, dec):
        maps the (ra,dec) coordinates of the system into the pixel coordinate of the image

        :param ra: relative RA coordinate as defined by the coordinate frame
        :param dec: relative DEC coordinate as defined by the coordinate frame
        :return: (x, y) pixel coordinates
        return self._coords.map_coord2pix(ra, dec)

    def map_pix2coord(self, x, y):
        maps the (x,y) pixel coordinates of the image into the system coordinates

        :param x: pixel coordinate (can be 1d numpy array), defined in the center of the pixel
        :param y: pixel coordinate (can be 1d numpy array), defined in the center of the pixel
        :return: relative (RA, DEC) coordinates of the system
        return self._coords.map_pix2coord(x, y)

    def covariance_matrix(self,
        returns a diagonal matrix for the covariance estimation which describes the error


        - the exposure map must be positive definite. Values that deviate too much from the mean exposure time will be
            given a lower limit to not under-predict the Poisson component of the noise.

        - the data must be positive semi-definite for the Poisson noise estimate.
            Values < 0 (Possible after mean subtraction) will not have a Poisson component in their noise estimate.

        :param data: data array, eg in units of photons/second
        :param background_rms: background noise rms, eg. in units (photons/second)^2
        :param exposure_map: exposure time per pixel, e.g. in units of seconds
        :return: len(d) x len(d) matrix that give the error of background and Poisson components; (photons/second)^2
        if noise_map is not None:
            return noise_map**2
        if isinstance(exposure_map, int) or isinstance(exposure_map, float):
            if exposure_map <= 0:
                exposure_map = 1
            mean_exp_time = np.mean(exposure_map)
            exposure_map[exposure_map < mean_exp_time /
                         10] = mean_exp_time / 10
        if verbose:
            if background_rms * np.max(exposure_map) < 1:
                    "WARNING! sigma_b*f %s < 1 count may introduce unstable error estimates"
                    % (background_rms * np.max(exposure_map)))
        d_pos = np.zeros_like(data)
        #threshold = 1.5*sigma_b
        d_pos[data >= 0] = data[data >= 0]
        #d_pos[d < threshold] = 0
        sigma = d_pos / exposure_map + background_rms**2
        return sigma

    def log_likelihood(self, model, mask, additional_error_map=0):

        computes the likelihood of the data given the model p(data|model)
        The Gaussian errors are estimated with the covariance matrix, based on the model image. The errors include the
        background rms value and the exposure time to compute the Poisson noise level (in Gaussian approximation).

        :param model: the model (same dimensions and units as data)
        :param mask: bool (1, 0) values per pixel. If =0, the pixel is ignored in the likelihood
        :param additional_error_map: additional error term (in same units as covariance matrix).
            This can e.g. come from model errors in the PSF estimation.
        :return: the natural logarithm of the likelihood p(data|model)
        C_D = self.covariance_matrix(model, self._sigma_b, self.exposure_map,
        X2 = (model - self._data)**2 / (C_D +
                                        np.abs(additional_error_map)) * mask
        X2 = np.array(X2)
        logL = -np.sum(X2) / 2
        return logL
Beispiel #18
    def get_masks(self):
        Create masks.

        if 'mask' in self.settings:
            if self.settings['mask'] is not None:
                if 'provided' in self.settings['mask'] \
                        and self.settings['mask']['provided'] is not None:
                    return self.settings['mask']['provided']
                    masks = []
                    mask_options = deepcopy(self.settings['mask'])

                    for n in range(self.band_number):
                        ra_at_xy_0 = mask_options['ra_at_xy_0'][n]
                        dec_at_xy_0 = mask_options['dec_at_xy_0'][n]
                        transform_pix2angle = np.array(
                        num_pixel = mask_options['size'][n]
                        radius = mask_options['radius'][n]
                        offset = mask_options['centroid_offset'][n]

                        coords = Coordinates(transform_pix2angle,
                                             ra_at_xy_0, dec_at_xy_0)

                        x_coords, y_coords = coords.coordinate_grid(num_pixel,

                        mask_outer = mask_util.mask_center_2d(
                            self.deflector_center_ra + offset[0],
                            self.deflector_center_dec + offset[1],

                        extra_masked_regions = []
                        except (NameError, KeyError):
                            if self.settings['mask']['extra_regions'] is \
                                    not None:
                                for reg in self.settings['mask'][
                                            self.deflector_center_ra + reg[0],
                                            self.deflector_center_dec + reg[1],

                        mask = 1. - mask_outer

                        for extra_region in extra_masked_regions:
                            mask *= extra_region
                        # Mask Edge Pixels
                        except (NameError, KeyError):
                            border_length = \
                            if border_length > 0:
                                edge_mask = 0 * np.ones(
                                 (num_pixel, num_pixel), dtype=int)

                                          border_length:-border_length] = 1
                                edge_mask = (edge_mask.flatten()).tolist()
                            elif border_length == 0:
                                edge_mask = 1 * np.ones(
                                   (num_pixel, num_pixel), dtype=int)
                                edge_mask = (edge_mask.flatten()).tolist()

                            mask *= edge_mask
                        # Add custom Mask
                        except (NameError, KeyError):
                            if self.settings['mask']['custom_mask'][n]\
                                    is not None:
                                provided_mask = \
                                provided_mask = np.array(provided_mask)
                                # make sure that mask consist of only 0 and 1
                                provided_mask[provided_mask > 0.] = 1.
                                provided_mask[provided_mask <= 0.] = 0.
                                mask *= provided_mask

                        # sanity check
                        mask[mask >= 1.] = 1.
                        mask[mask <= 0.] = 0.


                return masks

        return None
Beispiel #19
class Data(object):
    class to handle the data, coordinate system and masking, including convolution with various numerical precisions
    def __init__(self, kwargs_data):

        kwargs_data must contain:

        'image_data': 2d numpy array of the image data
        'transform_pix2angle' 2x2 transformation matrix (linear) to transform a pixel shift into a coordinate shift
        (x, y) -> (ra, dec)
        'ra_at_xy_0' RA coordinate of pixel (0,0)
        'dec_at_xy_0' DEC coordinate of pixel (0,0)

        optional keywords for shifts in the coordinate system:
        'ra_shift': shifts the coordinate system with respect to 'ra_at_xy_0'
        'dec_shift': shifts the coordinate system with respect to 'dec_at_xy_0'

        optional keywords for noise properties:
        'background_rms': rms value of the background noise
        'exp_time: float, exposure time to compute the Poisson noise contribution
        'exposure_map': 2d numpy array, effective exposure time for each pixel. If set, will replace 'exp_time'

        :param kwargs_data:
        :param subgrid_res:
        :param psf_subgrid:

        if not 'image_data' in kwargs_data:
            if not 'numPix' in kwargs_data:
                raise ValueError(
                    "keyword 'image_data' must be specified and consist of a 2d numpy array  or at least 'numPix'!"
                numPix = kwargs_data['numPix']
                data = np.zeros((numPix, numPix))
            data = kwargs_data['image_data']
        self.nx, self.ny = np.shape(data)
        if self.nx != self.ny:
            raise ValueError(
                "'image_data' with non-equal pixel number in x- and y-axis not yet supported!"

        ra_at_xy_0 = kwargs_data.get('ra_at_xy_0', 0) + kwargs_data.get(
            'ra_shift', 0)
        dec_at_xy_0 = kwargs_data.get('dec_at_xy_0', 0) + kwargs_data.get(
            'dec_shift', 0)
        transform_pix2angle = kwargs_data.get('transform_pix2angle',
                                              np.array([[1, 0], [0, 1]]))
        self._coords = Coordinates(transform_pix2angle=transform_pix2angle,

        self._x_grid, self._y_grid = self._coords.coordinate_grid(self.nx)
        if 'exposure_map' in kwargs_data:
            exp_map = kwargs_data['exposure_map']
            exp_map[exp_map <= 0] = 10**(-10)
            exp_map = kwargs_data.get('exp_time', None)
        self._exp_map = exp_map
        self._data = data
        self._sigma_b = kwargs_data.get('background_rms', None)

    def constructor_kwargs(self):

        :return: kwargs that allow to construct the Data() class
        kwargs_data = {
            'numPix': self.nx,
            'exposure_map': self._exp_map,
            'background_rms': self._sigma_b,
            'ra_at_xy_0': self._coords._ra_at_xy_0,
            'dec_at_xy_0': self._coords._dec_at_xy_0,
            'transform_pix2angle': self._coords._Mpix2a
        return kwargs_data

    def update_data(self, image_data):
        update the data

        :param image_data: 2d numpy array of same size as nx, ny
        nx, ny = np.shape(image_data)
        if not self.nx == nx and not self.ny == ny:
            raise ValueError(
                "shape of new data %s %s must equal old data %s %s!" %
                (nx, ny, self.nx, self.ny))
        self._data = image_data

    def data(self):

        :return: 2d numpy array of data
        return self._data

    def deltaPix(self):

        :return: pixel size (in units of arcsec)
        return self._coords.pixel_size

    def background_rms(self):

        :return: rms value of background noise
        if self._sigma_b is None:
            raise ValueError(
                "rms background value as 'background_rms' not specified!")
        return self._sigma_b

    def exposure_map(self):

        if self._exp_map is None:
            raise ValueError(
                "Exposure map has not been specified in Data() class!")
            return self._exp_map

    def C_D(self):

        :return: covariance matrix of all pixel values in 2d numpy array
        if not hasattr(self, '_C_D'):
            self._C_D = self.covariance_matrix(, self.background_rms,
        return self._C_D

    def numData(self):
        return len(self._x_grid)

    def coordinates(self):
        return self._x_grid, self._y_grid

    def map_coord2pix(self, ra, dec):

        :param ra:
        :param dec:
        return self._coords.map_coord2pix(ra, dec)

    def map_pix2coord(self, x, y):

        :param x:
        :param y:
        return self._coords.map_pix2coord(x, y)

    def covariance_matrix(self, d, sigma_b, f, verbose=False):
        returns a diagonal matrix for the covariance estimation
        :param d: data array
        :param sigma_b: background noise
        :param f: reduced poissonian noise
        :return: len(d) x len(d) matrix
        if isinstance(f, int) or isinstance(f, float):
            if f <= 0:
                f = 1
            mean_exp_time = np.mean(f)
            f[f < mean_exp_time / 10] = mean_exp_time / 10
        if verbose:
            if sigma_b * np.max(f) < 1:
                    "WARNING! sigma_b*f %s >1 may introduce unstable error estimates"
                    % (sigma_b * np.max(f)))
        d_pos = np.zeros_like(d)
        #threshold = 1.5*sigma_b
        d_pos[d >= 0] = d[d >= 0]
        #d_pos[d < threshold] = 0
        sigma = d_pos / f + sigma_b**2
        return sigma

    def log_likelihood(self, model, mask, error_map=0):
        returns reduced residual map
        :param model:
        :param data:
        :param sigma:
        :param reduce_frac:
        :param mask:
        :param error_map:
        C_D = self.covariance_matrix(model, self._sigma_b, self.exposure_map)
        X2 = (model - self._data)**2 / (C_D + np.abs(error_map)) * mask
        X2 = np.array(X2)
        logL = -np.sum(X2) / 2
        return logL
Beispiel #20
    def get_masks(self):
        Create masks.

        if 'mask' in self.settings:
            if self.settings['mask'] is not None:
                if 'provided' in self.settings['mask'] \
                        and self.settings['mask']['provided'] is not None:
                    return self.settings['mask']['provided']
                    masks = []
                    mask_options = deepcopy(self.settings['mask'])

                    for n in range(self.band_number):
                        ra_at_xy_0 = mask_options['ra_at_xy_0'][n]
                        dec_at_xy_0 = mask_options['dec_at_xy_0'][n]
                        transform_pix2angle = np.array(
                        num_pixel = mask_options['size'][n]
                        radius = mask_options['radius'][n]
                        offset = mask_options['centroid_offset'][n]

                        coords = Coordinates(transform_pix2angle,
                                             ra_at_xy_0, dec_at_xy_0)

                        x_coords, y_coords = coords.coordinate_grid(num_pixel,

                        mask_outer = mask_util.mask_center_2d(
                            self.deflector_center_ra + offset[0],
                            self.deflector_center_dec + offset[1],

                        extra_masked_regions = []
                        except (NameError, KeyError):
                            if self.settings['mask']['extra_regions'] is \
                                    not None:
                                for reg in self.settings['mask'][
                                            self.deflector_center_ra + reg[0],
                                            self.deflector_center_dec + reg[1],

                        mask = 1. - mask_outer

                        for extra_region in extra_masked_regions:
                            mask *= extra_region

                        # sanity check
                        mask[mask >= 1.] = 1.
                        mask[mask <= 0.] = 0.


                return masks

        return None