def perform(self, chall_list):
        """Perform the challenge.

        .. warning::
            For the StandaloneAuthenticator, because there is no convenient
            way to add additional requests, this should only be invoked
            once; subsequent invocations are an error. To perform
            validations for multiple independent sets of domains, a separate
            StandaloneAuthenticator should be instantiated.

        :param list chall_list: List of namedtuple types defined in
            :mod:`letsencrypt.client.challenge_util` (``DvsniChall``, etc.)

        :returns: ACME Challenge DVSNI responses following IAuthenticator
        :rtype: :class:`list` of :class`dict`

        if self.child_pid or self.tasks:
            # We should not be willing to continue with perform
            # if there were existing pending challenges.
            raise ValueError(".perform() was called with pending tasks!")
        results_if_success = []
        results_if_failure = []
        if not chall_list or not isinstance(chall_list, list):
            raise ValueError(".perform() was called without challenge list")
        for chall in chall_list:
            if isinstance(chall, challenge_util.DvsniChall):
                # We will attempt to do it
                name, r_b64 = chall.domain, chall.r_b64
                nonce, key = chall.nonce, chall.key
                cert, s_b64 = challenge_util.dvsni_gen_cert(
                    name, r_b64, nonce, key)
                self.tasks[nonce + constants.DVSNI_DOMAIN_SUFFIX] = cert
                results_if_success.append({"type": "dvsni", "s": s_b64})
                # We will not attempt to do this challenge because it
                # is not a type we can handle
        if not self.tasks:
            raise ValueError("nothing for .perform() to do")
        if self.already_listening(constants.DVSNI_CHALLENGE_PORT):
            # If we know a process is already listening on this port,
            # tell the user, and don't even attempt to bind it.  (This
            # test is Linux-specific and won't indicate that the port
            # is bound if invoked on a different operating system.)
            return results_if_failure
        # Try to do the authentication; note that this creates
        # the listener subprocess via os.fork()
        if self.start_listener(constants.DVSNI_CHALLENGE_PORT, key):
            return results_if_success
            # TODO: This should probably raise a DVAuthError exception
            #       rather than returning a list of None objects.
            return results_if_failure
 def setUp(self):
     from letsencrypt.client.standalone_authenticator import \
     self.authenticator = StandaloneAuthenticator()
     name, r_b64 = "", jose.b64encode("x" * 32)
     test_key = pkg_resources.resource_string(__name__,
     nonce, key = "abcdef", le_util.Key("foo", test_key)
     self.cert = challenge_util.dvsni_gen_cert(name, r_b64, nonce, key)[0]
     private_key = OpenSSL.crypto.load_privatekey(
         OpenSSL.crypto.FILETYPE_PEM, key.pem)
     self.authenticator.private_key = private_key
     self.authenticator.tasks = {"abcdef.acme.invalid": self.cert}
     self.authenticator.child_pid = 12345
Beispiel #3
    def _setup_challenge_cert(self, chall):
        """Generate and write out challenge certificate."""
        cert_path = self.get_cert_file(chall.nonce)
        # Register the path before you write out the file
        self.configurator.reverter.register_file_creation(True, cert_path)

        cert_pem, s_b64 = challenge_util.dvsni_gen_cert(
            chall.domain, chall.r_b64, chall.nonce, chall.key)

        # Write out challenge cert
        with open(cert_path, 'w') as cert_chall_fd:

        return s_b64
Beispiel #4
    def _setup_challenge_cert(self, chall):
        """Generate and write out challenge certificate."""
        cert_path = self.get_cert_file(chall.nonce)
        # Register the path before you write out the file
        self.configurator.reverter.register_file_creation(True, cert_path)

        cert_pem, s_b64 = challenge_util.dvsni_gen_cert(
            chall.domain, chall.r_b64, chall.nonce, chall.key)

        # Write out challenge cert
        with open(cert_path, 'w') as cert_chall_fd:

        return s_b64
 def _call(self, filepath, name, r_b64, nonce, key):
     from letsencrypt.client.challenge_util import dvsni_gen_cert
     return dvsni_gen_cert(filepath, name, r_b64, nonce, key)
Beispiel #6
 def _call(self, filepath, name, r_b64, nonce, key):
     from letsencrypt.client.challenge_util import dvsni_gen_cert
     return dvsni_gen_cert(filepath, name, r_b64, nonce, key)
 def _call(cls, name, r_b64, nonce, key):
     from letsencrypt.client.challenge_util import dvsni_gen_cert
     return dvsni_gen_cert(name, r_b64, nonce, key)
Beispiel #8
 def _call(cls, name, r_b64, nonce, key):
     from letsencrypt.client.challenge_util import dvsni_gen_cert
     return dvsni_gen_cert(name, r_b64, nonce, key)