Beispiel #1
def load(file_paths, relative_to=""):
    Given an iterable of file paths, create an iterable of loaded docs.
    Ignores special files.
    for path in file_paths:
        if is_doc_file(path):
            yield Doc.load(path, relative_to=relative_to)
Beispiel #2
 def setUp(self):
     doc_path = fixtures_path.joinpath("Doc with")
     doc = Doc.load(doc_path, relative_to=fixtures_path)
     self.doc = doc
Beispiel #3
def main():
    parser = lettersmith_argparser(
        description="""Generates a blog-aware site with Lettersmith""")
    args = parser.parse_args()
    config = args.config
    input_path = Path(config.get("input_path", "content"))
    output_path = config.get("output_path", "public")
    theme_path = config.get("theme_path", "theme")
    base_url = config.get("base_url", "/")
    build_drafts = config.get("build_drafts", False)
    data_path = config.get("data_path", "data")
    static_paths = config.get("static_paths", [])
    permalink_templates = config.get("permalink_templates", {})
    rss_config = config.get("rss", {"*": {"output_path": "feed.rss"}})
    paging_config = config.get("paging", {})
    taxonomies = get_deep(config, ("taxonomies", "keys"), tuple())
    taxonomy_output_path_template = get_deep(
        config, ("taxonomy", "output_path_template"))
    site_title = get_deep(config, ("site", "title"), "Untitled")
    site_description = get_deep(config, ("site", "description"), "")
    site_author = get_deep(config, ("site", "author"), "")
    now =

    data = load_data_files(data_path)

    # Grab all markdown files
    paths = input_path.glob("**/*.md")
    # Filter out drafts
    paths = (x for x in paths if pathtools.should_pub(x, build_drafts))
    # Filter out special files
    paths = (x for x in paths if pathtools.is_doc_file(x))

    # Load doc datastructures
    docs = (Doc.load(path, relative_to=input_path) for path in paths)

    # Create a temporary directory for cache.
    with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory(prefix="lettersmith_") as tmp_dir_path:
        doc_cache_path = Path(tmp_dir_path)
        cache = Doc.Cache(doc_cache_path)

        # Process docs one-by-one... render content, etc.
        # TODO we should break mapping functions into single doc
        # processing functions, so we can use
        docs = (wikilink.uplift_wikilinks(doc) for doc in docs)
        docs = (markdowntools.render_doc(doc) for doc in docs)
        docs = (absolutize.absolutize_doc_urls(doc, base_url) for doc in docs)
        # docs = (Doc.change_ext(doc, ".html") for doc in docs)
        docs = (templatetools.add_templates(doc) for doc in docs)
        docs = (permalink.map_doc_permalink(doc, permalink_templates)
                for doc in docs)

        # Pickle processed docs in cache
        docs = tap_each(cache.dump, docs)

        # Convert to stubs in memory
        stubs = tuple(Stub.from_doc(doc) for doc in docs)

        # Gen paging groups and then flatten iterable of iterables.
        paging_doc_iters = paging.gen_paging(stubs, paging_config)
        paging_docs = tuple(chain.from_iterable(paging_doc_iters))

        # Gen rss feed docs. Then collect into a tuple, because we'll be going
        # over this iterator more than once.
        RSS_DEFAULTS = {
            "last_build_date": now,
            "base_url": base_url,
            "title": site_title,
            "description": site_description,
            "author": site_author
        rss_docs_iter = rss.gen_rss_feed(
            stubs, {
                glob: replace(RSS_DEFAULTS, **group_kwargs)
                for glob, group_kwargs in rss_config.items()
        rss_docs = tuple(rss_docs_iter)

        sitemap_doc = sitemap.gen_sitemap(stubs, base_url=base_url)

        # Add generated docs to stubs
        gen_docs = paging_docs + rss_docs + (sitemap_doc, )
        gen_stubs = tuple(Stub.from_doc(doc) for doc in gen_docs)

        wikilink_index = wikilink.index_wikilinks(stubs, base_url=base_url)
        backlink_index = wikilink.index_backlinks(stubs)
        taxonomy_index = taxonomy.index_by_taxonomy(stubs, taxonomies)

        # Create dict index for ad-hoc stub access in templates.
        index = {stub.id_path: stub for stub in (stubs + gen_stubs)}

        # The previous doc generator has been exhausted, so load docs from
        # cache again.
        docs = (cache.load(stub) for stub in stubs)
        # Map wikilinks, but only those that exist in wikilink_index.
        docs = wikilink.map_wikilinks(docs, wikilink_index)

        # Chain together all doc iterators
        docs = chain(docs, gen_docs)

        # Set up template globals
        context = {
            "load_cache": cache.load,
            "rss_docs": rss_docs,
            "index": index,
            "taxonomy_index": taxonomy_index,
            "backlink_index": backlink_index,
            "wikilink_index": wikilink_index,
            "site": config.get("site", {}),
            "data": data,
            "base_url": base_url,
            "now": now

        # Create a render function
        render_jinja = jinjatools.lettersmith_doc_renderer(theme_path,
        docs = (render_jinja(doc) for doc in docs)

        stats = Docs.write(docs, output_path=output_path)

        static_paths = config.get("static_paths", [])
        static_paths.append(PurePath(theme_path, "static"))
        copy_all(static_paths, output_path)
    except CalledProcessError:

    print('Done! Generated {sum} files in "{output_path}"'.format(
        output_path=output_path, sum=stats["written"]))
Beispiel #4
 def setUp(self):
     doc_path = fixtures_path.joinpath("Doc with")
     doc = Doc.load(doc_path, relative_to=fixtures_path)
     doc = Doc.parse_frontmatter(doc)
     self.doc = doc