Beispiel #1
    def test_with_wo_apostrophe(self):
        text = 'McDonalds Inc.: Burgers, Fries & More. Quality Ingredients.'
        comps = list(get_company_annotations(text))
        self.assertEqual(1, len(comps))

        text = 'McDonald\'s Inc.: Burgers, Fries & More. Quality Ingredients.'
        comps = list(get_company_annotations(text))
        self.assertEqual(1, len(comps))
Beispiel #2
    def test_with_apostrophe(self):
        text = 'DTC is a wholly-owned subsidiary of The Depository Trust and Clearing Corporation ("DTCC").'
        comps = list(get_company_annotations(text))
        self.assertEqual('The Depository Trust', comps[0].name)

        text = 'DTC is a wholly-owned subsidiary of The Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation ("DTCC").'
        comps = list(get_company_annotations(text))
        self.assertEqual('The Depository Trust & Clearing', comps[0].name)
    def test_banlisted(self):
        text = 'Depository Bank is a wholly-owned subsidiary of The Depository Trust and Clearing Corporation ("DTCC").'
        comps = list(get_company_annotations(text))
        self.assertEqual(len(comps), 2)

        comps = list(get_company_annotations(
            text, banlist_usage=BanListUsage(use_default_banlist=False)))
        self.assertEqual(len(comps), 3)
    def test_custom_banlisted(self):
        text = 'Depository Bank is a wholly-owned subsidiary of The Depository Trust and Clearing Corporation ("DTCC").'
        custom_bl = [EntityBanListItem('Clearing')]
        comps = list(get_company_annotations(
            text, banlist_usage=BanListUsage(banlist=custom_bl,
        self.assertEqual(1, len(comps))

        comps = list(get_company_annotations(
            text, banlist_usage=BanListUsage(banlist=custom_bl,
        self.assertEqual(len(comps), 2)
Beispiel #5
 def test_reg_back(self):
     # here we check that the test doesn't hang
     text = """
     /NOR <FEFF004200720075006b00200064006900730073006500200069006e006e007300740069006c006c0069006e00670065006e006500.
     res = list(get_company_annotations(text))
     self.assertEqual(0, len(res))
 def test_copyright(self):
     text = "Copyright (c) 2019, Moody's Corporation, Moody's Investors Service, Inc., " + \
            "Moody's Analytics, Inc. and/or their licensors and affiliates (collectively, \"MOODY's\")."
     comps = list(get_company_annotations(text))
     self.assertEqual(2, len(comps))
     self.assertEqual("Moody\'s Corporation, Moody\'s Investors Service", comps[0].name)
     self.assertEqual('Moody\'s Analytics', comps[1].name)
 def test_get_unpreffixed_companies(self):
     texts = ["MI 48226 From: Company City of Detroit, Contact ROMONA JONES Address COLEMAN",
              "Order Amount 51.000.00 USD, Sold To City of Detroit, COLEMAN A YOUNG MUNICIPAL CENTER 2",
              "MI 48226 &nbsp. Supplier GAYANGA Inc. / CO AMERIFACTORS LACRESHA"]
     all_companies = []
     for text in texts:
         comps = list(get_company_annotations(
         all_companies += comps
     self.assertEqual(1, len(all_companies))
    def test_wrong_pos(self):
        text = '''This Commercial Lease Agreement ("Lease") is made and effective June 1, 2010, by 
and between Powdermet, inc. ("Landlord/Tenant") and Mesocoat, inc ("Sub- 
Tenant"). This is a sublease to the current lease held by Powdermet, Inc. with  
Sherman Properties, LLC..'''
        comps = list(get_company_annotations(text))
        self.assertEqual(4, len(comps))
        self.assertEqual('Powdermet', comps[0].name)
        self.assertEqual('Mesocoat', comps[1].name)
        self.assertEqual((94, 108), comps[0].coords)
        self.assertEqual((134, 147), comps[1].coords)
        self.assertEqual('Corporation', comps[0].company_type_label)
        self.assertEqual('Corporation', comps[1].company_type_label)
Beispiel #9
    def test_with_colon(self):
        text = 'this is McDonald\'s Incorporated: Burgers, blah-blah'
        res = list(get_company_annotations(text))[0]
            (, res.company_type_full, res.company_type_abbr,
             res.company_type_label, res.name_abbr, res.description),
            ("McDonald's", 'Incorporated', 'CORP', 'Corporation', None, None))

        text = 'Sitwell Housing Inc'
        res = list(get_company_annotations(text))[0]
            (, res.company_type_full, res.company_type_abbr,
             res.company_type_label, res.name_abbr, res.description),
            ('Sitwell Housing', 'Inc', 'CORP', 'Corporation', None, None))

        text = 'Sitwell Marketing Inc'
        res = list(get_company_annotations(text))[0]
            (, res.company_type_full, res.company_type_abbr,
             res.company_type_label, res.name_abbr, res.description),
            ('Sitwell Marketing', 'Inc', 'CORP', 'Corporation', None, None))

        text = 'Sitwell Housing Inc.'
        res = list(get_company_annotations(text))[0]
            (, res.company_type_full, res.company_type_abbr,
             res.company_type_label, res.name_abbr, res.description),
            ('Sitwell Housing', 'Inc', 'CORP', 'Corporation', None, None))

        text = 'Sitwell Housing Incorporated.'
        res = list(get_company_annotations(text))[0]
            (, res.company_type_full, res.company_type_abbr,
             res.company_type_label, res.name_abbr, res.description),
            ('Sitwell Housing', 'Incorporated', 'CORP', 'Corporation', None,

        text = 'Sitwell Housing Incorporated'
        res = list(get_company_annotations(text))[0]
            (, res.company_type_full, res.company_type_abbr,
             res.company_type_label, res.name_abbr, res.description),
            ('Sitwell Housing', 'Incorporated', 'CORP', 'Corporation', None,

        text = 'Sitwell Housing Corp'
        res = list(get_company_annotations(text))[0]
            (, res.company_type_full, res.company_type_abbr,
             res.company_type_label, res.name_abbr, res.description),
            ('Sitwell Housing', 'Corp', 'CORP', 'Corporation', None, None))

        text = 'Sitwell Housing Corp.'
        res = list(get_company_annotations(text))[0]
            (, res.company_type_full, res.company_type_abbr,
             res.company_type_label, res.name_abbr, res.description),
            ('Sitwell Housing', 'Corp', 'CORP', 'Corporation', None, None))

        text = 'Sitwell Housing Corp: good old company.'
        res = list(get_company_annotations(text))[0]
            (, res.company_type_full, res.company_type_abbr,
             res.company_type_label, res.name_abbr, res.description),
            ('Sitwell Housing', 'Corp', 'CORP', 'Corporation', None, None))

        text = 'Sitwell Housing Corp - good old company.'
        res = list(get_company_annotations(text))[0]
            (, res.company_type_full, res.company_type_abbr,
             res.company_type_label, res.name_abbr, res.description),
            ('Sitwell Housing', 'Corp', 'CORP', 'Corporation', None, None))

        text = 'Sitwell Housing Incorporated: good old company'
        res = list(get_company_annotations(text))[0]
            (, res.company_type_full, res.company_type_abbr,
             res.company_type_label, res.name_abbr, res.description),
            ('Sitwell Housing', 'Incorporated', 'CORP', 'Corporation', None,

        text = 'Sitwell Housing Incorporated - good old company'
        res = list(get_company_annotations(text))[0]
            (, res.company_type_full, res.company_type_abbr,
             res.company_type_label, res.name_abbr, res.description),
            ('Sitwell Housing', 'Incorporated', 'CORP', 'Corporation', None,

        text = 'Sitwell Housing Busted'
        res = list(get_company_annotations(text))
        self.assertEqual(0, len(res))
 def test_with_forwardslash(self):
     # TODO: this should eventually extract both companies
     text = 'Supplier GAYANGA CO / CO AMERIFACTORS'
     comps = list(get_company_annotations(text))
     self.assertEqual('Supplier GAYANGA', comps[0].name)
     self.assertEqual('CO', comps[0].company_type)
 def test_default_banlisted(self):
     text = 'Depository Bank is a wholly-owned subsidiary of The Depository Trust and Clearing Agency ("DTCA").'
     comps = list(get_company_annotations(text))
     self.assertEqual(1, len(comps))
    def test_mixed_banlisted(self):
        text = """Hereinafter, the Issuing Bank is a wholly-owned subsidiary of 
The Depository Trust and Clearing Corporation ("DTCC")."""
        comps = list(get_company_annotations(text))
        self.assertEqual(len(comps), 2)