def bayes_factor_f_score_heatmap( bayes_factors_df, save_to_file=None, ): lf = lfig.LatexFigure() ax1 = lf.new_axis() bayes_factor_by_f_score = pd.pivot_table(bayes_factors_df, values='log10_bayes_factor', index=['f_score_a'], columns=['f_score_b'], aggfunc=np.median) print("bayes_factor_by_id: \n") mask = np.tri(bayes_factor_by_f_score.shape[0], k=0).T sns.heatmap( bayes_factor_by_f_score,, # TODO get from ES? mask=mask, annot=True, ax=ax1, cbar_kws={ "orientation": "vertical", "label": r"$\log_{10}\left(B_{a,b}\right)$" }) ax1.set_ylabel('$F(a)$') ax1.set_xlabel('$F(b)$') ax1.set_title('$F(A) > F(B)$') lf.fig.suptitle(r"$\log_{10}$ Bayes factor by F score", fontsize=25, y=1.15) if save_to_file is not None:
def plot_configuration_sweep(results, save_to_file=None): import matplotlib colours = { 'low': matplotlib.colors.BASE_COLORS['g'], 'medium-low': matplotlib.colors.CSS4_COLORS['gold'], 'medium-high': matplotlib.colors.CSS4_COLORS['goldenrod'], 'high': matplotlib.colors.BASE_COLORS['r'] } # fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(15, 10)) lf = lfig.LatexFigure() ax = lf.new_axis() sns.swarmplot(x='config_id', y='champion_f_score', data=results, color='grey', size=200 / len(results), dodge=False, ax=ax) sns.boxplot(x='config_id', y='champion_f_score', data=results, color='grey', hue='ResourceRequirement', hue_order=['low', 'medium-low', 'medium-high', 'high'], palette=colours, dodge=False, ax=ax) ax.set_xlabel('Configuration ID') ax.set_ylabel('Champion F-scores') if save_to_file is not None: plt.savefig(save_to_file)
def plot_scores( scores, exploration_classes, unique_exploration_classes, exploration_strategies, coefficients_of_determination=None, coefficient_determination_latex_name=None, f_scores=None, plot_r_squared=True, plot_f_scores=False, entropy=None, inf_gain=None, true_model=None, exploration_rule=None, batch_nearest_num_params_as_winners=True, collective_analysis_pickle_file=None, save_file='model_scores.png', figure_format="png" ): models = list(scores.keys()) latex_true_op = unique_exploration_classes[exploration_rule].latex_name( name=true_model ) latex_model_names = [ exploration_classes[model].latex_name(model) for model in models ] coeff_of_determination = [ coefficient_determination_latex_name[latex_mod] for latex_mod in latex_model_names ] f_scores_list = [ f_scores[latex_mod] for latex_mod in latex_model_names ] latex_scores_dict = {} for mod in models: latex_mod = exploration_classes[mod].latex_name(mod) latex_scores_dict[latex_mod] = scores[mod] batch_correct_models = [] if batch_nearest_num_params_as_winners == True: num_true_params = len( qmla.construct_models.get_constituent_names_from_name( true_model ) ) for mod in models: num_params = len( qmla.construct_models.get_constituent_names_from_name(mod) ) # if ( # np.abs(num_true_params - num_params) == 1 # ): # # must be exactly one parameter smaller # batch_correct_models.append( # mod # ) mod_scores = scores scores = list(scores.values()) num_runs = sum(scores) # fig, ax = plt.subplots() width = 0.75 # the width of the bars ind = np.arange(len(scores)) # the x locations for the groups colours = ['blue' for i in ind] batch_success_rate = correct_success_rate = 0 for mod in batch_correct_models: mod_latex = exploration_classes[mod].latex_name(mod) mod_idx = latex_model_names.index(mod_latex) colours[mod_idx] = 'orange' batch_success_rate += mod_scores[mod] if true_model in models: batch_success_rate += mod_scores[true_model] correct_success_rate = mod_scores[true_model] batch_success_rate /= num_runs correct_success_rate /= num_runs batch_success_rate *= 100 correct_success_rate *= 100 # percent results_collection = { 'type': exploration_rule, 'true_model': latex_true_op, 'scores': latex_scores_dict } if collective_analysis_pickle_file is not None: # no longer used/accessed by this function if os.path.isfile(collective_analysis_pickle_file) is False: combined_analysis = { 'scores': results_collection } pickle.dump( combined_analysis, open(collective_analysis_pickle_file, 'wb') ) else: # load current analysis dict, add to it and rewrite it. combined_analysis = pickle.load( open(collective_analysis_pickle_file, 'rb') ) combined_analysis['scores'] = results_collection pickle.dump( combined_analysis, open(collective_analysis_pickle_file, 'wb') ) try: true_idx = latex_model_names.index( latex_true_op ) colours[true_idx] = 'green' except BaseException: pass lf = lfig.LatexFigure( fraction=0.5, auto_label=False ) ax1 = lf.new_axis() # ax.barh(ind, scores, width, color="blue") ax1.barh(ind, scores, width, color=colours) ax1.set_yticks(ind + width / 2) ax1.set_yticklabels( latex_model_names, minor=False ) ax1.set_xlabel('Wins') xticks_pos = list(range(max(scores) + 1)) ax1.set_xticks( xticks_pos, minor=False ) custom_lines = [ Line2D([0], [0], color='green', lw=4), # Line2D([0], [0], color='orange', lw=4), Line2D([0], [0], color='blue', lw=4), # Line2D([0], [0], color='black', lw=4, ls='--'), ] custom_handles = [ r'$\hat{{H}}_0$ ({}$\%$)'.format(int(correct_success_rate)), # r'True/Close ({}$\%$)'.format(int(batch_success_rate)), 'Other', # '$R^2$' ] if plot_r_squared == True: ax2 = ax1.twiny() ax2.barh( ind, coeff_of_determination, width / 2, color=colours, label='$R^2$', linestyle='--', fill=False, ) # ax2.invert_xaxis() ax2.set_xlabel('$R^2$') ax2.xaxis.tick_top() r_sq_x_ticks = [ min(coeff_of_determination), 0, 1 ] ax2.set_xticks(r_sq_x_ticks) ax2.legend( bbox_to_anchor=(1.0, 0.9), ) elif plot_f_scores == True: ax2 = ax1.twiny() ax2.barh( ind, f_scores_list, width / 2, color=colours, label='F-score', linestyle='--', fill=False, ) # ax2.invert_xaxis() ax2.set_xlabel('F-score') ax2.xaxis.tick_top() f_score_x_ticks = [ # min(coeff_of_determination), 0, 1 ] ax2.set_xticks(f_score_x_ticks) ax2.legend( bbox_to_anchor=(1.0, 0.9), ) plot_title = str( 'Number of QMD instances won by models with $R^2$.' ) if entropy is not None: plot_title += str( r'\n$\mathcal{S}$=' + str(round(entropy, 2)) ) if inf_gain is not None: plot_title += str( r'\t $\mathcal{IG}$=' + str(round(inf_gain, 2)) ) ax1.legend( custom_lines, custom_handles, bbox_to_anchor=(1.0, 0.8), ) # ax1.set_ylabel('Model'), file_format=figure_format)
def plot_terms_and_parameters(results_path, save_to_file=None, figure_format="png"): storage_instances = glob.glob(results_path + '/' + 'storage*') all_learned_params = {} for s in storage_instances: storage = pickle.load(open(os.path.join(s), "rb")) learned_params = storage.LearnedParameters for p in learned_params: if p not in all_learned_params: all_learned_params[p] = [learned_params[p]] else: all_learned_params[p].append(learned_params[p]) run_info = pickle.load(open(os.path.join(results_path, "run_info.p"), "rb")) exploration_strategy = qmla.get_exploration_strategy.get_exploration_class( run_info['exploration_rule']) true_params = run_info['params_dict'] # Draw figure lf = lfig.LatexFigure(auto_label=False, auto_gridspec=len(all_learned_params), gridspec_params={ 'wspace': 0.15, 'hspace': 0.3 }) params = sorted(all_learned_params.keys()) for p in params: ax = lf.new_axis() param_occurences = all_learned_params[p] label = r"$\hat{{t}} \in \hat{{H}}^{{\prime}}$" ax.hist(param_occurences, color='grey', label=label) # median param_median = np.round(np.median(param_occurences), 1) ax.axvline(param_median, color='blue', ls=':', label=r"$\bar{{ \alpha^{{\prime}} }}$") if p in true_params: true_p = np.round(true_params[p], 1) ax.axvline(true_p, color='red', ls='--', label=r"$\alpha_0$") ax.set_title(exploration_strategy.latex_name(p)) if ax.row == 0 and ax.col == lf.num_cols - 1: ax.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.025, 0.85), # ncol=3 ) lf.fig.text( 0.5, -0.12, r"Parameter ($\alpha$) value", ha='center', ) lf.fig.text( 0.04, 0.5, "Occurences", va='center', rotation='vertical', ) if save_to_file is not None:, file_format=figure_format)
def average_parameter_estimates( directory_name, results_path, results_file_name_start='results', exploration_rule=None, unique_exploration_classes=None, top_number_models=2, true_params_dict=None, save_to_file=None, save_directory=None, figure_format='png', plot_prefix='', ): r""" Plots progression of parameter estimates against experiment number for the top models, i.e. those which win the most. TODO: refactor this code - it should not need to unpickle all the files which have already been unpickled and stored in the summary results CSV. :param directory_name: path to directory where results .p files are stored. :param results_patha: path to CSV with all results for this run. :param exploration_rule: the name of the exploration strategy used. :param unique_exploration_classes: dict with single instance of each exploration strategy class used in this run. :param top_number_models: Number of models to compute averages for (top by number of instance wins). :param true_params_dict: dict with true parameter for each parameter in the true model. :param save_to_file: if not None, path to save PNG. :returns None: """ from matplotlib import cm plt.switch_backend('agg') # to try fix plt issue on BC results = pd.read_csv(results_path, index_col='QID') all_winning_models = list(results.loc[:, 'NameAlphabetical']) if len(all_winning_models) > top_number_models: winning_models = rank_models(all_winning_models)[0:top_number_models] else: winning_models = list(set(all_winning_models)) os.chdir(directory_name) pickled_files = [] for file in os.listdir(directory_name): if file.endswith(".p") and file.startswith(results_file_name_start): pickled_files.append(file) parameter_estimates_from_qmd = {} num_experiments_by_name = {} latex_terms = {} exploration_strategies = {} for f in pickled_files: fname = directory_name + '/' + str(f) result = pickle.load(open(fname, 'rb')) track_parameter_estimates = result['Trackplot_parameter_estimates'] alph = result['NameAlphabetical'] if alph in parameter_estimates_from_qmd.keys(): parameter_estimates_from_qmd[alph].append( track_parameter_estimates) else: parameter_estimates_from_qmd[alph] = [track_parameter_estimates] num_experiments_by_name[alph] = result['NumExperiments'] if alph not in list(exploration_strategies.keys()): try: exploration_strategies[alph] = result['ExplorationRule'] except BaseException: exploration_strategies[alph] = exploration_rule unique_exploration_strategies = list( set(list(exploration_strategies.values()))) exploration_classes = {} for g in list(exploration_strategies.keys()): try: exploration_classes[g] = unique_exploration_classes[ exploration_strategies[g]] except BaseException: exploration_classes[g] = None for name in winning_models: num_experiments = num_experiments_by_name[name] epochs = range(num_experiments_by_name[name] + 1) parameters_for_this_name = parameter_estimates_from_qmd[name] num_wins_for_name = len(parameters_for_this_name) terms = sorted( qmla.construct_models.get_constituent_names_from_name(name)) num_terms = len(terms) lf = lfig.LatexFigure(auto_label=False, auto_gridspec=num_terms) cm_subsection = np.linspace(0, 0.8, num_terms) colours = [cm.Paired(x) for x in cm_subsection] parameters = {} for t in terms: parameters[t] = {} for e in epochs: parameters[t][e] = [] for i in range(len(parameters_for_this_name)): track_params = parameters_for_this_name[i] for t in terms: for e in epochs: try: parameters[t][e].append(track_params[t][e]) except: parameters[t][e] = [track_params[t][e]] avg_parameters = {} std_devs = {} for p in terms: avg_parameters[p] = {} std_devs[p] = {} for e in epochs: avg_parameters[p][e] = np.median(parameters[p][e]) std_devs[p][e] = np.std(parameters[p][e]) for term in sorted(terms): ax = lf.new_axis() latex_terms[term] = exploration_classes[name].latex_name(term) averages = np.array([avg_parameters[term][e] for e in epochs]) standard_dev = np.array([std_devs[term][e] for e in epochs]) param_lw = 3 try: true_val = true_params_dict[term] true_term_latex = exploration_classes[name].latex_name(term) ax.axhline(true_val, label=str('True'), ls='--', color='red', lw=param_lw) except BaseException: pass fill_between_sigmas( ax, parameters[term], epochs, legend=False, only_one_sigma=True, ) ax.plot([e + 1 for e in epochs], averages, lw=param_lw, label="Estimate", color='blue') latex_term = exploration_classes[name].latex_name(term) ax.set_title(str(latex_term)) if (ax.row == 0 and ax.col == lf.num_cols - 1): ax.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.05, 0.85)) latex_name = exploration_classes[name].latex_name(name) lf.fig.text(0.45, -0.04, 'Experiment', ha='center') lf.fig.text(-0.04, 0.5, 'Parameter', va='center', rotation='vertical') if save_directory is not None: save_file = os.path.join(save_directory, '{}params_{}'.format(plot_prefix, name)), file_format=figure_format)
def plot_dynamics_multiple_models(directory_name, results_path, results_file_name_start='results', use_experimental_data=False, dataset=None, true_expectation_value_path=None, probes_plot_file=None, exploration_rule=None, unique_exploration_classes=None, top_number_models=2, save_true_expec_vals_alone_plot=True, collective_analysis_pickle_file=None, return_results=False, save_to_file=None, figure_format='png'): r""" Plots reproduced dynamics against time for the top models, i.e. those which win the most. TODO: refactor this code - it should not need to unpickle all the files which have already been unpickled and stored in the summary results CSV. TODO: this is a very old method and can surely be improved using Pandas dataframes now stored. :param directory_name: path to directory where results .p files are stored. :param results_path: path to CSV with all results for this run. :param results_file_name_start: :param use_experimental_data: bool, whether experimental (fixed) data was used. :param true_expectation_value_path: path to file containing pre-computed expectation values. :param probes_plot_file: path to file with specific probes (states) to use for plotting purposes for consistency. :param exploration_rule: the name of the exploration strategy used. :param unique_exploration_classes: dict with single instance of each exploration strategy class used in this run. :param top_number_models: Number of models to compute averages for (top by number of instance wins). :param true_params_dict: dict with true parameter for each parameter in the true model. :param save_true_expec_vals_alone_plot: bool, whether to save a separate plot only of true expectation values, in addition to reproduced dynamics. :param collective_analysis_pickle_file: if not None, store analysed data to this path. :param return_results: bool, to return the analysed data upon function call. :param save_to_file: if not None, path to save PNG. :returns None: """ plt.switch_backend('agg') # results = pd.DataFrame.from_csv( results = pd.read_csv(results_path, index_col='QID') all_winning_models = list(results.loc[:, 'NameAlphabetical']) def rank_models(n): return sorted(set(n), key=n.count)[::-1] # from # if len(all_winning_models) > top_number_models: winning_models = rank_models(all_winning_models)[0:top_number_models] else: winning_models = list(set(all_winning_models)) cm_subsection = np.linspace(0, 0.8, len(winning_models)) colours = [cm.viridis(x) for x in cm_subsection] experimental_measurements = pickle.load( open(str(true_expectation_value_path), 'rb')) expectation_values_by_name = {} os.chdir(directory_name) pickled_files = [] for file in os.listdir(directory_name): # if file.endswith(".p") and file.startswith("results"): if (file.endswith(".p") and file.startswith(results_file_name_start)): pickled_files.append(file) num_results_files = len(pickled_files) exploration_strategies = {} for f in pickled_files: fname = directory_name + '/' + str(f) result = pickle.load(open(fname, 'rb')) alph = result['NameAlphabetical'] expec_values = result['ExpectationValues'] if alph in expectation_values_by_name.keys(): expectation_values_by_name[alph].append(expec_values) else: expectation_values_by_name[alph] = [expec_values] if alph not in list(exploration_strategies.keys()): exploration_strategies[alph] = result['ExplorationRule'] exploration_classes = {} for g in list(exploration_strategies.keys()): try: exploration_classes[g] = unique_exploration_classes[ exploration_strategies[g]] except BaseException: exploration_classes[g] = None try: true_model = unique_exploration_classes[exploration_rule].true_model except BaseException: print("Couldn't find exploration strategy of {} in \n {}".format( exploration_rule, unique_exploration_classes)) raise collect_expectation_values = { 'means': {}, 'medians': {}, 'true': {}, 'mean_std_dev': {}, 'success_rate': {}, 'r_squared': {} } success_rate_by_term = {} nmod = len(winning_models) if nmod == 1: lf = lfig.LatexFigure(auto_label=False, ) else: ncols = int(np.ceil(np.sqrt(nmod))) nrows = int(np.ceil(nmod / ncols)) + 1 # 1 extra row for "master" lf = lfig.LatexFigure(auto_label=False, gridspec_layout=(nrows, ncols)) axes_so_far = 1 full_plot_axis = lf.new_axis(force_position=(0, 0), span=(1, 'all')) model_statistics = {} for term in winning_models: expectation_values = {} num_sets_of_this_name = len(expectation_values_by_name[term]) for i in range(num_sets_of_this_name): learned_expectation_values = (expectation_values_by_name[term][i]) for t in list(experimental_measurements.keys()): try: expectation_values[t].append(learned_expectation_values[t]) except BaseException: try: expectation_values[t] = [learned_expectation_values[t]] except BaseException: # if t can't be found, move on pass means = {} std_dev = {} true = {} t_values = {} lower_iqr_expectation_values = {} higher_iqr_expectation_values = {} # times = sorted(list(experimental_measurements.keys())) true_times = sorted(list(expectation_values.keys())) times = sorted(list(expectation_values.keys())) times = [np.round(t, 2) if t > 0.1 else t for t in times] flag = True one_sample = True for t in times: means[t] = np.mean(expectation_values[t]) std_dev[t] = np.std(expectation_values[t]) lower_iqr_expectation_values[t] = np.percentile( expectation_values[t], 25) higher_iqr_expectation_values[t] = np.percentile( expectation_values[t], 75) true[t] = experimental_measurements[t] if num_sets_of_this_name > 1: expec_values_array = np.array([[i] for i in expectation_values[t]]) # print("shape going into ttest:", np.shape(true_expec_values_array)) if use_experimental_data == True: t_val = stats.ttest_1samp( expec_values_array, # list of expec vals for this t true[t], # true expec val of t axis=0, nan_policy='omit') else: true_dist = stats.norm.rvs( loc=true[t], scale=0.001, size=np.shape(expec_values_array)) t_val = stats.ttest_ind( expec_values_array, # list of expec vals for this t true_dist, # true expec val of t axis=0, nan_policy='omit') if np.isnan(float(t_val[1])) == False: # t_values[t] = 1-t_val[1] t_values[t] = t_val[1] else: print("t_val is nan for t=", t) true_exp = [true[t] for t in times] # TODO should this be the number of times this model won??? num_runs = num_sets_of_this_name success_rate = 0 for t in times: true_likelihood = true[t] mean = means[t] std = std_dev[t] credible_region = (2 / np.sqrt(num_runs)) * std if ((true_likelihood < (mean + credible_region)) and (true_likelihood > (mean - credible_region))): success_rate += 1 / len(times) mean_exp = np.array([means[t] for t in times]) std_dev_exp = np.array([std_dev[t] for t in times]) lower_iqr_exp = np.array( [lower_iqr_expectation_values[t] for t in times]) higher_iqr_exp = np.array( [higher_iqr_expectation_values[t] for t in times]) residuals = (mean_exp - true_exp)**2 sum_residuals = np.sum(residuals) mean_true_val = np.mean(true_exp) true_mean_minus_val = (true_exp - mean_true_val)**2 sum_of_squares = np.sum(true_mean_minus_val) if sum_of_squares != 0: final_r_squared = 1 - sum_residuals / sum_of_squares else: print("[multiQMD plots] sum of squares 0") final_r_squared = -100 # R^2 for interquartile range lower_iqr_sum_residuals = np.sum((lower_iqr_exp - true_exp)**2) lower_iqr_sum_of_squares = np.sum( (lower_iqr_exp - np.mean(lower_iqr_exp))**2) lower_iqr_r_sq = 1 - (lower_iqr_sum_residuals / lower_iqr_sum_of_squares) higher_iqr_sum_residuals = np.sum((higher_iqr_exp - true_exp)**2) higher_iqr_sum_of_squares = np.sum( (higher_iqr_exp - np.mean(higher_iqr_exp))**2) higher_iqr_r_sq = 1 - (higher_iqr_sum_residuals / higher_iqr_sum_of_squares) name = exploration_classes[term].latex_name(term) description = r"{}".format(name) if term == true_model: description += ' (= $\hat{{H}}_0$)' description_w_bayes_t_value = str(name + ' : ' + str(round(success_rate, 2)) + ' (' + str(num_sets_of_this_name) + ').') collect_expectation_values['means'][name] = mean_exp collect_expectation_values['mean_std_dev'][name] = std_dev_exp collect_expectation_values['success_rate'][name] = success_rate model_statistics[name] = { 'r_squared_median_exp_val': final_r_squared, 'mean_expectation_values': mean_exp, 'mean_std_dev': std_dev_exp, 'success_rate_t_test': success_rate, 'num_wins': num_sets_of_this_name, 'win_percentage': int(100 * num_sets_of_this_name / num_results_files), 'num_instances': num_results_files, 'lower_iqr_exp_val': lower_iqr_exp, 'higher_iqr_exp_val': higher_iqr_exp, 'lower_iqr_r_sq': lower_iqr_r_sq, 'higher_iqr_r_sq': higher_iqr_r_sq, 'times': times } if nmod > 1: ax = lf.new_axis() ax.plot(times, mean_exp, c=colours[winning_models.index(term)], label=description) ax.fill_between( times, mean_exp - std_dev_exp, mean_exp + std_dev_exp, alpha=0.2, facecolor=colours[winning_models.index(term)], ) ax.set_ylim(0, 1) ax.set_xlim(0, max(times)) success_rate_by_term[term] = success_rate ax.set_title('Mean Expectation Values') ax.scatter(times, true_exp, color='r', s=5, label='System') ax.plot(times, true_exp, color='r', alpha=0.3) ax.set_yticks([0, 0.5, 1.0]) ax.set_title(description) # Add this model to "master" plot high_level_label = str(name) if term == true_model: high_level_label += ' (= $\hat{{H}}_0$)' full_plot_axis.plot(times, mean_exp, c=colours[winning_models.index(term)], label=high_level_label) full_plot_axis.scatter(times, true_exp, color='r', s=5, label='System') full_plot_axis.plot(times, true_exp, color='r', alpha=0.3) full_plot_axis.legend(ncol=5, ) full_plot_axis.set_ylim(0, 1.25) full_plot_axis.set_yticks([0, 0.5, 1.0]) full_plot_axis.set_xlim(0, max(times)) if nmod > 1: lf.fig.text(0.45, -0.04, 'Time', ha='center') lf.fig.text(-0.04, 0.5, 'Expectation Value', va='center', rotation='vertical') else: full_plot_axis.set_ylabel("Expectation value") full_plot_axis.set_xlabel("Time (a.u)") if save_to_file is not None: lf.fig.suptitle("Dynamics of trained models"), file_format=figure_format) # Also save an image of the only the system dynamics if (save_true_expec_vals_alone_plot == True and save_to_file is not None): lf = lfig.LatexFigure(fraction=0.75, auto_label=False) ax = lf.new_axis() ax.plot(times, true_exp, marker='o', color='r', label='System' # alpha = 0.3 ) ax.set_xlabel('Time') ax.set_ylabel('Expectation Value') ax.legend() true_only_fig_file = str(save_to_file + '_system') ax.set_title("True model dynamics"), file_format=figure_format) # add the combined analysis dict collect_expectation_values['times'] = true_times collect_expectation_values['true'] = true_exp if collective_analysis_pickle_file is not None: if os.path.isfile(collective_analysis_pickle_file) is False: pickle.dump(model_statistics, open(collective_analysis_pickle_file, 'wb')) else: # load current analysis dict, add to it and rewrite it. combined_analysis = pickle.load( open(collective_analysis_pickle_file, 'rb')) for model in model_statistics.keys(): new_keys = list(model_statistics[model].keys()) for key in new_keys: combined_analysis[model][key] = model_statistics[model][ key] pickle.dump(combined_analysis, open(collective_analysis_pickle_file, 'wb')) else: print("[analyse] collective analysis path:", collective_analysis_pickle_file) if return_results == True: expectation_values_by_latex_name = {} for term in winning_models: latex_name = unique_exploration_classes[ exploration_rule].latex_name(term) expectation_values_by_latex_name[ latex_name] = expectation_values_by_name[term] return times, mean_exp, std_dev_exp, winning_models, term, true, description, expectation_values_by_latex_name, expectation_values_by_name