def _initiate_http( self, host, username, password ):
		self.http = HTTPRequest( endpointhost=host )
		if password !='' and username != '':
			self.http.setRequestUserPass( endpointuser=username, endpointpass=password )
		elif username != '':
			self.http.setRequestUserPass( endpointuser=username )
import json as simplejson
from lib.HTTP_request import HTTPRequest

host = ''
username = '******'
password = '******'
datastore = HTTPRequest(endpointhost=host)
datastore.setRequestUserPass(endpointuser=user_name, endpointpass=password)

#--HTTP GET-------------------------------------------------------
#Get a list of silos accessible to the user
(resp, respdata) = datastore.doHTTP_GET(resource="/silos", expect_type="application/JSON")
print "Get list of silos"
print resp.status, resp.reason
if resp.status >= 200 and resp.status < 300:
    silos_list = simplejson.loads(respdata)
    print "number of silos", len(silos_list)
print "-"*40, "\n\n"

#--HTTP GET-------------------------------------------------------
#Get a list of all the datasets in the silo 'sandbox'
(resp, respdata) = datastore.doHTTP_GET(resource="/sandbox", expect_type="application/JSON")
print "Get list of datasets"
print resp.status, resp.reason
if resp.status >= 200 and resp.status < 300:
    dataset_list = simplejson.loads(respdata)
    print "number of datasets", len(dataset_list.keys())
    print "Error getting list of datasets"
print "-"*40, "\n\n"
class Databank:
		Connect to a Databank implementation
		Responses in the form: 
				'status': status number of result, 
				'reason': reason behind status if error, 
				'results' : results from request
			Check imputs are valid (e.g. valid names, file exists, etc)
			Use dicts for results to make it easier to use (rather than lists).
	http = None
	def __init__(self, host, username='', password='' ):
		''' Initiate the connection with the databank <host>. Optionally, also <username> and <password>''' = host
		self.username = username
		self.password = password
		self._initiate_http(, self.username, self.password )
		self.expect_type = "application/JSON"
	# def initiate( self ):
	#	''' Errrr, not used... '''
	#	if self.http == None:
	#		self._initiate_http(, self.username, self.password )
	def _initiate_http( self, host, username, password ):
		self.http = HTTPRequest( endpointhost=host )
		if password !='' and username != '':
			self.http.setRequestUserPass( endpointuser=username, endpointpass=password )
		elif username != '':
			self.http.setRequestUserPass( endpointuser=username )

	def getSilos( self ):
		''' Get a list of silos on this repository '''
		(response, respdata) = self.http.doHTTP_GET(resource="/silos", expect_type=self.expect_type)
		silos = []
		if self.responseGood( response ):
		    silos = simplejson.loads(respdata)
		return self._create_response( response, silos )
	def createSilo( self, silo ):
		''' Create a silo in this repository '''
		fields = [ ("silo", silo) ]
		(reqtype, reqdata) = self.http.encode_multipart_formdata( fields, [] )
		(response, respdata) = self.http.doHTTP_POST(reqdata, data_type=reqtype, resource="/admin", expect_type=self.expect_type)
		return self._create_response( response, None )

	def getSiloState( self, silo ):
		''' Get a the state information for the <dataset> within the <silo>'''
		(response, respdata) = self.http.doHTTP_GET(resource="/" + silo + "/states/", expect_type=self.expect_type)
		states = {}
		if self.responseGood( response ):
		    states = simplejson.loads(respdata)
		return self._create_response( response, states )	

	def getDatasets( self, silo ):
		''' Get a list of datasets within the <silo>'''
		(response, respdata) = self.http.doHTTP_GET(resource="/" + silo, expect_type=self.expect_type)
		datasets = []		
		if self.responseGood( response ):
		    datasets = simplejson.loads(respdata)
		return self._create_response( response, datasets )	

	def createDataset( self, silo, id, **params):
		''' Create a dataset with <id> in <silo> . Optionally set a <title>, <emborgoed>, <embargoed until> and <isUUID>'''
                fields = [("id", id)]
                for k,v in params.iteritems():
			fields.append((k, v))
		(reqtype, reqdata) = self.http.encode_multipart_formdata( fields, [] )
		(response, respdata) = self.http.doHTTP_POST(reqdata, data_type=reqtype, resource="/" + silo +"/datasets", expect_type=self.expect_type)
		return self._create_response( response, None )
	def setEmbargo( self, silo, dataset, embargoed, embargoed_until=None ):
		''' Set the embargo for the <dataset> in <silo>. <embargoed>='true'/'false'. If embargoed_until=None and embargoed='true', it is embargoed indefinitely '''
		fields = [("embargoed",embargoed)]
                if embargoed_until != None:
			fields.append(('embargoed_until', embargoed_until))
		(reqtype, reqdata) = self.http.encode_multipart_formdata(fields, [])
		(response, respdata) = self.http.doHTTP_POST(reqdata, data_type=reqtype, resource="/"+ silo +"/datasets/" + dataset, expect_type=self.expect_type)
		return self._create_response( response, None )

	def getDatasetState( self, silo, dataset ):
		''' Get a the state information for the <dataset> within the <silo>'''
		(response, respdata) = self.http.doHTTP_GET(resource="/" + silo + "/states/" + dataset, expect_type=self.expect_type)
		states = {}
		if self.responseGood( response ):
		    states = simplejson.loads(respdata)
		return self._create_response( response, states )	

	def uploadFile( self, silo, dataset, filepath, format="application/zip", filename=None ):
		''' Upload the file at <filepath> into the <dataset> in <silo>. Optionally set a format, or give a filename to use in the dataset '''
		if filename == None:
			filename =  os.path.basename( filepath )
		zipdata = open(filepath).read()
		files = [ 
		    ("file", filename, zipdata, format ) 
		(reqtype, reqdata) = self.http.encode_multipart_formdata([], files)
		(response, respdata) = self.http.doHTTP_POST(reqdata, data_type=reqtype, resource="/"+ silo +"/datasets/" + dataset, expect_type=self.expect_type)
		return self._create_response( response, None )
	def getFile( self, silo, dataset, path ):
		''' Get a list of datasets within the <silo>'''
		(response, respdata) = self.http.doHTTP_GET(resource="/" + silo + "/datasets/" + dataset + '/' + path, expect_type=self.expect_type)
		return self._create_response( response, respdata )

	def _create_response( self, response, results ):
		return type("Response",(), { 'status':response.status, 'reason': response.reason, 'results' : results })
	def responseGood( response ):
		return Databank.good( response )
	def good( response ):
		return response.status >= 200 and response.status < 300	
	def error( response ):
		return not Databank.good( response )
Beispiel #4
Below is a guide on how to do HTTP GET, POST, PUT and DELETE in python.
To run the pyhon code here, you would also need the file

The full functionality of RDFDatabank is detailed in the API documentation at

import json as simplejson
from lib.HTTP_request import HTTPRequest

host = ''
user_name = 'admin'
password = '******'
datastore = HTTPRequest(endpointhost=host)
datastore.setRequestUserPass(endpointuser=user_name, endpointpass=password)

#--HTTP GET-------------------------------------------------------
#Get a list of silos accessible to the user
(resp, respdata) = datastore.doHTTP_GET(resource="/silos", expect_type="application/JSON")
print "Get list of silos"
print resp.status, resp.reason
if resp.status >= 200 and resp.status < 300:
    silos_list = simplejson.loads(respdata)
    print "number of silos", len(silos_list)
print "-"*40, "\n\n"

#--HTTP GET-------------------------------------------------------
#Get a list of all the datasets in the silo 'sandbox'
(resp, respdata) = datastore.doHTTP_GET(resource="/sandbox", expect_type="application/JSON")