Beispiel #1
def oracle_moves(gold_heads):
    dependents = defaultdict(int)
    for head in gold_heads:
        dependents[head] += 1

    m = None
    config = Parser.initial_config(len(gold_heads))
    i, stack, heads = config
    while not Parser.is_final_config(config):
        valid_moves = Parser.valid_moves(config)
        second_topmost = stack[-2] if len(stack) >= 2 else None
        topmost = stack[-1] if len(stack) >= 1 else None

        if Parser.LA in valid_moves and gold_heads[
                second_topmost] == topmost and dependents[second_topmost] == 0:
            m = Parser.LA
            dependents[topmost] -= 1
        elif Parser.RA in valid_moves and gold_heads[
                topmost] == second_topmost and dependents[topmost] == 0:
            m = Parser.RA
            dependents[second_topmost] -= 1
        elif Parser.SH in valid_moves:
            m = Parser.SH
            raise "Oracle failed, no moves valid"
        yield config, m
        config = Parser.next_config(config, m)
Beispiel #2
 def predict(self, words, tags):
     pred_heads = []
     config = Parser.initial_config(len(words))
     while not Parser.is_final_config(config):
         valid_moves = Parser.valid_moves(config)
         features = self.featurize(words, tags, config)
         pred_moves = self.model.forward(features)
         best_m_s = [valid_moves[0], pred_moves[valid_moves[0]]]
         for m in valid_moves:
             if pred_moves[m] > best_m_s[1]:
                 best_m_s = [m, pred_moves[m]]
         config = Parser.next_config(config, best_m_s[0])
     return config[2]
    def predict(self, words, tags):
        parser = Parser()

        # 1. Start in the initial configuration for the input sentence.
        config = parser.initial_config(len(words))

        # 2. As long as there are valid moves, ask the averaged perceptron for the next move to take.

        while len(self.valid_moves(config)) != 0:
            features = self.featurize(words, tags, config)
            output_vector = self.model.forward(features)
            move = max(output_vector, key=output_vector.get)
            config = self.next_config(config, move)

        # 3. Return the list of heads associated with the final configuration.
        return config[2]
from dolfin import *
from lib.MeshCreation import generate_footing_square, generate_boundary_measure
from lib.Poromechanics import Poromechanics
from lib.Parser import Parser
from time import time
import numpy as np
parameters["mesh_partitioner"] = "ParMETIS"

initial_time = time()
parser = Parser()
Nelements = 10
refinements = 0
if parser.options.N:
    Nelements = parser.options.N
if parser.options.refinements:
    refinements = parser.options.refinements
length = 64
mesh, markers, LEFT, RIGHT, TOP, BOTTOM, NONE = generate_footing_square(
    Nelements, length, refinements)

neumann_solid_markers = [TOP]  # All others get weakly 0'd.
neumann_fluid_markers = []
dsNs = generate_boundary_measure(mesh, markers, neumann_solid_markers)
dsNf = generate_boundary_measure(mesh, markers, neumann_fluid_markers)

# Set up load terms
fs_vol = ff_vol = fs_sur = lambda t: Constant((0., 0.))

def p_source(t):
    return Constant(0)
from lib.Contants import Constants
from lib.Exporter import Exporter
from lib.Parser import Parser

if __name__ == '__main__':
    neg = []
    for l in raw_input('\nplease input formula(or "END"): ').split('+'):
        words = l.split('-')
        for i in range(1, len(words)):
    return pos, neg

if __name__ == '__main__':
    args = parser.parse_args()
    menu =
    in_path = args.in_path
    out_path = args.out_path

    if menu == 'parse':
        p = Parser('-Owakati')
        p.parse_file(in_path, out_path)
    elif menu == 'vectorize':
        v = Vectorizer(min_count=10)
    elif menu == 'calc':
        v = Vectorizer()
        while True:
            pos, neg = get_input()
            if pos[0] == 'END':
                v.calc(pos, neg)
 def writeInitFile(self, categories):
     p = Parser(Constants.QTCREATOR_CONFIG_FILE)
     for cat in categories:
         self.f.write(p.parseIniFileCategorie(cat) + '\n')