Beispiel #1
def git_reset(tenant, env):
    Perform git reset in the specified tenant/environment folder.
    After this, updates the md5 file to reflect the new status.

    :type  tenant: string
    :param tenant: The name of the tenant.

    :type  env: string
    :param env: The name of the tenant.

    :rtype:   None
    :return:  the function doesn't have a return statement.
    _dir = utils.get_tenant_dir(tenant)
    _pipe = subprocess.PIPE
        ['git', '-C', _dir, 'clean -xdf', env], stdout=_pipe, stderr=_pipe)
        ['git', '-C', _dir, 'checkout', env], stdout=_pipe, stderr=_pipe)
        ['git', '-C', _dir, 'reset --hard'], stdout=_pipe, stderr=_pipe)
    md5_store_folder = utils.get_md5_folder(tenant)
    md5_store_file = md5_store_folder + "/appflow-" + env + "-md5"
    utils.safe_remove(md5_store_file + "-new")
Beispiel #2
def decrypt(tenant, env):
    Decrypt the tenant/environment data

    :type  tenant: string
    :param tenant: The name of the tenant.

    :type  env: string
    :param env: The name of the tenant.

    :rtype:   None
    :return:  the function prints to screen the ansible output of the
    target_folder = utils.get_tenant_env_dir(tenant, env)
    password_file = utils.get_vault_file(tenant, env)

    md5_store_folder = utils.get_md5_folder(tenant)
    md5_store_file = md5_store_folder + "/appflow-" + env + "-md5"

    flie_list = utils.get_file_list(target_folder)
    for file in flie_list:
        os.system('ansible-vault decrypt ' + file +
                  ' --vault-password-file ' + password_file)
        utils.write_md5_sum(file, md5_store_file)
Beispiel #3
def setup_default_config(tenant, env):
    Deploy a default config file in ~/.appflow/config.yml

    :type  tenant: string
    :param tenant: The name of the tenant. (ex: mrrobot)

    :type  env: string
    :param env: The name of the tenant.

    :rtype:   None
    :return:  the function prints to screen the ansible output of the execution.
    file_name = os.getenv('HOME') + "/.appflow/config.yml"
    conf = {'appflow': {'tenant': {'id': 'appflow-' + tenant,
                                   'name': tenant,
                                   'default_env': env}}}
    with open(file_name, 'w') as outfile:
        yaml.dump(conf, outfile, default_flow_style=False,
Beispiel #4
def git_status(tenant, env):
    Return a status of modified files in the tenant/environment folder.
    this is tracked separately from git, because encryption/decryption of files
    will always override the git status method.

    :type  tenant: string
    :param tenant: The name of the tenant.

    :type  env: string
    :param env: The name of the tenant.

    :rtype:   list
    :return:  the function returns a list containing the different lines between
                the 2 md5 files.
    _dir = utils.get_tenant_dir(tenant)
    target_folder = _dir + env
    if not utils.check_string_in_file(target_folder + "/inventory", 'AES256'):
        md5_store_folder = utils.get_md5_folder(tenant)
        md5_store_file = md5_store_folder + "/appflow-" + env + "-md5"
        md5_store_file_new = md5_store_folder + "/appflow-" + env + "-md5-new"
        file_list = utils.get_file_list(target_folder)
        for file in file_list:
            utils.write_md5_sum(file, md5_store_file_new)

        diff = utils.diff_files(md5_store_file, md5_store_file_new)
        return diff

    # Files are encrypted, simply do a git diff
    _pipe = subprocess.PIPE
    out = subprocess.Popen(['git', '-C', _dir,
                            'diff-files', '--name-only', '-B', '-R', '-M', env],
                           stdout=_pipe, stderr=_pipe)
    result = []
    for line in iter(out.stdout):
    return result