Beispiel #1
def postProof(request, dareID, post_fb = False):
    proof_form = None
    dare = get_object_or_404(Dare, id=int(dareID))
    bad_link_msg = None

    if request.user.is_authenticated():
        if request.user.get_profile().is_banned:
            return render_with_context(request, 'banned.html')

        if request.method == 'POST':
            proof_form = ProofForm(request.POST)
            if proof_form.is_valid() and confirmValidUrl(request.POST['proofLink']):
		        daily_post_count = cache.get(daily_count_key("proofs", request.user))
                if daily_post_count >= 5:
                    return render_with_context(request, "overlimit.html", {'type' : 'proofs', 'amount' : 5})
                elif daily_post_count is None:
                    daily_post_count  = 1
                elif daily_post_count < 5:
                    daily_post_count += 1
                cache.set(daily_count_key("proofs", request.user), daily_post_count , 86400)

                proof =
                computeProofData() # Uncomment this and the code in tasks if we want one time computations
                if not post_fb:
                    return HttpResponseRedirect('../..' + proof.dare.get_absolute_url())
                    can_post = False
                    if proof.is_friendly(proof, request.user.get_profile().friends()):
                        can_post = True
                    return render_with_context(request, 'post_fb.html', {'proof' : proof, 'type' :
                        'proof', 'can_post' : can_post})
            elif not confirmValidUrl(request.POST['proofLink']):
                bad_link_msg = "The link which you enter must directed towards a Youtube video or an online image!"
            proof_form = ProofForm()
Beispiel #2
def postDare(request, post_fb = False):
    dareform = None # If the user isn't authenticated, the form won't even show.
    finished_dare = None # Exists after we saved the form, and are proceding to FB

    if request.user.is_authenticated():
        if request.user.get_profile().is_banned:
            return render_with_context(request, 'banned.html')

        if request.method == 'POST':
            dareform = DareForm(request, request.POST)
            if dareform.is_valid():
                daily_post_count = cache.get(daily_count_key("dares", request.user))
                if daily_post_count >= 5:
                   return render_with_context(request, "overlimit.html", {'type' : 'dares', 'amount' : 5})
                elif daily_post_count is None: daily_post_count  = 1
                elif daily_post_count < 5: daily_post_count += 1
                cache.set(daily_count_key("dares", request.user), daily_post_count , 86400)

                finished_dare =
                if not post_fb:
                    return HttpResponseRedirect('..' + finished_dare.get_absolute_url())
                    return render_with_context(request, 'post_fb.html', {'dare' : finished_dare,
                        'type' : 'dare'})
            dareform = DareForm(request)
    return render_with_context(request, 'postdare.html', {'dareform' : dareform})
Beispiel #3
def wipeDailyLimits():
    users = User.objects.all()
    for user in users:
        cache.delete(daily_count_key("dares", user))
        cache.delete(daily_count_key("proofs", user))
        cache.delete("comments" + str(