Beispiel #1
    def __init__(self, filename):
        Config.__init__(self, filename)

        self.meta = META()
        self.constraints = CONSTRAINTS()
        self.mp3tags = MP3TAGS()
        self.m4atags = M4ATAGS()
        self.paths = PATHS()

        self.meta.version = self.Get(int, "meta", "version", 0)  # 0 = inf
        self.constraints.pathlen = self.Get(int, "constraints", "pathlen",
                                            0)  # 0 = inf
        self.constraints.charset = self.Get(str, "constraints", "charset",
        self.constraints.forcemp3 = self.Get(bool, "constraints", "forcemp3",
        self.mp3tags.optimize = self.Get(bool, "mp3tags", "optimize", False)
        self.paths.musicdir = self.Get(str, "paths", "musicdir", "/")

        # remove leading / because it is interpreted as "start at root" by join
        if self.paths.musicdir[0] == "/":
            self.paths.musicdir = self.paths.musicdir[1:]

        self.mp3tags.prescale = self.Get(str, "mp3tags", "prescale", "None")
        if self.mp3tags.prescale.lower() == "none":
            self.mp3tags.prescale = None
        elif self.mp3tags.prescale.lower() == "false":
            self.mp3tags.prescale = None
        self.mp3tags.noartwork = self.Get(bool, "mp3tags", "noartwork",
        self.mp3tags.forceid3v230 = self.Get(bool, "mp3tags", "forceID3v230",

        self.m4atags.optimize = self.Get(bool, "m4atags", "optimize", False)
Beispiel #2
    def __init__(self, path, musicdb=None):

        Config.__init__(self, os.path.join(path, "state.ini"))
        self.musicdb = musicdb
        self.path = path
        self.meta = META

        self.meta.version = self.Get(int, "meta", "version", 0)  # 0 = inf
        if self.meta.version < 2:
  "Updating mdbstate/state.ini to version 2")
            self.Set("meta", "version", 2)
Beispiel #3
    def __init__(self, path):

        Config.__init__(self, path)

        version = self.Get(int, "meta", "version", 0)
        if version < 1:
  "Creating webui.ini")
            self.Set("meta", "version", 1)
            self.Set("WebUI", "videomode", "disabled")
            self.Set("WebUI", "lyrics", "enabled")
            self.Set("debug", "blurartwork", False)
Beispiel #4
    def __init__(self, filename):
        Config.__init__(self, filename)
        self.fs = Filesystem("/")"Reading and checking WKServer Configuration")

        # [meta]
        self.meta = META()
        self.meta.version           = self.Get(int, "meta",     "version",      1)

        # [websocket]
        self.websocket = WEBSOCKET()
        self.websocket.address      = self.Get(str, "websocket","address",      "")
        self.websocket.port         = self.Get(int, "websocket","port",         9000)
        self.websocket.url          = self.Get(str, "websocket","url",          "wss://localhost:9000")
        self.websocket.apikey       = self.Get(str, "websocket","apikey",       None)
        if not self.websocket.apikey:
            logging.warning("Value of [websocket]->apikey is not set!")

        self.caldav = CALDAV()
        self.caldav.username     = self.Get(str, "caldav","username",          "user")
        self.caldav.password     = self.Get(str, "caldav","password",          "password")
        self.caldav.url          = self.Get(str, "caldav","url",               "https://localhost:443")

        # [TLS]
        self.tls = TLS()
        self.tls.cert               = self.GetFile( "tls",      "cert",         "/dev/null")
        self.tls.key                = self.GetFile( "tls",      "key",          "/dev/null")
        if self.tls.cert == "/dev/null" or self.tls.key == "/dev/null":
            logging.warning("You have to set a valid TLS certificate and key!")

        # [log]
        self.log        = LOG()
        self.log.logfile            = self.Get(str, "log",      "logfile",      "stderr")
        self.log.loglevel           = self.Get(str, "log",      "loglevel",     "WARNING")
        if not self.log.loglevel in ["DEBUG", "INFO", "WARNING", "ERROR"]:
            logging.error("Invalid loglevel for [log]->loglevel. Loglevel must be one of the following: DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR")
        self.log.debugfile          = self.Get(str, "log",      "debugfile",    None)
        if self.log.debugfile == "/dev/null":
            self.log.debugfile = None
        self.log.ignore             = self.Get(str, "log",      "ignore",       None, islist=True)

        # [debug]
        self.debug      = DEBUG()     
Beispiel #5
    def __init__(self, filename):
        Config.__init__(self, filename)
        self.fs = Filesystem("/")"Reading and checking MusicDB Configuration")

        # [meta]
        self.meta = META()
        self.meta.version           = self.Get(int, "meta",     "version",      1)
        if self.meta.version < 2:
            logging.warning("Version of musicdb.ini is too old. Please update the MusicDB Configuration!")

        # [server]
        self.server = SERVER()
        self.server.pidfile         = self.Get(str, "server",   "pidfile",      "/opt/musicdb/data/")
        self.server.statedir        = self.Get(str, "server",   "statedir",     "/opt/musicdb/data/mdbstate")
        self.server.fifofile        = self.Get(str, "server",   "fifofile",     "/opt/musicdb/data/musicdb.fifo")

        # [websocket]
        self.websocket = WEBSOCKET()
        self.websocket.address      = self.Get(str, "websocket","address",      "")
        self.websocket.port         = self.Get(int, "websocket","port",         9000)
        self.websocket.url          = self.Get(str, "websocket","url",          "wss://localhost:9000")
        self.websocket.opentimeout  = self.Get(int, "websocket","opentimeout",  10)
        self.websocket.closetimeout = self.Get(int, "websocket","closetimeout",  5)
        self.websocket.apikey       = self.Get(str, "websocket","apikey",       None)
        if not self.websocket.apikey:
            logging.warning("Value of [websocket]->apikey is not set!")

        # [TLS]
        self.tls = TLS()
        self.tls.cert               = self.GetFile( "tls",      "cert",         "/dev/null")
        self.tls.key                = self.GetFile( "tls",      "key",          "/dev/null")
        if self.tls.cert == "/dev/null" or self.tls.key == "/dev/null":
            logging.warning("You have to set a valid TLS certificate and key!")

        # [database]
        self.database = DATABASE()
        self.database.path          = self.GetFile( "database", "path",         "/opt/musicdb/data/music.db")

        # [music] = MUSIC()             = self.GetDirectory("music",    "path",     "/var/music")            = self.Get(str, "music",    "owner",        "user")            = self.Get(str, "music",    "group",        "musicdb")
        except KeyError:
            logging.warning("The group name for [music]->owner is not an existing UNIX user!")
        except KeyError:
            logging.warning("The group name for [music]->group is not an existing UNIX group!")

        ignorelist = self.Get(str, "music",    "ignoreartists","lost+found")
        ignorelist = ignorelist.split("/") = [item.strip() for item in ignorelist]

        ignorelist = self.Get(str, "music",    "ignorealbums", "")
        ignorelist = ignorelist.split("/") = [item.strip() for item in ignorelist]

        ignorelist = self.Get(str, "music",    "ignoresongs",  ".directory / desktop.ini / Desktop.ini / .DS_Store / Thumbs.db")
        ignorelist = ignorelist.split("/") = [item.strip() for item in ignorelist]

        # [artwork]
        self.artwork = ARTWORK()
        self.artwork.path           = self.GetDirectory("artwork",  "path",     "/opt/musicdb/data/artwork")
        self.artwork.scales         = self.Get(int, "artwork",  "scales",       "50, 150, 500", islist=True)
        for s in [50, 150, 500]:
            if not s in self.artwork.scales:
                logging.error("Missing scale in [artwork]->scales: The web UI expects a scale of %d (res: %dx%d)", s, s, s)
        self.artwork.manifesttemplate=self.GetFile( "artwork",  "manifesttemplate", "/opt/musicdb/server/manifest.txt", logging.warning) # a missing manifest does not affect the main functionality
        self.artwork.manifest       = self.Get(str, "artwork",  "manifest",     "/opt/musicdb/server/webui/manifest.appcache")

        # [extern]
        self.extern = EXTERN()
        self.extern.configtemplate  = self.GetFile( "extern",   "configtemplate","/opt/musicdb/server/share/extconfig.ini")
        self.extern.statedir        = self.Get(str, "extern",   "statedir",     ".mdbstate")
        self.extern.configfile      = self.Get(str, "extern",   "configfile",   "config.ini")
        self.extern.songmap         = self.Get(str, "extern",   "songmap",      "songmap.csv")

        # [tracker]
        self.tracker = TRACKER()
        self.tracker.dbpath         = self.GetFile( "tracker",  "dbpath",       "/opt/musicdb/data/tracker.db")
        self.tracker.cuttime        = self.Get(int, "tracker",  "cuttime",      "30")

        # [lycra]
        self.lycra = LYCRA()
        self.lycra.dbpath           = self.GetFile( "lycra",    "dbpath",       "/opt/musicdb/data/lycra.db")

        # [Icecast]
        self.icecast    = ICECAST()
        self.icecast.port           = self.Get(int, "Icecast",  "port",     "6666")
        self.icecast.user           = self.Get(str, "Icecast",  "user",     "source")
        self.icecast.password       = self.Get(str, "Icecast",  "password", "hackme")
        self.icecast.mountname      = self.Get(str, "Icecast",  "mountname","/stream")

        # [MusicAI]
        self.musicai    = MUSICAI()
        self.musicai.modelpath      = self.GetDirectory("MusicAI",  "modelpath",        "/opt/musicdb/data/musicai/models")
        self.musicai.tmppath        = self.GetDirectory("MusicAI",  "tmppath",          "/opt/musicdb/data/musicai/tmp")
        self.musicai.logpath        = self.GetDirectory("MusicAI",  "logpath",          "/opt/musicdb/data/musicai/log")
        self.musicai.specpath       = self.GetDirectory("MusicAI",  "spectrogrampath",  "/opt/musicdb/data/musicai/spectrograms")
        self.musicai.slicesize      = self.Get(int, "MusicAI",  "slicesize",    128)
        self.musicai.epoch          = self.Get(int, "MusicAI",  "epoch",        20)
        self.musicai.batchsize      = self.Get(int, "MusicAI",  "batchsize",    128)
        self.musicai.usegpu         = self.Get(bool,"MusicAI",  "usegpu",       True)
        self.musicai.modelname      = self.Get(str, "MusicAI",  "modelname",    "MusicGenre")
        self.musicai.genrelist      = self.Get(str, "MusicAI",  "genrelist",    None, islist=True)
        # [Randy]
        self.randy      = RANDY()
        self.randy.nodisabled       = self.Get(bool, "Randy",   "nodisabled",   True)
        self.randy.nohated          = self.Get(bool, "Randy",   "nohated",      True)
        self.randy.minsonglen       = self.Get(int,  "Randy",   "minsonglen",   120)
        self.randy.maxsonglen       = self.Get(int,  "Randy",   "maxsonglen",   600)
        self.randy.songbllen        = self.Get(int,  "Randy",   "songbllen",    50)
        self.randy.albumbllen       = self.Get(int,  "Randy",   "albumbllen",   20)
        self.randy.artistbllen      = self.Get(int,  "Randy",   "artistbllen",  10)
        self.randy.maxblage         = self.Get(int,  "Randy",   "maxblage",     24)

        # [log]
        self.log        = LOG()
        self.log.logfile            = self.Get(str, "log",      "logfile",      "stderr")
        self.log.loglevel           = self.Get(str, "log",      "loglevel",     "WARNING")
        if not self.log.loglevel in ["DEBUG", "INFO", "WARNING", "ERROR"]:
            logging.error("Invalid loglevel for [log]->loglevel. Loglevel must be one of the following: DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR")
        self.log.debugfile          = self.Get(str, "log",      "debugfile",    None)
        if self.log.debugfile == "/dev/null":
            self.log.debugfile = None
        self.log.ignore             = self.Get(str, "log",      "ignore",       None, islist=True)

        # [debug]
        self.debug      = DEBUG()     
        self.debug.disablestats     = self.Get(int, "debug",    "disablestats",     0)
        self.debug.disabletracker   = self.Get(int, "debug",    "disabletracker",   0)
        self.debug.disableai        = self.Get(int, "debug",    "disableai",        1)
        self.debug.disabletagging   = self.Get(int, "debug",    "disabletagging",   0)"\033[1;32mdone")