Beispiel #1
from lib.client import IndivoClient

INDIVO_SERVER = {'host': '', 'port': '8000'}

record_id = '52df6370-3810-4d20-a456-034c4d71454c'

admin_client = IndivoClient('chrome_key', 'chrome_secret', INDIVO_SERVER)

# Missioncontrol sends message to Indivo

for i in range(100):
    msg_id, msg_subject, msg_body = 'test', 'hello world ' + str(
        i), 'testing ' + str(i)
                                    'subject': msg_subject,
                                    'body': msg_body
                               data={'content': 'testing ' + str(i)})

# # Missioncontrol gives access to [email protected]
# token = admin_client.setup_app( record_id = record_id,
#                                 app_id = '*****@*****.**').response['prd']
# user_client = IndivoClient('*****@*****.**','problems', INDIVO_SERVER)
# user_client.update_token(token)
# # Problems app gets the messages
# user_client.get_messages(record_id = record_id)
from lib.client import IndivoClient

INDIVO_SERVER = {'host':'','port':'8000'}

record_id = '52df6370-3810-4d20-a456-034c4d71454c'

admin_client = IndivoClient('chrome_key','chrome_secret', INDIVO_SERVER)

# Missioncontrol sends message to Indivo

for i in range(100):
  msg_id, msg_subject, msg_body  = 'test', 'hello world '+str(i) , 'testing '+str(i)
  admin_client.message_record(record_id = record_id, message_id = msg_id, data={'subject' : msg_subject, 'body' : msg_body})
  admin_client.record_notify(record_id = record_id, data={'content':'testing '+str(i)})

# # Missioncontrol gives access to [email protected]
# token = admin_client.setup_app( record_id = record_id, 
#                                 app_id = '*****@*****.**').response['prd']
# user_client = IndivoClient('*****@*****.**','problems', INDIVO_SERVER)
# user_client.update_token(token)
# # Problems app gets the messages
# user_client.get_messages(record_id = record_id)