Beispiel #1
def get_pos_cost(pose, target):
    diff_pose = ch.get_diff_pose(pose, target)
    distance = math.sqrt(diff_pose.position.x**2 + diff_pose.position.y**2)
    yaw = ch.get_yaw(diff_pose) % (2*math.pi)
    # target should be 0.01 distance and 0.1 yaw - therefore we take 0.01*yaw for equal weighting
    yaw_diff = 0.2 * min(yaw, 2*math.pi - yaw)
    return math.sqrt(distance**2 + yaw_diff**2)
Beispiel #2
def sample_directed_control(direction, threshold):
    direction_error = float('inf')
    while direction_error > threshold:
        control = np.random.uniform(0,1,3)
        push = control_to_push(control)
        push_direction = push.angle + ch.get_yaw(push.approach)
        direction_diff = abs(direction - push_direction)
        direction_error = min(direction_diff, 2.0 * pi - direction_diff)
    return control, push
Beispiel #3
def sample_predictive_push(req):
    global prediction
    res = SamplePredictivePushResponse()
    res.success = False

    if prediction is not None:
        pr_cost, pr_push, pr_pose = prediction
        pose = req.object_pose
        cost = get_pos_cost(pose,
        dt = ch.get_diff_pose(pose,

        dp = ch.get_diff_pose(pr_pose, pose)

        print "----------------- cost           ", "x               ", "y               ", "yaw"
        print "prediction:      ", pr_cost, pr_pose.position.x, pr_pose.position.y, ch.get_yaw(pr_pose)
        print "result:          ", cost, pose.position.x, pose.position.y, ch.get_yaw(pose)
        print "prediction error:", abs(pr_cost - cost), dp.position.x, dp.position.y, ch.get_yaw(dp)
        print "target error:                    ", dt.position.x, dt.position.y, ch.get_yaw(dt)

    # try to sample push
    prediction = sample_push(req.object_pose,
    if prediction is not None:
        cost, push, pose = prediction
        #fill push
        res.push.mode = 0
        res.push.distance = push.distance
        #fill push approach
        res.push.approach.frame_id = req.object_id
        res.push.approach.point = push.approach.position
        res.push.approach.normal = push.approach.orientation
        res.push.approach.angle = push.angle
        #set successful
        res.success = True

    return res
Beispiel #4
def get_cor(p1, p2):
    # get point in the middle of p1 p2
    pm = ch.interpolate_poses(p1, p2)
    pm_yaw = ch.get_yaw(pm)
    pm_tangent_yaw = atan2(p2.position.y - p1.position.y, p2.position.x - p1.position.x)

    # define perpendicular pose at pm
    pm_cross = Pose()
    pm_cross.position = pm.position
    pm_cross.orientation = ch.quat_from_yaw(pm_tangent_yaw + 0.5 * pi)

    # find diff angle between tangent and pm orientation
    yaw_diff = pm_yaw - pm_tangent_yaw
    p1_tangent_yaw = ch.get_yaw(p1) - yaw_diff

    # helper pose for line creation
    point_x = Pose()
    point_x.position.x = 1.0
    point_x.orientation.w = 1.0

    # define perpendicular pose at p1
    p1_cross = Pose()
    p1_cross.position = p1.position
    p1_cross.orientation = ch.quat_from_yaw(p1_tangent_yaw + 0.5 * pi)

    # create lines along p1 pm -> crossing should be cor
    p1_center_line = ch.get_line(p1.position, ch.transform_pose(p1_cross, point_x).position)
    pm_center_line = ch.get_line(pm.position, ch.transform_pose(pm_cross, point_x).position)

    # find crossing and return cor
    cor_xy = ch.intersection(p1_center_line, pm_center_line)
    cor = False
        cor = Pose()
        cor.position.x = cor_xy[0]
        cor.position.y = cor_xy[1]
        cor.orientation.w = 1.0
    return cor
Beispiel #5
def se2_pose_distance(p1, p2):
    p_dist = linalg_dist(p1, p2)
    o_dist = abs(ch.get_yaw(p1) - ch.get_yaw(p2)) % (2 * pi)
    o_dist = o_dist if o_dist < pi else 2 * pi - o_dist
    return p_dist + 0.5 * o_dist
Beispiel #6
def steer_with_cor(req):
    global push_predictor
    res = SteerPushResponse()
    res.success = False

    start = req.start
    goal = req.goal

    goal_threshold = 0.05

    for i in range(100):

        # sample random push control and predict pose
        control = np.random.uniform(0,1,3)
        push = control_to_push(control)
        pose = push_predictor.predict_pose(push)

        # get cor of sampled pose or continue
        cor = get_cor(start, ch.transform_pose(start,pose))
        if not cor:

        radius = linalg_dist(start, cor)
        cor_to_goal = ch.get_diff_pose(cor, goal)

        # check for goal distance
        dist_cor_goal = np.linalg.norm([cor_to_goal.position.x, cor_to_goal.position.y])
        goal_distance_error = abs(radius - dist_cor_goal)

        # check sampled push might be a candidate
        if goal_distance_error < goal_threshold:
            cor_to_start = ch.get_diff_pose(cor, start)
            start_yaw = ch.get_yaw(cor_to_start)
            start_tang_yaw = atan2(cor_to_start.position.y, cor_to_start.position.x) + 0.5*pi

            # difference of pose rotation from tangent
            diff_yaw = start_tang_yaw - start_yaw

            # compute best target candidate
            target = Pose()
            target.position.x = radius * cor_to_goal.position.x / dist_cor_goal
            target.position.y = radius * cor_to_goal.position.y / dist_cor_goal
            target_tang_yaw = atan2(target.position.y, target.position.x) + 0.5*pi
            target_yaw = target_tang_yaw - diff_yaw

            goal_yaw_error = abs(target_yaw - ch.get_yaw(cor_to_goal))

            # check if we found a solution
            if ( goal_distance_error + 0.5 * goal_yaw_error ) < goal_threshold:
                print "Found new steer control"
                res.control = control
                single_push_yaw = ch.get_yaw(pose)
                rotate_positive = single_push_yaw > 0.0

                # test if we need angle wrapping
                if rotate_positive and target_yaw < start_yaw:
                    target_yaw += 2 * pi
                elif not rotate_positive and target_yaw > start_yaw:
                    target_yaw -= 2 * pi

                # duration is computed by dividing the complete diff angle by step angle
                res.duration = abs(target_yaw - start_yaw) / ch.get_yaw(pose)
                res.success = True
    return res
Beispiel #7
def simple_steer_with_cor(req, range_rejection=True):
    global push_predictor
    res = SteerPushResponse()
    res.success = False

    start = Pose()
    start.orientation.w = 1.0
    goal = ch.transform_pose(req.start, req.goal)

    # if target is too far off
    start_goal_distance = linalg_dist(start, goal)
    if range_rejection and start_goal_distance > 0.05:
        return res

    # default push direction is straight towards goal
    push_direction = atan2(goal.position.y, goal.position.x)

    # check if we find a good curve around cor
    cor = get_cor(start, goal)
    if cor and linalg_dist(start, cor) < 10 * start_goal_distance:
        cor_phi = atan2(cor.position.y, cor.position.x)

        # flip push direction 'upwards'
        push_direction = cor_phi + 0.5 * pi * (1 if cor.position.x > 0 else -1)

        goal_yaw = ch.get_yaw(goal) % (2 * pi) - pi

        # if the other direction is faster, reverse push angle
        if ( pi - goal_yaw ) * push_direction < 0:
            push_direction = -push_direction

    # if push direction is out of pushable range (+-0.5 rad from surface)
    if not push_direction_valid(push_direction):
        return res

    goal_threshold = 0.1

    for i in range(20):

        # sample random push control and predict pose
        #res.control = np.random.uniform(0,1,3)
        #push = control_to_push(res.control)
        control, push = sample_directed_control(push_direction, 0.1)
        pose = push_predictor.predict_pose(push)

        min_dist = se2_pose_distance(start, goal)
        res.duration = 0

        next_pose = ch.transform_pose(start, pose)
        next_dist = se2_pose_distance(next_pose, goal)

        while next_dist < min_dist:
            res.duration += 1
            min_dist = next_dist
            next_pose = ch.transform_pose(next_pose, pose)
            next_dist = se2_pose_distance(next_pose, goal)

        if res.duration > 0 and min_dist < goal_threshold:
            res.success = True
            res.control = control
            print "Found steer control", res.duration

    return res