def modify_word(self,word_to_change=None): if word_to_change==None: choices_list=[] for word in self.__content.keys(): choices_list.append(word) if len(choices_list)>0: word_to_change=easygui.choicebox(msg='Pick the item that you want to change', title='Change a Word', choices=choices_list) if not word_to_change==None: previous_translation=self.__content[word_to_change]["Definition/Translation/Association"] previous_group=str(self.__content[word_to_change]["Group"]) input_modif=easygui.multenterbox(msg='Enter the new definition for the word: '+word_to_change,fields=("Word","Translation","Group"),values=(word_to_change,str(previous_translation),previous_group)) if not input_modif==None: if input_modif[0]==word_to_change: self.__content[word_to_change]["Definition/Translation/Association"]=input_modif[1] self.__content[word_to_change]["Group"]=int(input_modif[2]) else : del self.__content[word_to_change] word=input_modif[0] translation=input_modif[1] """Group=int(input_modif[2])""" Group=0 Last_Interogation_Date=None Time_since_the_last_interogation=None Time_before_the_next_interogation=0 self.__content[word]={"Word":word,"Definition/Translation/Association":translation,"Group":Group, "Last Interogation Date":Last_Interogation_Date, "Number of Days since the last interogation":Time_since_the_last_interogation, "Number of Days before the next interogation":Time_before_the_next_interogation}
def gamemenu(): # setting directory for stroing highscorelist / logfile #~ means home on linux . as first char will hide gamefolder = os.path.expanduser(os.path.join("~",".screensavertest")) gamefile = os.path.join(gamefolder, "highscorelist.txt") # do not name gamefile "file", that is a reserved word ! createGameDir(gamefolder) createGameFile(gamefile) # gamefile should now exist in gamefolder resolution = [640,480] fullscreen = False watched = 0 title = "please choose wisely:" buttons = ["watch screensaver", "change resolution", "toggle fullscreen", "view highscore","visit homepage", "quit"] #picture = None # gif file or make sure python-imaging-tk is installed correctly picture = "data/tux.gif" # ---- use pygame only to get a list of valid screen resolutions --- reslist = getPygameModes() # --- ask player name ---- playername = easygui.enterbox("What is you name?", "please enter you name and press ENTER or click ok", "Mister dunno") while True: #endless loop if fullscreen: msg2 = "fullscreen mode" else: msg2 = "window mode" msg = "Welcome at screensaver game menu.\nScreensaver will run with %ix%i resolution,\n%s" % (resolution[0], resolution[1], msg2) selection = easygui.buttonbox(msg, title, buttons, picture) if selection == "quit": easygui.msgbox("bye-bye", "such a sad decision...") break # leave loop elif selection == "visit homepage": print("i try to open the webbrowser, please wait a bit...") webbrowser.open_new_tab("") elif selection == "toggle fullscreen": fullscreen = not fullscreen elif selection == "view highscore": text = readGameFile(gamefile) easygui.textbox("This is the Screensaver logfile", "displaying highscore", text) elif selection == "watch screensaver": watched += 1 # get return value from called pygame program (playtime) playtime = screensaver.screensaver(resolution, fullscreen) easygui.msgbox("You watched the scrensaver %i x using this game menu \nYour screen was saved for %.2f seconds" % (watched, playtime)) # writing highscore-list line = "date: %s player: %s playtime: %.2f seconds resolution: %ix%i fullscreen: %s \n" % (time.asctime(), playername, playtime, resolution[0], resolution[1], fullscreen) writeGameFile(gamefile, line) elif selection == "change resolution": answer = easygui.choicebox("Please select one of those screen resolutions", "x,y", reslist) # answer gives back a string like '(320, 200)' resolution = parse(answer) return
def gamemenu(): gamefolder = os.path.expanduser(os.path.join( "~", ".screensavertest")) # ~ means home on linux . as first char will hide gamefile = os.path.join( gamefolder, "highscorelist.txt" ) # do not call it "file", that is a reserved word ! if os.path.isdir(gamefolder): print "directory already exist" else: print "directory does not exist yet" try: os.mkdir(gamefolder) except: raise UserWarning, "error at creating directory %s" % gamefolder exit() if os.path.isfile(gamefile): print "highscore file aready exist" else: try: f = file(gamefile, "w") # open for writing f.write("--- screensaver logfile ---\n") f.close() except: raise UserWarning, "error while creating file %s" % gamefile exit() # gamefile should now exist in gamefolder resolution = [640, 480] fullscreen = False watched = 0 title = "please choose wisely:" buttons = [ "watch screensaver", "change resolution", "toggle fullscreen", "view highscore", "quit" ] #picture = None # gif file or make sure python-imaging-tk is installed correctly picture = "data/tux.gif" # ---- use pygame only to get a list of valid screen resolutions --- pygame.init() reslist = pygame.display.list_modes() pygame.quit() # ---- end of pygame ---------- # --- ask player name ---- playername = easygui.enterbox( "What is you name?", "please enter you name and press ENTER or click ok", "Mister dunno") while True: #endless loop if fullscreen: msg = "Welcome at screensaver game menu.\nScreensaver will run with %ix%i resolution,\nfullscreen mode" % ( resolution[0], resolution[1]) else: msg = "Welcome at screensaver game menu.\nScreensave will run with %ix%i resolution,\nwindow mode" % ( resolution[0], resolution[1]) selection = easygui.buttonbox(msg, title, buttons, picture) if selection == "quit": easygui.msgbox("bye-bye", "such a sad decision...") break # leave loop elif selection == "toggle fullscreen": fullscreen = not fullscreen elif selection == "view highscore": try: f = file(gamefile, "r") # read text = f.close() except: raise UserWarning, "Error while reading higscore file %s" % gamefile exit() easygui.textbox("This is the Screensaver logfile", "displaying highscore", text) elif selection == "watch screensaver": watched += 1 playtime = screensaver.screensaver(resolution, fullscreen) easygui.msgbox( "You watched the scrensaver %i x using this game menu \nYour screen was saved for %.2f seconds" % (watched, playtime)) # writing highscore-list try: f = file(gamefile, "a") # append f.write( "date: %s player: %s playtime: %.2f seconds resolution: %ix%i fullscreen: %s \n" % (time.asctime(), playername, playtime, resolution[0], resolution[1], fullscreen)) f.close() except: raise UserWarning, "Error while writing higscore file %s" % gamefile exit() elif selection == "change resolution": answer = easygui.choicebox( "Please select one of those screen resolutions", "x,y", reslist) # answer gives back a string like '(320, 200)' comma = answer.find(",") # position of the comma inside answer x = int(answer[1:comma]) y = int(answer[comma + 1:-1]) resolution = (x, y) return
for file_name in os.listdir(os.getcwd()+"/dictionary/"+user+"/"+language): if"^[.]",file_name) is None: dictionary_file_path=os.getcwd()+"/dictionary/"+user+"/"+language+"/"+file_name dictionary_of_work=dictionary.dictionary() dictionary_of_work.upload_dictionary(dictionary_file_path) __mode__="" while dictionary_file_path=="" and not __mode__==None: msg = "Welcome in Vocable.\nWhat do you want to do?" title = "VocablePython" choices = ["01- Create a Dictionary", "02- Load a Dictionary", "03- Help", "04- Quit"] __mode__ = easygui.choicebox(msg, title, choices) if __mode__==None: pass elif"Create a Dictionary",__mode__) is not None: dictionary_file_path=easygui.filesavebox(default="dictionary_name.csv") if not dictionary_file_path== None: dictionary_of_work=dictionary.dictionary() else: dictionary_file_path="" elif"Load a Dictionary",__mode__) is not None: dictionary_file_path=easygui.fileopenbox(msg="Select The Dictionary you want to use",title="Dictionary Selection") if not dictionary_file_path== None: dictionary_of_work=dictionary.dictionary() dictionary_of_work.upload_dictionary(dictionary_file_path) else:
#Syntax to pass to the mid2cnc script: params = '-outfile ./mytest.gcode' # Prints are here just to show the user what's happeneing. They might as be removed. import os import lib.easygui as eg params = '' #initializing variable. This is the argument string that we will pass to Mid2CNC machinelist = ('ultimaker', 'cupcake', 'thingomatic', 'shapercube', 'custom') #Creates a list of entries machine = eg.choicebox(msg='Machine type', title='Pick machine', choices=machinelist) #Creates a GUI Window for a choice in the machine list print 'Chosen machine :' + machine #What the user chose params = params + ' --machine ' + machine #add that choice to the parameter string #Same pattern for the other options #Ask what MIDI input file to open infile = eg.fileopenbox(msg='Choose the midi file ', title=' Grab the file you want to convert', default=os.path.expanduser("~")+ "//My Documents//", filetypes = "*.mid") # the "default=os.path.expanduser("~")" gets your home forlder so you don't have top start browsing from some obscure python install folder print 'Opening file: ' + infile params = params + ' --infile ' + infile #asks where to save the output gcode file #for some reason this window sometimes appears behind all others outfile = eg.filesavebox(msg='Choose the output file ', title=' Pick where you want the gcode to arrive', default=os.path.expanduser("~")+"//My Documents//Output.gcode", filetypes = "*.gcode") print 'Saving to: ' + outfile params = params + " --outfile " + outfile #ask if the verbose should be activated verbose = eg.boolbox(msg='Do you want the verbose to be activated (for debug)', title=' Verbose Y/N ', choices=('No', 'Yes'), image=None) # returns true if the first is chosen if verbose == 0: params = params + " --verbose"
#Syntax to pass to the mid2cnc script: params = '-outfile ./mytest.gcode' # Prints are here just to show the user what's happeneing. They might as be removed. import os import lib.easygui as eg params = '' #initializing variable. This is the argument string that we will pass to Mid2CNC machinelist = ('ultimaker', 'cupcake', 'thingomatic', 'shapercube', 'custom' ) #Creates a list of entries machine = eg.choicebox( msg='Machine type', title='Pick machine', choices=machinelist ) #Creates a GUI Window for a choice in the machine list print 'Chosen machine :' + machine #What the user chose params = params + ' --machine ' + machine #add that choice to the parameter string #Same pattern for the other options #Ask what MIDI input file to open infile = eg.fileopenbox( msg='Choose the midi file ', title=' Grab the file you want to convert', default=os.path.expanduser("~") + "//My Documents//", filetypes="*.mid" ) # the "default=os.path.expanduser("~")" gets your home forlder so you don't have top start browsing from some obscure python install folder print 'Opening file: ' + infile params = params + ' --infile ' + infile #asks where to save the output gcode file #for some reason this window sometimes appears behind all others outfile = eg.filesavebox(msg='Choose the output file ', title=' Pick where you want the gcode to arrive',
def gamemenu(): gamefolder = os.path.expanduser(os.path.join("~",".screensavertest")) # ~ means home on linux . as first char will hide gamefile = os.path.join(gamefolder, "highscorelist.txt") # do not call it "file", that is a reserved word ! if os.path.isdir(gamefolder): print "directory already exist" else: print "directory does not exist yet" try: os.mkdir(gamefolder) except: raise UserWarning, "error at creating directory %s" % gamefolder exit() if os.path.isfile(gamefile): print "highscore file aready exist" else: try: f = file(gamefile, "w") # open for writing f.write("--- screensaver logfile ---\n") f.close() except: raise UserWarning, "error while creating file %s" % gamefile exit() # gamefile should now exist in gamefolder resolution = [640,480] fullscreen = False watched = 0 title = "please choose wisely:" buttons = ["watch screensaver", "change resolution", "toggle fullscreen", "view highscore", "quit"] #picture = None # gif file or make sure python-imaging-tk is installed correctly picture = "data/tux.gif" # ---- use pygame only to get a list of valid screen resolutions --- pygame.init() reslist = pygame.display.list_modes() pygame.quit() # ---- end of pygame ---------- # --- ask player name ---- playername = easygui.enterbox("What is you name?", "please enter you name and press ENTER or click ok", "Mister dunno") while True: #endless loop if fullscreen: msg = "Welcome at screensaver game menu.\nScreensaver will run with %ix%i resolution,\nfullscreen mode" % (resolution[0], resolution[1]) else: msg = "Welcome at screensaver game menu.\nScreensave will run with %ix%i resolution,\nwindow mode" % (resolution[0], resolution[1]) selection = easygui.buttonbox(msg, title, buttons, picture) if selection == "quit": easygui.msgbox("bye-bye", "such a sad decision...") break # leave loop elif selection == "toggle fullscreen": fullscreen = not fullscreen elif selection == "view highscore": try: f = file(gamefile, "r") # read text = f.close() except: raise UserWarning, "Error while reading higscore file %s" % gamefile exit() easygui.textbox("This is the Screensaver logfile", "displaying highscore", text) elif selection == "watch screensaver": watched += 1 playtime = screensaver.screensaver(resolution, fullscreen) easygui.msgbox("You watched the scrensaver %i x using this game menu \nYour screen was saved for %.2f seconds" % (watched, playtime)) # writing highscore-list try: f = file(gamefile, "a") # append f.write("date: %s player: %s playtime: %.2f seconds resolution: %ix%i fullscreen: %s \n" % (time.asctime(), playername, playtime, resolution[0], resolution[1], fullscreen)) f.close() except: raise UserWarning, "Error while writing higscore file %s" % gamefile exit() elif selection == "change resolution": answer = easygui.choicebox("Please select one of those screen resolutions", "x,y", reslist) # answer gives back a string like '(320, 200)' comma = answer.find(",") # position of the comma inside answer x = int(answer[1:comma]) y = int(answer[comma+1:-1]) resolution = (x,y) return