def ancestral_sample(num_samples: int, forest: CFG, tsort: list,
                     edge_weights: dict, inside: dict, root: Symbol) -> dict:
    """Returns the viterbi decoding of hypergraph"""
    samples = list()
    for i in range(num_samples):
        Q = deque([root])
        S = list()
        while Q:
            symbol = Q.popleft()
            incoming = forest.get(symbol)
            weights = [0.0] * len(incoming)
            for i, edge in enumerate(incoming):
                weights[i] = edge_weights[edge]
                for u in edge.rhs:  # u in tail(e)
                    weights[i] *= inside[u]  # TODO: change to log-sum-exp
            probs = np.array(weights) / sum(weights)
            index = np.argmax(np.random.multinomial(1, probs))
            selected = incoming[index]
            for sym in selected.rhs:
                if not sym.is_terminal():
    # hack since list is unhashable type, so we cannot use Counter (bummer)
    ys = [write_derrivation(d).pop() for d in samples]
    most_y, counts = Counter(ys).most_common(1)[0]
    dic = {y: d for y, d in zip(ys, samples)}
    most_sampled = dic[most_y]
    return most_sampled, counts
Beispiel #2
def predict(cfg: CFG, item: Item) -> list:
    Prediction for Earley.

    Inference rule:
        [X -> alpha * Y beta, [r, ..., s]]
        --------------------   (Y -> gamma) \in R
        [Y -> * gamma, [s]] 
    R is the ruleset of the grammar.

    :param item: an active Item
    :returns: a list of predicted Items or None  
    return [Item(rule, []) for rule in cfg.get(]
def outside_algorithm(forest: CFG, tsort: list, edge_weights: dict,
                      inside: dict, root: Symbol) -> dict:
    """Returns the outside weight of each node"""
    O = dict()
    for symbol in tsort:
        O[symbol] = 0.0
    O[root] = 1.0
    for symbol in reversed(tsort):
        incoming = forest.get(symbol)
        for edge in incoming:
            for u in edge.rhs:  # u in tail(e)
                k = edge_weights[edge] * O[symbol]
                for s in edge.rhs:
                    if not u == s:
                        k *= inside[s]  # TODO: change to log-sum-exp
                O[u] += k
    return O
def top_sort(forest: CFG) -> list:
    """Returns ordered list of nodes according to topsort order in an acyclic forest"""
    S = {symbol
         for symbol in forest.terminals
         }  # (Copy!) only terminals have no dependecies
    D = {symbol: {child for rule in forest.get(symbol) for child in rule.rhs}\
                 for symbol in forest.nonterminals|forest.terminals} # forest.nonterminals|forest.terminals = V
    L = list()
    while S:  # while S nonempty
        u = S.pop()
        outgoing = [e for e in forest if u in e.rhs]  # outgoing = FS(u)
        for rule in outgoing:
            v = rule.lhs
            D[v] = D[v] - {u}
            if len(D[v]) == 0:
                S = S | {v}
    return L
def inside_algorithm(forest: CFG, tsort: list, edge_weights: dict) -> dict:
    """Returns the inside weight of each node"""
    I = dict()
    for symbol in tsort:  # symbol is v
        incoming = forest.get(
        )  # BS(v) - gets all the incoming nodes, i.e. all rules where symbol is lhs
        if len(incoming) == 0:
            I[symbol] = 1.0  # leaves
            w = 0.0
            for edge in incoming:  # edge is of type Rule
                k = edge_weights[edge]
                for child in edge.rhs:  # chid in tail(e)
                    k *= I[child]  # TODO: change to log-sum-exp
                w += k
            I[symbol] = w
    return I
def viterbi_log(forest: CFG, tsort: list, edge_weights: dict, inside: dict,
                root: Symbol) -> dict:
    """Returns the viterbi decoding of hypergraph"""
    Q = deque([root])
    V = list()
    while Q:
        symbol = Q.popleft()
        incoming = forest.get(symbol)
        weights = [1.0] * len(incoming)
        for i, edge in enumerate(incoming):
            weights[i] = np.exp(edge_weights[edge])
            for u in edge.rhs:  # u in tail(e)
                weights[i] += inside[u]  # TODO: change to log-sum-exp
        weight, selected = max(zip(weights, incoming), key=lambda xy: xy[0])
        for sym in selected.rhs:
            if not sym.is_terminal():
    return V
Beispiel #7
def axioms(cfg: CFG, fsa: FSA, s: Symbol) -> list:
    Axioms for Earley.

    Inference rule:
        -------------------- (S -> alpha) \in R and q0 \in I
        [S -> * alpha, [q0]] 
    R is the rule set of the grammar.
    I is the set of initial states of the automaton.

    :param cfg: a CFG
    :param fsa: an FSA
    :param s: the CFG's start symbol (S)
    :returns: a list of items that are Earley axioms  
    items = []
    for q0 in fsa.iterinitial():
        for rule in cfg.get(s):
            items.append(Item(rule, [q0]))
    return items
def inside_algorithm_log(forest: CFG, tsort: list, edge_weights: dict) -> dict:
    """Returns the inside weight of each node"""
    I = dict()
    for symbol in tsort:  # symbol is v
        incoming = forest.get(
        )  # BS(v) - gets all the incoming nodes, i.e. all rules where symbol is lhs
        if len(incoming) == 0:
            I[symbol] = 0.0  # leaves
            # w = 0.0
            w = -np.inf
            parts = []
            for edge in incoming:  # edge is of type Rule
                k = edge_weights[edge]
                for child in edge.rhs:  # chid in tail(e)
                    k += I[child]
                # w = np.log(np.exp(w) + np.exp(k))
                w = np.logaddexp(w, k)
            #total = parts[0] + reduce(sum, parts[1:])
            I[symbol] = w
    return I
def write_derrivation(d):
    derivation_as_fsa = libitg.forest_to_fsa(CFG(d), d[0].lhs)
    candidates = libitg.enumerate_paths_in_fsa(derivation_as_fsa)
    return candidates
Beispiel #10
def earley(cfg: CFG,
           fsa: FSA,
           start_symbol: Symbol,
    Earley intersection between a CFG and an FSA.
    :param cfg: a grammar or forest
    :param fsa: an acyclic FSA
    :param start_symbol: the grammar/forest start symbol
    :param sprime_symbol: if specified, the resulting forest will have sprime_symbol as its starting symbol
    :param eps_symbol: if not None, the parser will support epsilon rules
    :param clean: if True, returns a forest without dead edges.
    :returns: a CFG object representing the intersection between the cfg and the fsa 

    # start an agenda of items
    A = Agenda()

    # this is used to avoid a bit of spurious computation
    have_predicted = set()

    # populate the agenda with axioms
    for item in axioms(cfg, fsa, start_symbol):

    # call inference rules for as long as we have active items in the agenda
    while len(A) > 0:
        antecedent = A.pop()
        consequents = []
        if antecedent.is_complete():  # dot at the end of rule
            # try to complete other items
            consequents = complete(A, antecedent)
            if  # dot before a terminal
                consequents = scan(fsa, antecedent, eps_symbol=eps_symbol)
            else:  # dot before a nonterminal
                if (,
                    ) not in have_predicted:  # test for spurious computation
                    consequents = predict(cfg,
                                          antecedent)  # attempt prediction
                else:  # we have already predicted in this context, let's attempt completion
                    consequents = complete(A, antecedent)
        for item in consequents:
        # mark this antecedent as processed

    def iter_intersected_rules():
        Here we convert complete items into CFG rules.
        This is a top-down process where we visit complete items at most once.

        # in the agenda, items are organised by "context" where a context is a tuple (LHS, start state)
        to_do = deque()  # contexts to be processed
        discovered_set = set()  # contexts discovered
        top_symbols = [
        ]  # here we store tuples of the kind (start_symbol, initial state, final state)

        # we start with items that rewrite the start_symbol from an initial FSA state
        for q0 in fsa.iterinitial():
            to_do.append((start_symbol, q0))  # let's mark these as discovered
            discovered_set.add((start_symbol, q0))

        # for as long as there are rules to be discovered
        while to_do:
            nonterminal, start = to_do.popleft()
            # give every complete item matching the context above a chance to yield a rule
            for end, items in A.complete(nonterminal, start):
                for item in items:
                    # create a new LHS symbol based on intersected states
                    lhs = Span(item.lhs, item.start,
                    # if LHS is the start_symbol, then we must respect FSA initial/final states
                    # also, we must remember to add a goal rule for this
                    if item.lhs == start_symbol:
                        if not (fsa.is_initial(start)
                                and fsa.is_final(
                            continue  # we discard this item because S can only span from initial to final in FSA
                    # create new RHS symbols based on intersected states
                    #  and update discovered set
                    rhs = []
                    for i, sym in enumerate(item.rule.rhs):
                        context = (sym, item.state(i))
                        if not sym.is_terminal(
                        ) and context not in discovered_set:
                                context)  # book this nonterminal context
                            discovered_set.add(context)  # mark as discovered
                        # create a new RHS symbol based on intersected states
                        rhs.append(Span(sym, item.state(i), item.state(i + 1)))
                    yield Rule(lhs, rhs)
        if sprime_symbol:
            for lhs in top_symbols:
                yield Rule(sprime_symbol, [lhs])

    # return the intersected CFG :)
    out_forest = CFG(iter_intersected_rules())
    if clean:  # possibly cleaning it first
        out_forest = cleanup_forest(out_forest, sprime_symbol)
    return out_forest
def cleanup_forest(forest: CFG, root: Symbol) -> CFG:
    """This wraps iter_useful_edges and return a clean CFG where every edge is useful"""
    return CFG(iter_useful_edges(forest, root))