Beispiel #1
def alpha_angle(pivot=None, com=None, axis=None):
    """Calculate and return the rotor alpha angle."""

    # The CoM-pivot axis.
    com_piv = com - pivot
    com_piv /= norm(com_piv)

    # The mu_xy vector.
    z_axis = array([0, 0, 1], float64)
    mu_xy = cross(z_axis, com_piv)
    mu_xy /= norm(mu_xy)

    # The alpha angle.
    return vector_angle(mu_xy, axis, com_piv)
Beispiel #2
def alpha_angle(pivot=None, com=None, axis=None):
    """Calculate and return the rotor alpha angle."""

    # The CoM-pivot axis.
    com_piv = com - pivot
    com_piv /= norm(com_piv)

    # The mu_xy vector.
    z_axis = array([0, 0, 1], float64)
    mu_xy = cross(z_axis, com_piv)
    mu_xy /= norm(mu_xy)

    # The alpha angle.
    return vector_angle(mu_xy, axis, com_piv)