Beispiel #1
class Robot:
  def __init__(self, m):
    self.__cpu = Machine(m)

    {current, min, max}

    self.__x, self.__y = (0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0)
    self.__panels = defaultdict(lambda: '.')
    self.__color = 0

    < : 0
    ^ : 1
    > : 2
    v : 3

    self.__direction = 1

    if verbose: self.__cpu.toggle_verbose()

  def start(self, start_color):
    if start_color: self.__panels[(0, 0)] = '#'

    while not self.__cpu.halted(): if self.__panels[(self.__x[0], self.__y[0])] == '#' else 0)



  def display(self):
    _, minx, maxx = self.__x
    _, miny, maxy = self.__y

    grid = [[' ']*(maxx+1) for _ in range(maxy+1)]

    for (x, y), v in self.__panels.items():
      if x < 0 or y < 0: break

      if v == '#': grid[y][x] = v

    for l in grid: print(''.join(l))
    print('\n', '--------------------------------------\n', 'COUNT', len(self.__panels), '\n\n')

  def turn(self, lr):
    if verbose: print('FROM ', ['<', '^', '>', 'v'][self.__direction]*4, lr)
    if lr == 0: self.left()
    else: self.right()

    if verbose: print('TURNED ', ['<', '^', '>', 'v'][self.__direction]*4)

  def left(self):
    self.__direction += (3 if self.__direction == 0 else -1)

    return self.__direction

  def right(self):
    self.__direction += (-3 if self.__direction == 3 else 1)

    return self.__direction

  def move(self):
    x, minx, maxx = self.__x
    y, miny, maxy = self.__y

    # <- left
    if self.__direction == 0: 
      if verbose: print('MOV <----', x)
      x -= 1
      minx = min(minx, x)

      if verbose: print('x:', x)

    # -> right
    elif self.__direction == 2: 
      if verbose: print('MOV ---->', x)
      x += 1
      maxx = max(maxx, x)

      if verbose: print('x:', x)

    # -> up
    elif self.__direction == 1: 
      if verbose: print('MOV ^^^^^^', y)
      y -= 1
      miny = min(miny, y)

      if verbose:  print('y:', y)

    # -> down
    elif self.__direction == 3: 
      if verbose: print('MOV vvvvvv', y)
      y += 1
      maxy = max(maxy, y)
      if verbose: print('y:', y)

    self.__x, self.__y = (x, minx, maxx), (y, miny, maxy)

  def paint(self, color = None):
    if color != None: self.__color = color

    self.__panels[(self.__x[0], self.__y[0])] = ('.' if self.__color == 0 else '#') 
Beispiel #2
class Arcade9000Turbo:
    def __init__(self, m):
        self.__cpu = Machine(m)
        self.__minx = self.__miny = self.__maxx = self.__maxy = 0
    we only need to track (x)
        self.__player_x = 0
        self.__ball_x = 0
        self.__canvas = defaultdict(lambda: ' ')
        self.__scores = 0
        self.__tiles = {0: ' ', 1: '|', 2: '⬜', 3: '➖', 4: '⚪'}

        if verbose: self.__cpu.toggle_verbose()

    def play(self, auto: bool = False):

        while not self.__cpu.halted() or self.__cpu.has_output():
            x = self.__cpu.output()
            y = self.__cpu.output()

            if x == -1 and y == 0:
        player's current score

                self.__scores = self.__cpu.output()

            elif x != None and y != None:
        draw a tile to the screen

                self.draw(x, y, self.__cpu.output())

            elif auto and self.__cpu.waiting():
                m = 0
                if self.__ball_x > self.__player_x:
                    m = 1
                    print('_/_ >')

                elif self.__ball_x < self.__player_x:
                    m = -1
                    print('_\\_ >')
                    print('_|_ >')


            elif self.__cpu.waiting():
                print('_|_ >')

    def input(self):
        except ValueError:
            print('Invalid input (hint: enter -1, 0, or 1 ):')

    def display(self):
        grid = [[' '] * (self.__maxx + 1) for _ in range(self.__maxy + 1)]

        count = 0
        for (x, y), v in self.__canvas.items():
            if x < 0 or y < 0: break
            if v == self.__tiles[2]: count += 1
            grid[y][x] = v"clear")
        for l in grid:

        print('.' * (self.__maxx + 1))

        print('Score: {0}, Blocks: {1}'.format(self.__scores, count))

    def draw(self, x, y, tile_id):
        self.__canvas[(x, y)] = self.__tiles[tile_id]

        self.__minx = min(self.__minx, x)
        self.__maxx = max(self.__maxx, x)
        self.__miny = min(self.__miny, y)
        self.__maxy = max(self.__maxy, y)

        if tile_id == 4:
      track ball displacement
            self.__ball_x = x
        elif tile_id == 3:
      track player position
            self.__player_x = x
Beispiel #3
    def read(self, n: Machine):
        o = []
        for _ in range(3):

        return o