def cmd_key(opts, args, overDict):
    if len(args) == 2:
        if args[1] == 'copy':
            from crypt import key 
            TextToSave = my_id.getLocalID() + "\n" + key.MyPrivateKey()
            print 'now you can "paste" with Ctr+V your private key where you want.'
            del TextToSave
            return 0
        elif args[1] == 'print':
            from crypt import key 
            TextToSave = my_id.getLocalID() + "\n" + key.MyPrivateKey()
            print TextToSave
            return 0
    elif len(args) == 3:
        if args[1] == 'copy':
            filenameto = args[2]
            from crypt import key 
            TextToSave = my_id.getLocalID() + "\n" + key.MyPrivateKey()
            if not bpio.AtomicWriteFile(filenameto, TextToSave):
                print 'error writing to', filenameto
                return 1
            print 'your private key were copied to file %s' % filenameto
            del TextToSave
            return 0
    return 2
def cmd_key(opts, args, overDict, running, executablePath):
    from main import settings
    from lib import misc
    from system import bpio
    from userid import my_id
    from crypt import key

    if not key.LoadMyKey():
        print_text('private key not exist or is not valid\n')
        return 0
    if not my_id.isLocalIdentityReady():
        print_text('local identity not exist, your key worth nothing\n')
        return 0

    if len(args) == 2:
        if args[1] == 'copy':
            TextToSave = my_id.getLocalID() + "\n" + key.MyPrivateKey()
            del TextToSave
            print_text('now you can "paste" with Ctr+V your private key where you want')
            print_text('WARNING! keep your key in safe place, do not publish it!\n')
            return 0
        elif args[1] == 'print':
            TextToSave = my_id.getLocalID() + "\n" + key.MyPrivateKey()
            print_text('\n' + TextToSave + '\n')
            del TextToSave
            print_text('WARNING! keep your key in safe place, do not publish it!\n')
            return 0
    elif len(args) == 3:
        if args[1] == 'copy' or args[1] == 'save' or args[1] == 'backup':
            from system import bpio
            curpath = os.getcwd()
            filenameto = bpio.portablePath(args[2])
            TextToSave = my_id.getLocalID() + "\n" + key.MyPrivateKey()
            if not bpio.AtomicWriteFile(filenameto, TextToSave):
                del TextToSave
                print_text('error writing to %s\n' % filenameto)
                return 1
            del TextToSave
            print_text('your private key were copied to file %s' % filenameto)
            print_text('WARNING! keep your key in safe place, do not publish it!\n')
            return 0

    return 2