Beispiel #1
def pbkdf1(digest, secret, salt, rounds, keylen=None):
    """pkcs#5 password-based key derivation v1.5

    :arg digest:
        digest name or constructor.
    :arg secret:
        secret to use when generating the key.
        may be :class:`!bytes` or :class:`unicode` (encoded using UTF-8).
    :arg salt:
        salt string to use when generating key.
        may be :class:`!bytes` or :class:`unicode` (encoded using UTF-8).

    :param rounds:
        number of rounds to use to generate key.

    :arg keylen:
        number of bytes to generate (if omitted / ``None``, uses digest's native size)

        raw :class:`bytes` of generated key

    .. note::

        This algorithm has been deprecated, new code should use PBKDF2.
        Among other limitations, ``keylen`` cannot be larger
        than the digest size of the specified hash.
    # resolve digest
    const, digest_size, block_size = lookup_hash(digest)
    # validate secret & salt
    secret = to_bytes(secret, param="secret")
    salt = to_bytes(salt, param="salt")

    # validate rounds
    if not isinstance(rounds, int_types):
        raise exc.ExpectedTypeError(rounds, "int", "rounds")
    if rounds < 1:
        raise ValueError("rounds must be at least 1")

    # validate keylen
    if keylen is None:
        keylen = digest_size
    elif not isinstance(keylen, int_types):
        raise exc.ExpectedTypeError(keylen, "int or None", "keylen")
    elif keylen < 0:
        raise ValueError("keylen must be at least 0")
    elif keylen > digest_size:
        raise ValueError("keylength too large for digest: %r > %r" %
                         (keylen, digest_size))

    # main pbkdf1 loop
    block = secret + salt
    for _ in irange(rounds):
        block = const(block).digest()
    return block[:keylen]
Beispiel #2
    def _load_settings(self):
        Update settings from django
        from django.conf import settings

        # TODO: would like to add support for inheriting config from a preset
        #       (or from existing hasher state) and letting PASSLIB_CONFIG
        #       be an update, not a replacement.

        # TODO: wrap and import any custom hashers as passlib handlers,
        #       so they could be used in the passlib config.

        # load config from settings
        _UNSET = object()
        config = getattr(settings, "PASSLIB_CONFIG", _UNSET)
        if config is _UNSET:
            # XXX: should probably deprecate this alias
            config = getattr(settings, "PASSLIB_CONTEXT", _UNSET)
        if config is _UNSET:
            config = "passlib-default"
        if config is None:
            warn("setting PASSLIB_CONFIG=None is deprecated, "
                 "and support will be removed in Passlib 1.8, "
                 "use PASSLIB_CONFIG='disabled' instead.",
            config = "disabled"
        elif not isinstance(config, (unicode, bytes, dict)):
            raise exc.ExpectedTypeError(config, "str or dict", "PASSLIB_CONFIG")

        # load custom category func (if any)
        get_category = getattr(settings, "PASSLIB_GET_CATEGORY", None)
        if get_category and not callable(get_category):
            raise exc.ExpectedTypeError(get_category, "callable", "PASSLIB_GET_CATEGORY")

        # check if we've been disabled
        if config == "disabled":
            self.enabled = False
            self.__dict__.pop("enabled", None)

        # resolve any preset aliases
        if isinstance(config, str) and '\n' not in config:
            config = get_preset_config(config)

        # setup category func
        if get_category:
            self.get_user_category = get_category
            self.__dict__.pop("get_category", None)

        # setup context
Beispiel #3
def _resolve(hasher, param="value"):
    internal helper to resolve argument to hasher object
    if is_crypt_handler(hasher):
        return hasher
    elif isinstance(hasher, unicode_or_str):
        return get_crypt_handler(hasher)
        raise exc.ExpectedTypeError(hasher, unicode_or_str, param)
Beispiel #4
 def __call__(self, returns=None):
     frontend used by genword() / genphrase() to create passwords
     if returns is None:
         return next(self)
     elif isinstance(returns, int_types):
         return [next(self) for _ in irange(returns)]
     elif returns is iter:
         return self
         raise exc.ExpectedTypeError(returns, "<None>, int, or <iter>",
Beispiel #5
def pbkdf2_hmac(digest, secret, salt, rounds, keylen=None):
    """pkcs#5 password-based key derivation v2.0 using HMAC + arbitrary digest.

    :arg digest:
        digest name or constructor.

    :arg secret:
        passphrase to use to generate key.
        may be :class:`!bytes` or :class:`unicode` (encoded using UTF-8).

    :arg salt:
        salt string to use when generating key.
        may be :class:`!bytes` or :class:`unicode` (encoded using UTF-8).

    :param rounds:
        number of rounds to use to generate key.

    :arg keylen:
        number of bytes to generate.
        if omitted / ``None``, will use digest's native output size.

        raw bytes of generated key

    .. versionchanged:: 1.7

        This function will use the first available of the following backends:

        * `fastpbk2 <>`_
        * :func:`hashlib.pbkdf2_hmac` (only available in py2 >= 2.7.8, and py3 >= 3.4)
        * builtin pure-python backend

        See :data:`passlib.crypto.digest.PBKDF2_BACKENDS` to determine
        which backend(s) are in use.
    # validate secret & salt
    secret = to_bytes(secret, param="secret")
    salt = to_bytes(salt, param="salt")

    # resolve digest
    digest_info = lookup_hash(digest)
    digest_size = digest_info.digest_size

    # validate rounds
    if not isinstance(rounds, int_types):
        raise exc.ExpectedTypeError(rounds, "int", "rounds")
    if rounds < 1:
        raise ValueError("rounds must be at least 1")

    # validate keylen
    if keylen is None:
        keylen = digest_size
    elif not isinstance(keylen, int_types):
        raise exc.ExpectedTypeError(keylen, "int or None", "keylen")
    elif keylen < 1:
        # XXX: could allow keylen=0, but want to be compat w/ stdlib
        raise ValueError("keylen must be at least 1")

    # find smallest block count s.t. keylen <= block_count * digest_size;
    # make sure block count won't overflow (per pbkdf2 spec)
    # this corresponds to throwing error if keylen > digest_size * MAX_UINT32
    # NOTE: stdlib will throw error at lower bound (keylen > MAX_SINT32)
    # NOTE: have do this before other backends checked, since fastpbkdf2 raises wrong error
    #       (InvocationError, not OverflowError)
    block_count = (keylen + digest_size - 1) // digest_size
    if block_count > MAX_UINT32:
        raise OverflowError("keylen too long for digest")

    # check for various high-speed backends

    # ~3x faster than pure-python backend
    # NOTE: have to do this after above guards since fastpbkdf2 lacks bounds checks.
    if digest_info.supported_by_fastpbkdf2:
        return _fast_pbkdf2_hmac(, secret, salt, rounds, keylen)

    # ~1.4x faster than pure-python backend
    # NOTE: have to do this after fastpbkdf2 since hashlib-ssl is slower,
    #       will support larger number of hashes.
    if digest_info.supported_by_hashlib_pbkdf2:
        return _stdlib_pbkdf2_hmac(, secret, salt, rounds, keylen)

    # otherwise use our own implementation

    # generated keyed hmac
    keyed_hmac = compile_hmac(digest, secret)

    # get helper to calculate pbkdf2 inner loop efficiently
    calc_block = _get_pbkdf2_looper(digest_size)

    # assemble & return result
    return join_bytes(
        calc_block(keyed_hmac, keyed_hmac(salt + _pack_uint32(i)), rounds)
        for i in irange(1, block_count + 1)
Beispiel #6
def lookup_hash(digest, return_unknown=False):
    Returns a :class:`HashInfo` record containing information about a given hash function.
    Can be used to look up a hash constructor by name, normalize hash name representation, etc.

    :arg digest:
        This can be any of:

        * A string containing a :mod:`!hashlib` digest name (e.g. ``"sha256"``),
        * A string containing an IANA-assigned hash name,
        * A digest constructor function (e.g. ``hashlib.sha256``).

        Case is ignored, underscores are converted to hyphens,
        and various other cleanups are made.

    :param return_unknown:
        By default, this function will throw an :exc:`~passlib.exc.UnknownHashError` if no hash constructor
        can be found.  However, if this flag is False, it will instead return a dummy record
        without a constructor function.  This is mainly used by :func:`norm_hash_name`.

    :returns HashInfo:
        :class:`HashInfo` instance containing information about specified digest.

        Multiple calls resolving to the same hash should always
        return the same :class:`!HashInfo` instance.
    # check for cached entry
    cache = _hash_info_cache
        return cache[digest]
    except (KeyError, TypeError):
        # NOTE: TypeError is to catch 'TypeError: unhashable type' (e.g. HashInfo)

    # resolve ``digest`` to ``const`` & ``name_record``
    cache_by_name = True
    if isinstance(digest, unicode_or_bytes_types):
        # normalize name
        name_list = _get_hash_aliases(digest)
        name = name_list[0]
        assert name

        # if name wasn't normalized to hashlib format,
        # get info for normalized name and reuse it.
        if name != digest:
            info = lookup_hash(name, return_unknown=return_unknown)
            if info.const is None:
                # pass through dummy record
                assert return_unknown
                return info
            cache[digest] = info
            return info

        # else look up constructor
        const = _get_hash_const(name)
        if const is None:
            if return_unknown:
                # return a dummy record (but don't cache it, so normal lookup still returns error)
                return HashInfo(None, name_list)
                raise exc.UnknownHashError(name)

    elif isinstance(digest, HashInfo):
        # handle border case where HashInfo is passed in.
        return digest

    elif callable(digest):
        # try to lookup digest based on it's self-reported name
        # (which we trust to be the canonical "hashlib" name)
        const = digest
        name_list = _get_hash_aliases(const().name)
        name = name_list[0]
        other_const = _get_hash_const(name)
        if other_const is None:
            # this is probably a third-party digest we don't know about,
            # so just pass it on through, and register reverse lookup for it's name.

        elif other_const is const:
            # if we got back same constructor, this is just a known stdlib constructor,
            # which was passed in before we had cached it by name. proceed normally.

            # if we got back different object, then ``const`` is something else
            # (such as a mock object), in which case we want to skip caching it by name,
            # as that would conflict with real hash.
            cache_by_name = False

        raise exc.ExpectedTypeError(digest, "digest name or constructor", "digest")

    # create new instance
    info = HashInfo(const, name_list)

    # populate cache
    cache[const] = info
    if cache_by_name:
        for name in name_list:
            if name:  # (skips iana name if it's empty)
                assert cache.get(name) in [None, info], "%r already in cache" % name
                cache[name] = info
    return info