Beispiel #1
    def _render_prepare(self, cr):
        """Prepares a blank pixbuf & other details for later rendering.

        Called when handling "draw" events. The size and shape of the
        returned pixbuf (wrapped in a tile-accessible and read/write
        lib.pixbufsurface.Surface) is determined by the Cairo clipping
        region that expresses what we've been asked to redraw, and by
        the TDW's own view transformation of the document.

        # Determine what to draw, and the nature of the reveal.
        allocation = self.get_allocation()
        w, h = allocation.width, allocation.height
        device_bbox = (0, 0, w, h)
        clip_rect, sparse = self._render_get_clip_region(cr, device_bbox)
        x, y, w, h = device_bbox

        # Use a copy of the cached translation matrix for this
        # rendering. It'll need scaling if using a mipmap level
        # greater than zero.
        transformation = cairo.Matrix(*self._get_model_view_transformation())

        # HQ rendering causes a very clear slowdown on some hardware.
        # Probably could avoid this entirely by rendering differently,
        # but for now, if the canvas is being panned around,
        # just render more simply.
        if self._hq_rendering:
            mipmap_level = max(0, int(floor(log(1.0/self.scale, 2))))
            mipmap_level = max(0, int(ceil(log(1/self.scale, 2))))

        # OPTIMIZE: If we would render tile scanlines,
        # OPTIMIZE:  we could probably use the better one above...
        mipmap_level = min(mipmap_level, tiledsurface.MAX_MIPMAP_LEVEL)
        transformation.scale(2**mipmap_level, 2**mipmap_level)

        # bye bye device coordinates   # >>>CONTEXT1
        cr.transform(transformation)   # >>>CONTEXT2

        # calculate the final model bbox with all the clipping above
        x1, y1, x2, y2 = cr.clip_extents()
        if not self.is_translation_only():
            # Looks like cairo needs one extra pixel rendered for interpolation at the border.
            # If we don't do this, we get dark stripe artefacts when panning while zoomed.
            x1 -= 1
            y1 -= 1
            x2 += 1
            y2 += 1
        x1, y1 = int(floor(x1)), int(floor(y1))
        x2, y2 = int(ceil(x2)), int(ceil(y2))

        # We always render with alpha to get hardware acceleration,
        # even when we could avoid using the alpha channel. Speedup
        # factor 3 for ATI/Radeon Xorg driver (and hopefully others).

        surface = pixbufsurface.Surface(x1, y1, x2-x1+1, y2-y1+1)
        return transformation, surface, sparse, mipmap_level, clip_rect
Beispiel #2
    def render_prepare(self, cr, device_bbox):
        if device_bbox is None:
            allocation = self.get_allocation()
            w, h = allocation.width, allocation.height
            device_bbox = (0, 0, w, h)
        # logger.debug('device bbox: %r', tuple(device_bbox))

        clip_region, sparse = self.render_get_clip_region(cr, device_bbox)
        x, y, w, h = device_bbox

        # fill it all white, though not required in the most common case
        if self.visualize_rendering:
            # grey
            tmp = random.random()
            cr.set_source_rgb(tmp, tmp, tmp)

        transformation = cairo.Matrix(*self._get_model_view_transformation())

        # choose best mipmap
        hq_zoom = False
        if and['view.high_quality_zoom']:
            hq_zoom = True
        if hq_zoom:
            # can cause a very clear slowdown on some hardware
            # (we probably could avoid this by doing rendering differently)
            mipmap_level = max(0, int(floor(log(1.0/self.scale, 2))))
            mipmap_level = max(0, int(ceil(log(1/self.scale, 2))))
        # OPTIMIZE: if we would render tile scanlines, we could probably use the better one above...
        mipmap_level = min(mipmap_level, tiledsurface.MAX_MIPMAP_LEVEL)
        transformation.scale(2**mipmap_level, 2**mipmap_level)

        # bye bye device coordinates   # >>>CONTEXT1
        cr.transform(transformation)   # >>>CONTEXT2

        # calculate the final model bbox with all the clipping above
        x1, y1, x2, y2 = cr.clip_extents()
        if not self.is_translation_only():
            # Looks like cairo needs one extra pixel rendered for interpolation at the border.
            # If we don't do this, we get dark stripe artefacts when panning while zoomed.
            x1 -= 1
            y1 -= 1
            x2 += 1
            y2 += 1
        x1, y1 = int(floor(x1)), int(floor(y1))
        x2, y2 = int(ceil(x2)), int(ceil(y2))

        # We render with alpha just to get hardware acceleration, we
        # don't actually use the alpha channel. Speedup factor 3 for
        # ATI/Radeon Xorg driver (and hopefully others).
        surface = pixbufsurface.Surface(x1, y1, x2-x1+1, y2-y1+1)

        return transformation, surface, sparse, mipmap_level, clip_region
    def render_prepare(self, device_bbox):
        if device_bbox is None:
            w, h = self.window.get_size()
            device_bbox = (0, 0, w, h)
        #print 'device bbox', tuple(device_bbox)

        gdk_clip_region = self.window.get_clip_region()
        x, y, w, h = device_bbox
        sparse = not gdk_clip_region.point_in(x + w / 2, y + h / 2)

        cr = self.window.cairo_create()

        # actually this is only neccessary if we are not answering an expose event

        # fill it all white, though not required in the most common case
        if self.visualize_rendering:
            # grey
            tmp = random.random()
            cr.set_source_rgb(tmp, tmp, tmp)

        # bye bye device coordinates

        # choose best mipmap
        hq_zoom = False
        if and['view.high_quality_zoom']:
            hq_zoom = True
        if hq_zoom:
            # can cause a very clear slowdown on some hardware
            # (we probably could avoid this by doing rendering differently)
            mipmap_level = max(0, int(floor(log(1.0 / self.scale, 2))))
            mipmap_level = max(0, int(ceil(log(1 / self.scale, 2))))
        # OPTIMIZE: if we would render tile scanlines, we could probably use the better one above...
        mipmap_level = min(mipmap_level, tiledsurface.MAX_MIPMAP_LEVEL)
        cr.scale(2**mipmap_level, 2**mipmap_level)

        translation_only = self.is_translation_only()

        # calculate the final model bbox with all the clipping above
        x1, y1, x2, y2 = cr.clip_extents()
        if not translation_only:
            # Looks like cairo needs one extra pixel rendered for interpolation at the border.
            # If we don't do this, we get dark stripe artefacts when panning while zoomed.
            x1 -= 1
            y1 -= 1
            x2 += 1
            y2 += 1
        x1, y1 = int(floor(x1)), int(floor(y1))
        x2, y2 = int(ceil(x2)), int(ceil(y2))

        # alpha=True is just to get hardware acceleration, we don't
        # actually use the alpha channel. Speedup factor 3 for
        # ATI/Radeon Xorg driver (and hopefully others).
        surface = pixbufsurface.Surface(x1,
                                        x2 - x1 + 1,
                                        y2 - y1 + 1,

        del x1, y1, x2, y2, w, h

        return cr, surface, sparse, mipmap_level, gdk_clip_region