def run(self, domain): domain_name = domain.get_name() request = Request() nameserver = request.request_nameserver(domain_name) print('[+] DNS name server are:') for ns in nameserver: domain.set_nameserver(ns) print (' | ', str(ns)) request = Request() print('\n[*] Trying zone transfer for each nameserver:') spf_record = request.check_SPFRecord(domain.get_nameserver()) if spf_record: print(Fore.GREEN + ' | SPF Record: ' + Fore.RESET) for data in spf_record: print(' | ' + data) nodes = request.try_zonetransfer(domain.get_nameserver(), domain_name) if not nodes: print(Fore.RED + ' | Transfer failed') print(' | Probably blocked from ' + domain_name + Fore.RESET) else: domain.set_zonetransfer() for n in nodes.keys(): node_text = nodes[n].to_text(n) #check IN A checkInAOutput = checkInA(node_text) if checkInAOutput is not None: print((Fore.GREEN + ' | ' + str(n) + '.' + domain_name ).ljust(40) + ' -- ' + checkInAOutput + Fore.RESET) else: #check IN CNAME checkInCNAMEOutput = checkInCNAME(node_text, nodes) if checkInCNAMEOutput is not None: print((Fore.GREEN + ' | ' + str(n) + '.' + domain_name).ljust(40) + ' -- ' + checkInCNAMEOutput + Fore.RESET)
def test_request_verify_url_status(self, curl_mock, string_mock): curl_class = curl_mock.return_value string_class = string_mock.return_value string_class.getvalue.return_value = "Successful result" req = Request('', False) resp = req.executeRequest('status_request', {}) self.assertEquals(req.action_url, '')
def test_request_no_ssl(self, curl_mock, string_mock): curl_class = curl_mock.return_value curl_class.setopt.return_value = True string_class = string_mock.return_value string_class.write.return_value = None req = Request('', False) resp = req.executeRequest('init', {}) curl_class.setopt.assert_called_with(pycurl.WRITEFUNCTION, string_class.write) self.assertEquals(curl_class.setopt.call_count, 7)
def test_request_verify_url_status(self, curl_mock, string_mock): curl_class = curl_mock.return_value string_class = string_mock.return_value string_class.getvalue.return_value = "Successful result" req = Request('', False) resp = req.executeRequest('status_request', {}) self.assertEquals( req.action_url, '')
def test_request_response_success(self, curl_mock, string_mock): curl_class = curl_mock.return_value curl_class.setopt.return_value = True curl_class.perform.return_value = None string_class = string_mock.return_value string_class.write.return_value = None string_class.getvalue.return_value = "Successful result" req = Request('', False) resp = req.executeRequest('init', {}) self.assertTrue(resp.is_success()) self.assertEquals(resp.get_status(), response.SUCCESS) self.assertEquals(resp.get_content(), "Successful result")
def test_request_response_failure(self, curl_mock, string_mock): curl_class = curl_mock.return_value curl_class.setopt.return_value = True curl_class.perform.return_value = None string_class = string_mock.return_value string_class.write.return_value = None string_class.getvalue.return_value = "" curl_class.errstr.return_value = "Testing for error" req = Request('', False) resp = req.executeRequest('init', {}) self.assertFalse(resp.is_success()) self.assertEquals(resp.get_status(), response.FAILURE) self.assertEquals(resp.get_content(), "Testing for error")
def process_connection(self, connection): with connection: r = b'' while True: content = connection.recv(1024) r += content if len(content) != 1024: break log('request log:\n <{}>'.format(r)) r = r.decode() if r: request = Request(r) response = Response() m_num = len(self.middlewares) if m_num > 0: # 下一个中间件的 index next_i = 0 def next(): nonlocal next_i if next_i == m_num: self.handle_path(request, response) else: m = self.middlewares[next_i] next_i += 1 m(request, response, next) next() else: self.handle_path(request, response) # 把响应发送给客户端 connection.sendall(response.toHttp())
def search_login(domain): try: response = Request.get_request(domain.get_name(), '/typo3/index.php') regex = re.compile('<title>(.*)</title>', re.IGNORECASE) searchTitle =[0]) title = searchTitle.groups()[0] login_text = Fore.GREEN + domain.get_name( ) + '/typo3/index.php' + Fore.RESET login_text += '\n | Accessible?'.ljust(30) if ('TYPO3 Backend access denied: The IP address of your client' in response[0]) or (response[3] == 403): login_text += (Fore.YELLOW + ' Forbidden (IP Address Restriction)' + Fore.RESET) elif (('TYPO3 Login' in title) or ('TYPO3 CMS Login') in title): login_text += Fore.GREEN + ' Yes' + Fore.RESET else: login_text = Fore.RED + 'Could not be found' + Fore.RESET domain.set_login_found(login_text) return True except: return False
def search_typo3_version(self, domain): files = { '/typo3_src/ChangeLog': '[Tt][Yy][Pp][Oo]3 (\d{1,2}\.\d{1,2}\.?[0-9]?[0-9]?)', '/ChangeLog': '[Tt][Yy][Pp][Oo]3 (\d{1,2}\.\d{1,2}\.?[0-9]?[0-9]?)', '/typo3_src/NEWS.txt': '\d{1,2}\.\d{1,2})', '/typo3_src/': '[Tt][Yy][Pp][Oo]3 [Cc][Mm][Ss] (\d{1,2}\.\d{1,2}) - WHAT\'S NEW', '/NEWS.txt': '\d{1,2}\.\d{1,2})', '/': '[Tt][Yy][Pp][Oo]3 [Cc][Mm][Ss] (\d{1,2}\.\d{1,2}) - WHAT\'S NEW', '/': '[Tt][Yy][Pp][Oo]3 [Cc][Mm][Ss] (\d{1,2}(.\d{1,2})?)', '/': '[Tt][Yy][Pp][Oo]3 v(\d{1})' } version = 'could not be determined' for path, regex in files.items(): response = Request.version_information(domain.get_name(), path, regex) if not (response is None): string = '[!] ' + 'Found version file:' print(string.ljust(30) + path) if (version is 'could not be determined'): version = response elif (len(response) > len(version)): version = response domain.set_typo3_version(version)
def search_typo3_version(self, domain): files = {'/typo3_src/ChangeLog':'[Tt][Yy][Pp][Oo]3 (\d{1,2}\.\d{1,2}\.?[0-9]?[0-9]?)', '/ChangeLog':'[Tt][Yy][Pp][Oo]3 (\d{1,2}\.\d{1,2}\.?[0-9]?[0-9]?)', '/typo3_src/NEWS.txt':'\d{1,2}\.\d{1,2})', '/typo3_src/':'[Tt][Yy][Pp][Oo]3 [Cc][Mm][Ss] (\d{1,2}\.\d{1,2}) - WHAT\'S NEW', '/NEWS.txt':'\d{1,2}\.\d{1,2})', '/':'[Tt][Yy][Pp][Oo]3 [Cc][Mm][Ss] (\d{1,2}\.\d{1,2}) - WHAT\'S NEW', '/':'[Tt][Yy][Pp][Oo]3 [Cc][Mm][Ss] (\d{1,2}(.\d{1,2})?)', '/':'[Tt][Yy][Pp][Oo]3 v(\d{1})' } version = 'could not be determined' for path, regex in files.items(): response = Request.version_information(domain.get_name(), path, regex) if not (response is None): string = '[!] ' + 'Found version file:' print(string.ljust(30) + path) if (version is 'could not be determined'): version = response elif (len(response) > len(version)): version = response domain.set_typo3_version(version)
def connect(self): """ This method checks the connection with TOR. If TOR is not used, the program will exit """ print('\nChecking connection...') socks.setdefaultproxy(socks.PROXY_TYPE_SOCKS5, '', self.__port, True) socks.socket.setdefaulttimeout(20) socket.socket = socks.socksocket try: request = Request.get_request('', '/') response = request[0] except: print('Failed to connect through TOR!') print('Please make sure your configuration is right!\n') sys.exit(-2) try: regex = re.compile( 'Congratulations. This browser is configured to use Tor.') searchVersion = version = searchVersion.groups() print('Connection to TOR established') regex = re.compile("(\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3})") searchIP = IP = searchIP.groups()[0] print('Your IP is: ', IP) except Exception as e: print(e) print('It seems like TOR is not used.\nAborting...\n') sys.exit(-2)
def check_404(domain): domain_name = domain.get_name() response = Request.get_request((domain_name.split('/')[0] + '//' + domain_name.split('/')[2]), '/idontexist') try: regex = re.compile('[Tt][Yy][Pp][Oo]3 CMS') searchInstallation =[0]) installation = searchInstallation.groups() domain.set_typo3() return True except: return False
def check_404(domain): domain_name = domain.get_name() response = Request.get_request( (domain_name.split('/')[0] + '//' + domain_name.split('/')[2]), '/idontexist') try: regex = re.compile('[Tt][Yy][Pp][Oo]3 CMS') searchInstallation =[0]) installation = searchInstallation.groups() domain.set_typo3() return True except: return False
def check_root(domain): response = Request.get_request(domain.get_name(), '/') if'[Tt][Yy][Pp][Oo]3', response[0]): domain.set_typo3() headers = Request.interesting_headers(response[1], response[2]) for key in headers: domain.set_interesting_headers(key, headers[key]) try: path ='(href|src|content)=(.{0,35})(typo3temp/|typo3conf/)', response[0]) if not (path.groups()[1] == '"' or '"../' in path.groups()[1]): real_path = (path.groups()[1].split('"')[1]) if 'http' in real_path: domain.set_name(real_path[0:len(real_path)-1]) else: domain.set_name(domain.get_name() + real_path[0:len(real_path)-1]) domain.set_path(real_path[0:len(real_path)-1]) except: pass return True else: return False
def onConnect(self, con, address): data = con.recv(4080) if isinstance(data, bytes): data = data.decode('utf-8') parsed = Request(data, address) func = self.routes.get(parsed.path.lower()) print(self.routes, parsed.success) if not parsed.success or not func: # 404 return con.send(b"HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found") resp = func(parsed) if not isinstance(resp, Response): raise TypeError( "Invalid response from function {func}".format(func=func)) con.send("HTTP/1.1 {0} OK\n{1}".format(resp.status_code, resp.html).encode('utf-8'))
def __get_category_list(self) -> List: """ カテゴリーリストを取得する :return: カテゴリーのURLリスト """ """一旦カテゴリーリストを取得する""" nav_list = [] soup = Request.exec(self.BASE_URL) li_tags = soup.find_all('li') """カテゴリーだけ取得する""" for li in li_tags: li_class_array = li.get('class') if li_class_array and 'mdTopNav01Item' in li_class_array: nav = li.find_all('a')[0] nav_link = nav.get('href') nav_list.append(self.BASE_URL + nav_link) return nav_list
def check_default_files(domain): files = {'/typo3_src/':'[Tt][Yy][Pp][Oo]3 [Cc][Mm][Ss]', '/typo3_src/README.txt':'[Tt][Yy][Pp][Oo]3 [Cc][Mm][Ss]', '/typo3_src/INSTALL.txt':'INSTALLING [Tt][Yy][Pp][Oo]3', '/typo3_src/':'INSTALLING [Tt][Yy][Pp][Oo]3', '/typo3_src/LICENSE.txt':'[Tt][Yy][Pp][Oo]3' } for path, regex in files.items(): try: response = Request.get_request(domain.get_name(), path) regex = re.compile(regex) searchInstallation =[0]) installation = searchInstallation.groups() domain.set_typo3() return True except: pass return False
def search_login(domain): try: response = Request.get_request(domain.get_name(), '/typo3/index.php') regex = re.compile('<title>(.*)</title>', re.IGNORECASE) searchTitle =[0]) title = searchTitle.groups()[0] login_text = Fore.GREEN + domain.get_name() + '/typo3/index.php' + Fore.RESET login_text += '\n | Accessible?'.ljust(30) if ('TYPO3 Backend access denied: The IP address of your client' in response[0]) or (response[3] == 403): login_text += (Fore.YELLOW + ' Forbidden (IP Address Restriction)' + Fore.RESET) elif (('TYPO3 Login' in title) or ('TYPO3 CMS Login') in title): login_text += Fore.GREEN + ' Yes' + Fore.RESET else: login_text = Fore.RED + 'Could not be found' + Fore.RESET domain.set_login_found(login_text) return True except: return False
def check_default_files(domain): files = { '/typo3_src/': '[Tt][Yy][Pp][Oo]3 [Cc][Mm][Ss]', '/typo3_src/README.txt': '[Tt][Yy][Pp][Oo]3 [Cc][Mm][Ss]', '/typo3_src/INSTALL.txt': 'INSTALLING [Tt][Yy][Pp][Oo]3', '/typo3_src/': 'INSTALLING [Tt][Yy][Pp][Oo]3', '/typo3_src/LICENSE.txt': '[Tt][Yy][Pp][Oo]3' } for path, regex in files.items(): try: response = Request.get_request(domain.get_name(), path) regex = re.compile(regex) searchInstallation =[0]) installation = searchInstallation.groups() domain.set_typo3() return True except: pass return False
def get_detail_list(link: str, callback) -> None: detail_list = [] """url ごとにテキストを詰める""" text_array = [] detail = {} max_page_num = 10 current_page = 1 while current_page <= max_page_num: request_path = link + '?page=' + str(current_page) html = Request.exec(request_path) """取得対象のセレクタ""" contents = '.mdMTMWidget01ItemTweet01View,.mdMTMWidget01Content01Txt,' '.mdMTMWidget01ItemQuote01Txt,.mdMTMWidget01ItemComment01View,' '.mdMTMWidget01ItemDesc01View') for content in contents: text = content.get_text(strip=True) if text: text_array.append(text) page_element ='.MdPagination03 a') page_list = [] if len(page_list) == 0: for page in page_element: page_list.append(int(page.string)) max_page_num = max(page_list) if page_list else 1 current_page += 1 detail['link'] = link detail['content'] = text_array detail_list.append(detail) callback(detail_list)
def __get_link_in_category(self, current_page: int, path: str, max_page_num: int = 50) -> List: """ カテゴリーページ内にあるリンクを取得する :param current_page: 現在のページ番号 :param path: URL :param max_page_num: 最大ページ番号 :return: カテゴリーページ内にあるURLリスト """ links = [] page_list = [] # type: List[int] while current_page <= max_page_num: request_path = path + '?page=' + str(current_page) soup = Request.exec(request_path) a_tags = soup.find_all("a") """トップページにある有効なリンクを配列に詰める""" for a in a_tags: href = a.get("href") text = a.get_text(strip=True) """ - /odai/ で始まるリンク - a タグ内が空でない - /odai/new 以外 """ if '/odai/' in href and text and href != '/odai/new': links.append(self.BASE_URL + href) """ページ数を取得する""" if len(page_list) == 0 and href == '#' and 'goPage' in a.get( 'onclick'): page_list.append(int(text)) if len(page_list) == 0: max_page_num = max(page_list) current_page += 1 return links
def status(self, data): validator = Validator('status', data) request_data = self.__build_data(validator.execute()) req = Request(self.access_data['apiUrl'], self.access_data['verifySSL']) return req.executeRequest('status_request', request_data)
def _application(self, environ, start_response): '''handle request for this router''' req = Request(environ) res = Response() pipeline = self.tree.build_pipeline(req) return pipeline.handler(req, res)(environ, start_response)
def init_recurrent(self, data): validator = Validator('init_recurrent', data) request_data = self.__build_data(validator.execute()) req = Request(self.access_data['apiUrl'], self.access_data['verifySSL']) return req.executeRequest('init_recurrent', request_data)
def charge_hold(self, data): validator = Validator('charge_hold', data) request_data = self.__build_data(validator.execute()) req = Request(self.access_data['apiUrl'], self.access_data['verifySSL']) return req.executeRequest('charge_hold', request_data)
def __init__(self, environ): self.loggedUser = None Request.__init__(self, environ)
def __init__(self, parent=None): BaseInteractorStyle.__init__(self, parent) self.request = Request(token="")