Beispiel #1
def test_isis_linux_route_installation():

    dist = platform.dist()

    if dist[1] == "16.04":
        pytest.skip("Kernel not supported for vrf")

    "Check whether all expected routes are present and installed in the OS"
    tgen = get_topogen()
    # Don't run this test if we have any failure.
    if tgen.routers_have_failure():
        pytest.skip(tgen.errors)"Checking routers for installed ISIS vrf routes in OS")
    # Check for routes in `ip route show vrf {}-cust1`
    for rname, router in tgen.routers().items():
        filename = "{0}/{1}/{1}_route_linux.json".format(CWD, rname)
        expected = json.loads(open(filename, "r").read())
        actual = topotest.ip4_vrf_route(router)

        # Older FRR versions install routes using different proto
        if router.has_version("<", "3.1"):
            for network, netoptions in expected.items():
                if "proto" in netoptions and netoptions["proto"] == "187":
                    netoptions["proto"] = "zebra"

        assertmsg = "Router '{}' OS routes mismatch".format(rname)
        assert topotest.json_cmp(actual, expected) is None, assertmsg
Beispiel #2
def test_isis_linux_route_installation():
    "Check whether all expected routes are present and installed in the OS"
    tgen = get_topogen()
    # Don't run this test if we have any failure.
    if tgen.routers_have_failure():

    # Required linux kernel version for this suite to run.
    result = required_linux_kernel_version("4.15")
    if result is not True:
        pytest.skip("Kernel requirements are not met")

    # iproute2 needs to support VRFs for this suite to run.
    if not iproute2_is_vrf_capable():
        pytest.skip("Installed iproute2 version does not support VRFs")"Checking routers for installed ISIS vrf routes in OS")
    # Check for routes in `ip route show vrf {}-cust1`
    for rname, router in tgen.routers().items():
        filename = "{0}/{1}/{1}_route_linux.json".format(CWD, rname)
        expected = json.loads(open(filename, "r").read())
        actual = topotest.ip4_vrf_route(router)
        assertmsg = "Router '{}' OS routes mismatch".format(rname)
        assert topotest.json_cmp(actual, expected) is None, assertmsg