Beispiel #1
def latestClass(oldClass):
	Get the latest version of a class.
	module = reflect.namedModule(oldClass.__module__)
	newClass = getattr(module, oldClass.__name__)
	newBases = [latestClass(base) for base in newClass.__bases__]

		# This makes old-style stuff work
		newClass.__bases__ = tuple(newBases)
		return newClass
	except TypeError:
		if newClass.__module__ == "__builtin__":
			# __builtin__ members can't be reloaded sanely
			return newClass
		ctor = getattr(newClass, '__metaclass__', type)
		return ctor(newClass.__name__, tuple(newBases), dict(newClass.__dict__))
Beispiel #2
def latestClass(oldClass):
	Get the latest version of a class.
    module = reflect.namedModule(oldClass.__module__)
    newClass = getattr(module, oldClass.__name__)
    newBases = [latestClass(base) for base in newClass.__bases__]

        # This makes old-style stuff work
        newClass.__bases__ = tuple(newBases)
        return newClass
    except TypeError:
        if newClass.__module__ == "__builtin__":
            # __builtin__ members can't be reloaded sanely
            return newClass
        ctor = getattr(newClass, '__metaclass__', type)
        return ctor(newClass.__name__, tuple(newBases),
Beispiel #3
	def unjellyAO(self, ao):
		"""Unjelly an Abstract Object and everything it contains.
		I return the real object.
		t = type(ao)
		if t is types.InstanceType:
			#Abstract Objects
			c = ao.__class__
			if c is Module:
				return reflect.namedModule(

			elif c in [Class, Function] or issubclass(c, type):
				return reflect.namedObject(

			elif c is InstanceMethod:
				im_name =
				im_class = reflect.namedObject(ao.klass)
				im_self = self.unjellyAO(ao.instance)
				if im_name in im_class.__dict__:
					if im_self is None:
						return getattr(im_class, im_name)
					elif isinstance(im_self, crefutil.NotKnown):
						return crefutil._InstanceMethod(im_name, im_self, im_class)
						return new.instancemethod(im_class.__dict__[im_name],
					raise TypeError("instance method changed")

			elif c is Instance:
				klass = reflect.namedObject(ao.klass)
				state = self.unjellyAO(ao.state)
				if hasattr(klass, "__setstate__"):
					inst = new.instance(klass, {})
					self.callAfter(inst.__setstate__, state)
					inst = new.instance(klass, state)
				return inst

			elif c is Ref:
				o = self.unjellyAO(ao.obj) #THIS IS CHANGING THE REF OMG
				refkey = ao.refnum
				ref = self.references.get(refkey)
				if ref is None:
					self.references[refkey] = o
				elif isinstance(ref, crefutil.NotKnown):
					self.references[refkey] = o
				elif refkey is None:
					# This happens when you're unjellying from an AOT not read from source
					raise ValueError("Multiple references with the same ID: %s, %s, %s!" % (ref, refkey, ao))
				return o

			elif c is Deref:
				num = ao.refnum
				ref = self.references.get(num)
				if ref is None:
					der = crefutil._Dereference(num)
					self.references[num] = der
					return der
				return ref

			elif c is Copyreg:
				loadfunc = reflect.namedObject(ao.loadfunc)
				d = self.unjellyLater(ao.state).addCallback(
					lambda result, _l: apply(_l, result), loadfunc)
				return d

		elif t in _SIMPLE_BUILTINS:
			return ao
		elif t is types.ListType:
			l = []
			for x in ao:
				self.unjellyInto(l, len(l)-1, x)
			return l
		elif t is types.TupleType:
			l = []
			tuple_ = tuple
			for x in ao:
				if isinstance(self.unjellyInto(l, len(l)-1, x), crefutil.NotKnown):
					tuple_ = crefutil._Tuple
			return tuple_(l)

		elif t is types.DictType:
			d = {}
			for k,v in ao.items():
				kvd = crefutil._DictKeyAndValue(d)
				self.unjellyInto(kvd, 0, k)
				self.unjellyInto(kvd, 1, v)
			return d

			raise TypeError("Unsupported AOT type: %s" % t)

		del self.stack[-1]
Beispiel #4
	def __init__(self, dbapiName, *connargs, **connkw):
		"""Create a new ConnectionPool.

		Any positional or keyword arguments other than those documented here
		are passed to the DB-API object when connecting. Use these arguments to
		pass database names, usernames, passwords, etc.

		@param dbapiName: an import string to use to obtain a DB-API compatible
						  module (e.g. 'pyPgSQL.PgSQL')

		@param cp_min: the minimum number of connections in pool (default 3)

		@param cp_max: the maximum number of connections in pool (default 5)

		@param cp_noisy: generate informational log messages during operation
						 (default False)

		@param cp_openfun: a callback invoked after every connect() on the
						   underlying DB-API object. The callback is passed a
						   new DB-API connection object.  This callback can
						   setup per-connection state such as charset,
						   timezone, etc.

		@param cp_reconnect: detect connections which have failed and reconnect
							 (default False). Failed connections may result in
							 ConnectionLost exceptions, which indicate the
							 query may need to be re-sent.

		@param cp_good_sql: an sql query which should always succeed and change
							no state (default 'select 1')

		@param cp_reactor: use this reactor instead of the global reactor
			(added in Twisted 10.2).
		@type cp_reactor: L{IReactorCore} provider

		self.dbapiName = dbapiName
		self.dbapi = reflect.namedModule(dbapiName)

		if getattr(self.dbapi, 'apilevel', None) != '2.0':
			log.msg('DB API module not DB API 2.0 compliant.')

		if getattr(self.dbapi, 'threadsafety', 0) < 1:
			log.msg('DB API module not sufficiently thread-safe.')

		reactor = connkw.pop('cp_reactor', None)
		if reactor is None:
			from lib.twisted.internet import reactor
		self._reactor = reactor

		self.connargs = connargs
		self.connkw = connkw

		for arg in self.CP_ARGS:
			cp_arg = 'cp_%s' % arg
			if connkw.has_key(cp_arg):
				setattr(self, arg, connkw[cp_arg])
				del connkw[cp_arg]

		self.min = min(self.min, self.max)
		self.max = max(self.min, self.max)

		self.connections = {}  # all connections, hashed on thread id

		# these are optional so import them here
		from lib.twisted.python import threadpool
		import thread

		self.threadID = thread.get_ident
		self.threadpool = threadpool.ThreadPool(self.min, self.max)
		self.startID = self._reactor.callWhenRunning(self._start)
Beispiel #5
    def __init__(self, dbapiName, *connargs, **connkw):
        """Create a new ConnectionPool.

		Any positional or keyword arguments other than those documented here
		are passed to the DB-API object when connecting. Use these arguments to
		pass database names, usernames, passwords, etc.

		@param dbapiName: an import string to use to obtain a DB-API compatible
						  module (e.g. 'pyPgSQL.PgSQL')

		@param cp_min: the minimum number of connections in pool (default 3)

		@param cp_max: the maximum number of connections in pool (default 5)

		@param cp_noisy: generate informational log messages during operation
						 (default False)

		@param cp_openfun: a callback invoked after every connect() on the
						   underlying DB-API object. The callback is passed a
						   new DB-API connection object.  This callback can
						   setup per-connection state such as charset,
						   timezone, etc.

		@param cp_reconnect: detect connections which have failed and reconnect
							 (default False). Failed connections may result in
							 ConnectionLost exceptions, which indicate the
							 query may need to be re-sent.

		@param cp_good_sql: an sql query which should always succeed and change
							no state (default 'select 1')

		@param cp_reactor: use this reactor instead of the global reactor
			(added in Twisted 10.2).
		@type cp_reactor: L{IReactorCore} provider

        self.dbapiName = dbapiName
        self.dbapi = reflect.namedModule(dbapiName)

        if getattr(self.dbapi, 'apilevel', None) != '2.0':
            log.msg('DB API module not DB API 2.0 compliant.')

        if getattr(self.dbapi, 'threadsafety', 0) < 1:
            log.msg('DB API module not sufficiently thread-safe.')

        reactor = connkw.pop('cp_reactor', None)
        if reactor is None:
            from lib.twisted.internet import reactor
        self._reactor = reactor

        self.connargs = connargs
        self.connkw = connkw

        for arg in self.CP_ARGS:
            cp_arg = 'cp_%s' % arg
            if connkw.has_key(cp_arg):
                setattr(self, arg, connkw[cp_arg])
                del connkw[cp_arg]

        self.min = min(self.min, self.max)
        self.max = max(self.min, self.max)

        self.connections = {}  # all connections, hashed on thread id

        # these are optional so import them here
        from lib.twisted.python import threadpool
        import thread

        self.threadID = thread.get_ident
        self.threadpool = threadpool.ThreadPool(self.min, self.max)
        self.startID = self._reactor.callWhenRunning(self._start)
Beispiel #6
    def unjellyAO(self, ao):
        """Unjelly an Abstract Object and everything it contains.
		I return the real object.
        t = type(ao)
        if t is types.InstanceType:
            #Abstract Objects
            c = ao.__class__
            if c is Module:
                return reflect.namedModule(

            elif c in [Class, Function] or issubclass(c, type):
                return reflect.namedObject(

            elif c is InstanceMethod:
                im_name =
                im_class = reflect.namedObject(ao.klass)
                im_self = self.unjellyAO(ao.instance)
                if im_name in im_class.__dict__:
                    if im_self is None:
                        return getattr(im_class, im_name)
                    elif isinstance(im_self, crefutil.NotKnown):
                        return crefutil._InstanceMethod(
                            im_name, im_self, im_class)
                        return new.instancemethod(im_class.__dict__[im_name],
                                                  im_self, im_class)
                    raise TypeError("instance method changed")

            elif c is Instance:
                klass = reflect.namedObject(ao.klass)
                state = self.unjellyAO(ao.state)
                if hasattr(klass, "__setstate__"):
                    inst = new.instance(klass, {})
                    self.callAfter(inst.__setstate__, state)
                    inst = new.instance(klass, state)
                return inst

            elif c is Ref:
                o = self.unjellyAO(ao.obj)  #THIS IS CHANGING THE REF OMG
                refkey = ao.refnum
                ref = self.references.get(refkey)
                if ref is None:
                    self.references[refkey] = o
                elif isinstance(ref, crefutil.NotKnown):
                    self.references[refkey] = o
                elif refkey is None:
                    # This happens when you're unjellying from an AOT not read from source
                    raise ValueError(
                        "Multiple references with the same ID: %s, %s, %s!" %
                        (ref, refkey, ao))
                return o

            elif c is Deref:
                num = ao.refnum
                ref = self.references.get(num)
                if ref is None:
                    der = crefutil._Dereference(num)
                    self.references[num] = der
                    return der
                return ref

            elif c is Copyreg:
                loadfunc = reflect.namedObject(ao.loadfunc)
                d = self.unjellyLater(ao.state).addCallback(
                    lambda result, _l: apply(_l, result), loadfunc)
                return d


        elif t in _SIMPLE_BUILTINS:
            return ao

        elif t is types.ListType:
            l = []
            for x in ao:
                self.unjellyInto(l, len(l) - 1, x)
            return l

        elif t is types.TupleType:
            l = []
            tuple_ = tuple
            for x in ao:
                if isinstance(self.unjellyInto(l,
                                               len(l) - 1, x),
                    tuple_ = crefutil._Tuple
            return tuple_(l)

        elif t is types.DictType:
            d = {}
            for k, v in ao.items():
                kvd = crefutil._DictKeyAndValue(d)
                self.unjellyInto(kvd, 0, k)
                self.unjellyInto(kvd, 1, v)
            return d

            raise TypeError("Unsupported AOT type: %s" % t)

        del self.stack[-1]