def _synch(symbols): if not symbols: return () print('stocks history synch:', lib.tty.bold + str(len(symbols)) + lib.tty.reset) failed = [] progress = lib.util.progress.Progress(len(symbols)) handler = lib.synch.handler.History() for symbol in symbols: if not handler.synch(symbol): failed.append(symbol) progress.update() if failed: lib.tty.error('failed symbols', lib.tty.bold + ' '.join(failed) + lib.tty.reset)
def _synch(collection, meta): print(meta, 'meta synch:', lib.tty.bold + str(len(collection)) + lib.tty.reset) children = [] failed = [] progress = lib.util.progress.Progress(len(collection)) handler = lib.synch.handler.Meta() for symbol in collection: if not handler.synch(symbol): failed.append(symbol) else: children.extend(handler.children) progress.update() if failed: lib.tty.error('failed symbols', lib.tty.bold + ' '.join(failed) + lib.tty.reset) return children
def main(args): favorites = lib.favorite.util.load() # set indicators indicators = [] if args.indicator: registered_indicators = for label in args.indicator: label, *params = label.split(':', 1) pattern = lib.util.symbol.expand(label) ids = sorted(x for x in registered_indicators if pattern.match(x)) if not ids: lib.tty.error("didn't understand the indicator label", lib.tty.makebold(label)) continue for id in ids: indicators.append("{0}:{1}".format(id, params[0]) if params else id) if not indicators: return elif favorites and 'indicators' in favorites: indicators = favorites['indicators'] print('using favorite indicators') else: lib.tty.error("indicators are not set... favorite indicators do not exist") return # set stocks if args.stock: symbols = args.stock elif favorites and 'stocks' in favorites: symbols = favorites['stocks'] print('using favorite stocks') else: lib.tty.error('stocks are not set... favorite stocks do not exist') return # create pool of indicators toplevelindicators = [] for label in indicators: try: indicator = lib.analysis.indicator.create(label) toplevelindicators.append(indicator) except ValueError as error: lib.tty.error(error) if not toplevelindicators: lib.tty.warning('no valid indicators were set') return print('symbols:', lib.tty.makebold(' '.join(symbols))) print() failed = [] progress = lib.util.progress.Progress(len(symbols)) for symbol in symbols: for indicator in toplevelindicators: indicator.reset() try: with lib.process.handler.HistoricData( symbol, toplevelindicators) as data: data.process() data.synch() ''' data.process.verbose() print(lib.tty.makebold(symbol), data.process) print() print(lib.tty.makebold('pool'), data.pool.process) print() print(lib.tty.makebold('save'), print() print(lib.tty.makebold('synch'), data.synch) ''' except RuntimeError as error: if args.debug: lib.tty.error(error) failed.append(symbol) progress.update() if failed: lib.tty.error("failed symbols:", lib.tty.makebold(' '.join(failed)))