def save_data(self, start_end_times):
     Calculates the actual request rate and prints as the first line. Saves
     the CDFs of latency and bandwidth betweeen 1-2 minutes to disk. Assumes
     that all redis client hosts report correct times.
     # Save the CDF of the start times. TODO: Debug.
     with open('data/distr_redis_raw_start_time_cdf.txt', 'w') as f:
         start_time_list = [t for (t, _, _) in start_end_times]
         for (t, p) in util.make_cdf_table(start_time_list):
             print >> f, '%.5f' % t, p
     # Save the start end times list. TODO: Debug.
     with open('data/distr_redis_raw_start_end_times.txt','w') as f:
         for (start_time, end_time, data_file) in start_end_times:
             print >> f, '%.5f' % start_time, end_time, data_file
     # Filter out irrelevant time values. Focus on 60th-120th seconds.
     min_time = min([start_time for (start_time, _, _) in start_end_times])
     def is_steady_state(start_end_time_tuple):
         (start_time, _, _) = start_end_time_tuple
         return min_time + 60 <= start_time <= min_time + 120
     filtered_times = filter(is_steady_state, start_end_times)
     print 'Raw data size:', len(start_end_times),
     print 'Data between 60-120th seconds:', len(filtered_times)
     # Figure out the actual gaps in milliseconds. 
     start_time_list = [start for (start, _, _) in filtered_times]
     gap_list = []
     for index in range(0, len(start_time_list) - 1):
         gap = start_time_list[index + 1] - start_time_list[index]
         gap_list.append(gap * 1000.0)
     print 'Client gap: (mean, stdev) =', util.get_mean_and_stdev(gap_list),
     print 'median =', gap_list[len(gap_list)/2]
     # Calculate latency and bandwidth.
     latency_list = []
     bandwidth_list = []
     for (start_time, end_time, _) in filtered_times:
         if end_time is None:
             latency = -1
             bandwidth = 0
             latency = end_time - start_time  # seconds
             bandwidth = DATA_LENGTH / latency  # Bytes/s
         latency_list.append(latency * 1000.0)  # milliseconds
         bandwidth_list.append(bandwidth * 8.0 / 1000000.0)  # Mbps
     # Write to file.
     with open('data/distr_redis_latency.txt', 'w') as f:
         for (v, p) in util.make_cdf_table(latency_list):
             print >> f, v, p
     with open('data/distr_redis_bw.txt', 'w') as f:
         for (v, p) in util.make_cdf_table(bandwidth_list):
             print >> f, v, p
def data_analysis():

    start_end_times = []

    for path in os.listdir('.'):
        if path.startswith('simplified-') and path.endswith('.tmp'):
            with open(path) as f:
                start_end_times += pickle.load(f)
            print 'Loaded', path

    # Extract steady state.
    min_time = min([start_time for (start_time, _) in start_end_times])

    def is_steady_state(start_end_time_tuple):
        (start_time, _) = start_end_time_tuple
        return min_time + INTERESTING_TIME_START <= start_time <= min_time + INTERESTING_TIME_END

    filtered_times = filter(is_steady_state, start_end_times)

    print 'Raw data size:', len(start_end_times),
    print 'Data at steady state:', len(filtered_times)

    # Figure out the actual gaps in milliseconds.
    start_time_list = [start for (start, _) in filtered_times]
    gap_list = []
    for index in range(0, len(start_time_list) - 1):
        gap = start_time_list[index + 1] - start_time_list[index]
        gap_list.append(gap * 1000.0)
    print 'Client gap: (mean, stdev) =', util.get_mean_and_stdev(gap_list),
    print 'median =', gap_list[len(gap_list) / 2]

    # Calculate latency and bandwidth.
    latency_list = []
    bandwidth_list = []
    for (start_time, end_time) in filtered_times:
        if end_time is None:
            latency = -1
            bandwidth = 0
            latency = end_time - start_time  # seconds
            bandwidth = DATA_LENGTH / latency  # Bytes/s
        latency_list.append(latency * 1000.0)  # milliseconds
        bandwidth_list.append(bandwidth * 8.0 / 1000000.0)  # Mbps

    # Write to file.
    with open('data/simplified_redis_latency.csv', 'w') as f:
        for (v, p) in util.make_cdf_table(latency_list):
            print >> f, '%.10f,%.10f' % (v, p)
    with open('data/simplified_redis_bw.csv', 'w') as f:
        for (v, p) in util.make_cdf_table(bandwidth_list):
            print >> f, '%.10f,%.10f' % (v, p)
def start_processes(process_count, worker_thread_per_process, 
                      client_count, gap_ms, data_length, redis_host):

    switch = Switch(config.active_config)
    data_length = int(data_length)
    total_workers = process_count * worker_thread_per_process
    worker_status_queue = Queue(maxsize=total_workers)
    client_id_queue = Queue(maxsize=client_count)
    result_queue = Queue(maxsize=client_count)

    # Starts the worker processes that spawn individual worker threads.
    for _ in range(process_count):
        p = Process(target=RedisClientProcess,
                    args=(worker_thread_per_process, data_length, redis_host,
                          worker_status_queue, client_id_queue, result_queue))
        p.daemon = True

    # Wait for all worker threads to start.
    while True:
        started_count = worker_status_queue.qsize()
        if started_count < total_workers:
            print total_workers - started_count, 'workers yet to start.'
    # Send requests in a different thread.

    util.ping_test(dest_host=redis_host, how_many_pings=2)
    def requests():
        for client_id in range(client_count):
            time.sleep(gap_ms / 1000.0)
    t = threading.Thread(target=requests)
    t.daemon = True
    # Monitor the changes for the first minute.

    base_time = time.time()
    while True:    
        current_count = result_queue.qsize()
        remaining_count = client_count - current_count 
        print 'Current:', current_count, 'Remaining:', remaining_count
        if remaining_count > 0 and time.time() - base_time < 120:
            except KeyboardInterrupt:
            if redis_host == REDIS_HOST_OF:
                rule_list = switch.dump_tables(filter_str='')
                print 't =', time.time() - base_time, 
                print '; tcam_size =', len([rule for rule in rule_list if 'table_id=0' in rule]), 
                print '; table_1_size =', len([rule for rule in rule_list if 'table_id=1' in rule]),
                print '; table_2_size =', len([rule for rule in rule_list if 'table_id=2' in rule]),
                print '; total_size =', len([rule for rule in rule_list if 'cookie' in rule])
    # Extract the result into local lists. All time values are expressed in ms.
    # We're only interested in results between 30-60 seconds.
    print 'Analyzing the result...'
    start_time_list = []
    completion_time_list = []
    while not result_queue.empty():
        (_, start_time, end_time) = result_queue.get()
        if start_time - base_time >= 60:
            start_time_list.append(start_time * 1000.0)
            if end_time is None:
                completion_time = -100.0 # Not to be plotted.
                completion_time = (end_time - start_time) * 1000.0
    # Calculate the actual request gap.
    gap_list = []
    for index in range(0, len(start_time_list) - 1):
        gap_list.append(start_time_list[index + 1] - start_time_list[index])
    print 'Client gap: (mean, stdev) =', util.get_mean_and_stdev(gap_list)
    # Calculate the CDF of completion times.
    cdf_list = util.make_cdf(completion_time_list)
    with open('data/realistic_redis_completion_times.txt', 'w') as f:
        for (x, y) in zip(completion_time_list, cdf_list):
            print >> f, x, y
Beispiel #4
def data_analysis():

    start_end_times = []
    # Load experiment data file
        data_file = 'async-' + os.environ['EXP_NAME']
    except KeyError:
        data_file = None
    for path in os.listdir('data'):
        if (path == data_file) or \
            (data_file is None and path.startswith('async-') and path.endswith('.tmp')):
            with open('data/' + path) as f:
                start_end_times += pickle.load(f)
            print 'Loaded', path
    # Extract steady state.
    min_time = min([start_time for (start_time, _) in start_end_times])
    def is_steady_state(start_end_time_tuple):
        (start_time, _) = start_end_time_tuple
        return min_time + INTERESTING_TIME_START <= start_time <= min_time + INTERESTING_TIME_END
    filtered_times = filter(is_steady_state, start_end_times)
    print 'Raw data size:', len(start_end_times),
    print 'Data at steady state:', len(filtered_times)
    # Figure out the actual gaps in milliseconds. 
    start_time_list = [start for (start, _) in filtered_times]
    gap_list = []
    for index in range(0, len(start_time_list) - 1):
        gap = start_time_list[index + 1] - start_time_list[index]
        gap_list.append(gap * 1000.0)
    print 'Client gap: (mean, stdev) =', util.get_mean_and_stdev(gap_list),
    print 'median =', gap_list[len(gap_list)/2]
    # Save start_time list and gap list.
    with open('data/start_times.csv', 'w') as start_time_f:
        for start_time_v in start_time_list:
            print >> start_time_f, '%.8f' % start_time_v
    with open('data/gaps.csv', 'w') as gap_f:
        for (v, p) in util.make_cdf_table(gap_list):
            print >> gap_f, '%f,%f' % (v, p)
    # Calculate latency and bandwidth.
    latency_list = []
    bandwidth_list = []
    for (start_time, end_time) in filtered_times:
        if end_time is None:
            latency = 1000
            bandwidth = 0
            latency = end_time - start_time  # seconds
            bandwidth = DATA_LENGTH / latency  # Bytes/s
        latency_list.append(latency * 1000.0)  # milliseconds
        bandwidth_list.append(bandwidth * 8.0 / 1000000.0)  # Mbps
    # Write to file.
    print 'Writing to data/async_redis_latency.csv...'
    with open('data/async_redis_latency.csv', 'w') as f:
        for (v, p) in util.make_cdf_table(latency_list):
            print >> f, '%.10f,%.10f' % (v, p)
    print 'Writing to data/async_redis_bw.csv...'
    with open('data/async_redis_bw.csv', 'w') as f:
        for (v, p) in util.make_cdf_table(bandwidth_list):
            print >> f, '%.10f,%.10f' % (v, p)
    # Analyze timings of OF events.'cp of_timings.csv data/; cp /tmp/client.pcap /tmp/server.pcap data/', shell=True)

    import timing_analysis
    timing_analysis.main('data/client.pcap', 'data/of_timings.csv', 'data/server.pcap')
def run(packet_per_second=100, pkt_size=1500, run_time=220):
    Returns (pktgen_pps, pkt_in_pps, flow_mod_pps, flow_mod_pps_stdev, pkt_out_pps), where
    pps_in is the actual number of packets/sec of pktgen, and flow_mod_pps and
    flow_mod_pps_stdev are the mean and stdev pps of successful flow
    installations at steady state.
    switch = Switch(config.active_config)

    # Initialize the experimental controller so that POX would have the
    # necessary settings.
    control_client = ExpControlClient('')
    control_client.execute(['SET', 'flow_stat_interval', 20])
    control_client.execute(['SET', 'install_bogus_rules', True])
    control_client.execute(['SET', 'emulate_hp_switch', True])

    # Start capturing packets.
    tcpdump = Tcpdump(config.active_config)
    tcpdump_start_time = time.time()

    # Start firing packets.
    pktgen = Pktgen(config.active_config)
    gap = 1.0 / packet_per_second
    pkt_count = int(run_time * packet_per_second)
    pktgen.low_level_start(pkt_count=pkt_count, pkt_size=pkt_size, 
                           gap_ns=gap*1000*1000*1000, flow_count=1)

    pktgen_start_time = time.time()
    flow_mod_pps_list = []
    # How fast were rules successfully written into the hardware table? We take
    # statistics at steady state. Also display flow statistics once in a while.
    last_stat_time = [0]
    def callback(t_left):
        flow_stat_dict = control_client.execute(['GET',  'flow_count_dict'])
        for stat_time in sorted(flow_stat_dict.keys()):
            if stat_time > last_stat_time[0]:
                last_stat_time[0] = stat_time
                flow_count = flow_stat_dict[stat_time]
                print t_left, 'seconds left, with flows', flow_count
                if pktgen_start_time + 60 <= time.time() <= pktgen_start_time + 180:
                    flow_mod_pps_list.append(flow_count / 10.0)

    # Check the stat every 20 seconds.                     
    util.callback_sleep(run_time, callback, interval=20)
    # How fast were packets actually generated?
    pktgen_result = pktgen.stop_and_get_result()
    pktgen_pps = pktgen_result.sent_pkt_count / pktgen_result.running_time
    # How fast were pkt_out events?
    tcpdump_end_time = time.time()
    tcpdump_result = tcpdump.stop_and_get_result()
    pkt_out_pps = (tcpdump_result.dropped_pkt_count + tcpdump_result.recvd_pkt_count) / \
                    (tcpdump_end_time - tcpdump_start_time)
    # Calculate the mean and stdev of successful flow_mod pps.
    (flow_mod_pps, flow_mod_pps_stdev) = util.get_mean_and_stdev(flow_mod_pps_list)
    # How fast were pkt_in events arriving?
    pkt_in_count = control_client.execute(['GET', 'pkt_in_count'])
    pkt_in_start_time = control_client.execute(['GET', 'pkt_in_start_time'])
    pkt_in_end_time = control_client.execute(['GET', 'pkt_in_end_time'])
    pkt_in_pps = pkt_in_count / (pkt_in_end_time - pkt_in_start_time)
    return (pktgen_pps, pkt_in_pps, flow_mod_pps, flow_mod_pps_stdev, pkt_out_pps)